MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 27 (1)

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"Didn't you say missions are random?"

Tang Li complained: "I don't think this is random, it's more like it was generated after reading the actual situation."

The system chuckled: "Guess."

Listening to the schadenfreude laughter, it seems that this "special" task was temporarily pulled out of the database by someone and forced to cut the queue to be released.

Chu Chisi was holding the coffee, and seeing Tang Li's tangled face, she didn't move the cup of medicine for a long time, and said, "I mixed some cold water, it's not hot."

Tang Li pretended to cough a few times.

She lay weakly on the sofa, her face was pale and bloodless, she managed to lift her gauze-bound hand, her voice hoarse: "...Chi Si...I hurt..."

Chu Chisi: "Oh."

Cold, ruthless, and ignorant.

Leaning on the coffee table, she picked up Kirby who fell to the ground, patted the dust on it lightly, put it next to her, and rubbed the soft fluff.

Chu Chisi loved and cherished the doll in every possible way, but he treated Tang Li with ignorance.

I didn't receive any hints from her at all.

Tang Li cried silently in her heart.

For the sake of her daily task, Tang Li was desperate. She bit her lip and her eyes were watery: "Chi Si, I'm very weak, I don't have the strength, and I can't pick it up."

Chu Chisi finally understood: "You want me to help you?"

In her skeptical eyes, Tang Li nodded with anticipation and joy.

Chu Chisi put down the coffee cup and thought about something.

After a while, Chu Chisi left the living room silently. When he came back, he had a small porcelain-white spoon in his hand, pulled a chair and sat down beside Tang Li.

She asked, "Can I sit up?"

Tang Li, who had already straightened up halfway, immediately slumped onto the pillow, her anger dangling, and her voice was delicate and weak: "No."

Chu Chisi: "..."

It's a Schrödinger-like state of weakness.

When it is not observed by oneself, it is in a state of double superposition of weakness and liveliness. Only when it is observed will it immediately lie down and cry softly in pain. ①

Chu Chisi sighed and leaned down. Arms wrapped around Tang Li's neck, gently resting on her shoulders.

The two were so close that they could hear each other breathing.

Chu Chisi didn't tie his hair again. The long black hair flowed down his shoulders, and a few strands fell on Tang Li's cheeks. The feather-like fluff gently scratched the skin.

Tang Li can smell some dark fragrance, which is cool and quiet.

She raised her eyes slightly, her heart beating a little faster. Chu Chisi's profile was close at hand, her long eyelashes were dense, the tip of her nose was upturned, and her lips were dyed with a touch of soft red.

Just get a little closer and you can taste it.

Tang Li obediently remained motionless, letting the other party support him, but quietly transferred a little weight away, so that Chu Chisi could feel more relaxed.

Chu Chisi helped Tang Li up, and she looked around, planning to find something to put behind Tang Li.

There were no extra decorations in the house, Chu Chisi saw the Kirby doll with wide eyes on the coffee table at a glance, and was about to reach out.

As a result, Chu Chisi looked at the pink dumpling with a hesitant expression for the first time, so he reached out and rubbed Kirby's head, then brought Tang Li a pillow.

Tang Li: "..."

Damn it, just pet that broken doll!

She felt sour in her heart, overturned the old jealousy, and hated herself for throwing darts in the game city before, why did she win Kirby back and give it to Chu Chisi.

Didn't this give me a completely invincible, soft, cute and fluffy rival in love that stood in front of me like a mountain?

Win the game, lose the wife.

Tang Li's mood was probably like this.

"The housekeeper took you to the hospital for an examination before, and the wound was bandaged by the doctor," Chu Chisi said lightly, "There is no internal injury, and you need to drink and change the medicine regularly."

The few kicks he was kicked before were extremely savage, plus this body was already delicate, how could there be no serious internal injuries?

It is only possible that the system has modified the judgment.

As soon as Tang Li asked, the system confirmed her guess: "You guessed right, this body has a ruptured spleen and severe internal bleeding, and it is absolutely impossible to survive."

"After you passed out, I went to the background to revise and delete all the serious negative states, so that you can barely save your life."

The system said: "How about it, thank me quickly?"

"Thank you, you are finally useful," Tang Li breathed a sigh of relief, "It's a pity that this node is back to the reset point now."

Chu Chisi lowered his head, and the small porcelain spoon was submerged in the thick medicinal soup, stirring gently.

