MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 63

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In the carriage, two people looked at each other.

Su Qian looked at Su Yuzhou and slowly frowned.

He will come back if he needs?

"What about your own wishes?" Su Qian stared at him, "Do you want to come back?"

Su Yuzhou was slightly startled, he did not expect that Su Qian would ask him that.

He opened his mouth to say something,? At this moment, the phone rang and interrupted him.

It was from Su Lan.

Su Yuzhou answered the phone and made an appointment with her for a meeting place. After hanging up, he looked at Su Qian.

Su Qian looked at him, frowning tightly, in awe.

The fierce expression made Su Yuzhou look away, looking down at his phone.

"My mother has come to pick me up." He said, "What do you want to say? Let's talk about it after my military training."

"Take advantage of this time? Let's calm down."

"Why calm down?" Su Qian was puzzled.

Su Yuzhou glanced at him, pouted, "I don't think you are very calm now."


Su Qian looked forward, took a deep breath, and whispered, "Sorry."

"No sorry."

Su Yuzhou squeezed the phone tightly and whispered, "Brother Su, during my absence, you have to eat well? Take good care of yourself, as well as Snowflake Cake and the babies, too. please…"


Su Qian answered without looking away.

Then, he heard the sound of the young man opening the car door.

He thought that Su Yuzhou was going to leave like this, and hurriedly looked over, he saw the young man stopped in place with his back to him.

"Zhou Zhou?" Su Qian couldn't help calling him.

Su Yuzhou pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "Brother Su, you really need to tidy up."

"I don't want to… be so unclear."

After he finished speaking, he got out of the car directly.

Su Qian was a little stunned. When he went to the trunk to pick up his luggage, he quickly got out of the car and chased after him, helping him carry the suitcase out.

"Brother Su, then I'll go first."

Su Yuzhou dragged his suitcase and looked at the tall man's figure, but in the end he couldn't hold back and reached out to hug him.

"The boat..."

When Su Qian wanted to hug him back, Su Yuzhou had already let go of him and said with a smile, "It's too sunny outside, go back to the car."

"After our military training is over, I will call you."

He waved at Su Qian, then pulled the suitcase, and walked towards the opposite street without looking back.

Su Qian stood where he was and watched him go further and further. After passing the traffic light, he waited under the shade tree.

After a while, a red car stopped on the side of the road.


Su Yuzhou said hello to Su Lan and got into his little broken car.

The space seems a little narrow, the air conditioner is not so cool, and even a little stuffy, but he feels a different kind of warmth.

Su Lan glanced at him, then walked directly in front of him and sniffed the smell on him.

As my husband said, my son does have a chestnut-flavored Omega pheromone.

She couldn't help but glanced at the side of the road, but she didn't see anyone else, so she couldn't help asking: "What about... Xiao O? Why didn't you come here? What did you do to make people hate you? already?"

Su Yuzhou couldn't help laughing, "No, he wanted to come, but I didn't let him."

Su Lan couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Such a great opportunity!

She thought for a while, then calmed down immediately, nodded and said, "Yes, time is too tight now, and it is inconvenient to be in a hurry at home. After your military training, invite others to come. It's not too late to be a guest."

I can't catch up with Xiao oo in a hurry, so be patient! If you can't see your parents all at once, it's easy to scare away the little ones.

As for half a month, Xiao oo ran away with people? Well... then forget it, her son is an excellent A, and he was admitted to the S major, so there is no need to worry about it.

"Well, good! As expected of my son!"

Su Lan complimented Su Yuzhou, making him a little baffled.

Their car started slowly.

Su Yuzhou couldn't help but look back, vaguely seeing the figure still standing in the same place, he felt that his heart could not help but tug.

He pursed his lips and took out his phone from his bag.

“Ding Dong—”

The phone beeps, and Su Qian hurriedly took a look.


He pursed his lips slightly and began to edit the information.

Su Yuzhou looked at the information interface, which kept saying "The other party is typing", he waited, and finally, a new message popped up.

Brother Su: [Good. 】

Su Yuzhou pouted, a good word, does it take so long to type?

He put away his mobile phone and leaned on the window to watch the traffic outside.

Soon, Su Yuzhou returned home.

Papa Su had been waiting for them at the door for a long time. When he saw Su Lan's car, a happy smile burst out on his face. Just by looking at it, one could feel his sincerity. joy.

Su Yuzhou couldn't help laughing, stuck his head out of the car window and waved to him.

When he got off the car and went home, Su Yuzhou found out that his sister Su Yu was back!

"Hahaha, are you surprised?"

The young female Alpha patted her brother's shoulder hard and said, "Sister asked for a leave to fly back, is it interesting? Wait until Sunday, my elder sister will drive you to school in person!"

The Su family is rarely reunited, so naturally they are very happy.

In the evening, the family got together, and Dad Su prepared a sumptuous dinner. Su Lan also took out the good wine from his collection and prepared the mother and son to have a good drink.

This is a belated celebration for Su Yuzhou.

Before the meal, Su Yu took out her camera, and the family of four took a family photo, accompanied by a table full of food, which was lively and festive.

It's not the New Year, it's the New Year.

