MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 117 Difficulties

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  Chapter 117

  Lu Yang is roasting the Kui Niu with all his strength. This is a competition of wisdom, perseverance and luck. There is no room for sloppyness. For the time being, he did not pay attention to Uncle Ba's gloating expression.

  The roasted kui ox was finally roasted, and the aroma lingered in the kitchen for three days. The Sanweier Zhenhuo is indeed Lu Yang's original flame, and it really has something to offer.

  There are a total of 108 types of real fire in the world. With his own talent, Lu Yang forcibly added one. This kind of flame is naturally extraordinary!

   As long as Lu Yang wants to, he can directly open a chain of barbecue restaurants across the mainland! It is not impossible to open a barbecue sect!

   This is an opportunity that no amount of savagery can ask for!

   But Lu Yang is indifferent to fame and wealth, and has no intention of this at all.

  Lu Yang put the roasted Kui Niu on the plate, with roasted potatoes, roasted carrots, roasted cauliflower, etc. on the side as garnishes, and was about to serve it on the table. The puppet looked at Lu Yang unexpectedly, unexpectedly, he was quite thoughtful.

  When Lu Yang was about to leave the kitchen, he noticed that Kui Niu was missing a large piece of meat, exposing white bones.

  Lu Yang remembered the white bone raw meat pill that he had just exchanged.

   "What will happen if I give Kui Niu the White Bone Raw Meat Pill? Will it grow a piece of meat?" Lu Yang thought, if this is successful, it will be a great business opportunity!

  Lu Yang did what he said, opened Kui Niu's mouth, and forced him to take the elixir.

  A miraculous scene appeared. The wound of the Kui Niu corpse gave off a faint golden light, and the roasted Kui Niu slowly suspended, turned back to the state of raw meat, and floated to the wound, perfectly fitting.

  Lu Yang: "..."

   Is this scientific?

   You changed back to the meat I finally grilled? !

  The puppet didn't even hold back its laughter, it secretly laughed out.

  Lu Yang had no choice but to start over.

   Fortunately, with the experience of the first time, the speed of the second time is much faster. At the same time, Lu Yang also found that his proficiency in "Zhan Zi Jue", Sword Qi, and Sanweier Zhenhuo has also increased.

  Everything Lu Yang thinks, is this what the big sister means, to let himself grow through cooking?

   That's right, there is a kind of monk among the monks called the spiritual chef. Doesn't it just practice through cooking, and the cultivation of myself and the spiritual chef has the same effect.

   "Elder Sister, you have worked so hard!" Lu Yang was very moved.


  Elder Sister is full of heart, practicing in front of the dining table, all kinds of visions appear around, big stars fall, everything revives, thunder takes shape... It seems that all the visions in the world are concentrated here.

  She noticed Lu Yang's arrival, opened her eyes slowly, and all kinds of visions retracted into her body instantly, as if nothing had happened.

   "Roasted Kui Niu?" Yunzhi glanced at Lu Yang's carefully prepared dinner, without saying anything, motioned for Lu Yang to eat together.

  Lu Yang sat upright at the dining table, nervously waiting for the elder sister to eat first.

  Peel off a piece of versicolor versicolor, slightly open the mouth of the sandalwood, taste it lightly: "Not bad."

  Lu Yang let go of his fear.

  Yunzhi opened the storage space, took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Lu Yang. Lu Yang saw the words "Stomach-strengthening and Xiaoshi Pill" on the bottle.

"This is the classic elixir of Danding Peak. It can promote your digestion and absorption of food. The aura contained in the roasted kui ox is far beyond your tolerance. You should eat slowly and use the elixir as an aid to slowly absorb it. .”

   Facts have proved that Dan Dingfeng was established at the beginning of Wendaozong's creation, and it still stands today, and the elixirs it refines are sometimes very effective.

Lu Yang ate a small slice and chewed it lightly for a few times. The Kui beef slid into his stomach like a colloid, and the full aura rose in his stomach and rushed straight to the sky. The exhaustion of the roasted Kui beef was also swept away. The whole person is transparent.

  Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the elixir, meditated and practiced, feeling the wave after wave of spiritual energy in his body.

   The monsters that are eligible for Yunzhi to kill must have extremely high cultivation.

  Yunzhi ate the barbecue gracefully, chewing slowly, savoring the taste, now there are few things that can improve her cultivation.


  The seven elders gathered in the pine forest of Tianmen Peak. Except for the first elder and Yunzhi, all the senior officials of Wendaozong were present.

   Even the elusive suzerain is there.

   "You said that Lao Jiu is a good person, but if something happens, it will happen."

  "Life is impermanent, and who can predict the future?"

  The seven elders were discussing in a hurry, and the silent one who was meditating wanted to draw a sword for a duel.

   "Don't get angry, don't get angry, I will meditate quietly for three days, and I can't get out of the trance state during this period." Buyu Taoist repeatedly warned himself not to get angry.

  The seven elders took pleasure in their misfortune, and the ninth elder played with them all day long. If he had the opportunity to laugh at them today, he would naturally rush to laugh at them. This kind of opportunity will never happen in his life!

   "If you want me to say that Lao Jiu is still too small-minded, it is a good thing to have a very talented apprentice. Why is he so angry that he has a cerebral thrombosis?"

   "Nonsense, can this be called a cerebral thrombosis? This is obviously a vegetable!"

  The silent Taoist couldn't take it any longer, and roared angrily, "Don't bully people too much!"

   Who on earth leaked his affairs? !

  Xiaoyun? No, I can't beat her.

   That must be Lu Yang!

   "Old Ninth, you have today!" Uncle Ba said with a gloating smile.

  Uncle Ba liked flowers and plants when he was young. At that time, he said that there was a kind of cultivation method of plants and trees. He buried himself in the soil, exposed his head, and felt the aura of the earth with his body, so that his cultivation could grow.

  Uncle Ba is still unwilling to recall his stupid self!

  Lifetime shame!

   "Hey! Eat my sword!" Taoist Silently unleashed the Four Absolute Sword Formation and attacked the crowd. The seven elders immediately took a defensive posture, and a thunder appeared at the entrance of the cave, blocking the attack of the sword formation.

  The seven elders breathed a sigh of relief, Yunzhi's defense was still reliable.

   "Haha, Lao Jiu, your swordsmanship has regressed. You can't even get out of a small hole with your sword moves. If it were me, you would have come out a long time ago!" Uncle Ba laughed unscrupulously.

  The silent Taoist sneered: "If you have the ability, blast the hole open."

   "Heh, how difficult it is to blow open the entrance of a mere cave!" Uncle Ba slammed his palm with great momentum, hitting the entrance of the cave, and was also crushed by the thunder.

   "Accident, come again!" Uncle Ba didn't believe in evil, and tried again, but the attack was still resolved by Thunder.

  A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead: "I have calculated the position of the formation eye, but my means of attacking are limited, please help me!"

  The six elders readily agreed.

  The seven elders exerted their strength at the same time, attacking the position of the formation eye that Uncle Ba said, and there was a flash of lightning and thunder, and the entire pine forest was filled with chaos and rays of light, which was very frightening.

  The seal of the cave mansion seemed to be irritated, and a suction force was created, as if it could **** in everything in the world. Seeing that the situation was not good, the seven elders used various methods to escape, but they were unable to match the suction force and were sucked into the cave mansion.

  Seven elders: "..."

  Buyu Daoren was greatly moved. Is this the sincere friendship between teachers and brothers, sharing blessings and suffering together.


  Yunzhi, who was eating, suddenly paused, she felt that the seal left by her master had been touched.

  People of Dao Dao Sect have all kinds of whimsical ideas. Yunzhi was worried that someone would forcefully break the seal, so she set it on the seal. If someone forcibly broke the seal, the seal would **** the person into the cave and be sealed together.

   "There shouldn't be such a person, right?" She muttered to herself, not sure.

  (end of this chapter)