MTL - Why Did You Summon Me?-v2 Chapter 530 Aftermath

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Early the next morning, after a breakfast was delivered to the Emperor by Russell's Palace, she secretly yawned in an unnoticed space. She never slept well last night, because she heard the whole night in the palace. The screaming cry of the girl is said to come from the newly-loved Princess Miya's palace? And the maid in charge of cleaning the next day cleaned off several broken feather dusters, making it difficult to imagine what happened last night. .

"So why did you delay the whole day before coming back?" The emperor asked while eating early, facing Bai Yi, who was sitting beside him.

"I have to settle the displaced refugees by the way, and make sure by the way they are safe enough to take people into the palace, otherwise she would suddenly hurt and hurt?" Bai Yi replied.

"It's thoughtful, but these things, just tell the subordinates to do it." The emperor said, glanced at the silent Xiao Xiaoya sitting next to him, and asked: "Are you too vicious? A little bit? "

At this time, Xiao Mia didn't look too different in appearance, except that her eyes were slightly reddish, her mouth was pinched high, and she looked very unhappy, but she held yesterday in her arms. The little milk cat brought back from the town, the other hand was holding the milk foam from Bai Yi's side, and carefully fed the little wool ball with unopened eyes to the goat's milk. A fluffy little chicken was pacing around the table, looking curiously at this strange environment.

If you just look at it this way, everything seems to be fine, nothing has happened? But just looking at the layers of cushions under Xiao Miya's buttocks, you can guess what happened to her last night.

In fact, after returning to the palace yesterday after finishing a trivial matter, Mia ’s first reaction was to roll and sell Meng, but she saw Bai Yiyi left and right holding a feather duster and came over. She quickly called in exclamation, "Emperor Grandpa Helps" The emperor ignored him as if he had not heard it.

"It's such a big person, and the result is still wayward like a child. If I don't arrive in time, it's hard to imagine what will happen." Bai Yi said, and his heart was filled with fear. Had it not been for her presence, I'm afraid that Xiao Miya's character would have jumped in front of the messenger in spite of it? Then consider the indifference and strength of the angel, and the attitude of the **** stick to Roser. It is likely that the conflict broke out at the current level of Little Mia. Even if the **** costume is included, it is difficult to match the angel. After all, it is an enemy that makes the fifth mover in the void feel tricky, and even a powerful enemy that has been defeated by a nirvana.

But Mia didn't think so. Maybe it was because the first rebellious behavior successfully started the treason period that she was many years late. The little guy actually questioned Bai Yi's judgment? Especially after removing the angel's blindfold, checking the body proportions and development, and confirming that this is Lulu's body, she was naive to think that since Lulu became an angel, she would not hurt her, and she could also With the power of friendship to wake her up, instead of being hit by Bai Yi as she is now unconscious.

The basis of the judgment may be that the angel did not reach her when fighting with Bai Yi, and kindly pushed her away?

Bai also scoffed at this statement, taunting on the spot: "Friendship? What's the use? Really when friendship is magic? Are you a pony?"

A quarrel erupted between the father and the daughter, but this is not the main reason why Bai Yi wields feather feathers. The main thing is that he disposes of the captives. Mia insists that she take care of the unconscious Lulu. Bai also intends to Using more coercive methods, when the two were unable to hold each other, Xiao Mia was dizzy for a moment, and she also lost a water bomb in front of Bai.

"She regretted it afterwards, and apologized in tears last night, but she got up in the morning and didn't know why it was awkward again." Bai Yi explained.

"Woo is hurting now and I'm not allowed to drink medicine," Miya replied in a low voice, moving her buttocks a bit, her teeth grinning suddenly.

"Your teacher is also for your good. I support his judgment in this incident, and treat such strange beings as angels. Your ideas are too reckless. You must learn enough lessons." The emperor said, and explained: "But it ’s better to drink some medicine to cure the injury. I feel distressed when I look at it."

Bai also didn't speak, but just passed a bottle of purple potion for trauma silently. This is the latest sharp healing medicine developed by the Alchemy Institute and Wendini's family. Even severe trauma can be recovered in a short time. It is also the most high-end trauma drug on the market. It has been in short supply all year round.

