MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 33

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"Xiao Lin, how is your work lately?" The old man's cheerful voice came from the phone.

Assistant Lin did not dare to neglect.

He replied respectfully: "Chairman, everything is fine in the company."

"Where's Xiao Qian?"

"The president has been working from home recently, so only important meetings will be hosted by the company."

Assistant Lin answered cautiously.

He was sent by the chairman to Mr. Su.

Three years ago, there was a major crisis in Su's family, and there was a big problem in the capital chain, and it was on the verge of bankruptcy.

As an Omega, Mr. Su received a lot of criticism.

Don't talk about the Su clan?

But Mr. Su, who was in danger, finally created a miracle with his powerful means and business acumen, which also proved the correctness of the chairman's original choice.

Assistant Lin has given up on President Su, but he was sent by the chairman to Su, after all, in addition to assisting and assisting, he is also the chairman's eyeliner.

Of course, this eyeliner is mainly in private life.

As for whether you want the boss to find A,? It's hard to say.

The original boss should have no idea of ​​marriage, and Assistant Lin also felt that no Alpha could make him move.

But now... all is unknown.

Recalling the things that were wrong with Mr. Su recently, and yesterday…

Assistant Lin recalled the scene where he entered the office of the chief executive this morning and was flushed by the strong AO pheromone.

It's been a night!

I don't know how intense the battle was yesterday.

What will happen to the AO who suddenly enter the **** period together? You don't have to guess, just think about it with your toes.

As long as it doesn't cause an accident, everyone is used to it.

In addition to a little gossip, I won't blame anything.

Assistant Lin sighed in his heart, but then heard the old man on the other end of the phone say, "I know what happened yesterday."

He froze.

The old man's voice continued to sound, "What's the matter with that little A...?"

"Su Zong seems to be in love."


Assistant Lin thought about it for a while, and said, "Boss Su has never mentioned it to me, but from various indications, President Su should be in love with that Mr. Su."

"Oh? What sign?" The old man became interested.

Assistant Lin threw a heavy bomb directly, "Su Zong let the other party live in the villa on the top of the mountain, and Su Zong has been in a hot period recently, and he has Mr. Su's Alpha information on him. white."

The old man on the opposite side was silent for a while before he said, "This is... really surprising."

The tone sounded quite emotional.

"It seems that Xiao Qian really likes this little Alpha."


I can let that Mr. Su live in his own house, and he doesn't mind the pheromone of the other party. After the **** attack, he will contact the other party as soon as possible...

It's not that the thunder of the sky stirs the fire, and it's strange to fall in love!

The old man over there was quiet for a while before saying, "I want to see this Mr. Su, please arrange it."

! !

Assistant Lin was shocked, it was too embarrassing for him!

"Chairman, I'm afraid it's not good... After all, this is Mr. Su's personal affairs, he may not agree..."

He is a small employee, how can He Dehe interfere in the private life of Su Zong!

And arrange for them to meet? With Su Zong's character, if he really makes his own decisions, he should just wait to pack up and leave.

On the opposite side, the old man pondered for a while, then nodded: "Indeed, Xiao Qian has always had his own opinions, and his personality is very stubborn. Most of the words he talks to him will turn his face."

"Ouch, what a headache..."

Assistant Lin remained silent, not wanting to take the blame, but the old man did not let him go.

"Xiao Lin, are you really helpless?"


"If you can think of a way, how about I give you a one-month bonus?" The old man tempted.

Assistant Lin is unmoved, can a month's bonus make him lose the trust of the president?

"Three months?"

At this moment, Assistant Lin felt a little shaken.

"Half a year." The old man gave an ultimatum.

Assistant Lin almost blurted out the word "Deal", but in the end he restrained it.

He hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "Boss Su will go on a business trip to country S in two days."

Old house, study.

Mr. Su put down the microphone with satisfaction, and said to the housekeeper next to him, "Old Zhang, in two's Friday afternoon, you can make arrangements."


