MTL - Whispering Verse-~ Volume 5 Final Words

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The fifth volume "May the Earth Be With You and Me" is officially over. This volume is also unexpectedly long, longer than expected at the beginning, but it finally has a relatively satisfactory ending. If you summarize this volume, the rhythm is relatively slower than the previous volumes, and some of the content should indeed be shortened. But the author thinks that it is generally good. As a link between the past and the future in the "middle period" of the book, it made a good start when it was in Shade Central. Especially about Xia De's spiritual growth, let him experience these stories, let him understand his responsibility for love, his attitude towards the chosen one, and his thoughts on the world,

The theme of the next volume is "Space".

In the last scene of the first volume, Xia De and the doctor turned their backs to the burning building, Xia De turned his head, the doctor bowed his head, and the two walked side by side on the street; in the last scene of the second volume, he looked from the street in the steam era to the window on the second floor , in the mist, Xia De looked into the distance, and the doctor stared at Xia De; the last scene of the third volume was a rainy morning, Xia De and the doctor turned their backs to the camera, and looked at the tombstone in the rain under the umbrella; the last scene of the fourth volume In the first scene, under the snowy night sky, Xia De and the doctor stand outside the dial on the top of the bell tower and look at the city in the snow. Dr. Xia De and Dr. Schneider were sitting on a pew outside the sunny church, one was reading the newspaper, the other was feeding the pigeons.

The adventure in the Randall Valley is temporarily over. In the next volume, Shad will be deeply involved in the diplomatic events that affect the historical process of the old continent, and witness the last lingering sound of an ancient crazy family.

There will be new witches appearing in the next volume as usual, and of course the characters in the past also have their own stories. Among the four members of the current group, Luvia revealed more secrets in the last volume, and the story of long-haired Luvia will continue to be written. And next, the princess and the female writer will learn where their particularity comes from. And the gift of fate has already marked the price.

The adventure of the black time key, the ancient witches who began to connect in series in the fifth era, the council of witches whose relationship with Shad has changed, and more secrets of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, these stories will continue to be revealed, and the stories are still exciting, please everyone Continue to support, and welcome comments and suggestions from genuine readers.

The story enters the sixth chapter, and the story of "Whispering Poetry" (also known as "The Legend of Detective Knight" and "The Sword of Silver Moon") will continue, and after "The Earth", please look forward to the sixth section "The Farthest Distance" .