MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 1543 Lake Green and the Edwards Family

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Dazzling flames shot up from the hearth in an instant, and Xia De hurriedly closed the lid on the furnace again. After waiting for a while, the drawer on the side of the furnace popped open automatically, and the badge that was still cooling lay in the drawer.

Compared with before, the diameter of the round emblem is only three-quarters of the original, and the surrounding white borders that symbolize the power of "angels" have also disappeared, completely integrated into the round emblem.

The badge itself represents the "Duchess of Saladir" with thorns, lion heads and rhododendron patterns. The emblem has not changed, but the badge has changed from dark silver to bright silver.

When Xia De picked it up, besides feeling hot, he also found that while the volume of the round emblem became smaller and new materials were added, the weight hardly changed:

"The ability to detect witches has not changed. Because of the addition of mithril, this detection effect is better than before...It can even detect traces of creations and rituals that retain the witch's power. It's really good, and because of the secret The effect of silver, this badge can now act as a medium for casting spells, and casting spells while wearing it can enhance the effect of thaumaturgy such as energy release."

Xia De was in a good mood. As for the effect of the badge, it was naturally "she" who told Xia De in his ear:

"Luvia, you can also try a few times. For example, your crystal ball. I'm curious if the crystal ball can be strengthened if the metal bracket is included."

He suggested, Luvia nodded thoughtfully, and Iluna couldn't wait to try.

It's just that they don't have these things on their bodies now, so they have to go get items that are worth a try. The three of them were about to leave here and return home. After Xia De walked out of the dilapidated stone house, he turned his head and glanced at the furnace again.

[No, the Vientiane Impermanence card will not be affected by it. 】

"She" actually guessed what Xia De was thinking, and gave the answer in advance. Xia De was not surprised by this:

"Then, every space left by the ancient gods has a more special hidden function. So, here is..."

[Sacrificing a drop of divinity, or a "flawless heart of stone", you can manipulate and launch a natural disaster of any type and level within the material world. The scope of influence is unlimited. 】

In other words, if Shadeken does this, he can make the whole world have a good harvest this year, but he can also make the whole world experience a long rainy season starting tomorrow.

"Unfortunately I don't have a flawless heart of stone, that heart is broken...but I have a heart of the living dead."

The heart of the living dead is the heart of "Haila Oxenfurt", which was taken out from the chest of Stone Oxenfurt by the ghosts of the Watson family at the end of Oxenfurt Manor. The heart can unconditionally open a two-way channel to the real death in the [Soul Cemetery], but it is a pity that it is of no use to Xia De for the time being.

Luvia was not very interested in the new trapdoor in the basement of Shade's house. After trying to strengthen her crystal ball, she went to work in the Prophet Association.

Instead, Iluna stayed at Xia De's house until noon before leaving with the "synthesis list" she had tried. She herself only asked for a morning's leave, and as the price of asking for leave, she had to be on duty at the security company when everyone was taking a lunch break at noon, so she didn't have lunch with Xia De.

Of course, before Iluna left, Shad did not forget to give her her share of the Randall Valley treasure. As for the portion that he planned to donate to the church, Shad planned to wait a while before going to the Randall Valley to donate.

In general, Xia De's Monday is still very leisurely.

After lunch, he finally brought up his determination to "wash the cat". When the cat fell into a drowsy "nap preparation" stage after eating, he went to the bathroom to prepare hot water in advance.

Then the vigilant cat discovered Shad's purpose. Although it wanted to resist, Shad won the "fight" with Mia and forced the cat to go to the bathroom. With big amber eyes, Miya looked at Xia De pitifully, but this did not make Xia De feel sympathetic. He still put the cat in the bathtub that had been filled with hot water.

Outlanders never had a bathtub when they were in their hometown

, I didn't expect to come to this world, but I have my own bathtub.

After bathing the cat, Xia De stayed at home and sorted out the detective records and recent reading notes in the study, and then took out the account book to check the latest income and expenditure.

After taking a bath, Mia had a fragrant smell, so when she took a nap on the desk next to Xia De's hands sullenly in the afternoon, it even played the role of "aromatherapy" in a certain sense.

Xia De enjoyed such a peaceful day, and when he finished his work, it was time for dinner. Luvia will be working overtime at the association tonight, and it is estimated that she will get off work very late. As for Dorothy, her aunt who was seriously ill had just passed away, and because of the need to attend the funeral, all the brothers and sisters of Louisa's family returned to Tobesk, so she has often returned to Louisa's house recently.