Butler Zhang nodded in response.

After Mr. Su finished his instructions, his eyes fell on the computer screen in front of him again, he raised his hand and moved the mouse, and the image on the screen played again.

I saw that this video was a surveillance video, the time was yesterday afternoon, and it was located on the first floor of the Su's headquarters building.

In the video, a young man hurried in from outside the building, and then led by the front desk to the elevator.

When the elevator door opened, the old man who had been careless suddenly sat up straight and became fascinated. It seemed that there was finally a wonderful scene that interested him.

Mr. Su was very happy when he touched his hands, and when the young man got into the elevator, he happily dragged the mouse again, brought the video back to the beginning, and replayed it again.

He stroked his beard and said triumphantly to Butler Zhang: "Look at Li Xinhua's grandson, he can't fight at all, so he's so embarrassed to show it off to me, he fell down in less than a second, that's all Dare to call yourself an Alpha."

Then pointed at Jin Yao.

"This is Jin Zhongxia's precious grandson, right? He seems to be an excellent A. The last time I met him at morning tea, I secretly boasted how awesome his grandson is."

"My family's Jin Yao, even in the excellent A, is top-notch, the pheromone still smells of red wine, I don't know how many little O's lined up to be his grandson's daughter-in-law...Bah!"

Mr. Su imitated the tone of his old friend Jin Zhongxia, and he spat hard at the end.

Isn't it that he originally wanted to propose a marriage to him, to match Jin Yao and Xiao Qian? As a result, he just mentioned a few words and showed a little intention, but the old guy refused at all without giving face.

Since then, he has been burying this matter and his nose is up in the sky.

Is it great that his grandson is a top A?

Xiao Qian is still the top O!

How many times!

Proposing kisses to him will give him face!

He still doesn't want Xiaoqian to be spoiled by his male dog A.

Butler Zhang coughed lightly on the side, and Mr. Su paused, only to realize that he had scolded his heart.

He also coughed, then continued to look at the young man on the screen.

"What is the origin of this little Alpha?"

"This Xiao Su's full name is Su Yuzhou. He just turned 18 years old. In the medical examination at the hospital a week ago, he was found to be a high-quality Alpha. His parents are ordinary AOs."

You A's information will be published on the official website. While enjoying high-quality resources and treatment, you must also accept social supervision, which is very convenient to check.

"It's really a noble child from a poor family..."

Mr. Su couldn't help feeling emotional.

He is also an excellent A, but his younger generation is not very good. Except for Su Qian, who is an excellent O, the others are ordinary people, and the proportion of A is very small.

"Yes." Butler Zhang nodded. "Mr. Su's grades in school have always been very good. Every time he takes the exam, he is in the top three in the grade. This time, he also achieved very good results in the college entrance examination. Basically, you can go to famous schools in China."

"And during school, I had no bad hobbies and no emotional experience, and I had an excellent reputation among my classmates. She was a character similar to school grass..."

Speaking of this, he paused and said, "These are the preliminary information that I have learned. It will take some time to find out more details."

Mr. Su waved his hand, looked at the little Alpha in the image, and said, "There is no need to check the latter, Xiaoqian is not a good person, he can catch his eye, this child There shouldn't be any problems."

Butler Zhang hesitated.

"You mean it might be because of the pheromone?"

It is said that people with a pheromone match of 100% are destined to be together, and 100% will be attracted to each other.

"I don't rule out this possibility, but Xiao Qian's character... If the other person's character is not good, he'd rather cut off his own glands than accept him."

Mr. Su leaned back on the back of the chair and waved his hand, "Okay, I will go to the meeting on Friday to see it."

"What the **** is going on, then I'll know."

Cinema, Studio One.

The movie is over now, the ending song is playing, and Su Qian and Su Yuzhou are finally separated.

They have no idea, they have been arranged.

The author has something to say: If you have 2w nutrient solution tomorrow, you will continue to add more