MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 1

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On the big hotel bed, Wen Yuanyu narrowed his eyes slightly, his chest rose and fell slightly, after a while, he raised his wrist and wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Before the sweaty wrist could be put down, the man on the other side of the bed snatched it away. His teeth slid along his wrist, and he suddenly squeezed hard, inhaling the smell on his skin.

The skin is not very fragrant, but there is a very special smell, which makes Ran Qiu's mouth dry and his heart beating faster every time he gets close to him, and he feels extremely intimate and happy.

Ran Qiu turned over and lay on his side, propping the pillow with one hand, and said like a peacock: "Is it comfortable? Am I too powerful?"

Wen Yuanyu chuckled, stretched out his hand to touch his face with a smile, "You are indeed very powerful."

Ran Qiu was praised as inflated and comfortable, he snorted softly, "Then did you fall in love with me?"

"I've always liked you." Wen Yuanyu's voice was a little hoarse, and after the love affair, his voice was even a bit scumbag, giving people a feeling of trembling like fingertips touching sandpaper. He rarely looked a little lazy, " Ran Qiu, have you lost weight? Look at your face, it's pointy."

Ran Qiu coughed lightly, made a little guilty by his look, and bluffed and said: "I must not be thin, how handsome I am now."

He usually stays at 150 catties, and loses 2 catties in the morning. This is also the best weight recommended by his personal trainer, but this week he has indeed lost a lot of weight. Anyone who is not blind can see it, but why he lost weight? Can't tell Wen Yuanyu.

He deliberately lost seven or eight catties, just for yesterday's audition for "A Farewell to Heaven".

"The Abyss" is a romantic drama with two male protagonists. The company arranged for him to audition for the role of a sick uncle, the leading male lead. The appearance of this sick and weak protagonist is extremely inconsistent with him. He just turned 23 this year, and his face is not youthful, because he is already young and tall, nearly 1.9 meters tall. After all, his weight is placed here, but his clothes make him look more long-legged, long-handed, and powerful. There is no trace of sickness in his whole body. However, Ran Qiu felt that there was some hope in this audition. One was that he was thinner first, so he was particularly prominent. The other was that he had learned from his father for half a month—how to be a good uncle, and he thought it was a good performance. Remarkable.

If the audition is successful, he has to surprise Wen Yuanyu.

Wen Yuanyu's career has been booming for so many years. He is indeed proud of Wen Yuanyu, but he is also frustrated that he has not been able to play the leading role for many years, and he is even more worried that Wen Yuanyu will disappoint him. When he really wins, he will definitely To be happy to open a screen.

But the coquettishness that should be spoiled has to be spoiled, Ran Qiu buried his whole face in Wen Yuanyu's neck, rubbed against his master like a wild dog full of meat, and said with a smile: "You Do you like me to be thinner? How much weight do you like?"

Wen Yuanyu was still immersed in the aftertaste of love, and said with a light smile: "I like more than 110."

After blurting out, Wen Yuanyu was stunned for a moment. At the same time, he felt the shoulders of the person in his arms stiffen, and the neck was suddenly empty, and he instantly woke up from the aftertaste.

Ran Qiu reflexively raised his eyes to see Wen Yuanyu's expression.

Wen Yuanyu's smile disappeared, and there was a moment of trance on his face, as if he knew that what he said was not right, but he quickly turned his head to meet Ran Qiu's gaze, and returned to his usual calm, calm and calm fixedly looked at him.

Ran Qiu's heart sank suddenly, and his face couldn't be as calm and decent as Wen Yuanyu's, his face became very ugly, and he said coldly: "Wen Yuanyu, who are you talking about?"

Wen Yuanyu sat up, put his hand on his back, and answered fluently, "I'm thinking about a play, don't think too much about it."

Ran Qiu's menacing eyes shot directly into Wen Yuanyu's pupils, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Wen Yuanyu's explanation is very far-fetched. Let's not say that Wen Yuanyu is a rational person and never spends his private time reminiscing about the false emotions in the play. Even if Wen Yuanyu is really thinking about a certain play, the heroines will hardly weigh more than 100 catties. More than 110 kilograms in line with what Wen Yuanyu said. And he didn't think that Wen Yuanyu wanted him to lose another 30 catties, but anyone with normal aesthetics would never think that a man of his height would be more handsome and more suitable if he lost another 30 catties.

Ran Qiu's first instinct was that Wen Yuanyu was talking about another person.

Ran Qiu lowered his eyes to look at his own body, and then at the sheets. There were still traces of beach after exercise on the bed. The combination of the two made him feel as if he had been humiliated, and he couldn't help but feel hot.

Wen Yuanyu smiled faintly, "You don't believe it, do you?"