No one was having dinner with Shad tonight, so Shad went to the Church of the Dawn to find Priest Augustus. On the one hand, it shows that his body has healed, and on the other hand, he can talk to the old priest about his youth in the Randall Valley when he is eating.

By the time I got home, it was already seven o'clock in the evening. Xia Deben planned to read a book for a while before going to bed, but a light suddenly appeared in the drawer on the right side of the desk. He took out the pages of the poem manuscript and saw that it was Miss Dennist who had sent the message. In the morning, Xia De wrote her a letter to make an appointment to meet, and the meeting time was eight o'clock tonight.

It was still the familiar projection ceremony. When Shad's figure appeared in the great library of St. Byrence, the location was still the open space under the huge planetarium in the center of the library.

Looking at Xia De from across the coffee table was Miss Dennister sitting on the sofa. The lady librarian who returned to the college from a business trip seemed very leisurely:

"Good evening, Xia De, what can I do for you? Let me guess... have you successfully learned Thaumatology—Moon Dream?" "Yes."

Xia De nodded immediately. He had been delaying this learning task some time ago, and he himself was embarrassed. Therefore, the first time I learned thaumaturgy, I wanted to tell Miss Daniste, at least to show that my learning attitude is still good:

"Do I need to prove this?"

"No no, I don't have time to watch you sleep." She shook her head:

"I believe you won't lie about this kind of thing. If I don't even have this kind of trust in you, then what kind of teacher am I?" A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth:

"That's what my teacher told me back then."

When it comes to Miss Dennist's missing teacher, it is natural to think of the ancient moon tower that fell in the Karas Mountains. Miss Daniste also thought of Xia De's thoughts at this time, she shook her head:

"It's not so easy to investigate. Before the tower of the relic collapsed, it was like most of the ancient relics standing on the Old Continent in this era. Although it was valuable, it was not particularly valuable. Now I want to investigate again, There are actually very few clues. Fortunately, the teacher left some investigation reports written by herself in the college, and starting with other relics related to the moon, some clues can also be found.”

She paused:

"I have visited the moon worship relics in the Randall Valley you mentioned, as well as the night temple in the mountains. The moon worship relics are common, but in the night temple, I found something valuable trace."

The photo flew from the coffee table to Xia De, and the black and white photo showed traces of the ground:

"Have you seen the pattern of the sun, moon and stars? Although it is similar to the back of the Rhodes card, it is not exactly the same. It is very interesting that there is also this pattern in the ruins of the tower in the collapsed Karas Mountains."

This time it was Xia De's turn to be surprised. The pattern in the Temple of the Night did not exist originally, because he borrowed the power of the night and [Vientiane Impermanence·Silver Moon] to travel through time illegally, leaving this trace.

Of course, there were also traces of this in [Past World Sixth Era], but Xia De didn't know how it appeared at that time. "So, what is this ritual matrix?"

"Some kind of magical array belongs to the ancient gods. The specific situation is still under investigation." She hesitated for a while, and then asked another question:

"Shad, do you know Green Lake City?"

The city was also mentioned by Miss Galina not long ago:

"Of course, Kasenlik and De La Rion are cities on the border of the central part of the old continent. There are two cities surrounding that Green Lake, and Kasenrik is the city of glass—Mikala Blast Furnace City, And on Delarion's side is the city of Green Lake."

"Then do you know that there is an island in the middle of that Green Lake that is bigger than the island in the center of the Pantanal Lake, and there is an abandoned Green Lake Town on it?"

Miss Dennist asked again.

"What is the island in the center of Lake Pantanal?"

Xia De asked in surprise the "she" next to her ear was chuckling.

"As for the fact that there is an island in Green Lake, I don't know about that either."

"That island belongs to a very old family, the Edwards family."

Miss Dennist didn't seem to care about the "Pantanal Lake Island" at all, so Xia De also pretended not to hear: "Edwards? This is not a rare surname, I remember Della Ryan and Carson Rico both have nobles with such surnames.”

"Yes, the Edwards family that once owned Green Lake Town is what I want to talk about. About a hundred years ago, the former Green Lake Town on the island was destroyed by an accident and then abandoned. Now only The next piece of ruins was shrouded in mist all year round. Members of the Edwards family, who were local lords, also left their lives at that time. Not long ago, I found a letter that once belonged to a member of the Edwards family.”