Thin white fingers pinched the spoon, delicate and beautiful everywhere.

The medicinal soup made a circle of fine ripples, and the bitter medicinal smell slowly gushed out, dispersing in the cold air of the room, but the lips and teeth did not feel bitter, but could taste some fine snow-like sweetness.

Chu Chisi picked up a spoon and handed it to Tang Li's lips.

Her expression was calm and her movements were natural, but Tang Li turned into the one who was a little embarrassed, lowered her head hesitantly, and covered her face with her long falling hair.

The tip of the tongue tasted a little medicinal soup, which was really bitter.

Different from the grass-like fragrance on Chu Chisi's body, a variety of medicinal materials were finely mashed and boiled for a long time. A few herbs covered the sweetness, leaving only the bitter taste.

Tang Li frowned and knocked on the system: "Chinese medicine is not so bitter, right? Is the original body so sensitive to the bitter taste?"

System: "Yes, you guessed it right."

Tang Li rested her forehead and swallowed the small spoonful of the medicinal soup reluctantly. The tip of her tongue was numb and dry, and her throat was full of bitter taste.

Chu Chi thought calmly and picked up another spoon.

Tang Li: "...this..."

"Very bitter?" Chu Chisi tilted her head, she handed the small spoon to her mouth, the medicinal soup moistened her lips, and the tooth shell bit her lightly, revealing a little redness.

Tang Li's throat was tight and dry.

It's incredibly soft, reminiscent of the strawberry-flavored marshmallows that I loved when I was a kid.

Melted in strands on the tip of the teeth.

"It does have a bit of bitterness," Chu Chisi said, "I'll ask the housekeeper to add some rock candy next time."

Tang Li's heart was completely dissipated, and she didn't hear what Chu Chisi was saying.

Her breathing was a little short, and she always felt her cheeks get hot, her eyes glazed over Chu Chisi's hand, and then she landed on the small white porcelain spoon, her heart beating wildly.

Is this... an indirect kiss?

Seeing that the next spoon had been handed over, Tang Lifei quickly dismissed the "Daily Mission Completed" screen.

She almost "snatched" the cup and porcelain spoon from Chu Chisi's hands, her voice trembling a little: "I'll do it myself."

Chu Chisi smiled but leaned back: "Didn't you still scream about pain before? I thought you were so seriously injured that you couldn't even lift your arms."

Tang Li didn't even bother to refute, so he closed his eyes and sighed, and poured the whole cup of medicinal soup down.

The heavy and thick bitterness rushed into the throat cavity, into the flesh and blood, and spread along every muscle and vein.

The body's reaction was extremely violent, and the bitter taste made her scalp tingle. Tang Li's throat was sweet, and she quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth to prevent the medicinal soup from being vomited.

The system gave her a thumbs up: "He's a ruthless person."

The original body can scream for a long time when she touches a bit of bitterness, but she can directly pour the whole cup without changing her face, which is really not ordinary endurance.

Tang Li sighed: "Long pain is worse than short pain. Instead of drinking it slowly one by one, it is better to fill it in one breath."

Despite the swiftness of her covering her mouth, a few drops of the medicinal soup overflowed, wet her knuckles, and ran down her jaw.

Tick, droplets fell into the neckline.

A small piece of the slightly open collar was moistened and sank into her neck, staining her fair skin with water.

The remaining water droplets slowly slid down and down along the slender and beautiful collarbone, slid down, and hid in the soft shadow.

The water marks are crystal clear, and the heart is itchy.

Chu Chisi was silent, looked at her for a while, and silently took out a few tissues and handed it to Tang Li: "Here."

"Cough, cough," Tang Li swallowed the bitter taste and took the tissue from her hand, "Thanks...cough, thank you."

Tang Li moved in a hurry, her fingertips brushed the back of Chu Chisi's hand, slightly itchy, light and soft, leaving a faint fragrance or two.

She wiped her chin and collar a little embarrassedly, and sighed in her heart how delicate the original body was.

When he raised his head again, Chu Chisi turned his head away.

As if deliberately avoiding his sight.

She must have disliked her trash appearance. Tang Li wept silently in her heart. She crumpled all the tissues into small **** and threw them into the trash can angrily. .

The daily tasks were successfully completed, and Tang Li was no longer "concerned".