Under the thin quilt, Ran Qiu's waist was still sweating, but his limbs felt cold, and he laughed angrily: "What do you want me to believe? Do you think about female stars when you sleep with me?"

"What kind of female star do I want as a gay?" Wen Yuanyu sighed softly, and reached out to touch Ran Qiu's lips, "Little guy, you are really difficult to deal with. I just said more than 110 catties It's the type I liked in the past, thin, obedient, and more pitiful, but now I like you, the tall and handsome type."

Ran Qiu's lips were itchy when touched by his fingertips. His face was a little better than before, but it was still ugly. He frowned and said, "Then you were lying to me just now."

Wen Yuanyu smiled calmly, took the initiative and patiently went up to kiss Ran Qiu, but was avoided by Ran Qiu who had never pushed him away. Wen Yuanyu was not annoyed by the rejection, and still said in a gentle tone: "I was too nervous just now, and I was also worried that you would be unhappy to tell the truth. Can you not be angry?"

Ran Qiu looked at Wen Yuanyu's row of thick eyelashes hanging down, looked at his affectionate and beautiful peach blossom eyes, and after a while said with difficulty: "I can't."

Wen Yuanyu suddenly let go, stepped back, and leaned against the head of the bed.

This action made Ran Qiu think that Wen Yuanyu was impatient, he panicked, his eyes instinctively chased after him, and he was about to say something, but he opened his mouth, and he was so angry at his actions, suddenly I don't want to say anything.

Wen Yuanyu suddenly said: "I can understand you when you are angry, but I don't want you to be angry for too long. After all, I didn't mean it, okay?"

The tone of discussion made Ran Qiu speechless. Wen Yuanyu lowered his posture. If he still loses his temper, it will appear that he is being unreasonable. His best choice now is to roll down the steps.

But he just can't roll off now, he's still angry.

Ran Qiu didn't say yes or no, he raised his arm, and his arm was stiff enough to reach the bedside table. He opened the phone and saw that there were 3 unread messages in the text message.

It rang half an hour ago.

It's 3:36 AM.

[Dear customer, your account 0526 spent 19,980 yuan at 03:01:01 on September 27. 】

【Dear customer... spend 8980 yuan. 】

[… Consumption of 15,800 yuan. 】

Ran Qiu's heart sank suddenly, he frowned and carefully read the three text messages again.

Yesterday afternoon, he just went to the bank to adjust the single consumption limit to 20,000, and then went out several more at once. He didn't know exactly what he did, and it didn't matter, but this made him question his original decision again.

His half-sister, Wang Fufu, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder more than ten years ago. One of the characteristics of mania is the loss of concept of money, excessive consumption and even debts. My parents hope to send her to a psychiatric specialist In the hospital, closed hospitalization was carried out, but he never made up his mind to do so. On the one hand, Wang Fufu’s acting career was on the rise. Wang Fufu strongly opposed hospitalization and agreed to be treated at home. Normal people can't see the difference.

Ran Qiu didn't call her directly. He is in a very bad mood now. Talking to Wang Fufu in anger will only cause more trouble. He doesn't know who he is angry with. Maybe it's Wang Fufu, maybe it's Wen Yuan Yu, perhaps the one who is most angry with him is himself.

He typed a message to Wang Fufu: [I know you're not asleep, where are you? 】

After sending out the phone, Ran Qiu took another look at Wen Yuanyu.

Wen Yuanyu was also looking down at the phone, tapping the screen with his fingertips, not knowing who he was replying to, his brows were slightly frowned, his expression was no longer as calm and relaxed as before, it seemed quite displeased.

Seeing him like this, Ran Qiu didn't know what he was thinking, so he asked affectionately, "Are you angry with me?"

Wen Yuanyu's eyes still fell on the phone, and she didn't raise her head when she heard the words, "Why am I angry with you? I'm not angry."

Ran Qiu asked again: "If you're not angry, why are you frowning? Did I push too hard, and your waist hurts again?"

Lumbar pain is Wen Yuanyu's old problem. He was injured intermittently after filming before. Ran Qiu persuaded him several times to see a professional, but Wen Yuanyu dismissed it with the excuse of "I know it in my heart".

Only then did Wen Yuanyu turn his head and glance at him, his brows loosened, then he smiled again, and said helplessly: "It doesn't hurt, and I'm really not angry."

Ran Qiu looked at him carefully, Wen Yuanyu's smile really did not show any anger, as if Wen Yuanyu's displeasure at the phone before was all his illusion. But Wen Yuanyu wasn't angry, it made him even more angry.

Ran Qiu especially wanted to ask him, with whom did you chat so seriously in the middle of the night? Is it more interesting than chatting with me? But he didn't ask, after all, he was the one who looked at the phone first.

The phone in Ran Qiu's hand vibrated, and he glanced down.