Compared with the liveliness of the Su family, Su Qian's villa seemed a little deserted and lonely.

Su Qian returned to the villa alone, when he turned on the light and looked at the empty house, he never felt that the house was too big for a moment.

He turned off the lights again, leaving only one or two light enough to see.

The chef did not come to prepare dinner without prior notice.

Su Qian looked at the kitchen, Su Yuzhou's voice seemed to echo in his ears, and even a phantom appeared in front of him, as if he saw the young man busy in the kitchen.

He just took a step forward and the phantom disappeared.

Su Qian pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly.

He walked to the cabinet, gently opened the cabinet door, and the snowflake cake glass jars inside were neatly stacked, just like when Su Yuzhou put them in by himself yesterday.

He took out the outermost jar, opened the lid, and took a bite into his mouth.

He chewed slowly and very carefully, smacking the taste.

It's fragrant, sweet, and… sour.

Su Qian stuffed a few pieces into his mouth until his mouth was full of sugar, until…

His heart was still filled with panic.

He doesn't understand, what does Su Yuzhou mean by asking him to sort it out? And is it unclear what he said?

Is there anything unclear between them?

Su Qian rubbed his eyebrows painfully, and finally picked up the jar of snowflakes, went to the sofa in the living room, and turned on the TV.

After a series of channel changes, it finally settled on the news channel.

He watched the news while eating the jar of snowflakes, and he didn't know when he fell asleep in the end.

The next day is Saturday and he does not need to go to work.

As soon as he woke up in the morning, Su Qian took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

Su Yuzhou did not send him a message.

He put away his mobile phone in a slump, watched the housekeeper come to clean, he got up and went back to the master bedroom.

Lying on his bed, Su Qian stared at the ceiling in a daze.

He seldom appeared in such a state, and seldom was so confused.

I feel sick all over my body and everywhere.

“Su Yuzhou…”

He muttered the name, and unconsciously flashed through his mind all the things that had happened to them this month.

I don't know how long it took, he couldn't help but stand up, thought about it, walked out of the master bedroom, and came to the guest room on the third floor.


Su Qian reacted and quickly closed the door.

Going to check if the windows are all closed, then he raised his eyes and looked around the room. Finally, he sat down beside the bed.

Slowly, he lay back.

Looking at the ceiling for a while, he finally reached out and pulled the neatly stacked quilt at the end of the bed and covered his head.

After a long time, the man turned over again, hugged the pillow that Su Yuzhou had used tightly in his arms, and sniffed the breath he had left on it.

For the first time in so many years, Su Qian felt so helpless, so... miss someone.

"The boat..."

In his sleep, he muttered, and when he was awakened by hunger, it was dark outside again.

He didn't do anything all day...

Realizing this, Su Qian couldn't help but smile.

Remembering that he had promised Su Yuzhou to eat well, he went downstairs, put the already cold breakfast in the microwave to heat, and went to the pet room to look at the cat.

Snowflake Crisp was thoroughly familiar with this place, and was no longer satisfied with staying in the pet room. As soon as he opened the door, it ran out of it.

Su Qian didn't bother to care about it, so he went in and looked at the cat.

He gently stroked each kitten's head.

After calming down, he looked at the room that was originally used for piling sundries, and suddenly realized... This place is also full of memories of him and Su Yuzhou.

Even these five kittens were gifts from Su Yuzhou...

Su Qian suddenly couldn't help it.

He lowered his head and touched his pocket, then got up and rummaged in the living room, and finally found his mobile phone in the guest room.

He opened the address book and called Su Yuzhou.


No one answered the phone.

Su Qian pursed his lips, and when the call was hung up because no one answered, he called up the input method again, deleted and deleted, and finally sent this message out.

In the evening, Su Yuzhou came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, picked up his phone and glanced at it, and suddenly stopped.

I saw a message behind the missed call.

Brother Su: [Zhou Zhou, I miss you a little]

Su Yuzhou looked at this message and couldn't help laughing. He called up the input method and edited the reply cracklingly.

In the guest room of the villa, Su Qian was lying on the bed, waiting quietly.

He threw the mobile phone on the bedside table, he had picked it up and checked it countless times, and if he continued to toss, the mobile phone battery was estimated to be dead.

Just as he got up and was about to go downstairs first to take out what was in the microwave...

“Ding Dong—”

The clear sound of the mobile phone sounded, Su Qian had never felt that the sound was so pleasant. He had already reached the door, and he hurriedly turned around and walked back, picked it up to check.

Zhou Zhou: [Think more~]

With a short reply, Su Qian felt like the rain after the rain, making his dead and anxious heart rejuvenated.

He sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at the screen of the phone, excitedly calling up the input method to reply, but suddenly stopped.

For a while, he didn't know how to reply.

Su Yuzhou didn't receive a reply until she dried her hair and lay on the bed ready to sleep.

Brother Su: [Good]

He looked at this reply, both angry and funny, but somehow, a trace of sweetness appeared in his heart, as if he had tasted his favorite chestnut cake again.

The author has something to say: the second update! I hope that the babies will collect the author's column a lot, memeda|( ̄3 ̄)|