She collapsed on the sofa and acted like a salted fish with peace of mind. The system unexpectedly didn't disturb her, allowing Tang Li to rest quietly for a few hours.

"Jingle Bell-"

The sudden sound broke the silence, but it was not from the system, but Tang Li's own phone rang.

Someone actually called me?

Tang Li stood up suspiciously, barely reached the phone placed on the coffee table, and with a swipe, it was actually a call from [Mother].

She answered the phone: "Hello?"

"Little pear, where are you?" Mother Tang's voice came from the phone, and she felt a little anxious, "Didn't you say that the live broadcast this afternoon, where are the people?"

Tang Li: "!!"

In the past few days, she is busy with daily tasks and time-limited tasks, and she has to take care of Chu Chisi secretly.

"I'll get ready, and I'll go there right away." Tang Li endured the pain, and barely stood up on the sofa, "Wait for me for about an hour."

Mother Tang said, "Well, we'll wait for you at home."

Although the recovery of health is very slow, it is much better than the situation last night.

Although it hurts, I can barely move.

Chu Chisi was not at home, Tang Li simply changed into a loose piece of daily clothes, and asked the family to drive him to Tang's house.

The original body's dazzling array of cosmetics, as well as all kinds of gorgeous dresses, Tang Li, were not taken away. They were all still in the original room, but they could be used directly.

The live broadcast is scheduled for 3:00 pm, just after lunch, when everyone is very busy.

Since Tang Li's live broadcast announcement a few days ago, the popularity on Beimeng's largest social media "ally" has remained high.

The melon-eating crowd revolved around this once arrogant and lawless eldest lady of the Tang family, and there were hundreds of thousands of discussions.

Of course, Tang Li's purpose is not this.

The hotter the discussion, the more attention it can attract to specific groups. They are powerful and powerful in the Beimeng, and they are the customers who can really buy paintings at high prices.

The higher the transaction price, the more money the Tang family can get, excluding the part to be donated to charitable organizations, so that the debt hole can be closed as soon as possible, so that the business that is on the verge of bankruptcy can have a chance to deal with it.

"What should I wear for the live broadcast?"

Tang Li looked at the things in front of her, and her head started to hurt.

There are many things in the original body, a wardrobe full of exquisite evening dresses, mountains of gemstone jewelry, and even a whole set of furniture decorated with blue crystals in the house.

"Designer evening dresses priced at hundreds of thousands, a dazzling collection of paintings, and millions of jewelry and furniture... I have reason to suspect that the Tang family was bankrupted by her for Huo Huo."

Tang Li rubbed his brows and flipped through the piles of overly gorgeous and extravagant clothes, very distressed: "It's difficult."

She wants to attract attention, but she can't dress too much and the live broadcast room is blocked, not to mention that she has several bandages wrapped around her body, which must be covered up.

In case someone sees it, the real-time trend tonight is probably not #tangliliveroom#, but #tang da miss was beaten so heartily#, #shock, tang da miss S that M's Play# and other strange things entry.

The system was watching: "You said, will Chu Chisi come to see it?"

"It should be." Tang Li said.

will come and watch me. She added in her mind.

"Then it must be dressed better," the system became excited when he said this, "The original body is already good-looking, and when she dresses up, she must be a bright and beautiful beauty."

"Let Chu Chisi eat so much jealousy and create a huge sense of crisis that he doesn't work hard for his girlfriend... ah no, his wife will be taken away by others,"

The system enthusiastically suggested: "Then I will give you a good impression. The progress of our script can fly a thousand miles! 100% completion is within reach!"

Tang Li rolled her eyes at her: "Do you think it's possible?"

The system is honest: "Unlikely."

This is a beautiful scene that can only appear in a dream.

"That's not it," Tang Li said indifferently, "it's even harder to make Chu Chisi jealous than the sky. I just want to auction the painting more expensively to prevent the Tang family from going bankrupt as soon as possible."

You know, in this crisis-ridden script world, the Tang family can be said to be one of her few [safety points], the last resort.

If he really only pays attention to Chu Chisi like other raiders, and allows the Tang family to go to ruin, it is equivalent to destroying his own retreat and losing a place to rely on in times of crisis.

There is no retreat, there are cliffs and abyss on all sides.

Therefore, even if the system emphasizes that this is just a side quest, Tang Li must, and must completely keep the Tang family's position. .

