MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 70

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This sentence was spoken lightly.

Sounds a little weird.

Chu Chisi's ears were hot, and she pinched Tang Li's cheek angrily: "What are you talking about?"

Tang Li let her pinch her, looking innocent: "Where did you think Chi Si went? I mean it's inconvenient to be handcuffed with one hand, so I can only hug you with one hand."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Tang Li is really a wicked person. If she is not careful, she can fall into the trap she dug, and she can't get out at all. She knows how to deal with this hard-mouthed and soft-hearted wife.

What's more, in the tattoo mirror, another little Chu had kept Chu Chisi's secrets for many years, and Tang Litan revealed all of them.

This time, a lot of handles have been held in Tang Li's hands, and she must not take this opportunity to tease her wife more.

"Chi Si, why did you suddenly stop talking?" Tang Li laughed at her there, "Why are you ignoring me again?"

She laughed so hard that her brows curled up, her long hair swaying over the back of her hand, tickling.

Chu Chisi glanced at her: "What are you laughing at?"

Tang Li raised her head, her light-colored eyes were full of moonlight, the color was so soft that it would smudge like watercolor: "What?"

"I've seen my wife, so I'm not allowed to laugh?"

Tang Li knows how to tease his wife best, and his voice is clear: "Or, Chi Si, do you prefer my pitiful expression?"

Chu Chisi: "..."

When it was over, Tang Li caught another secret.

In the middle of the night, everything is quiet, including the moonlight streaming in from the window and filling the bed, or the rustling breeze blowing across the cheeks.

Chu Chisi fiddled with her long hair, and said abruptly, "Who usually writes your speech for you?"

It's really a question that doesn't quite fit the status quo.

"Most of it was prepared by Tang Yiqi. I can almost recite those things back and forth."

Tang Li replied lazily, "I can't do it myself, and part of it is begging you for help."

Chu Chisi asked again, "What did I write?"

"This question is too difficult," Tang Li muttered and replied, "The speech you wrote is so complicated, how could I possibly remember those things."

Although he didn't answer, Chu Chisi breathed a sigh of relief, tightened his arms around Tang Li, and said to himself, "Well, it's fine."

Chu Chisi was still cautious.

She was testing Tang Li, worried that she had been replaced inside. This kind of unease and suspicion was rooted in her bones, and it entangled her like a shadow.

The memory of the 30,000-character cycle, the memory of acquaintance and love, the memory of childhood to adulthood, after all things are mixed and mixed together, what does it make up?

Chu Chisi didn't know either.

Red and yellow make orange, blue and red make purple, and blue and yellow make green, but when you mix all the colors together, you're left with black.

Thick, bottomless black.

Chu Chisi lowered his head, but a familiar person came over beside him, his arms wrapped around his waist, and he gently hugged Chu Chisi in his arms.

Tang Li leaned on his shoulder and said with a smile, "Chi Si?"

Chu Chisi turned to look at her, didn't say much, but didn't push Tang Li away, she just let her hold him.

The faint cold fragrance rushed into his arms, and the tip of his nose was full of soft flesh, which could sink down with a light touch, and a thin red mark would fall with a bite.

"Look at how skilled I am in hugging my wife, I haven't found a proper place to put my hands," Tang Li teased, "Have you not confirmed it yet?"

Chu Chisi said in a low voice, "Second confirmation."

He put his fingers on his upper and lower jaws, stroking gently, like rubbing a fluffy puppy.

Tang Li was slightly itchy, and said with a sullen smile, "Chi Si?"

The body is so soft, and the tip of the nose is full of fragrant fragrance. It is as cold as snow. It can be probed carefully, and it can also touch a little grass and trees brushing the palm of the hand.

He could hear her breathing and her heartbeat.

With a slight coolness, the fingertips traced the outline of the jaw one inch by inch, and then lifted Tang Li's cheeks.

The gauze curtain was stirred by the wind, and the rustling sound came one after another, filling her ears gently and softly. Tang Li half-closed her long eyelashes and listened to her softly ask:

"Tang Li, are you obedient?"

obedient? Do you listen to her and get out of here?

