MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 55

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Su Yuzhou straightened up, rubbed his fingers on the tip of his tongue, and pinched out a few white cat hairs that had been wet.

Glancing at Su Qian, who was being held down by him, he grinned and looked back at the cat on the bay window.

Xuehuasu looked at him innocently, seeing that they stopped, it didn't look anymore, and continued to lower his head and lick his hair.

Su Yuzhou retracted his gaze and continued to lie on Su Qian.

Although there were beads of sweat on his forehead, Mr. Su did not push him away, and looked at him with a pair of black eyes.

"It's hot..."

Su Yuzhou muttered, reached out to the man's belly, and said, "Your clothes are soaking wet."

Just now Su Qian was holding the snowflake cake, and the water from the cat dripped on him, leaving behind white cat hair.

Su Qian doesn't seem to care much.

He stared at Su Yuzhou, finally reached out and touched his cheek, and whispered, "Then go to the bathroom?"

Su Yuzhou looked into his eyes, quickly turned his face away a little shyly, and hummed softly.

So, Su Qian sat up.

The two left the utility room, closed the door before leaving, and walked into the next elevator together.

Su Qian directly pressed the third floor.

Su Yuzhou glanced at him and said nothing.

As soon as he walked into the bathroom, the door behind him was slammed shut, Su Yuzhou turned around subconsciously, and the man held his face and kissed him passionately and domineeringly.

The aromas of chestnut and coconut collide violently in this small bathroom and finally merge together.

Su Yuzhou had no way to resist, he stepped back all the way, and was pushed under the shower by the man.


His back slammed against the switch, and a cool stream of water suddenly sprayed from the shower, showering his head on them.

Su Qian's clothes that were already wet were beaten even more wet.

The shirt fits on the back, outlining the perfectly smooth muscle curve, thick shoulders, narrow and strong waist, **** and full of charm.

Su Yuzhou was dazed by his kiss, his eyes were covered with water, and there was a hazy feeling that he couldn't tell what this evening was.


The shower curtain was drawn, and only through the translucent curtain, two figures hugging each other could be seen…

Snowflake Cake officially stayed in Su Qian's villa.

It adapts very well, it is a little nervous on the first day, it is time to eat, sleep, and play the next day.

Su Qian also proposed to the housekeeping company to take care of pets, but Su Yuzhou is still preparing cat food for the time being. Housekeeping only needs to clean the pet room every day.

On Wednesday, Su Qian had to go to the company to host another meeting.

"Then I'm going out."

Su Yuzhou came out of the utility room when he heard Mr. Su standing at the door and turned to him.

He hurried over, stood on tiptoe and gave him a deep kiss, then said with a smile, "Come back early."


Mr. Su responded and walked out the door under his watch.

Su Yuzhou watched his back disappear at the door, smelling the aroma of chestnuts fading in the air, and somehow, his mood suddenly dropped.

He lowered his eyelashes slightly to hide the dim light under his eyes.


At this time, there was a cat meowing among the pets.

Su Yuzhou hurriedly packed his mood, opened the door and went in, and saw Snowflake Crisp lying on the bay window, scratching the glass window, he should want to go out.

It's a wild cat after all, so it's probably not accustomed to staying indoors.

As soon as Su Yuzhou came in, it stopped, looked back at him pitifully, and let out a small meow.

"I can't go out now, wait until the baby is born." Su Yuzhou walked over and touched its head lightly.

Then, he pushed down the snowflakes and checked to see if he could express the milk. The doctor said that if he could express it, he would almost give birth.

"Looks like we'll have to wait."

Su Yuzhou let go of the struggling kitten and stroked its fluffy head again.

The fluffy and soft hair is also very comfortable to touch.

Snowflakes lay down, revealing her shaved belly, which was bald and bulging, with five little beings waiting to be born.

Su Yuzhou felt a little nervous when he thought of this.

I don't know if it is difficult to deliver a cat...

He sat beside the bay window, accompanied by the snowflakes, and checked the information on the Internet, reading various strategies and experiences.

Gloves, cat paper diapers, these things, he bought them at the pet hospital, so long as you follow the guide, there should be no problem...

He looked down at Snowflakes, it lowered its head and licked its belly, so gentle and patient, as if it was also looking forward to the arrival of the baby.

Su Yuzhou looked at it in a trance.

Finally, he stretched out his finger and touched its head lightly.

At night, Su Qian didn't come back until about seven or eight o'clock.

There was a problem with one of the projects, so the meeting was a little late. When it was more than five o'clock, he told Su Yuzhou in advance to let him eat first without waiting for him.

Su Qian felt a little more at ease when he thought that there was still snowflakes with him at home.

This also made him realize that it seems good to have a cat at home, and when Su Yuzhou is at home alone, he will not be too lonely.

His car returned to the community, and when he drove to the villa, he saw the lights in the villa from a distance, which made Su Qian's heart completely put down.

Saying goodbye to Lao Xu, Su Qian opened the door and entered the room.

"Zhou Zhou, I'm back."

The lights were on on the first floor, but no one was there.

Su Qian took off his coat, hung it on a hanger next to him, took off his shoes, and put on an indoor mop.

I wanted to go upstairs to have a look, but when he reached the entrance of the stairs, he suddenly stopped, turned and walked towards the pet room.

