MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 56 moonlight and you 11

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The tall, middle-aged man was wearing a military uniform. When he came back, he saw his son practicing the piano, so he said, "Jiayu, clean up and come with me to the palace to meet Yuefeng."

"Oh, I see." Xu Jiayu glanced at his father, as if wondering if his father would call the prince by his first name, but after thinking about it, he felt nothing.

Xu Jiayu is a famous Omega in Capital Star. In addition to being the son of the marshal, he also has super good looks, excellent grades, a gentle personality unlike many Omegas, and charming pheromones. He is the dream lover of many Alphas and Betas.

But before that, the first thing that attracted public attention was that Xu Jiayu was the former His Majesty's verbally recognized daughter-in-law and the fiancé of His Highness the Crown Prince.

Although many people have forgotten following the disappearance of His Highness, there are still some who remember it. Such as this video storm.

Xu Jiayu followed his father to the palace, and then met Yue Feng.

Since Yuefeng came back, this was the first time that Xu Jiayu had actually met him, other times he had only seen this face from the Internet. It has to be said that Yue Feng is indeed Xu Jiayu's most ideal Alpha, especially the powerful Alpha aura on his body, which makes Xu Jiayu's legs go weak and his heart beat faster when he gets close.

"Your Highness." Xu Yuan bowed to Yue Feng, Xu Jiayu was brought back to his senses by his father's voice, and quickly followed his father to salute.

This is not the main hall, but a rose garden. But Xu Yuan's finding Yue Feng today is not a state matter, but a private matter.

He turned sideways so that Yue Feng could fully see the face of his son behind him, and introduced: "Xu Jiayu, Your Highness, do you still remember him?"

Yue Feng raised his head and glanced at the Omega in front of him, and said, "I have a little impression." After that, he asked someone to bring chairs and invited them to sit down.

Then Marshal Xu recalled the past with Yue Feng's words, sometimes Yue Feng didn't speak, sometimes he replied with a sentence or two, finally when he had nothing to say, Marshal Xu pulled out the main purpose of coming today.

"Then Your Highness, do you still remember what His Majesty said about your engagement to Jiayu?"

Yue Feng sneered in his heart, and said, "Remember."

Just as the Marshal was about to smile, he saw him again and said, "However, that was only ordered verbally by my father, and marriages have been free in the empire for many years. I think my father will respect my opinion."

Looking at his interrupted smiling face, Yue Feng smiled politely and said, "Besides, I already have an Omega. I don't think you will facilitate a marriage without feelings, right?"

Xu Yuan smiled bluntly, and asked Yue Feng whether he was there or not. He said that it was because he heard the rumors recently that he remembered the old things, so he brought his son here to ask His Highness's opinion. Returning with His Highness.

Xu Jiayu sat on the side, and was slightly startled when he heard what his father had said for him without changing his face, and then he also showed a sad look of depression and disappointment.

He has a lot of confidence in himself, and believes that as long as he shows his weakness, he will definitely arouse Yue Feng's pity - in the past ten years, every Alpha around him would be very distressed whenever he frowned, let alone this .

However, Yue Feng still had the same indifferent and calm look when he came, and his eyes didn't stay on him for long.

This is the first time Xu Jiayu encountered this kind of situation, he was a little bit shocked, but also very unwilling, he bit his lip, then raised his head, and asked Yue Feng: "Does your Highness think there is something wrong with me?"

At this time, You Ning came over with An Yuanguang. When the two father and son came, You Ning naturally knew about it, and even listened to the corner with An Yuanguang for a while. But You Ning came out at this moment not because of timing, but because Yue Feng was sitting here waiting for the biscuits An Yuanguang made for him, had some snacks and tea, and then acted as a model for An Yuanguang.

As soon as You Ning came over, the Xu family's father and son naturally looked at him, thinking that he was the Omega that Yue Feng was talking about.

As a result, Xu Jiayu's face became ugly, he looked at You Ning and then at Yue Feng, his aggrieved look seemed to be questioning Yue Feng for being so superficial.

You Ning, who was directly stamped as a coquettish **** by people's eyes, was thinking again. He took the plate in An Yuanguang's hand, walked towards Yuefeng, stood beside Yuefeng, with a very charming smile and a special voice Rou: "Your Highness, come, ah—"

"..." Yue Feng really shook his body when he heard it, and looked at You Ning with horror in his eyes.

Xu's father and son looked at You Ning even more coquettishly.

You Ning backed away a little, seeing Yue Feng's reaction was so funny, he sat on the chair beside him without any image or rules and laughed loudly. The Xu family father and son were very puzzled, but saw him suddenly looking in the direction of the garden entrance, his laughter stopped abruptly, and then his expression became strange again.

Like annoyance, like anger.


How could His Highness like such a psychopath? !

Yue Feng was suddenly taken aback by You Ning, from his angle he could just see the entrance of the garden, seeing the figure who had just left over there, he gloated at You Ning's misfortune and said: "Su Feng didn't say anything happened recently, I guess the general is I came here because I felt a little busy, and when I arrived, I felt that there was nothing wrong, so I left."

You Ning was very unhappy, without the slightest respect for the prince, he folded his hands and said impatiently: "Eat the biscuits made by your baby!"

Yue Feng snorted and happily picked up a piece of biscuit and ate it into his mouth. There were other desserts on the small stone table, even if there were none, he would not share this for the Xu family and his son to taste.

