MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 114

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Xie Liuyi was also mad and forced to wear women's clothes. At that time, Yan Yugui gave her a cool look, then turned around and continued to do his own thing.

In the evening, every dish on the table that Xie Liuyi likes to eat, there are coriander that she does not like to eat.

Since then, Xie Liuyi never dared to mention that Yugui wears women's clothes.

I can only sigh, fate is really impermanent.

Xie Liuyi used all her strength to hold back her laughter.

In the corridor below, Yan Yugui's cold voice sounded, like jade stones colliding, "In the future, I will help you with your homework."

Xie Liuyi's eyes widened in surprise.

The words that came home were transmitted to her ears by the translator beside her ears. The ears without a translator heard another language, slow and strangely pronounced, but it was the language of the Giants.

Sure enough, the little princess cheered happily, "Little Bailing, you can talk, that's great! Did you just pull my skirt to stop me just to tell me this good news? "

"The little princess's palace is to the southeast of the palace, and the exterior is pink. The window of her room is open now."

This sentence was said in Chinese, Xie Liuyi knew that this was what Yan Yugui said to her specially. He sensed that she was nearby through the blood pact, so he deliberately pulled the princess' skirt to make her stop. He also used some unknown method to let the little princess open the head maid.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" the little princess asked in confusion.

"Sing." Yan Yu returned and answered in the language of the Giant Kingdom, and there was no pressure to switch between languages.

"It sounds so nice." The little princess praised without thinking.

Xie Liuyi did not hesitate, and flew away in the direction that Yugui said. The little princess's palace is easy to find. After all, the entire palace building is white, and only her palace is pink.

There are many guards patrolling nearby, and there are people standing guard at the gate of the palace. Xie Liuyi took advantage of the gap between the guards' patrols and touched the window under the cover of flowers and trees. The window was indeed open.

Her ears caught the sound of the maid cleaning the room. She climbed on the window sill and glanced in. By the window stood a small ornately decorated villa, about five meters high, which was taller than the little princess It's like a doll's house for dolls.

Seeing that the patrol on the other side was about to turn the corner, Xie Liuyi didn't have time to think about it, and quickly turned through the window and hid in the small villa.

"Hey, something seemed to come in by the window just now."

Hearing the voice of the maid, Xie Liuyi raised her heart slightly.

"Maybe it's a flying beast," said another maid. "Okay, hurry up, the princess will be back soon."

The outside fell silent, and when she heard the two maids speed up the cleaning of the room, Xie Liuyi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the small villa.

The villa has two floors, each floor is more than two meters high, and the interior decoration is very luxurious.

The first floor is the living room and kitchen, and the second floor is the master bedroom. The master bedroom window is closed and there is a thick layer of curtains.

Xie Liuyi drew the curtains and fell on the large and soft bed. He smelled the familiar grassy scent of Yan Yugui from his nose, and his mind relaxed unconsciously.

Since she woke up, she was either fighting or taking risks, and she couldn't sleep well. Without spiritual power to support her body, she was so tired that she fell asleep unconsciously.

After some time, she was awakened by the sound of the door opening. He quickly got out of bed and hid in the bathroom.

The voice of the little princess came from outside, "Little Bailing, I will sleep well, please don't make any noise."

"Okay." The voice of returning home sounded.

There was a noise outside, Xie Liuyi looked out from the small ventilated window of the toilet and saw the maid changing the princess' pajamas.

There was a sound of the door closing downstairs, and Yu Yu came in.

Xie Liuyi returned to the bed, waited for a while, and the pink figure of Yan Yugui appeared on the stairs.

"Little Bailing?" Xie Liuyi suppressed a smile and whispered.

The expression on his face was calm and calm, and he didn't seem to mind his dress and new name at all, "So that word means Bailing? You have a translator implanted on your body?"

"Do you know Translator?"

"I inherited the character memory." Yan Yugui pointed to his head and began to take off the princess dress that was in the way, "Help me pull the zipper on my back."

Showing off her bare back.

Unfortunately, Yan Yugui was wearing his white shirt.

Xie Liuyi didn't know what he was pity for.

"What is character memory?" After pulling the zipper, she turned and walked back to the bed to sit down and asked.

"In some dungeons, players play a certain role after entering, and at this time they will inherit part of the memory related to the plot." Yan Yugui took off his skirt, and took off the bow and hairpin, while combing with his fingers own hair, while walking to the chair next to the bed and sit down.

"This is really a diamond copy?" Xie Liuyi asked.

"Well, the customs clearance prompt is to escape from the giant country." Yan Yugui said, "I played the role of a human scientist. The aircraft crashed and landed in the giant country. My companions were all eaten, And I became the pet of the little princess. Because of my character memory, I know that federal citizens have translators on them, but my body is my own, and I have not been implanted with translators, so I can only teach myself.”

Xie Liuyi sighed sincerely: "You are amazing."

Yan Yugui stared at Xie Liuyi for a while, "You didn't sleep well? I remember you didn't need to sleep in the last instance, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with your body?"

Xie Liuyi yawned, "Poisoned."

Yugui looked serious, and grabbed her wrist for a pulse. It was said that Yu Gui was more interested in studying medicine than her. Grandpa always said that Yu Gui could take over his mantle, which was much better than that of a half-hearted person like Xie Liuyi.

"Not quite like poison," he said with a frown.

"Mental inhibitor," Xie Liuyi withdrew his hand and yawned again, "Injected by interstellar pirates."

