MTL - Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead-Chapter 71 Back to

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The rough rhetoric of Deyi's maiden 僧 僧 肉 肉 最终 最终 最终 最终 最终 最终 最终 最终 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和Consoling yourself: The emperor's pets are all in the eyes of Meng Guogong. After waiting for this, they will be light!

The crowds hated the hatred of the heart, and then doubled their venting in Shen Huiru's body. All kinds of inhuman punishments appeared one after another, making her life worse. Look at his fingernails, his flesh-and-blood fingertips, and see that he doesn't have a good body. She curls up on the dirty bed and her eyes are filled with madness and sorrow.

On this day, Meng Jiajun, who was eagerly awaited by the Da Zhou people, finally set aside to Beijing and was stationed in the camp of the suburbs of Beijing. The place where they passed was welcomed by the people, and Zhou Wudi personally boarded the tower to meet. The soldiers were placed, and several generals took a black box and stepped into the forbidden palace. The ministers of civil and military were divided and looked at each other and looked at the eyes of the group.

This battle laid the prestige of the first fierce squad of the Gong Guo Gong Da Zhou, and the emperor killed 100,000 people in one fell swoop. The act of destroying the barbarians almost left an indelible impression on the hearts of the officers. After several battles, no one hated the barbarians more than them, and they were convinced of the young emperor of the iron and blood, and their awe was no less than their own coach.

"Show it up." Seeing the black box in the hands of Meng Guogong, Zhou Wudi's light flashed slightly and faintly opened.

Meng Guogong promised to hand over the scorpion to Chang Xi. The line of sight swiftly swept over the son of the generals of the military commander. Seeing his spirits and anger, his mood was suddenly complicated and difficult to say, and he did not know whether it was a worry or not.

Chang Xi opened the black box, the minister under the seat, especially the Wenchen, Qi Qi took a breath. It is not a rare treasure in it, but a skull made of lime. The head is round and round, and the expression is distorted. It is the king of Yelu Khan who was beheaded before the battle.

The ministers looked blank and bowed their heads. They were excited and proud of Meng Yanzhou and several generals who had just returned and were bloody.

Zhou Wudi was dark and dark, staring at the head in front of him for a long time. He finally smiled and laughed loudly. "Oh! I have vowed to sing the King of Yel in the rest of my life and sacrifice my blood for the week." The sorrow of millions of dead people. This oath has finally come true today!"

"The Emperor Shengming, so God bless me for a big week!" Meng Guogong stepped forward and turned his back. The young emperor has enough power to convince him.

"It’s not the sacred sacred, it’s the brave soldiers who are brave! Without you, where can I come to Aetna for a hundred years?" Zhou Wudi laughed and said that Chang Xi would proclaim the imperial decree of the three armed forces.

Meng Guogong hangs his head and his face is very dignified. He has been placed in a public servant, and he has no heavy rewards. Now that the reputation is going further, it’s a blessing for the Mon family. It’s time for the rapids to retreat.

Thinking of her daughter in the deep palace, she thought of her recent rumors that she was quite favored. Meng Guogong smiled bitterly. When the sacred decree was completed, she really only got some property, and she stepped forward and stepped up. "Returning to the emperor, Weichen was robbed and injured. Bone, it is hard to be qualified for the post of General Jianwei, and I urge the emperor to accept the official. This is the soldier, please take the emperor back."

Emperor Zhou Wu took over the tiger-shaped soldier from Chang Xi’s hand for a long time. The hall was quiet and surprising, and everyone was speculating about the minds of young emperors and secretly admiring Meng Guogong’s decision. Retreat at this time is undoubtedly the best time.

Already got the exact news from the dark guard, Meng Guogong's body was not a serious problem except for some minor frostbite. Zhou Wudi rubbed his cold tiger's hand in his hand and his expression was unpredictable. This is what he always wanted to get from Meng Guogong. However, he really has not been rare. Being in charge of the army depends on the heart and the power, not on a piece of dead.

Looking at the anxious generals under the seat, Zhou Wudi smiled and handed the tiger to Changxi, and slowly said, "Meng Guogong is stronger than younger men, a little frostbite, why is it to the point of resignation? If you are a good student, you will be able to raise your army. You will be able to lead the troops in a few days. The national government is the soul of my great Zhou Zhou. If you have a national servant, you can feel at ease. My Da Zhou people can feel at ease. This tiger will take you back."

After receiving the Hu Fu from Chang Xi, Meng Guogong did not dare to look at the king of God. Is this military power not something he has always been thinking about? How can it be returned? At this moment, Meng Guogong has made up thousands of intrigues and tricks, and he can't help but have a cold back.

Seeing the vigilance implied by Meng Guogong's eyes, Zhou Wudi sneered and immediately waved his hand to announce the dynasty.

Meng Guogong and his son walked side by side to the temple. They still had a hesitant expression on their faces, but they did not want to be stopped by Chang Xi. They said that it was the emperor who allowed him to meet with the German goddess, and he could not help but be overjoyed. Meng Yanzhou also keeps up with the fart.

When the father and son entered the tourmaline palace, they immediately stunned, only because the pattern in the tourmaline palace was very similar to that of Meng Sangxi's mortuary, except that the area was enlarged. The furnishings in the temple are not luxurious and exquisite, but the texture of Park is hard to hide their preciousness. There are many green potted plants in the room. The spring is full of the hall, and the rich incense is replaced by the faint fragrant fragrance. It is unconscious. I relaxed my mood.

Meng Sang was sitting in the main position, wearing a luxurious dress from a product, far from the momentum. The father and son stopped for two steps, and they were filled with excitement in their hearts.

