MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 35 (two)

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Tang Li piled up a few more bowls and sighed.

I don't want to eat lunch, but I don't know that in such a remote place, takeaways can come in...

The teacher didn't know anything about this, and comforted her kindly: "It's okay, we can have lunch soon."

Tang Li smiled bitterly: "Yes, haha."

That's because, teacher, you don't know, the extremely strong "hands-on ability" of a person full of experimental theory and adventurous spirit—

Forget about meals, the whole kitchen is at stake.

More than an hour later, a dining car with hot meals came, and several stainless steel buckets were filled with vegetables such as tomatoes, scrambled eggs, green vegetables, and small minced meat.

It looks like... ok?

Tang Li took a small spoon and secretly tasted a little tomato, the juice was overflowing, fragrant and smooth, and a little sweet.

Edible, not bad.

Definitely not what Chu Chisi did.

Tang Li looked around, but didn't see the familiar figure. She took a few steps and approached the teacher who was pushing the dining cart, asking, "How about Chi Si?"

The teacher answered truthfully: "Still in the kitchen."

The children were out of class, chattering like cheerful little sparrows, their heads flooded into the dining hall, they all found their own small places, and sat down crookedly.

Tang Li looked as if she didn't need him anymore, grabbed a gap, slipped out from the back door of the cafeteria, and ran quickly to the kitchen.

The door was closed, and opened with a push.

There are a bunch of parts on the ground, neatly divided into categories, screws of different types are placed in separate plastic boxes, and they are placed in the same direction very obsessive-compulsive.

Chu Chisi sat cross-legged in the middle, long black hair tied into a bun, goggles on the bridge of his nose, wearing a pair of engineering gloves, and was **** the ignition device.

When she heard someone push the door in, she didn't lift her head, her voice was cold: "It can be repaired in ten minutes, it's very simple."

The man did not speak immediately, but carefully crossed over the parts on the floor, found a gap, and squatted down beside him.

Cancan's long hair came into view, lighting up a dim corner, "Chi Si, what are you doing?"

Chu Chisi made a movement in his hand, put the screwdriver down gently, and his eyes passed through the thick goggles and landed on Tang Li.

Her voice was calm: "Fix the gas stove."

Tang Li: "…"

Tang Li was a little suspicious of life: "Where did you get the tools?"

Chu Chisi pointed to his side, and his voice did not fluctuate at all: "I brought it myself."

A huge dark green toolbox was placed beside her, and it was fully equipped, with various types of wrenches and screwdrivers, and even a small electric drill.

No wonder that backpack looks heavy.

If it weren't for the limited space, Tang Li suspected that this person could bring a complete set of laser devices or some distillation vessels with him.

Tang Li stroked his forehead and asked again, "How come the chef who was here not long ago didn't see him?"

Chu Chisi pursed her lips, her voice softened a little, and she lacked confidence: "Go... change clothes."

Looking at the tragic appearance of the kitchen, Tang Li can also guess what happened. It is difficult for the chef to come up with three edible dishes under such a difficult environment.

It's not easy, it's too hard.

Chu Chisi lowered his head again, his long hair was a little messy, and he loosened a few strands of hair, covering the long drooping eyelashes and hiding some dull black eyes.

Her beautiful hands were hidden in black gloves. She was clutching the screwdriver. The gloves were wrinkled and twisted in and out.

Like an unbreakable knot.

It was obvious that she couldn't turn it, but she refused to let go, and there was a tremor between her fingers, which was hidden by the wide gloves.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

A gentle voice fell in my ears, without accusation, questioning, or surprise, just a simple sentence: "Do you want to help?"

The lower eye socket is a little hot, I don't know what's going on.

Chu Chisi bit her lip, turned her head away, and said in a cold voice, "No, I can fix it myself."

Her movements are skillful and neat. Originally, the gas stove had already been reassembled, but since Tang Li came in, the speed dropped visibly to the naked eye.

Slowly, always stagnant.

Tang Li looked at the parts all over the floor and didn't dare to move, so she sat down obediently and quietly, with her chin resting on her knees, and looked at the person beside her from the corner of her eye.

