MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 18

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"Kuangling!?" Ran Qiu was taken aback, wondering what he was doing standing here, it looked like he had been standing there for a long time.

"Where did you go?" Kuang Ling walked up to him carrying a big plastic bag, "Didn't your show be canceled? Why did it take so long to come back?"

"Stay on the set for a while, let's study." Ran Qiu saw that he was carrying such a heavy thing. After waiting for him for an unknown amount of time, he reached out to take his plastic bag, and raised his eyes and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Come to support you!" Kuang Ling gently pushed Ran Qiu away and stretched out his hand.

"Who used you for support?" Ran Qiu's outstretched hand suddenly changed direction, grabbed Kuang Ling's big loose shirt, and suddenly attacked his waist, "I don't think your waist is very good."

Kuang Ling was caught off guard and almost fell, he burst out laughing.

The scene of the two talking and laughing happened to be watched by Wen Yuanyu and the director who turned into the hotel in the nanny's car.

Wen Yuanyu's side face was buried in the shadow of the car window, her thin lips were tightly closed.

Director Zhang, who has always been relatively rough, felt something, and looked at Wen Yuanyu probingly, "Yuan Yu, you and Kuang Ling knew each other before?"

"I don't know." Wen Yuanyu said.

"Oh, Kuangling is here tonight, and we all have a meal together?" Director Zhang looked at Wen Yuanyu's darkening face inquiringly, "If you have a fever and feel uncomfortable, you can go back to your room to rest. It's Ran Qiu's sole role."

Wen Yuanyu's eyes were fixed on the two people who were fighting. When Ran Qiu was with him, he had never seen Ran Qiu so comfortable and happy from the bottom of his heart. Could it be that being with this Kuang Ling Can make Ran Qiu so happy?

Wen Yuanyu pulled the corners of his lips reluctantly, but there was no smile in his eyes, "I'm fine, the screenwriter is here, of course we want to have dinner together, I'll treat you."

The nanny's car stopped right next to Kuang Ling, the door opened, and Director Zhang got out of the car first.

"Kuang Ling!" Director Zhang yelled loudly, "Your boy has known to cause trouble for me since the time of the full moon wine, and now you come to me now, it must be no good!"

Kuang Ling was carrying a big plastic bag, raised his eyebrows, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pull Ran Qiu over, and glanced at Wen Yuanyu, who had a gloomy face, "Of course I'm here for my buddy."

"What do you think, kid? I don't need to ask. Ran Qiu's acting skills are good, you've worried too much." Director Zhang turned around and said, "Anyway, don't make trouble for me."

Ten minutes later, a group of four arrived at a Sichuan restaurant on the top floor of the hotel.

This Sichuan restaurant is very authentic just by looking at the decoration. The dishes recommended on the poster are all covered with red chili peppers. I am hungry before I eat Ran Qiu.

The waiter led the four of them into the innermost box.

Kuang Ling deliberately pulled Ran Qiu to his side, and Wen Yuanyu could only sit in a row with Director Zhang.

Ran Qiu was in a good mood, he hadn't seen Kuang Ling for a while, and he felt relaxed when he stayed with Kuang Ling, even he himself didn't know why. He is not a particularly social person, and he often feels tense when getting along with others.

"Director Zhang, I know you like Sichuan cuisine. I checked it out before coming here. I didn't expect this five-star hotel to have a Sichuan cuisine restaurant." Kuang Ling said as he groped in his big plastic bag.

Ran Qiu has always been curious about what was in his plastic bag, and he has been curious all the way.

Seeing that Kuang Ling seemed to be slowing down, he mysteriously took out a bottle of Moutai from his bag, got up and filled Director Zhang with wine.

Ran Qiu was really surprised that such a high-end wine was packed in such a plastic bag, and Kuang Ling's casualness always shocked him.

"Put it down, you checked it for me specially? I don't believe it." Director Zhang glanced at Ran Qiu, but didn't say the rest.

Wen Yuanyu who was on the side suddenly took over the words, "Ran Qiu likes to eat Japanese food. I have known Ran Qiu for so long. I know that the editor is really thinking about your favorite food, Director Zhang." When he said this, he kept looking at the food. With Kuangling.

Ran Qiu sneered in his heart.

He really likes to eat Japanese food, but his favorite food is spicy. It can be said that he likes to eat spicy food, but why does he always eat Japanese food? Because Wen Yuanyu doesn't like spicy food. So in the past, every time he ate, he would choose Japanese ingredients.

"Haha, Director Zhang understands me." Kuang Ling laughed loudly, "I know that Ran Qiu likes spicy food the most."

Wen Yuanyu's expression became even uglier. He glanced at Ran Qiu in confusion, "Ran Qiu, do you like spicy food the most?"

