MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 132 A Dangerous Night (ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 132 A Dangerous Night (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou knew that, regardless of the heroic performance of the silent Taoist, this battle was destined to end without being so simple.

  In fact, the best way is for the Silent Taoist to take the two of them and flee here. He did not choose to do this, which shows that he has no confidence to protect the two of them from the awakened ancient fusion period.

  Lu Yang used a set of Big Sister Pictogram Fist to try to summon the Big Sister, but Lu Yang found that he couldn't use his spiritual power, and he couldn't even transform himself.

   Lu's Pictographic Fist is indeed a spell.

  Meng Jingzhou tried his current level: "Although he can't use mana, the strength of his physical body hasn't changed much."

   is good news.

   "What time is it?"

  Lu Yang recalled that in the second rule, he said [From Hai hour to Chen hour, the thatched hut with the door closed and the room in the inn with the door closed are absolutely safe, other places are dangerous].

   Haishi to Chenshi is from nine o'clock in the evening to nine o'clock in the morning.

   "It was Haishi when the car crashed, and now there is no one on the street. People must have gone home. We must find a place to stay overnight, or go to an inn!"

There are several thatched cottages with lights nearby. Meng Jingzhou knocked on the door and said politely: "My fellow, we are immortal cultivators who have strayed into this place. Please open the door and stay overnight. We will thank you very much, Jin Ling." You can pick whatever stone you want!"

  Meng Jingzhou tried several places in a row, but none of them opened the door.

  Lu Yang stopped him: "Don't waste your efforts, have you forgotten that the sixth rule is that you must never open the door when you hear the knock on the door? There must be not only us in Commoner Town, but also ordinary people, and they also need to abide by the rules."

  [Article 19: The people of this small town cannot disclose things about this small town to outsiders], which shows that there are aboriginal people in Commoner Town.

  Meng Jingzhou wanted to say something, but Lu Yang hissed, signaling to be quiet.

   There was a rattling sound not far away. The footsteps were heavy, and the breathing interval was large and heavy, indicating a large body. The frequency of the footsteps seemed to have four legs, or even more. Lu Yang didn't know what kind of monster it was.

  Lu Yang could even see the shadow of the monster around the corner.

   "Run!" Lu Yang whispered, and he and Meng Jingzhou ran away quickly.

   Before you know the opponent's realm and ability, you can't rush to face this kind of opponent.

   The two ran in the direction of the monster, but the monster didn't find them, and quickly got rid of the monster.

   The two stopped, listened quietly to the movement nearby, and confirmed that there were no monsters, then walked carefully on the street and found an inn.

  The inn was brightly lit, and there was a person in white clothes lazily lying on the counter, and two people dressed as traveling merchants were talking about which room to live in.

   "It can be regarded as finding an inn. I am exhausted, so I come to two Tianzihao rooms." The traveler slapped a silver coin on the counter.

  The companion hurriedly stopped: "Have you forgotten what it said on that piece of paper, you can't stay in the Tianzihao room!"

   "Do you really believe that piece of paper?"

   "It's better to believe that there is something than nothing." The companion took the silver ingot and looked at the blank paper. He felt very uneasy. He felt that this town was too weird, and he had to leave early tomorrow morning.

  He smiled apologetically and said to the man in white: "Please come to two rooms with a local name."

  The person in the white clothes accepted the money and gave the other party three keys without any intention of changing the money: "A group of people can only rent one room, and there are only three keys in total for the No. 3 room, all of which are given to you."

  Youshang frowned, this inn is too bad, how can a room with a local name be worth so much money.

  Lu Yang reminded the two: "You must abide by the rules on the white paper."

  The traveler's companion remembered that the rules said not to trust strangers easily, he couldn't understand Lu Yang's intentions, so he hurried upstairs.

  Meng Jingzhou was just about to say that he wanted a place with a famous brand, but Lu Yang picked up the pen and paper on the counter, and dragged Meng Jingzhou behind him.