An Yuanguang sat beside Yue Feng while listening to You Ning's words "your baby", blushing, and asked Yue Feng "Is it delicious?" in a low voice.

The Xu family father and son who were left alone, especially Xu Yuan couldn't help it anymore, frowned deeply, and said to Yue Feng in an elder's tone: "Excuse me, Your Highness, who is this? How could he talk to His Highness like this?"

Yue Feng glanced at You Ning who didn't care about their conversation at all, "Friend." You Ning is indeed different from many people, he is very reckless, and he is not afraid of his identity at all, he does what he says and does as he pleases, Yue Feng thinks he is very good like this and doesn't need to change for anyone.

Xu Yuan glared at You Ning, because Yue Feng bluntly said that he was a friend, so he couldn't say it out of consideration for Yue Feng's face. And, he said "friends".

So, this seemingly harmless Omega is the one Yue Feng is talking about?

Xu Jiayu came back to his senses and looked at An Yuanguang even more unwillingly. What's so good about this Omega? He doesn't look as good as him anywhere!

On the contrary, his father had no accidents, chatted casually with Yue Feng, and took him back.

On the way, Xu Jiayu asked his father who that Omega was. Xu Yuan said: "The son of the An family who accompanied Yue Feng on the deserted star."

"Oh." Now Xu Jiayu's little thoughts about Yue Feng's rise today were extinguished. Such things as long-term love and long-term companionship are not comparable to relying on appearance, temperament and family background.

However, his father's next sentence was: "Unfortunately, he is a fool."

What? Xu Jiayu looked up in shock. His father would definitely not lie to him. He recalled seeing An Yuanguang in the garden today. On the surface, he was a well-behaved and simple type, not mentally handicapped.

He wanted to ask again, but his father didn't say any more, he just asked whether the colleges on both sides would really hold that kind of activity next week, and if it was true, let him prepare well.

Xu Yuan went upstairs, and the bedroom door was opened from the inside. Yue Cheng was wearing a black tights and was binding his hands with iron chains. He looked at Xu Yuan with a dazed expression, and kept saying, "Come on, come on in…"

"Poor little Your Highness, is it time for estrus?" Xu Yuan sneered, looked down at the boy kneeling in front of him, raised his hand to touch his face, and closed the door casually to prevent the overflow of strong pheromones in the room .

An Alpha wants to master an Omega, the method is really very simple.

Even though he was reborn, Yue Feng didn't know why his younger brother, who was just a bit timid, became aggressive and vicious towards him, like an enemy.

You Ning didn't expect that Su Fu would just see him with a swipe of the skin, and the guy saw it when he saw it, and he went straight away.

what is this? ran away? You Ning is very disdainful, but he also knows that Su Fu is not a person who will run away when encountering things. The reason why he turns around and leaves may be because he is really uncomfortable.

Yuning couldn't be happy. He obviously lied to him and set him up, but he decided to come back, so now this kind of plot where he flirts with Su Fu, then hooks up with others and is seen, which makes Su Fu uncomfortable, should be exactly what he wants.

But he didn't feel the slightest bit of refreshment. This is not in line with what he imagined.

You Ning looked at Yuefeng and An Yuanguang's nasty scene in the garden where you feed me and I feed you, and thought about the back of Su Fu leaving today, and felt a little urge to go to Su Fu and explain to him.

You Ning felt a little irritable, but in the end he still didn't go to Su Fu that day.

The time passed to the third day, which was also the day when the two schools held activities. You Ning arrived at the assembly point very early, An Yuanguang would be accompanied by Yue Feng, he didn't want to go with them, although this was just his excuse.

After he arrived, other student instructors also came one after another. Even Su Feng arrived, but Su Fu was still missing.

You Ning's whole body began to feel depressed, so that the Alphas who saw him wanting to get closer to him stopped one by one, not daring to go forward. He didn't seem to realize that he was like those human beings who, after getting into trouble with their partner, expected the other party to go to the previous appointment on time and then reconcile smoothly.

After a while, two instructors began to count the number of people, and Su Fu finally came.

The appearance of Su Fu caused a commotion among the students of the Academy of Art. Before they saw the appearance of excellent Alphas one by one, they were able to maintain their restraint, but they couldn't do it when Su Fu appeared. Needless to say about his own conditions, he is the youngest general in the empire. He has made a fortune for himself early on. He has been the number one Alpha most wanted to marry in the empire for many years.

Now that they have finally met a real person, and today is clearly an opportunity, can they not be excited?

Hearing the high and low exclamations in his ears, Yuning almost exploded with anger. He really wanted to blow up these noisy people to the sky, what are you looking at? What are you humans thinking? This guy is also something you can get your hands on? he's mine! You can't even think about it!

"..." Yuning's expression was blank for a moment, what did he just say?

Su Feng looked at his future sister-in-law who was so jealous that she wanted to destroy the world, and still calmly pushed her glasses.

two days ago:

"Why are you panicking? He must be joking with His Highness. You don't have to think about how to **** someone from His Highness."

"Don't believe it? Don't believe me, you will arrive late on Monday, how late? As long as everyone arrives, you will be missed. When you come, there will definitely be many people looking at you. When the time comes, you will see his reaction. How much does he treat you? It’s not interesting, you’ll know it when you see it.”

The author has something to say:

Gong: So, what should I do next?

Brother: Don't talk, kiss him!

Author: For advice upstairs, how did you, a single dog, know the way of routines?

Brother: Oh, the truth is—