Tang Li raised her head, her whole body was in her hands, her light-colored eyelashes drooped, and the curved arc was like a light smile: "Guess."

The clearest answer was that she would not.

Tang Li stared at her with a smile.

The hand around her waist tightened a little, and Chu Chisi could feel the nuances in her strength, as well as some hidden emotions.

Light, heavy, and if they are far away.

However, after only a few strokes, Tang Li gathered her knuckles and put it lightly behind her: "Chi Si."

Chu Chisi lowered her head and sat down beside Tang Li. She leaned lightly on the other's shoulder, did not speak, but sighed softly.

The long brown blond hair was placed under her head, softly spread out, covered with golden powder and golden sand.

Chu Chisi picked up a strand, rubbed the strand of blond hair between her fingers, then lightly touched her upper lip and kissed her long smooth hair.

There is something quietly surging, indescribable.

Tang Li tilted her head slightly, and she could see her drooping eyelashes, thin and long, falling on the soft white cheeks, each of which was distinct.

Chu Chisi was breathing quietly, the breath was soft, and the air was blowing through her long hair, like the kind of kitten that jumped into your bed.

"Tang Li..."

The voice is very soft, very light.

It was clearly a cold and calm voice, and when it fell into this quiet and bright moonlight, it also dyed a few different colors.

Light blue, moon-white, rubbing a little bit of starlight hidden behind the clouds, reflected in her dark eyes.

Chu Chisi kissed the strand of hair, her lips were slightly cold, but her breath was hot.

The voice was like a murmur, and it was like a spell, the heat spread out in strands, biting her ear: "Tang Li, I miss you so much."

She said, "Tang Li, I miss you very much."

The night was so quiet, so quiet that even thoughts were so silent, the rising tide of the sea surged over her limbs and engulfed her to the top.

Can you hear it? You can hear it.

No need to say more.

Chu Chisi caressed her face, and there was some coolness in her hand, so she lightly touched her cheek.

She kissed herself, so that Tang Li's heart was completely messed up, as if she had been torn apart into a pile of pieces.

"Chi Si, Chi Si." Tang Li covered her ear and whispered softly, "Come here a little bit."

Chu Chi Si Yiyan leaned over for a little while, she lowered her head, kissed Tang Li's forehead, cupped her cheeks with five fingers, and fiddled with the broken hair on her face.

The hands were slender and powerful, nimble and agile.

She has skillfully held the handle of the knife and disassembled the metal. It would be numb and painful when she used it hard, but when she touched her, it was unbelievably soft.

Tang Li kissed her cheek, her voice sullen and a little laugh, she was obviously in an absolute low position, but she didn't care about it at all, and even enjoyed it a little.

Chu Chisi closed his eyes slightly.

After a while, Tang Li released her lips, and her voice was very low and low: "Chi Si, be quiet."

"You don't want to be heard, do you?" Tang Li sneered and whispered in her ear, "Don't wake her up."

Chu Chisi: "..."

This man is really full of bad water.

So the voice was all muffled, Chu Chisi gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, only a faint guttural sound escaped.

"Chi Si, be quiet, be quiet."

Tang Li covered her ear and read softly, still the same crisp and smiling voice, her breathing was slightly unstable, and it poured straight into the auricle.

The moonlight outside the window is like a wash, filling a pool of water-like moonlight. When the wind blows, the ripples will be layered and rippled, and the sound of water will fall into the silent room.

Chu Chisi hugged her, her eyes were full of beautiful long brown-blond hair, like the little yellowish flowers that could be found in the courtyard of the research institute, and also like the sunshine of the newborn. .

In the end, the shackles were loosened.

Because Chu Chi was tired and fainted, Tang Li was needed to change the sheets and bedding. After she was busy for a while, she silently handcuffed herself back.

The three of them slept well that night, Xiao Chu himself slept soundly, and the other two were about the same, and it was the next morning in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Chu was actually the one who woke up first. She always likes to stay in bed and sleep late, but today she woke up very accurately, even she herself was a little surprised.