After careful consideration, Tang Li chose a beautiful ivory white dress. She let down her long hair to cover the wound on her forehead, put on long gloves to cover up the wound on her arm, and looked at herself in the mirror.

Elegant, sober beauty.

Tang Li looked at the mirror, her fingertips touched the piece of smooth and transparent glass, and slowly rubbed along her brows with light makeup.

When she smiled, the people in the mirror laughed too. She was silent, and the people in the mirror looked indifferent: happiness, anger, sadness, joy, greed, hatred, infatuation, and all of them were completely reflected.

But 'she' is not her, but another person.

Everything is an illusion, a deception.

"All appearances are false", this Buddhist sutra is unexpectedly in line with modern science: everything we perceive and observe is just the product of subjective consciousness. ②

We look up at the sky, and the "starlight" we see may come from countless light-years away, from a star that has long since disappeared and no longer exists.

The stars are gone, but we still see the light, so what is real?

Scholars of Beimeng Academy of Sciences have been entangled in this problem all their lives, using formulas and equations, using entropy and quantum mechanics, to try to touch the reality of the world.

However, even they can't explain it, let alone Tang Li; perhaps, only the so-called "gods" really know the answer.

Tang Li covered her face in the mirror, she closed her eyes and put her forehead on the back of her hand.

A little bit of bitterness came out of his throat.

The door next to her was "knocked". It turned out that Mother Tang walked in. She saw her daughter's delicate makeup and elegant white dress, and her eyes lit up.

"As expected of my precious daughter, she is so beautiful."

With a smile on her face, Mother Tang bent down and gently lifted her cheek: "She's already a big girl."

Tang Li smiled and said nothing.

"Are the paintings ready?" she asked. "I plan to start with the smaller ones, and save the most expensive ones for the end."

Mother Tang: "I'll listen to you, I'm ready."

There were only a handful of servants left in the once-great Tang family, who looked at Tang Li with complicated and puzzled eyes, wondering why the eldest young lady who climbed the high branch had come back to help.

Tang Li calmly opened the live broadcast room.

In that short moment, a huge amount of data poured in, the barrage swiped like crazy, and the screen was densely covered.

The number of popularity is beating, increasing wildly in multiples.

Suddenly, a loud sound of electric current broke into Tang Li's ears, making her eardrum hurt, causing her to frown.

"Whoosh whoo—"

"Hey, you're so hot, smack—"

The sound of the system froze for a while, and was poured into the auricle with the sound of sizzling electric current, but it quickly returned to normal:

"Scared me, the program almost crashed."

"Can you guys be more reliable?" Tang Li was speechless. "Can you shut down the entire system with a live broadcast?"

The system said: "I didn't expect you to be so popular. I didn't open all the memory before, but now it's much better after I open it."

Tang Li leaned over to look at the barrage. Basically, many of them were scolding her, and there were all kinds of despicable and shameless remarks. There were also some people who were eating melons and watching the excitement.

She smiled slightly, her voice sweet: "Good afternoon everyone."

"Welcome to my live room.".

On the other side of Mirare-In's R&D area A, two people were sneakily hiding in the pantry, staring closely at the same mobile phone screen.

"Damn it, this person is really shameless!"

Pai Pai roared, and burst into a series of barrages: "To actually dare to start a live broadcast, it must be to rub off on our sister Chi Si's popularity! Despicable villain! Shameless and vulgar!"

Assistant Xi hurried to cover her mouth: "keep your voice down, we are fishing during work hours, don't let the outside hear it."

"Che, what if you hear it?"

Paipai pouted, "Go to the workstation to watch it yourself. Nine of the ten employees are secretly watching the live broadcast. We are just being bolder and sneaking into the pantry to watch."

Xibian: "..."

Sounds so reasonable.

In the screen of the mobile phone, Tang Li smiled and looked calm, as if she could not see the barrage full of scolding her, she carefully and seriously introduced the artwork.

It can be seen that she has definitely prepared carefully. She is very familiar with each painting, and cheerfully and generously introduces the year, author, materials, and the story behind it in detail.

Because it is too detailed, the heat has dropped a lot.

However, at the same time, the black screen of the barrage has undergone a little subtle change, and in the torrent of scolding, some other voices appeared:

"Don't say, the analysis of this artist is in place." "I didn't expect shells to be used in paintings. The anchor is very professional." "Wow, I even did an appraisal, so serious."

