MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 34 (two)

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Sheng said: "You can cover your torso and maintain your body temperature. Whatever is suitable or not."

How should I say it, as expected of Chu Chisi.

Even Tang Li choked on the social **** she had never seen before, such as Tang Li, who was talking about people, talking about ghosts, and so on.

I don't know how to answer.

"Okay, there's a little bow on the back of the product of social norms," ​​Tang Li asked, "Can I tie it for you?"

Chu Chi thought "Oh".

She sat down in front of Tang Li, quite cooperating with the other party's actions, and took the initiative to pull up her long black hair, revealing a small section of the thin white back of her neck.

Most of the bandages were removed, leaving only a small wound covering the gland, and the surrounding skin was thin and soft, red with blood.

Soft and smooth, like cheese.

Wei Xiang wrapped her fingertips, so smooth that it seemed to ooze out honey, making Tang Li's throat a little itchy.

She knew that if she covered her lips and teeth and bit her a few times, she would be able to taste the sweetness.

Tang Li was a little greedy again.

The lavender ribbons were scattered, and they were gently pulled up by Tang Li, entwined between the knuckles, and tied into a small bow, like a carefully wrapped and delicate gift.

Tang Li tugged at a small ribbon and hesitated a bit. The mission statement was around her mouth for a long time, but she couldn't say it.

The system reminded silently in the ear: "Remember to do the time-limited task, or you will have to be sent back to the reset point."

Tang Li gritted her teeth: I will endure it.

Chu Chisi still lowered his head, looked a little well-behaved, knuckles tied his long hair, and asked a little coldly: "Are you all right?"

The breath behind him suddenly came closer.

A few strands of long golden hair brushed past his ears, itchy, and the sporadic aroma of pear blossoms soaked the air, occupying his breath in an instant.

Tang Li lowered her head, her lips were pressed against her ear, her voice was so soft that she could hardly hear it: "Chu Chisi, can I be the one who takes off the ribbon?"

She articulated clearly and slammed into the pinna of her ear.

Chu Chisi took a breath: "What?"

The scattered words took root and sprouted between the chest, and the pear flowers and bones were adorned on the branches, quietly blooming with a soft snow-white color.

After Tang Li finished reading the lines quickly, she quickly retracted her hands, moved her body back more than ten centimeters, and sat on the edge of the sofa.

She was so guilty that she didn't dare to look at Chu Chisi's expression, her heart was beating violently in her chest, and her cheeks were also hot.

If it weren't for the shabby mission given by the system, Tang Li wouldn't have been able to say this kind of meaty lines in his life.

Although her favorite thing in life is to tease her lovely wife, she also has principles and bottom lines, and she is determined not to tease when she can't tease, otherwise she will definitely make her angry.

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment, and the hand that hooked his long hair was loosened.

The ink-like hair fell to his side, and was fiddled with by his thin white fingertips a few times, exuding a faint fragrance, like the clear grass covered with fine snow.

She turned her head and looked cold.

Chu Chisi smiled, and his beautiful eyebrows were lowered, hiding a hint of danger: "What did you just say?"

"You want to take it apart... what?"

"This ribbon is behind you, so it's not easy to untie it," Tang Li calmly began to talk nonsense, "it will be a little troublesome for you to untie it, why don't you come to me to untie it for you."

Chu Chisi glanced at her, his eyes calm as water.

Seeing that Tang Li was a little unsure.

"Miss, I don't care about many things and I'm too lazy to answer you, but that doesn't mean I don't understand."

Chu Chisi continued to laugh, his voice was careless, and he hammered Tang Li to death with just a few words: "For example, what you said just now."

Tang Li is so desperate: It's not what I want to say.

She lowered her head a little embarrassedly, her long brown blond hair was hanging down, but someone picked up a strand and gently rubbed it between her fingers.

The snow-like fragrance is closer.

Chu Chisi leaned in front of her with a smile that was not a smile, her knuckles grabbed a strand of her long hair and pulled it towards him.

"That's not your usual way of speaking."

Chu Chisi looked at her, took the blond hair and put it there, and circled around his fingertips a few times.

She slowly gathered her knuckles and clenched the strand of long hair so tightly that it almost broke: "No matter how you choose words or sentences, you don't sound like you."

Tang Li raised her eyes slightly.

Chu Chisi got very close, almost touching her forehead, her long eyelashes curved with a smile, and she blinked very slowly.

Like a fan at the tip of the heart, itching closely.

"Not like me... What does this mean?" Tang Li was a little curious, "As you put it, how do I usually talk?"

Chu Chisi smiled: "For example, 'Wife, you are so close, do you want to kiss me'?"

"Or, 'Wu wu wu, wife, why do you always keep a straight face and just ignore me'?"

Her voice was slow and leisurely, and whether it was voice, ups and downs, or intonation, she imitated it vividly, exactly like Tang Li's usual way of speaking.

Tang Li: "..."

Why can Chu Chisi imitate it so much? It was like swallowing a Tang pear raw.

The bundle of hair was twisted by Chu Chisi, and scattered on the fingertips, like the melting sunlight, scorching into a golden waterfall.

"I'm curious, what's your motive?"

Chu Chisi looked at her with a bottomless gaze: "So, what drives you to modify the way you speak and use words that are rarely used?"

The deeper he smiled, he fell into the dark abyss.

"Let me think about it, there was a similar situation before: when I had a fever and you forced your way in, you also said a similar statement, right?"

One question after another fell, suppressing the heartbeat like a rock, and clenching the weak breath.

The long hair flowed in the palm of his hand, slipped away from his fingers, and fell back to Tang Li's side.

Chu Chisi raised her hand and touched Tang Li's lower jaw, stroking it gently and slowly.

When she laughed, her long eyelashes would fall down softly, so close that she almost brushed Tang Li's cheek.

The fingertips gently rubbed against the skin.

a little itchy.

"Let me guess, it's the observer behind you, or the task assigned by the manager: you must do it, or there will be serious consequences."

She chuckled: "Right?"

The author says:

【Small Theater 1】

System (cold sweat): How did she guess?

Tang Li: My wife is so smart and sharp!

[Small Theater 2 - If Chu Chisi has the ability to read minds]

Chu Chisi took the knife: What is your purpose?

Tang Li's expression was calm and her eyes were clear: There is only one reason for me to come here, because you are here. (Chapter #29 content)

Tang Li's heart: woohoo, greedy for his wife's kiss, greedy for his wife's hug, greedy for his wife's body, so greedy, so greedy, I'm going crazy.

Chu Chisi: ? ? Um? ? ?

PS: In Chapter 10, when Chu Chisi had a high fever because of the inhibitor, he also said, "You are so nice" in a half-dream.

She thought it was her Tang Li.

【Citations and Notes】

①: From the "Diamond Sutra", "All the dharmas that have actions are like dream bubbles; they are like dew and electricity, so they should be viewed in this way."