"Interstellar pirates?" Yan Yugui looked a little surprised, but did not continue to ask, "My bloodline power is not suppressed, can you let me try to help you detoxify?"

Xie Liuyi thought about it for a while, she sealed the spiritual power, and only the mental inhibitor was left in the meridians, so she was not worried that the sword qi would hurt her, so she stretched out her hand, "Try it. "

Yan Yugui put her fingertips on her wrist again, Xie Liuyi felt a little itchy skin, she sank to look inside, and saw a blood line as thin as silk poking into Yan Yugui's finger Her body spreads along the meridians.

Soon, the blood line found the first wave of remaining mental inhibitors, and immediately swarmed up, entangled it, and dragged it out of the body.

After repeated several times, the mental inhibitor in Xie Liuyi's arm's meridians was finally cleared away, and Yu Guiye was pale and extremely tired.

Xie Liuyi yawned again, "Take a rest."

Yugui lifted his eyelids to look at her, and withdrew his hand, "There is only one bed here, you can sleep."

Xie Liuyi glanced at the nearly three-meter-wide bed, and felt that it was fine for one person to sleep on the other, but remembered the experience when she went to sleep with Yan Yugui when she was a child, and was chased and beaten by her grandmother with a broom. Couldn't help shivering.

"Then I sleep."

Xie Liuyi turned around neatly and fell asleep, wrapped in the quilt.

She woke up again not long after she slept, and the fatigue of her body had been swept away. When he woke up, he saw Yan Yugui sitting on the chair beside the bed, supporting himself with his hands, closing his eyes and resting.

Seemingly aware of her gaze, he opened his eyes and looked over, "Are you asleep?"

"Yeah." Xie Liuyi stretched and got up.

"Tell me about your experience during this time."

Xie Liuyi was speechless, her experience during this period of time was indeed enriched. Because of the restriction of the taciturn seal, she can't say too long at a time, and she can talk about it until tomorrow.

"I'll ask, you'll answer." Seeing her concerns, she said it all.

"Okay." Xie Liuyi sat up.

"Where did you land when you entered the instance?"

"The Arena."

"The arena?" Yan Yugui immediately guessed the true face of the arena, "A colosseum that uses humans as a gimmick?"


Through a question and answer, the two finally exchanged the information they had acquired during the separation.

Yugui put his hands on his chin and crossed his chin, "You should not have been brought by the interstellar pirates. The population sold by the interstellar pirates at one time needs to reach a certain amount to return to the original cost, but this time the arena has It's unreasonable to have you alone. The mental inhibitor in your body should be the handwriting of the game. It wants to suppress your strength in this way."

"As for the dispute between the duke and the prince, it has nothing to do with our purpose. What we need to do is to escape from the planet of the Giant Kingdom, then we need a spaceship. Now there are two options."

"First, steal the wrecked aircraft I was riding in from the king's treasury and fix it; second, cooperate with other surviving humans and wait until the interstellar pirates come to the Giant Kingdom when the time comes, **** their spaceships."

Xie Liuyi's chaotic thoughts were clarified by Yan Yugui in a few words. Of the two methods that Yan Yugui gave, she of course preferred the last one.

After all, she and Yan Yugui can't repair something like an aircraft... Yan Yugui shouldn't be able to repair it, right?

"I don't know how to repair it, and there are too few people in the aircraft. Will you leave other humans behind and run by yourself?"

Xie Liuyi smirked.

"In addition, the king feels a little weird to me. He can suppress me mentally. To be on the safe side, try to avoid confrontation with him."

Xie Liuyi remembered that she sensed an uneasy aura in the center of the palace, could it be the king?

"Where's Miss Bai?" Yan Yugui asked suddenly.

"It's still dormant." Xie Liuyi stroked the gloomy wooden hairpin on his head, frowning slightly, showing some concern.

There is no spiritual energy in this dungeon, not only her spiritual energy cannot be recovered, but even Bailian has been greatly restricted.

She suddenly thought of a detail, "The star thief is after the seven stars."

Hearing this sentence, Yugui's expression showed confusion, "The star shines on the sun?"

"You don't know either?"

"I don't know everything either." Yan Yugui frowned, "I will find a way to check. Now that you have rested, we will continue to detoxify you."

Xie Liuyi avoided Yan Yugui's hand pulling her wrist and looked at Yan Yugui worriedly, "Can you do it?"

Yugui's face froze for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I can."

"Oh." Xie Liuyi stretched out the other arm obediently.

After cleaning up the residual poison in the meridians of this arm, it was said that the energy was exhausted again.

Xie Liuyi hurriedly gave the big bed to Yan Yugui to rest, "Why not."

Yugui just lay down when he heard the words and frowned, but did not speak.

"Too many." Xie Liuyi said. The residual poison in the two arms added up to less than one-tenth of the rest of the body.

"It's still a long time, clean it up little by little, and it can always get rid of it all." Yu returned his gaze, his tone was indifferent, but the meaning of the words was unquestionable.

Xie Liuyi was silent for a long time, then whispered: "Thank you."

She didn't know what to say except thank you. Yan Yugui tried his best to detoxify her, but he was not too tired, she had no reason to refuse.

Yugui suddenly turned over on the bed and turned her back. Although he didn't speak, Xie Liuyi felt inexplicably that he was angry.

She didn't do anything just now, why did she suddenly get angry?

Xie Liuyi wondered, after Yan Taohua became a little Bailing, her temper became even bigger.

The author has something to say:Ha, three shifts, I did it!