There were only a few, and they were quickly wiped out.

"What, how could that eldest lady who pulls her crotch be so familiar with artworks," Pai Pai insisted on her Tang Li Wannian Hei position, "She must be memorizing manuscripts!"

Xi Bianyan said: "If she can recite such a smooth effect when reciting manuscripts, then I really admire her."

"Sister Xi! Can't you?!"

Pai Pai shouted, "You can't betray Sister Chi Si!!"

Her voice was loud, and the door of the pantry, which had been jarred by the tremor, opened a few threads, and she could just see a person passing by the pantry.

Chu Chisi was holding a cup of coffee, dressed in a formal suit, and looked at the two of them helplessly: "What are you betraying?"

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Speaking of Chu Chisi, she also arrived.

The two were dumbfounded and dared not speak.

Chu Chisi opened the door, walked in with long legs, and placed the coffee cup on the table next to him.

She leaned on the edge of the table in a good time, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "What are you two doing?"

Pai Pai was stunned: "This..."

Assistant Xi nudged her with his elbow, and quickly took over: "We are watching the live broadcast, Miss Tang's live broadcast."

Chu Chi sighed, her eyebrows raised slightly, her smile grew stronger, and she asked leisurely, "What do you think?"

What do you think [how]?

No matter how you look at it, it's a sending proposition!

Pai Pai and Assistant Xi almost shivered without hugging each other.

Wearing titles such as "Star of the Northern Alliance" and "Genius of the Century", Chu Chisi looks aloof and inhuman, but in private he is actually a very easy-going person.

She seldom scolds people, but will point out problems or areas for improvement in detail and seriously, not right to people, so everyone has always been very good at her.

But when such a beautiful person smiled and his voice was soft and gentle, everyone knew that something was wrong:

Chu Chisi was a little angry.

Pai Pai and Xi Bian Ai stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, you look at me, I look at you, hesitantly and hesitantly, they didn't say why.

Chu Chisi smiled again: "How about going to the conference room to see it? You can also put it on the big screen."

The two bowed their heads cowardly, not daring to speak.

Five minutes later, the blackout curtains in the conference room were automatically lowered, and Tang Li's live broadcast room was so "grandly" projected onto the screen of the conference room.

Chu Chisi sat with her legs crossed, her knuckles gently touching her forehead, and the bright and dim light fell on her, making her even more unpredictable and difficult to guess.

The two clerks continued to shiver.

The live broadcast was about halfway through, and half of the artwork to be auctioned had just been introduced. Tang Li deliberately stopped to answer the audience's questions while resting.

For some reason, her movements were a little strange.

Tang Li was holding the water cup and was about to drink it when she suddenly froze and turned to her side, as if she was talking to someone next to her.

After a while, she slowly turned around and smiled stiffly: "Everyone... I will choose five questions about my personal relationship to answer...".

View to the other side.

Tang Li looked at the large characters of [Limited Time Mission] popped up on the screen in front of her. She only felt that her head was aching and her waist was sore. She just wanted to go home and continue to lie down.

【Limited Time Mission (0/1)】

【Quest Details】Little questions between couples are the cutest, and if you answer them well, they can become a catalyst for feelings! In half an hour, answer five small questions about your lover/partner/wife!

[Failure Penalty] Instant death and return to the reset point.

Tang Li smiled: "You deliberately jumped out of such a time-limited mission during the live broadcast. Do you want me to die, or do you want me to return to the reset point?"

The system defended in a low voice: "What's the point of introducing artworks at length, do you see how much the popularity of the live broadcast room has dropped? Let's be exciting - everyone loves to watch it!"

Tang Li rubbed his forehead and sighed.

Up to now, I can only pray to heaven that Chu Chisi will be bound by work, and never watch my live broadcast.

"The first question, Miss Tang scumbag, don't you think you can really find a girlfriend with your **** character?"

Tang Li is very calm: "I admit that it is difficult, but I am trying to pursue (raiders) a young lady, but there is no progress so far."

As soon as I finished speaking, the barrage went crazy.

50% of them were scolding her that she didn't know what to do, not to harm others, and 50% were wondering which young lady was so unlucky, and was targeted by Tang Li again.

The system said, "Look, the popularity is rising."

"The second question," Tang Li tried his best to choose a less pointed one from a bunch of strange questions, "Is that person good-looking?"

This question is too simple, send points.