The lights in the pet room were off, and when he opened the door, there was a cat meowing in the room.

Su Qian pressed the switch.

The pet room suddenly became brighter, Snowflakes squatted on the windowsill, her eyes narrowed because of the sudden bright light, and she looked at him nervously, but she did not run away like before.

Su Qian glanced at it, ignored it, and looked around for a week, and found that Su Yuzhou was not here either.

Did you go back to your room?

Su Qian turned around and closed the door, and continued to walk upstairs.

However, the light in Su Yuzhou's room was also turned off, and after turning it on, no one was seen.

Thinking of something, Su Qian suddenly froze.

He lifted his feet and walked down the second floor to the master bedroom, the door of his own room.

The lights in the room were also turned off.

Su Qian pursed his lips, remembering that he didn't see Su Yuzhou the second time he came back, and then found that he was not at home at all, and his chaotic heartbeat suddenly calmed down.

He took out his mobile phone, ready to call Su Yuzhou.

Maybe he went out to see his family or friends today?


At this moment, a muffled sound came from the room.

Su Qian stopped and his heart skipped a beat.

He reached out and twisted the door handle, pushed open the door, and looked at the room by the light in the corridor.

In the dim light, you can clearly see a lump on the bed.

He slightly curved the corners of his lips, endured the throbbing in his heart, put the phone back in his pocket, and walked in with his feet raised.


On the floor, a wine bottle rolled to his feet.

He also smelled it. In addition to the fragrance of coconut, there was a faint smell of alcohol in the air.

Su Yuzhou drinking?

Su Qian frowned, his thoughts dissipated a lot in an instant, he bent down to pick up the empty wine bottle, put it on the table next to him, then came to the bed and turned on the bedside lamp .

The light brings light and illuminates the bulge on the bed.

From the outside, it does not look like a humanoid, but there is obviously movement from the bottom.

Su Qian no longer hesitated and lifted the quilt.

Several pieces of clothes slipped off the bed and fell on the floor, the young man huddled under the quilt, surrounded by his clothes, and hugged his pillow tightly in his arms.

His face was flushed, I don't know if it was because of drinking or because of boredom.

Indistinctly, you can see the tears in the corners of his eyes.

"The boat?"

Su Qian looked at him, stretched out his hand with pity, touched his hot cheeks, touched the corners of his eyes with his fingertips, felt the wetness, and only felt a sting at the top of his heart.

And hearing his voice, the young man opened his eyes in confusion, looked at him and said, "Brother Su..."

Then, she pursed her lips.

He stared at him accusingly with tears in his eyes, but crawled out of the pile of clothes with his hands and feet, and sat on top of him, his legs wrapped around his waist , hug him tightly.

"You said you'd be back sooner..." He buried himself in his shoulder, his voice thick and nasal.

"I'm sorry." Su Qian patted his back comfortably and apologized very seriously.

He thought that Su Yuzhou's susceptibility period was over, but he didn't expect that not only did it not pass, but it became more serious.

Su Qian hugged him, pushed the clothes on the bed to the ground, and sat down.

The young man still haunts him like an octopus, for fear that if he relaxes, he will run away.

"I'm here, don't be afraid."

Su Qian kissed him on the cheek, learning to bathe the snowflakes that day, the young man coaxed the cat's tone and said softly.

The young man's tense body slowly relaxed, but his hands were still tightly wrapped around him, and his face was buried deep in his shoulders.

Su Qian rubbed the top of his hair and whispered, "Did you drink?"

"Um..." The young man replied.

"Why drink?"

"You're not... it's uncomfortable..." The young man rubbed against his neck, sniffing the breath on his body greedily.

Su Qian's heart moved slightly, and he asked again, "Why are you crying?"

Also...because of him?

Su Yuzhou fell silent, just when Su Qian thought he could not get an answer, the young Alpha said in a low voice, "I had a nightmare..."

Su Qian listened to his tone full of pain and sadness, and was slightly stunned. He just wanted him to stop recalling, but he heard the voice of the young man with a crying voice.

"I dreamed..."

"I don't have a home again..."

Su Yuzhou's voice was intermittent, the sad tone, obviously not too much ups and downs, but with great pain and grievance, "They don't want me again..."

"You say, is there something wrong with me? Why did you leave me..."

Su Yuzhou was immersed in the nightmare he had just had, as if he had returned to his childhood in his previous life, and changed back to the child who stood alone in front of the orphanage and watched his parents' car drive away.

He asked over and over again, but no matter whether he was in the past or this life, he could not get the answer.

No one can answer his question...

Thinking of this, he cried lowly, Su Qian clearly felt a damp and cold feeling on his shoulders.

Although he was a little puzzled as to why he said this, Su Qian still stretched out his hand and gently stroked the top of Su Yuzhou's hair.

"No, we Zhouzhou are so good and so cute, no one will be willing to leave you."

The young man was not persuaded by him, he put his pillow on his shoulder, and said as if lifeless: "But, my father and mother kicked me out...because I am Alpha...because Passionate period…”

"I don't have a home again..."


Su Qian listened to his sorrowful muttering and his cries, and only felt his heart throbbing like a piece of life had been gouged out.

He hugged Su Yuzhou tightly.

"This will be your home in the future, you can stay as long as you want, no one can drive you away."

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