【Fu Fu Lin Men: Where else can I be if I am not at home】

Ran Qiu was slightly relieved, at least Wang Fufu didn't wander around. He quickly got up from the bed, picked up the two pieces of clothes on the ground, and said to Wen Yuanyu while wearing them: "I'll call my sister first, she may be in a manic period, I'm worried that something will happen to her .”

Wen Yuanyu looked at him, then looked at the phone, "Then go out and make a call, I'll go straight back to my room in a while."

Ran Qiu's hands froze when he was putting on his clothes, but he quickly resumed the action of buttoning them, "Are you going back now?"

Wen Yuanyu smiled, "I'll go back after a short break, and it's dawn if I don't go back. The risk of being discovered by others is too great."

Ran Qiu said "Oh", and put on his sneakers with his back turned to Wen Yuanyu, feeling a little depressed.

Although he understood Wen Yuanyu's concern about his career, it still made him uncomfortable every time he was so wary of being discovered by others. Maybe it's mainly because he's so worthless? He is not qualified to stand beside Wen Yuanyu, so he always feels that Wen Yuanyu's gentleness is mixed with a kind of indifference. This kind of indifference always made him extremely panicked, and behind the panic, there was an indescribable grievance.

Ran Qiu closed the door, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth and did not light it, squinted his eyes and leaned against the wall of the corridor for a while.

On the opposite wall hung a painting of a twisted figure screaming with its head in its hands.

Ran Qiu has no research on painting, nor does he have a strong artistic background, but he has seen the online picture of this painting before, and he always thought it was a cry for life from a frightened and helpless person in the painting .

Now he has a different experience. In this bright but quiet hotel corridor, he feels that the twisted bald head in the painting is a passerby walking towards him, screaming ironically at him.

He looked at it for a long time, and suddenly bit his cigarette holder and cursed in a low voice: "Fuck, Ran Qiu, you idiot."

The crew on the first floor of the hotel has booked seven or eight rooms, all of which are big names. After last night's wrap-up banquet, people packed their bags and left one after another. Wen Yuanyu was on the plane ticket this afternoon, and he was leaving with the director and the female lead. In order to celebrate his finale that day, Ran Qiu specially flew over to see him, and then took a seat in a different cabin on the same flight back to the mainland.

Ran Qiu is not well-known, almost no one in the crew has heard of him, and it is easy to come and go.

Ran Qiu walked into the public bathroom and called Wang Fufu. He couldn't help but frown as soon as the other person said something, "Sister, why are you talking under your breath? Is there someone else in your family?"

Ran Qiu vaguely heard the voice of a man talking on the opposite side, and his mood fell to the bottom all of a sudden, one head was as big as two, "Wang Fufu, are you in love again? Didn't you promise me not to talk about it!"

This can't be blamed on Ran Qiu's fuss. Another characteristic of Wang Fufu's mania is falling in love. He can fall in love with someone the second time he sees him, and he is very open to sex.

Ran Qiu felt distressed and afraid of how her love meeting would turn out. He was about to say something more when Wang Fufu hung up the phone suddenly.

A WeChat message followed.

[Fufu Linmen: I only heard about it when I was in a relationship. Do you know that your boyfriend is having an affair. 】

Ran Qiu's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he almost missed the phone. After he realized it, he immediately called Wang Fufu two more times, but she hung up on them one by one.

[Fufu Linmen: It's inconvenient to say more, if Wen Yuanyu has a lot of contacts with a man recently, please remember to leave evidence for me. 】

Ran Qiu forced himself to calm down. The meaning of Wang Fufu's words sounds like she is not sure, and the possibility of unreliable gossip cannot be ruled out... Moreover, Wang Fufu's mental state is unstable now, and he is simple and unintentional. used by someone.

He turned on the faucet of the sink, buried his head in the pool, and poured it all over from head to chin, but just as he extinguished the great panic in his heart, the scene of Wen Yuanyu chatting with someone in the middle of the night came to mind again.

Ran Qiu even forgot to wipe the water off his face. When he came out of the bathroom in a daze, he suddenly saw a tall and handsome man standing at the elevator entrance in the corridor.

The man looked down at the phone and tapped with one hand to reply. The upper half of his face was covered by huge sunglasses, and the beige scarf was wrapped around his neck twice, covering the lower half of his face.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Ran Qiu recognized at first sight that the man waiting for the elevator was Wen Yuanyu.

Whether it's the familiar waist, hip, or bust, or the expensive windbreaker on him, Ran Qiu is sure that he will never admit his mistake.

It's just that Wen Yuanyu's room is on the same floor, where is he going by taking the elevator in the middle of the night?

Ran Qiu was about to call out to stop him, when the elevator door opened with a "ding", and Wen Yuanyu walked in, holding the phone tightly.