"Yes, that's right, I like spicy food the most." When Ran Qiu said this, he felt very comfortable. He no longer has to consider other people's preferences, but there are others who consider his preferences, how can this be so happy. What was wrong with his previous love affairs?

"Another bottle of red wine." Ran Qiu said to Kuang Ling who was ordering food.

Not only does he not eat spicy food, because Wen Yuanyu has extremely strict standards on food, Ran Qiu rarely eats sweet food, and often drinks sparkling soda water, which has no taste at all, and Ran Qiu has never been very good I love to drink, now I finally don't have to drink soda every time I eat.

While Ran Qiu was ordering, Wen Yuanyu kept looking at Ran Qiu for half a minute without saying a word.

In the end, Wen Yuanyu didn't order anything, not even the sparkling soda that must be ordered with every meal.

After the meals were served one after another, Director Zhang and Kuang Ling discussed some issues with the script. In addition, because homosexual-themed films are extremely popular overseas recently, overseas distributors have also been found. Kuang Ling suggested that his cousin, who was recommended by an overseas publisher, would be required to play a role later on. Although Director Zhang paused for a moment, he still expressed his understanding.

The whole meal didn't take long. During the dinner, Wen Yuanyu seemed to be in trouble and went out twice in a row, but the delay was not long.

Ran Qiu stared at Wen Yuanyu's expression. Although he still couldn't see anything, he could guess that Wen Yuanyu must be dealing with hot searches.

As for how to deal with it? Ran Qiu could almost guess this.

It's nothing more than just ordinary friends with the other party, and we will pursue legal responsibility for the rumormonger. Anyway, the actress and the scumbag have no actual evidence, and some are just a photo from many years ago.

And the hotel video that can really change the direction of public opinion is in his hands, but so what? Anyway, he also slept with Wen Yuanyu for three years, and it was the first time Wen Yuanyu was down there when he slept with him. Even if we broke up now, it would be impossible in the future, but this kind of killing , he still couldn't do it no matter what.

"Ran Qiu, I'll come to your room to explain the script to you later." Kuang Ling wiped his mouth with a napkin and put down his chopsticks.

"Okay." Ran Qiu readily agreed.

"Ran Qiu will be filming early tomorrow morning, enough is enough, young man." Director Zhang hummed as he spoke.

Kuang Ling kicked Director Zhang under the table, his eyes wandered to Wen Yuanyu, and his eyes were full of smiles.

Although Wen Yuanyu's face remained calm, his shoulders were too stiff, as if he would faint at any time if he didn't do so.

In fact, Ran Qiu could feel that he and Kuang Ling didn't have that kind of lover's ambiguity, they were more like good friends, but he didn't bother to explain, and he couldn't explain it even if Wen Yuanyu was still here, otherwise Wen Yuanyu would still be here Don't think it was told to him.

After drinking and eating, Ran Qiu and Kuang Ling returned to his room. Ran Qiu spread the script on the tea table and waited seriously for Kuang Ling to start speaking.

Kuang Ling's expression suddenly became serious, "Ran Qiu, it's impossible for you to still like Wen Yuanyu, right?"

Ran Qiu was taken aback, "What's the matter with you? What are you worried about? Worried that I will make a fake show with him? Resurrection of old love?"

Ran Qiu leaned heavily on the sofa behind him, stretched out his arms and made a gesture of spreading his wings, "It's impossible for me and him. Do you know how good I am now? I can be myself to my heart's content You don’t have to worry about someone being unhappy about the things you like, if I like him again, wouldn’t I be looking for abuse? I’m too sick, you have to send me to a mental hospital.”

Hearing what he said, Kuang Ling breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I don't worry, you can go online and have a look."

Ran Qiu took out his mobile phone inexplicably, and only found out when he posted on Weibo that it turned out that Wen Yuanyu's statement had been published.

Ran Qiu read it again, and the statement was not very different from what he thought—to put it bluntly, it was a denial.

Even if Wen Yuanyu really liked Fang Lan, how could someone like him admit to being a mistress? Ran Qiu thinks that he still has some understanding of him, no matter how much Wen Yuanyu likes someone, it is impossible for him to ignore his career.

"No problem?" Ran Qiu put down his phone and looked at Kuang Ling.

"You read it again." Kuang Ling said.

Ran Qiu didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd, so he read it carefully, "I, Wen Yuanyu, declare: I dated Fang Lan for one year five years ago, but since we broke up, that is, during the four years, I have almost never been in touch with Fang Lan. Even if this happened recently, I have only met him once and through a few phone calls based on the friendship I have had for many years. I have never done anything more than ordinary friends , whether Fang Lan is someone else's lover, or he is single again, I will not be with him, hereby declare."

"I didn't read anything special." Ran Qiu looked at him again.

"Don't you think this doesn't seem like a statement, but rather like guaranteeing something to someone?" Kuang Ling frowned. It stands to reason that with the level of Wen Yuanyu's public relations team, it shouldn't be said that way. It is easy to make people daydream.