The emperor recognized the potion based on the memory inherited from the book of submission to the world, and said: "Special experimental potion 666, the best healing medicine on the market known as the Purple Miracle. Many people use it as the last life-saving sign. It ’s been used for you in this way. It seems that your teacher still distresses you after all. ”

This remark made Miya a little moved, with a embarrassed burrow in her head, muttered quietly, "Thank you Mr. Hope", and then took a small sip of the potion, leaving most of the bottles carefully closed, look Are you going to give it to Lulu? But his face suddenly became much better. It seemed that even a small sip was very effective.

"Well, to get back to business, where are the captives now? What's the situation?" The emperor asked.

"I was imprisoned in a reinforced cell in the basement of the palace, the cage behind which you used to hold all kinds of fierce beasts. I have made some specializations, which should theoretically be safe enough." Bai Yi replied that he and Miya broke out Arguing is precisely because of this decision. It is not surprising that the little guy watched him treat his important friend as a beast.

"As for that **** stick, I threw it to Captain Eguis for help. He said that he would find some professionals with no sense of honor and compassion to deal with it. Sure enough, the transcript was sent this morning." Bai Yi continued. Then, she took out a roll of parchment paper and handed it to the emperor, and Xiao Miya blinked her eyes with curiosity, and she was also curious what the **** stick had done to her friend.

"Let me see if someone ’s carefully prepared packages are all used when they are useless? Well, it ’s really a cartilage, and there is no such thing as a stick." The emperor looked at the transcript, and from time to time he picked out some important content and told it to Miya. Listen, roughly the beginning and end of the event.

It turned out that the person's real name was not Yura, but a series of gurgles of alien names. He was originally a child of a small patriarch at the junction of Rosser and Manzello. Later, the conflict broke out and destroyed his home. He accumulated hatred for both Roser and Manzello, then fled to Manzello, was arrested as a slave, and was sent to Cunningham to build the so-called ascension tower.

Of course, he didn't know why the so-called ascension tower actually laid some inexplicable things on the ground. Anyway, he lived so turbulently until the emperor Russell rushed into Cunninghams a while ago, and there was a blast. After the bombing, he went away, accidentally killed several of his co-workers, including women who were stubborn, and he was cut off by the stray bullets. He was lying dead on the working site where he usually worked.

As he passed away, he remembered the words of Cunningham ’s usual gods ’mouths, praying to a **** he did n’t know, but he really got a response. A huge consciousness entered his body and repaired it. His injuries.

The angel did not take away his **, but instead introduced himself?

"The consciousness calls himself Nevesel, the fourth angel of the divine realm, serving Tiram, the **** of time, and the archangel under him. This time, the lower realm is the deity of tiram. With his authority, he is favored by the **** of power, Darance, and the blessing of his grace will surely make the world glorious. The emperor silently read these words that are not like what an uncultured **** stick can say. He sighed again: "A little information? A **** of power, I remember counting half acquaintances?"

"I encountered that before in the plane of Mas, which was caused by the fallen gods in order to steal this bad luck." Bai Yi helped him recall, "This time I blessed the angels of others' homes again, no wonder I said How could a physical attack be completely ineffective against her, and what she called the power of the void outside the rules could cause effective killing? Maybe this is the reason? Really, this guy has stretched his hands so long, no wonder he will be stabbed by his power . "

"But Tiram, the **** of time, doesn't have this guy in the bard's knowledge, which means he hasn't established his own sect in the world?" Bai Yi asked with some doubt.

"That guy who thinks in the lower body, do you expect him to collect all the religious data?" The emperor asked with a sneer, "but anyway, this is a relatively low-key deity, but the fantasies of the angels who have given their seats are long? It doesn't seem difficult to guess. "

Having said that, Bai Yi and Xiao Mia could not help but glanced at each other. Both knew that the angel's sudden lower bound was probably directed at the two of them. If this is the case, Xiao Mia and her alone contact is only possible. Even more dangerous.

It's just that both of them appeared in front of her at that time, and even met with her, but she didn't find anything wrong? Is this angel too stupid? Or do you hide too well? Or is the purpose of her nether not so simple?

These questions could not be answered in the diary's transcript, and his understanding of angels was limited to this. He really wanted to know more, and had to wait for the angel to wake up and ask her to understand.