Tang Li did not hesitate at all, and replied with a smile: "She is very smart, very beautiful, and the most powerful and most beautiful person I have ever met."

It is very unfortunate that this sentence was released and echoed in the entire empty conference room.

Chu Chisi tapped the table lightly, his side face was not in the shadows, like a cold and full moon in the deep winter forest.

Occasionally, the picture on the screen changed, and the flickering light reflected between her sneering eyebrows, on and off, like a jackdaw flying by Lin Yue.

The smile on her face did not diminish, her brows and eyes were curved, but her voice became a little deeper, and she became more and more cold: "Go ahead, I see what she dares to say."

Pai Pai and Xi Bian Pai have already hugged together.

Done! Chu Chisi is getting more and more angry!

"What kind of problems are these? Do you mean I, S or M? I'm really afraid that the super tube will directly shut down the entire live broadcast room."

Tang Li sighed and reluctantly picked out another gentler: "The third question, is that person cute?"

"Very cute, like a kitten."

After Tang Li answered with a smile, she couldn't help but miss the time when Chu Chisi had a high fever and was a little confused.

There are no cold eyes, no careful testing and scrutiny, only those clean, black grape-like eyes will look at you.

She is coquettish and clingy, and anyone who sees it will soften her heart. Whether it's the stars in the sky or the moon in the water, all the good things between heaven and earth want to be stuffed into her arms.

Tang Li swiped across the screen: "The fourth question, is the person you pursue... have a good temper?"

System: "Send the proposition here, be careful."

"That's it," Tang Li swayed, and with a slight movement of her shoulders, a strand of long brown-blond hair fell down, adorning the ivory gauze skirt with thin gold leaf.

"No matter what she does, I won't be angry."

Tang Li calmly swiped, browsed the thick barrage, and quickly selected the last question. Seeing that the time-limited task was about to end, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief:

"The last one, does that person have something he likes?"

Tang Li thought for a moment, then cautiously reversed some information: "She really likes some fluffy things, they are very cute, right? It's better to be a small one, the size of a slap..."

Halfway through the words, the phone suddenly rang.

is an unfamiliar number.

Tang Li thought it was a scam call, so she hung up directly in order not to affect the live broadcast room. The other party called again, and she hung up again.

Unexpectedly, the other party was reluctant, and called in for the third time.

"Wait a minute, everyone, there is an unfamiliar number that keeps calling, let me tease the liar for you on the spot—" Tang Li answered the phone and turned on the speakerphone.

So, a cold, jade-like, warm voice came out, and in front of hundreds of thousands of online viewers, he asked with a sneer:

"Are you happy with the live broadcast?"

Tang Li: "!!"

Tang Li, who was on the live broadcast, was obviously panicked. He hurriedly turned off the speakerphone, and then half of his body "dropped" out of the live broadcast screen: "Hey, why are you watching the live broadcast?"

Chu Chisi smiled: "Are you surprised?"

"Haha, it's really surprising," Tang Li's voice trembled a little, "this, listen to my explanation first..."

Chu Chi thought slowly, biting each word clearly: "There's nothing to explain, the live broadcast is hard work, we'll see you tonight."

Tang Li panicked: "Wait first—"

Only a series of busy voices greeted her: "dudududu."

Tang Li: "…"

The system did not forget to make up the knife in the ear: "Oh, it's over."

The live broadcast room has exploded at this moment, dozens of times higher than the popularity of the artwork introduced just now, the barrage is layered upon layer after layer, all the laughter of "hahahaha" from the melon-eating crowd.

Chu Chisi hung up the phone directly, with a sneer on his face, handed the phone back to Paipai and said, "Thank you."

Paipai Sansan took the phone, daring not to make a sound.

"Shuwen, I'll give you an extra day of paid annual leave," Chu Chisi smiled, "help me keep staring at Tang Li."

Pai Pai nodded hurriedly: "Wrap it on me!"

Chu Chi pondered for a moment, and then discussed with the assistant Xi on the side: "Bian Yan, you go to the Griffin auction in my name to order one... No, order three tickets."

Three admission tickets, who is this going with?

Xibian didn't dare to ask more questions, so he quickly obeyed.

In any case, the live broadcast has to continue.

With a "Hahaha" on the screen and a polite smile on her face, Tang Li took out the next painting to be introduced.