"That is to say, writers like you have a rich imagination." Ran Qiu didn't want to think hard about anything, what does Wen Yuanyu'ai mean, what does it mean, and what does it have to do with him?

"Hurry up and start." Ran Qiu urged Kuang Ling, "Stop talking nonsense, I have to rest early after I finish speaking, I don't want my performance to be bad, and everyone will say that I got in because of your relationship."

In the hotel's above ground parking lot.

Wen Yuanyu sat on the stone bench, the cool wind outside was blowing on his face, but he didn't feel the coolness at all.

His eyes were fixed on the lighted window, he knew that Ran Qiu and Kuang Ling were in the room now, as long as the lights were on, they were still talking about the script.

Wen Yuanyu's thoughts unknowingly drifted to four years ago.

When he approached Ran Qiu at the beginning, it was when his company and acting career were most difficult. Ran Yiming said that Ran Qiu liked him very much, and as long as he agreed to associate with Ran Qiu, he would invest a large sum of money to support his company and career through the difficult times.

It was the first time he met Ran Qiu at that time, seeing that he was very sunny, wanton and handsome, he agreed without much hesitation. This kind of thing that can help the company and have a boyfriend at the same time is not bad for him at all.

It's just that at the beginning, he thought that Ran Yiming was just helping Ran Qiu chase the person he liked. It wasn't until later that he gradually realized that Ran Yiming didn't seem to want his younger brother to have a chance to succeed. Not only did he not give Ran Qiu more resources, but he deliberately set up obstacles , he once asked Ran Yiming incomprehensibly, but Ran Yiming's question, don't you like him like this, stopped him immediately.

Does he like it?

Ran Qiu is quite cute, although he is a little proud, a little clingy, and a little controlling, but he can't find any faults with himself, and he can even be said to be very, very good.

Isn't it great to be such a person who is willing to be by his side all the time? Anyway, he can make money, and Ran Qiu's family also has money, but such a good-looking person who loves him, how can he change, and if he doesn't love him, he won't love him?

Ran Yiming asked him to recover Ran Qiu, saying that as long as he recovered Ran Qiu, all the company's shares would belong to him.

No matter from what point of view, he should chase this man back.

At this time, Wen Yuanyu's cell phone vibrated suddenly. He looked down and saw that the caller ID was his manager Chen Yue. He hesitated for a long time before picking up the call.

Chen Yueyue's anger squeezed out from between the words, "Wen Yuanyu, you actually hung up on my phone!"

Wen Yuanyu didn't hang up this time, but he didn't say anything either.

"Hello? Hello? You got hung up again?...Don't hang up, don't hang up!" Chen Yueyue's voice softened, "My ancestor, that's it, you've already posted, what else can I do to you."

"...Then I'll hang up." Wen Yuanyu said and was about to hang up.

Chen Yueyue on the other side of the phone became anxious again, "Don't hang up! I have a question for you, you must answer me honestly, don't lie to me!"

"what is the problem?"

Chen Yueyue paused, "You, do you have someone you like?"

Wen Yuanyu didn't speak.

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

Chen Yue suddenly asked, "Is it Ran Qiu?"

Wen Yuanyu frowned subconsciously, "Why are you asking this, what does this have to do with my statement?"

"My ancestor!" Chen Yue said angrily, "Can't you read what you wrote?"

Wen Yuanyu looked up at the window that was still lit, and said, "I just cleared the relationship, that's all."

At this moment, the lights in the room suddenly dimmed.

Wen Yuanyu was stunned for a moment, then he didn't even think about it, and he didn't care about the impatient "Hello" sound on the phone. He strode back to the hotel, pressed his finger on the elevator, got on the elevator and rushed all the way to Ran Qiu's door Before he left, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door loudly.

There seemed to be no sound in the room, as if after half a century, the door opened from the inside.

Ran Qiu was wearing pajamas, standing inside with sleepy eyes and fluffy hair. When he saw Wen Yuanyu with beads of sweat on his forehead outside the door, both of them were taken aback.

Wen Yuanyu regained his composure, "Where's Kuang Ling? I have... to ask him about the script." After finishing speaking, he couldn't stop looking inside.

"You must be sick." Five minutes ago, he just lay down, and was about to fall asleep in a daze, but was disturbed by Wen Yuanyu's knock on the door as if he was about to fight, and completely lost sleepiness.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, pulled Wen Yuanyu's clothes off, and dragged him into the room at once.

There is no light in the room, only the dim light in the corridor shines faintly into the entrance. The two were very close.

Wen Yuanyu suddenly hugged Ran Qiu tightly, his voice was a little hoarse, "...I miss you."

"You owe/fuck it." Ran Qiu pushed him against the wall.