"Get up!" Meng Sangzhen couldn't wait. He walked up to help his father and saw the frostbite on his father's hand. His eyes were red when he was standing, and the big tears fell down. The person was arrogant before, and when she arrived at the father, she was still the little girl who did not grow up.

"Silly boy crying, father is not coming back!" Meng Fu frowned, trying to wipe away tears for her daughter, saw her rough fingers and stopped, see her daughter's cheeks ruddy, eyebrows, and the body did not enter There is still abundance in front of the palace, obviously it is very good, my heart is comforted, and my eyes are slightly red.

Feng Wei was busy handing over a handkerchief, and Meng Yanzhou followed the gag, and the father and daughter of this singer regained their excitement.

"How can the emperor refuse to pick up your tiger?" He asked a little about his father's return and his brother's situation in Jinyiwei. Meng Sangqi took a cup and sipped and his expression was dignified.

"For the father to return to the dynasty, the emperor immediately took over as the father's military power, and feared that he would be well bowed by the scorpion." The father had already indicated to him the attitude of not wanting to fight for power. His taboo against the Meng family should be slightly reduced. After waiting for the father to mention this matter again, he will agree." Meng Guogong saw his daughter sent the palace, and this slowly analyzed.

"I think it should be like this." Meng Sang beheaded.

"How come? The emperor is such a hero, saying that trusting his father must be true. I think he has no intention of withdrawing military power. You think too much!" Meng Yanzhou waved his hand, and the face was full of the emperor. respect.

So quickly adjusted - teaches a loyal dog, and it's true that you have all the muscles in your head! Meng Sang's forehead's blue veins were pumped, but did not say anything. She knows that her brother is so simple-minded and pure-minded, and another person who is loyal and loyal is the subordinate who is most satisfied with the superior. With his attitude in Jin Yiwei, his career is absolutely good. It is not beautiful to instill in him some intrigues.

Obviously, Meng Guogong thinks the same way. The father and the daughter look at each other and the tacit understanding bypasses this topic.

Meng Sang sees Meng's father's face with no different colors. Turning the teacup in his hand, he decided to open his mouth. "Isn't I received the letter from my family before my father was trapped in the muddy beach?"

"Family letter?" Meng Guogong frowned and said, "There is no. After being rescued, he was busy with the war. The clerk did not mention it to the father. It should be mixed in the official document. Wait for the father to look for it."

Meng Sang-hung’s high-hanging heart was put down immediately, and his father did not see it. The secret of this royal family should let it rot alone, and the less people know the better. She waved her hand and said with a prudent tone. "After the father finds it, he will pay for it. Don't take it apart." Fortunately, she uses a password to write it, and it does not matter to others.

Meng's face changed slightly, but he did not ask for his trust in his daughter. He only nodded his promise. Since the father promised, he would do it. Meng Sangzhen was completely relieved, and his face showed a smile. Meng Yanzhou’s second monk couldn’t figure it out, but he also knew that his father and sister always had a lot of things to look at themselves.

The trio also talked for a while, and the father-in-law was awkward, and finally told the daughter about the troubles that were in the bottom of my heart. "Hey, this is the father’s death. There are also your uncle’s handwriting. If not, he is The father's mount moved his hands and feet, and the father would not be trapped in muddy beaches. He almost died. He joined Xie Zhenghao and wanted to remove the father and Han Changping, and seized the title and military power of the father."

Meng Sang tweeted his eyebrows, and two sets of anger were ignited in his eyes. Meng Yanzhou almost made a filming. The second uncle was favored by Mrs. Meng’s wife. Because he was also a blind man, he had many embarrassments about his brother’s title. He had not only had a black hand on the battlefield. If there was no old lady’s support, Meng’s father wanted to be separated from him. I didn’t think that Mrs. Meng’s wife had gone. He lost his reliance. Not only did he not converge, but he did not look at his own military strength and wealth and wealth.

Meng Sangqi shook his fist and said coldly, "Collaborate with Xie Zhenghao? This is the crime of selling the country to the enemy! If the emperor knows it, the Meng family will suffer from him!" For this uncle who wants to harm his family, In addition to disgusting, Meng Sangzhen really did not have a half-hearted family.

"Or the mother and sister are right. The second uncle is a scourge. It is time to split up!" Meng Yanzhou was filled with indignation and the teeth biting.

Seeing the children's hearts toward themselves, Meng's dignified face was slightly relaxed, and he sighed. "For the father, he has already dealt with him before the battle. He also gave him a good reputation for his death. Only two of you and one pair." Children and fathers do not know how to resettle." As a military coach, how can Meng Guogong be a kind-hearted person? He will obey the ethical family on the big face, but if he touches his own bottom line, he can't give up. In the choice between the Meng family and the second house, the father did not hesitate to choose the ethnic group, and there was no sorrow except for the relief. His tolerance for the second house has already exceeded the limit. I believe that under the Jiuquan, the ancestors of the Meng family will also understand his practices.

"Buy a Zhuangzi outside and let them live in." The culprit is dead, Meng Sangqi is relieved and his tone is extremely cold.

When the father-in-law was indulging for a moment, he shook his head. "The two houses have not yet been separated. They are now loyal and sorrowful. People in Beijing are watching. It’s too bad for the father to do it, or bring it back to the government. Let's talk about it in the year."

"This is also good." Meng Sang bowed his head and agreed. Meng Yanzhou has no room to interject, and no one will listen to his opinions.

At this moment, the voice of the **** was heard outside the hall, and Zhou Wudi made a big step by opening the bead curtain.