MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 3 Looks like an honest man

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  Chapter 3 Looks like an honest person

   "...Why is the common name more like the scientific name than the scientific name?" Lu Yang murmured in the back.

   "Because the first senior with a pure yang spiritual root called his spiritual root a single spiritual root." Yunzhi's cultivation was unfathomable, and Lu Yang's whispered complaints were no different from talking in her ear, and he could hear them clearly.

  Yunzhi paused for a moment, then said: "The world of cultivating immortals has the habit of respecting seniors who are single."

   It seems that saying more of this sentence can enhance persuasiveness.

  Meng Jingzhou passed the first test as a matter of course, and after Meng Jingzhou was Lu Yang.

   "Huh?! Another single spiritual root?!" Dai Bufan's pupils shrank, and he complained that he hadn't met a single spiritual root for a long time, but now there are two in a row.

   "Me, Shan Linggen?" Lu Yang pointed to himself, his heart was pounding, he always felt an auditory hallucination, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

   "That's right, you are a mutated single spirit root, a sword spirit root." Dai Bufan nodded affirmatively, he hadn't made a mistake in touching the root bone yet.

  Sword spirit root, natural sword species, unstoppable, the most powerful attack!

  Big sister Yunzhi looked at Lu Yang in surprise, she agreed to take the carriage just because of her own will, but she didn't expect that the two people on the carriage were top-notch cultivation geniuses.

  The eyes of the people became more and more eager, and they began to think about the girl who was the same age as Lu Yang, wishing to take Lu Yang away and join them in the forces behind them.

  Different from Meng Jingzhou who was backed by the Meng family, Lu Yang was obviously born as a mortal and had no support behind him.

  Excellent talent and no power, she is simply the best marriage partner.

  The most important thing is to be able to get married and have children!

  Lu Yang felt that everyone looked at him strangely, so he quickly entered the second level.

  Behind Dai Bufan is a bamboo forest, and the second level will be carried out in this bamboo forest.

   "How about it, what kind of spiritual root are you?" Meng Jingzhou quickly walked out of the shadow of a single spiritual root, and asked Lu Yang with great interest.

  So what about a single spiritual root, there are so many bones on the road to immortality, women are just pink skeletons, he doesn't need any beauties and fairies to accompany him!

   On the contrary, it is Lu Yang, although he can pass the first level, there is only one person with such transcendent talent as himself, and Lu Yang is at the level of dual spiritual roots.

  As a single-lingen peerless genius, he should care about mediocre geniuses.

   "Sword Spirit Root."

   "Your grandma's."

   "Huh?" Lu Yang was confused.

   Another half day passed, and the people in the back row entered the second level one after another, and Dai Bufan eliminated those who did not meet the standard at all.

Listening to the discussion of the people behind, it seems that there are a few more people with special physiques. Before they have time to find out the specific situation, the senior sister Yunzhi appeared in front of everyone, and said lightly, "The next step is to start the second level", and then disappeared directly , causing everyone to be baffled.

  Dense fog gradually rises, like smoke like waves, mighty like water, like a huge gauze covering everything in the bamboo forest.

  Everyone wanted to struggle subconsciously, but it didn't have much effect. They were weak and their consciousness gradually sank.

   This is the bamboo forest in the illusion, and it is a part of the guardian array. How can they resist it.

  Yunzhi drew a circle casually to dispel the mist and make room for a disciple of Wendaozong to stand behind her.

  Dai Bufan laughed and said: "Being trapped in the bamboo forest of the illusion will make them forget their identities, tests, and everything, and react in the most authentic way. I just don't know how many people can pass the second level this time."

   "I hope more people can pass. There are several good seedlings in this batch. It's a pity to fail in the second pass."

  Yunzhi never kicked Meng Jingzhou and Lu Yang out of the test, that's because the test questions Meng Jingzhou got were not from this year, but from 20 years ago.

   "I don't know which elder sold it."

   "Who does Junior Brother Dai think can pass the second test?"

   "Naturally, it is the ancient barbarian. The ancient barbarian is notoriously simple-minded, and there is no doubt about his heart."

   "I think the single spirit root and the sword spirit root are also good. They look like honest people."

  Yunzhi thought of the scene where Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou were discussing how to cheat in the carriage, and felt that the two of them could not be related to honest people.


   "Where am I?" The ancient barbarian man named Mangu looked around suspiciously, forgetting what happened just now.

  He was standing by the river with a worn-out ax in his hand. The small river was sparkling, which was really beautiful.

Mangu's hand slipped, and the old ax fell into the small river. Just as Mangu was about to fish it, he saw the small river bubbling and bubbling, and the bubbles grew bigger and bigger. A figure appeared, with three axes of different styles floating in front of him.

   "Young man, I am He Ling. Did you just drop this worn-out axe, or this spiritual weapon, the mountain-opening axe, or this immortal weapon, the sky-opening axe?"

  Spiritual Artifact Mountain-Opening Axe and Immortal Artifact Sky-Opening Axe, these are two famous axes in the Central Continent. Even a mortal without talent, once he obtains these two axes, he can soar into the sky and become a giant.

  Brutal Bone blurted out: "It's an old axe."

  He Ling showed a slight smile: "You are an honest young man, then I will give you all three axes."

  Brave bone passed the second level.

   "Look, I said that Mangu will definitely pass the second test. Let me see how the single spirit root and the sword spirit root are chosen." Dai Bufan continued to read with great interest.

  The second level tests honesty, and the standard for clearing the level is to get three axes.

  The river spirit is not an illusion. He was born in the small river surrounding the bamboo forest, and he is a natural creature.

  He has countless incarnations, enters the illusion, and tests everyone.

  He Ling likes honest people. There is only one way to pass the second level, which is to answer He Ling's questions honestly and let He Ling give him three axes.


   "Huh? Why did the ax fall into the river?" Lu Yang was a little strange. He felt as if an inexplicable force forced himself to drop the ax.

He Ling reappeared, and asked Lu Yang gently: "Young man, I am He Ling, did you drop this old axe, or this spiritual tool mountain-opening axe, or this fairy tool sky-opening axe? "

Lu Yang squatted down, his eyes swept over the three different axes, he looked up at He Ling as if looking at a mentally retarded person, with pity in his eyes: "Two axes belong to you, you don't know which two you have Ax, and ask me the other way around?"

  He Ling's smile was stiff, and he didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only follow Lu Yang's words: "I really don't know which two axes belong to me."

  Lu Yang looked at He Ling vigilantly: "Then if I choose an axe, don't you suddenly recall which two axes you remembered belonged to you."

   "Absolutely not." He Ling vowed.

   "Show me all three axes."

  He Ling handed all three axes to Lu Yang.

  Lu Yang changed hands and threw the ax into the river: "Can you ask the question again?"

  He Ling asked reflexively: "Did you just drop an old axe, or a spiritual weapon, a mountain-opening axe, or a fairy weapon, a sky-opening axe?"

   Lu Yang put on a smile on his face: "I lost it all."

  He Ling: "..."

  He Ling gritted his teeth and said, "You are an honest young man, then I will give you all three axes."

  (end of this chapter)