It may be that she is thinking about unsolved problems. She always sleeps a little unsteadily. It is good to wake up early, and you can continue to think of solutions.

Xiao Chu glanced around and found that the window was opened again, and some early morning breeze came in, blowing his hair all at once.

She squinted her eyes, letting her cheeks soak in the overflowing breeze, blowing through her reddish auricles, and the shattered hair beside her cheeks.

Warm and comfortable to touch.

Xiao Chu stretched, and then noticed that the person around him was empty, and the person who should have been sleeping beside him ran to the next door at some point.

Tang Li fell asleep on his side, light-colored eyelashes hanging down, surrounded by a soft arc-like shadow.

One of her hands was still locked at the head of the bed, and the other was placed on the waist of the person in her arms, rising and falling softly with her breathing.

The brown gold and the jet-black long hair were intertwined, clearly two completely different colors, but inexplicably blended properly.

Xiao Chu: "..."

What's the situation, she agreed to sleep with the other one, and then Sister Tang Li sleeps alone? What the **** did the two of them do yesterday, they ran to the same side.

Destroy it, blow it all up.. Blow it up, adults are all untrustworthy guys who know how to deceive people all day long.

Xiao Chu climbed out of bed, and just took two aggressive steps when Tang Li heard those subtle noises and quickly opened her eyes.

She had just woken up, and she had yet to see the person in front of her. The light-colored pupils were icy cold, and there was a deep and invisible killing intent.

His eyes swept away, as fierce as a hungry wild wolf, Xiao Chu shivered with fright, and could not help but stay in place.

She stammered: "Sister, I..."

After seeing the person coming, Tang Li blinked, the fierce light in his eyes disappeared, and it turned into a warm and gentle smile, as if it was just Xiao Chu's illusion.

"Shh." Tang Li pressed her fingertips to her lips, and silently signaled to Xiao Chu, her brows slightly bent, "Let her sleep for a while."

Xiao Chu: "..."

Tang Li is really treated differently. When she is with herself, she is like a reliable sister. When she is with another self, she suddenly becomes a clingy child.

She angrily went to the bathroom to wash up, changed into dry clothes, and looked at her face in the mirror.

It's a bulging little bun. Although the body is thin, the cheeks are still a little fleshy, and the touch of the fingertips is very good.

It seems that he has not changed much when he grows up, but because he has lost a lot of weight, the contours of his eyebrows and eyes are more obvious, and he looks more delicate and beautiful.

Xiao Chu puffed out his cheeks, a little melancholy.

Tang Li is really... I really like myself when I grow up. Even if she cared and took care of herself again before, Xiao Chu could vaguely feel a little sense of distance.

But for her grown-up self, let alone the sense of distance, Tang Li could not wait to find a strong glue to keep herself from sticking to Chu Chisi.

The difference can be seen at a glance.

Xiao Chu was even more melancholy, and with it, there was an inexplicable sense of frustration and victory.

Frustration is the self that you will never defeat when you grow up, but think about it carefully, even if they are temporarily divided into two consciousness bodies, they are still the same person in essence, why are they so entangled?

The sense of victory filled his heart, and Xiao Chu was happy again.

She walked out of the door with small steps, Chu Chisi was still curled up on the bed and sleeping soundly, but Tang Li was already up, and she didn't even need the key.

Xiao Chu: "…"

It was obviously a little hot in the room, but Tang Li covered Chu Chisi with two layers of quilts, tucked the corners of the quilt carefully, and leaned over to kiss the tip of her nose.

Xiao Chu slandered: Is this going to kill 'me'?

Seeing Xiao Chu come out, Tang Li turned her head and smiled at her, then walked over: "Good morning, what would you like to have for breakfast?"

Xiao Chu was stunned for a while, feeling that the tips of her ears were a little hot for some reason. She tugged at her jacket and said in a small voice, "Anything is fine."

Tang Li said "Good morning" in a nice tone.

It was clearly just a casual sentence, and it came out of her mouth, but it suddenly became light and clear, like a gem washed by water, reflecting a little halo in the sun.