Her hands are relatively small, and the engineering gloves are a little bigger, they look loose and sloppy, revealing a small section of the wrist slanted, with a soft white light.

Delicate and slender, like a flexible flower branch.

It can be pressed or bent, but not folded.

Chu Chisi finally gave up dealing with the screw, and rubbed his fingertips along the edge of the metal, his long eyelashes hanging down, not knowing what he was staring at.

After watching it for a long time, time seems to have solidified, and it has become a flowing entity, flowing sticky on the side.

"I can't do anything right, it's a mess."

Chu Chisi lowered his head, the ignition device in his hand hung down, and the screwdriver was clenched tightly in his hand: "Whether it's this, or... something else."

A very light, casual sentence.

The words were blown away in the sloping breeze, like catkins and fine sand, flowing between the fingers, leaving no trace.

His hair was suddenly rubbed, and the strength was not light, and he couldn't help but ruffle the supple black hair: "What do you say."

"Where is my smart, sharp, and a little old-fashioned wife? Why is she so insecure about herself?"

Tang Li tilted her head and leaned over gently.

She put her head on Chu Chisi's shoulder, like a fluffy puppy trying to please you, and rubbed softly.

Tang Li's whole body is tilted, and the weight of her body rests on Chu Chisi. As soon as the other party escapes, she will fall to the ground with a "dong".

Chu Chisi froze, subconsciously trying to push Tang Li away: "Don't touch me."

Tang Li didn't care about her, she still leaned her head on her shoulders, her eyes reflected water, and called out her name: "Chi...Chu Chi Si."

Chu Chisi pursed her lips and ignored her.

The long brown-blond hair is stacked in soft arcs, spreading over the thin shoulders, the slightly sunken collarbone, and hanging down between the lavender tulle.

A golden stream.

Meandering, it seems to spread into the heart.

There was a sudden tap on her cheek, and her fingertips made a small depression—there should have been a dimple there when she smiled brightly.

Chu Chisi wondered: "What?"

Tang Li leaned over to her, flicked her long hair with her knuckles, brushed her cheeks, and covered her mouth gently.

The color of her eyelashes was very light, reminiscent of gold immersed in water, wet, reflecting the luster of water.

The palm of her hand was so hot, dyed with the vapor of her breath, it soon became hot and moist, and the heat overflowed little by little, entwining her faint floral fragrance.

Tang Li leaned down, pressing Chu Chisi tighter with her hand, then lowered her head and kissed the back of her own hand.

So earnest, so gentle.

Chu Chisi paused and looked at her blankly.

Tang Li lowered her head, her voice was close to her ear, as if it were a kiss: "Chi Si, don't refuse me."

The hand that was pressing on her tightened again, her palm was soft and delicate, containing the hot air she exhaled, gushing out little by little from the gap, overflowing, and it was almost unstoppable.

She asked, "I want to hug you, can I?"

The author says:

【Small Theater 1】

Tang Li: A kiss with the back of your hand is also a kiss! I earned it! Make big money!

Chu Chisi: ...?

【Small Theater 2】

Sexy little Chu, online fried kitchen,

After frying, it also comes with top-notch maintenance services.

Tang Li: I gave a five-star praise. Can you give me a wife as a gift?

Store Reply: Think about it.

【Citations and Notes】

①: Ship of Theseus (Paradox of Theseus)

A paradox about "identity". When all the wood on a ship is replaced, is the ship still the same?

For example, human cells die and are born every day, and after a period of time, the cells in the whole body will be replaced, so will we still be the "original" us?

In addition to the "crisis of trust" in Tang Li's classmates mentioned in the article, in fact, Xiao Chu proposed this paradox, which has another meaning.

When a person's memory is confused and blurred, adding countless cycles of memory on the original basis, will "she" still be the original person?

Xiao Chu is asking Tang Li, and he is also asking himself.

②: "Homecoming Puppet Book II" [Tang Dynasty] He Zhizhang

I have been away from my hometown for many years, and my personnel affairs have been half-wasted recently.

Only the mirror lake water in front of the door, the spring breeze does not change the old waves. ?