  Meng Jingzhou suddenly realized, and remembered Rule 15 is [ask the innkeeper if you have any questions inside the inn, and ask the pharmacy owner if you have any questions outside the inn, but you can’t talk to them]

  Lu Yang wrote on the paper: Are you the owner of this inn?

  The boss wrote: Yes.

  Lu Yang took out a piece of silver and wrote: Open a house in a local name where no one has died.

  The boss took out three keys with the words "Dizi No. 4 Room" written on them.

  The two looked at each other and walked to the second floor. They noticed that there were ten rooms in total on the second floor, eight of which had black doors, and only rooms No. 3 and No. 4 were brown.

  House No. 3 belongs to traveling merchants, and room No. 4 belongs to them.

  The two of them walked in, and when they sat on the bed, they breathed a sigh of relief and noticed that their hearts were beating fast.

   "Didn't your family tell you about this kind of thing?" Lu Yang asked.

"Not at all. I didn't even know that the ability of the fusion period is to modify reality and set rules. I see that the elders of our family who are in the fusion period raise birds, flowers, fish, scold the street all day, and they don't seem to have this kind of ability. ah!"

  Lu Yang took it for granted, he didn't see how powerful Elder Wen Wenzong was.

   If he said that the elder sister has this ability, he would believe it.

  At the very least, it must meet the ability.

  Footsteps sounded, the steps were very light, it should be a person.

There was a knock on the door from the opposite side, with a gentle voice and a very low posture: "Guest officer, are you asleep? The boss accidentally gave you all three keys. I can't open the door. There is a freshly prepared dinner here. It's free. , please open the door, I will send it in for you!"

  The guest in Room 3 was not stupid. He knew that this was weird, so he followed the rules and did not respond to the other party.

  When the other party saw that the guest did not open the door, the knock on the door became louder and louder, and the bang bang bang could be heard throughout the corridor.

   "Guest officer, open the door!"

   "Open the door!"

   "I tell you to open the door, do you hear me?"

   "Believe it or not I smashed this door!"

  The opponent took off the disguise and knocked on the door violently. Fortunately, the door was of high quality and was not hammered open.

  The other party saw that the merchant was not fooled, so he changed his original gentle tone: "Then I put the food at the door."

  Youshang still didn't respond.

  The other party repeated the old trick, knocking on the door of Lu Yang and the two of them, first gently knocking on the door, and then the voice became louder and louder, less concealing their true nature.

   Still no one is fooled.

   Footsteps sounded, and the other party left.

   "No, the footsteps are too short, it doesn't sound like walking down or up the stairs at all, it's still on the second floor!" Lu Yang felt chills in his heart.

  He imagined a picture in his mind: the opponent supported the wall with both hands, hid on the top, waited for the traveler to relax, and secretly opened the door to get food, then fell from the sky and pounced on the opponent...

   I don't know that You Shang and Lu Yang have the same idea, but they are still cautious by nature, and have no intention of opening the door.

   "Go to sleep." Meng Jingzhou yawned. According to the rules, he must go to bed before midnight, that is, before eleven o'clock in the evening.

  He took out a quilt from the cabinet, spread it on the floor, and took the initiative to sleep under it.

   Then he blew out the candle, the room was pitch black, and the thin moonlight outside shone through the paper window into the room.

  Meng Jingzhou looked out the window and suffered a cardiac arrest.

  A black figure appeared outside the window, swaying left and right, as if holding on to the window sill, trying to stretch his neck to look in.

  The problem is that this is the second floor, how tall is the other side? !

   "Check whether the windows are plugged in!" Lu Yang shouted suddenly, he remembered that the rules say that the windows cannot be opened!

  After they came in, they just locked the door and forgot about the windows. They didn't know whether the windows were closed or plugged in!

  The two moved very quickly, and found that the window was not plugged in. They hurriedly plugged it in before the other party knocked on the window.

  Seeing the dark human figure outside through the window, my heart was pounding.

  The two spent the first night without any risk.

   (Add more changes for the leader's gluttony)

  (end of this chapter)