"It's fine for me to choose," Tang Li smiled and shook his head. "If the two of you are asked to decide, it will probably take another half an hour."

Xiao Chu was a little dissatisfied, and retorted: "I am thinking about it carefully. I have to take every option into consideration, arrange all possible combinations, and then exclude them one by one."

Tang Li laughed at her: "Then it dragged on for an hour or two, and abruptly dragged breakfast into lunch."

Xiao Chu was so puffed up that she wanted to imitate Chu Chisi and reached out to hit her on the head, but Tang Li turned away in a flash, and by the way helped Xiao Chu, who almost fell.

Tang Li said calmly, "Be careful, don't fall."

Xiao Chu: "..."

The extremely smart brain slowly turned for a while, and finally it was a little down, and eight big words appeared in the "blue screen": skill is not as good as others, willing to be inferior.

Chu Chisi was still sleeping, and she didn't know what she had done to make her so tired. Xiao Chu pouted, sat on the table and turned over her small book. .

The room suddenly became quiet.

Except for the "ding dong" sound that lingered after reaching nine o'clock at a certain time, it broke Tang Li's inner peace and tranquility:

"Ding Dong, the [I want to fall in love] series of tasks has been updated, please complete it in time today, or you will be punished!"

【Daily Mission (0/1)】

[Mission Details 1] While accompanying the target No. 2, don't forget the poor No. 1! Please massage the shoulders of No. 1 in the presence of No. 2, and whisper softly: "Wife, you are so fragrant and soft, I want to continue to taste it, but I can't taste enough."

[Mission Details 2] While accompanying target No. 1, don't forget the cute No. 2! In the presence of No. 1, please serve a bowl of hot porridge to No. 2 and feed him three spoons (0/3)!

【Failure Penalty】The cycle will be forced to end.

Tang Li: "...?"

She rubbed her forehead and sighed that these daily tasks were getting more and more outrageous, and she couldn't stop until she pushed herself into the fire pit.

One look at these quirky and outrageous tasks, and you know that they must not come from "Silver Silver", but a certain entertainer (system) who is keen to watch the show.

That Leziren (system) is really, from the beginning to the end, he is in a state of eating melons and watching the show. After the tattoo is in the mirror, you have to be careful not to be caught by yourself!

Tang Li has a small stomach and chicken intestines, and she will pay for it. That Lezi person has cheated her so many times, she will definitely take revenge.

But the arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

Tang Li thought for a moment, then stopped the idea of ​​buying cakes for breakfast, and replaced it with hot lean meat porridge.

She was absently swiping her phone, still worrying about today's daily tasks, and her attention was drawn to the past.

Without noticing, a person walked behind him.

The slender arms are wrapped around the neck, the ink hair is scattered like water, and the fine snow and fragrance are falling.

Chu Chisi hugged her from behind and pressed her jaw against her shoulder. She was bullied a little too hard yesterday, and her voice was still tired and hoarse: "What are you looking at?"

Tang Li almost fell off the chair.

Chu Chisi got too close, and his breath blew past his earlobe, a little itchy. Tang Li's hands trembled a little, and it took a long time to find her voice: "Ah, I'm watching breakfast."

"Morning...good morning," she stuttered, "Chi Si, how about some porridge for breakfast? Do you have a favorite flavor?"

Chu Chisi hugged her, leaned on her shoulders like a kitten, blinked her long eyelashes a few times, and gently swept Tang Li's neck: "En."

"You know what I like to eat."

She rubbed forward again, and the soft part was attached to her back, and she hugged Tang Li tighter: "You can choose."

The wife was hugged so close, so tightly, Tang Li was flustered and his hands were shaking, what else did he order?

Xiao Chu was still writing and drawing in the notebook, squinting over and looking at the movement of the two: "Did you quarrel?"

Tang Li was about to answer no, but Chu Chisi spoke first.

Chu Chisi said: "Your equation is wrong. There is only a correlation between the 'quarrel' variable and the 'intimate contact' variable, not a causal relationship."

Xiao Chu was a little dissatisfied: "I just don't have enough data. If I collect a few more cases, I can definitely get this result."