Seeing that she was about to speak again, the audience was instantly reduced by one-third, but Tang Li was methodical and unhurried, and continued to use her professional knowledge to "hypnotize" the remaining audience.

The drunkard's intention is not to drink. Tang Li's purpose of preheating the live broadcast this time was originally only two.

First, to attract people who eat melons and stir up the heat;

The second is to give the approximate valuation of the Tang family's auction items, and show all the identification certificates, so that the public can have a bottom price in their hearts, so as to avoid the situation of low-priced auctions.

Another hour passed, and Tang Li finally finished talking about the last auction item, a painting called "Burning Fire".

This piece of work is very interesting. Although the name is burning fire, there is no spark in the picture. There is only a wasteland with embers piled up after it has been burnt out.

The sun fell on the ruins, and under the cascading black ash, a few small white flowers grew, swaying gently in the breeze.

"Okay, the live broadcast is completely over here."

Tang Li wrapped the painting with a soft cloth, not forgetting the last reminder: "The whole auction will be live-streamed on the day of the auction, everyone must watch it! If you are interested in me and my mysterious pursuit, you can't miss it—"

Saying that, she ignored the sudden increase in the barrage, smiled brightly at the camera, and turned off the live broadcast button without hesitation.

Although the live broadcast is just sitting in place, there are actually many places that need to be paid close attention. Lighting, environment, picture, sound, audience interaction, etc., take up most of the attention.

After it was over, Tang Li realized that his abdomen was a little painful, and even his body was a little tired and tired.

[Remaining HP: 60]

"Is there a threshold for life recovery?" Tang Li asked.

The system said, "You're quite sharp. Although I removed the negative state for you, the program can only restore your health to 60% at most."

"The remaining 40% of the health value will strictly follow the logic of reality, and can only be recovered slowly with the help of external forces such as drugs, or the passage of time."

But only in the most critical places to pay attention to logic.

Tang Li sneered in his heart.

While thinking about the solution, Mother Tang suddenly pushed the door and came in. She looked a little nervous, walked to Tang Li, leaned down and whispered, "Little Li, someone has come to pick you up."

Tang Li is still unable to drive in this state. She did ask the housekeeper to pick her up later, but she always felt a little vaguely uneasy...

Sure enough, it wasn't the housekeeper who was waiting at the door.

Chu Chisi was leaning on the side of the car, her chin was hidden in a black trench coat, her thin figure was also hidden by the loose clothes, she was wearing sunglasses and a mask, and at first glance, she couldn't really recognize her.

Tang Li felt that her abdomen started to hurt again.

I don't know how Chu Chisi will toss himself.

She dragged her into three steps and slowly moved to the car. Because the live broadcast was a bit unreasonable, she smirked and said, "Wife, why did you come to pick me up?"

"Since I said before, I'll see you at night, then of course I can't break my promise." Chu Chisi smiled, with a needle hidden in his smile.

"Are you happy with the live broadcast?"

Tang Li was miserable: "Happy, happy."

It's all to blame for this time-limited mission of the Luo Shizi's love system. If Tang Li knew that Chu Chisi was actually watching the live broadcast, he would never dare to speak as arrogantly as before.

"Is that so... eh?"

Chu Chisi's words were just halfway through, but she suddenly stopped, pressing her body closer to Tang Li, almost touching the tip of her nose.

Her movements were too sudden, Tang Li didn't react at once, and her whole body froze in place: "What's wrong?"

Chu Chisi got a little closer.

She frowned slightly, put her hands on Tang Li's shoulders, and sniffed lightly with the tip of her nose beside her ear, as if she was looking for something, which made Tang Li nervous.


Chu Chisi asked, "Are you injured again?"

Tang Li was stunned for a while. When did she become so sensitive to the smell of blood, so delicate that she could smell it?

She answered honestly, "No, it was just yesterday."

Chu Chisi looked a little complicated. After a while, he sighed inaudibly: "Forget it, go back."

It's so easy to be soft-hearted? Sure enough, it is still the character who eats soft and not hard, and is most afraid of being spoiled.

Tang Li's dictionary didn't have the words "take it as soon as you see it." She immediately clutched her stomach, walked lightly, and dawdled towards Chu Chisi a little: "...Wife, I hurt..."

Chu Chisi avoided: "Stay away from me."

She opened the rear seat door, and simply stopped Tang Li from trying to get around to the co-pilot.