Chu Chisi smiled lightly: "Where did you go to collect data? No one has pursued you except Tang Li."

Xiao Chu suddenly choked.

Tang Li watched Chu Chisi quarreling with herself, and she was having fun when she suddenly crossed in and said, "Chi Si, have you thought about other possibilities?"

Chu Chisi raised his eyes and looked over, his dark eyes were clear and moist, and his voice was hoarse and soft, so close that it seemed to touch the tip of Tang Li's ears.

She asked softly, "What is possible?"

"I'm sorry, it's not that no one is chasing you." Tang Li smiled calmly, "It's because I've killed all those signs in my infancy, and no one dared to come over."

Xiao Chu: "…"

Chu Chisi: "..."

Tang Li said so confidently, so frankly, and so shameless that both Chu Chisi fell into silence. .

After a long while, we still have to eat breakfast.

Tang Li went to order, and when Xiao Chu saw that Chu Chi was awake, he jumped off the table, reached out and tugged at her nightgown: "Are you free?"

What an odd question.

Chu Chisi laughed and sighed in self-deprecation: "In the tattoo mirror, this problem does not hold."

Xiao Chu thought about it too, and put it another way: "That's good, I have an idea about Jingfan, can I discuss it with you?"

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment, then glanced at Tang Li.

"It's okay for my sister to be there," Xiao Chu said. "Anyway, since the moment my sister found me, the other side has already known your optimal strategy and started to prepare."

She tried her best to hide Xiao Chu's body for more than 30,000 cycles. No matter how much she was tortured, she didn't utter a single word.

So from the beginning to the end, Yin only knew that the tattoo mirror could relatively "delay" time, but she didn't know that in the tattoo mirror, she had the ability to "set nodes" and divide "human experience and memory" into two different consciousness bodies , and respectively import the technology in the data stream.

Chu Chisi named this technology "the_crossroads", which means the crossroads of life, and also has a little selfishness in it.

Whether it is "Mirror Fan" itself or "Crossroads", it is a technology that must be kept secret and cannot be acquired by administrators (that is, SAARC).

After hearing what Xiao Chu said, Chu Chisi narrowed her brows and sighed: "Well, I know this very well."

Xiao Chu cleared his throat and said, "I don't have as much information as you do. If there is any wrong judgment, you must correct me in time."

"呲la" sounded softly, and the paper was torn open.

"I have the core formulas and algorithms of Mirror Fan, and you have the building blocks and operating rules of the machine. However, none of us are the ones who fully understand Mirror Fan."

In the quiet room, the crisp, loud, slightly immature, yet extremely rational voice of a young man resounded:

"That is to say, from the moment the plane crashed, you set the cutting node at a certain point in time before I successfully found the answer and published the paper."

"Then you'll kill me before every cycle to make sure the admin never gets the full scope."

Xiao Chu sat on the table and shook his legs: "If this is a chess endgame, this is indeed your optimal strategy."

Chu Chisi held his lower jaw, his eyes narrowed a little: "The special move of the soldier promotion, she is the only queen chess piece left in the place."

This "she" naturally refers to Tang Li.

Xiao Chu is very relieved, thinking about someone who was unreliable yesterday, and feeling that someone can finally connect her brain circuit perfectly - even if this person is her grown-up self.

"So, we have to change our strategy."

Xiao Chu's eyes lit up, and his eyes fell on Tang Li: "Now sister Tang Li is here, she is our only variable, and she is our only turning point."

Chu Chisi was silent and did not reply immediately.

"We need to change someone, someone who is the most sensible and understands the mirror best, who is not disturbed by 30,000 memories, and who is in the best state to meet Tang Li."

Xiao Chu looked at her, those identical dark eyes were extremely clear, too pure to hold a grain of impurities, and there were not many things hidden, so they could easily see the bottom.

The clock moved every second, "click", "click", the hands slowly turned, and finally embedded in the correct position.

"It's not you who has the method of machine construction, nor me who knows the formulas and ideas. We need the person who really created and built the mirror model to come back."

"we need to-"

"Let Chu Chisi meet Tang Li."