MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 8

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Tang Suoyan never said this in front of others, even if the other party was a friend. Tang Ning had put on Tang Suoyan's face a few times when there were many people, and she was not very sensible. Chen Lin doesn't like this. He is a traditional machismo in his bones. He can say whatever he wants at home, and he can't lose face outside.

Tang Suoyan didn't intend to talk about Tangning behind his back. He didn't do it before, and he won't do it in the future. So he just said: "Can you stop talking about this? I can't see if you sew your mouth shut. You really can't stop."

Chen Lin also understands that enough is enough, stop talking about this, and talk about serious business.

He wanted Tang Suoyan to make a name for him, and spend one day a week visiting his clinic.

He has said this more than once, and Tang Suoyan looked at him: "Do you think I have time?"

"You have, you don't schedule shifts on Saturdays and Sundays, you pretend I don't know?" Chen Lin figured out Tang Suoyan's time.

"No scheduling?" Tang Suoyan laughed, "I have two surgeries this Saturday, and four on Sunday. Whether to schedule or not is a theory. Your first day as a doctor? Let me tell you this? "

"I don't care." Chen Lin put on a smug face, "I want your name. If you don't have time, you don't come. You can come once a month. I just want to hang on to Tang Suoyan."

Tang Suoyan was really helpless: "There are so many good doctors, why are you staring at me?"

"Nonsense, aren't you my brother? Do you know how many professors rushed to my place? You still don't want to give you shares under your name. Are you a doctor and your brain is rusted brother?"

After all, Tang Suoyan still didn't let go.

He really didn't have the time and energy to go to Chen Rin's side to take care of things. If he really didn't care about anything, he would take advantage of Chen Rin and make an empty name. And the name is not so easy to get. Of course, Chen Lin has no problem, but since he is a hospital, it is difficult to guarantee the level of doctors under him. If there is an accident, whoever is famous will stare at whom. take this responsibility.

No matter how you look at it, Tang Suoyan will not agree to this matter. He didn't agree because his brain was rusted, he was too clear-headed.

Tang Suoyan arrived at the hospital before six o'clock in the morning, and the consultation had to be completed before the rounds, and Mr. Xu arrived earlier than him.

There are six consultation sheets in total, each more difficult than the last. The people standing at the door were all family members, each of them was pacing up and down in panic and nervousness, each of them was trying to occupy the best position, waiting for the doctors to come out and get the results first.

Yesterday's eyeball atrophy was not the most serious case today. The most serious case was a patient with a brain tumor compressing the optic nerve, nasopharyngeal carcinoma infiltrating blood vessels, and showing eye bleeding.

At first, they were sent to the emergency department of ophthalmology department, and then went to the department of neurology, and today they have to be transferred to the department of ear, nose and throat. One can imagine the despair of patients and their families being kicked by the hospital departments, but there is really nothing the ophthalmology department can do. The eyes are just the external manifestations of brain tumors and nasopharyngeal tumors, they can't do anything. I can't do optic nerve surgery, and I can't stop the bleeding caused by nasopharyngeal cancer.

Today's consultation offers little new hope for these desperate families.

Tang Suoyan has a tight schedule this week, with multiple surgeries performed every day. Because he will lead the team out later, he will not be accepted for surgery from next week.

Many patients queued for a long time in line and beds just to wait for Tang Suoyan to come for surgery. Therefore, before going out, the surgery that the condition does not allow to wait should be performed in advance. The hospital will arrange other doctors for chronic eye disease and less difficult surgery. Patients who insist on waiting and the condition permits can continue to schedule.

The high school student with shrunken eyeballs finally had a vitrectomy. While waiting for anesthesia before the operation, the boy whispered to Tang Suoyan, "Dr. Tang, I also wanted to be a doctor in the future."

Tang Suo said "Yes" and said, "I heard that your grades are very good."

"It's pretty good. I scored 640 in the first grade." He was calmer now when he talked about it. "My dream is to be a medical university. I didn't do well in the first grade. The score should be enough."

Tang Suoyan smiled, and his tone was very relaxed: "Then you played less than I did then."

The boy also seemed to want to smile, maybe because he was nervous, maybe because he was cautious about the operation so his face remained as still as possible.

"I can't be a doctor," said the boy, "I can't be a doctor."

Tang Suo said, "You can."

The boy still made a gesture like a smile, and the corners of his mouth moved inward with an almost invisible arc, but he couldn't see it from the outside: "I've already accepted it, you don't need to comfort me, I won't see it anymore."

The boy's face was covered with a sterile cloth, and only the operated eye was exposed. After testing the effect of anesthesia, Tang Suoyan asked him, "What kind of doctor did you want to be before?"

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. It's good to be a doctor." The cloth-covered boy spoke very little, as if his lips didn't move much.

Tang Suoyan said gently: "If I say yes, then come and talk to me after the operation. I know many capable visually impaired patients. You are better than them. They can't hit 640 at all."

When he spoke, his tone was light and raised, as if he was very relaxed. They were talking about a very common topic, and they were having a leisurely chat. The boy was nervous at first, because his eyes were completely hopeless after this operation. But Tang Suoyan's words miraculously calmed him down.

During the operation, it is necessary to confirm the patient's state from time to time and relieve the tension, so Tang Suoyan would occasionally say a few words to him during the operation for him to answer. The boys responded very well and were very cooperative from the beginning to the end. The effect of the anesthetic wore off a little later, and he said softly, "Doctor Tang, I feel a little pain."

The anesthesiologist next to him came to give him an anesthetic, and Tang Suoyan said, "It's almost over, just hang on."

"Hmm." The boy suddenly asked, "Doctor Tang, what do you look like?"

Tang Suoyan inserted the needle to inject silicone oil for him, and responded softly: "Huh?"

The boy said, "I haven't seen it before, what do you look like?"

"Me?" Tang Suoyan pulled out the needle, smiled and said, "The facial features are pretty straight anyway."

The young equipment nurse next to him answered, "Dr. Tang is the most handsome doctor in our hospital, it's recognized."

The boy said, "Then I didn't see it, what a pity."

The operation was coming to an end, and Tang Suoyan didn't need to do the rest of the work. He stood by and said, "What's the pity, I asked you to touch my face, my browbones and the bridge of my nose in the rounds tomorrow morning, and you should be able to find out Handsome."

Everyone laughed after he finished speaking, and the boy really laughed too. Tang Suoyan's voice and tone were too gentle, making people feel at ease and calm. After the operation, there was no excessive emotion, and it was completed calmly.

"Then why wait for the ward rounds tomorrow morning? After the operation, you can touch it later?" the anesthesiologist said with a smile.

Tang Suoyan said: "Not today, his palms are sweaty after the operation, I can't let him touch my face."

The boy laughed shyly: "My palms are really sweaty, my hands are wet."

"Sure, it's scary and painful." Tang Suo said.

The boy was a little surprised: "You know I'm in pain?"

Tang Suoyan gave a deep "um" and said to him, "I know you are in pain."

"Does it hurt?" Tao Xiaodong squatted and looked at his brother's legs.

Tao Huainan's eyelashes trembled slightly: "It doesn't hurt."

Tao Xiaodong wiped him with medical cotton, but Tao Huainan didn't hiss.

"Brother Ku is going to get angry again when he comes back." Tao Xiaodong even gloated a little, sitting cross-legged on the carpet, and helped Tao Huainan deal with the small cut on his calf.

"He's already lost his temper, he's angry with me." Tao Huainan smiled, "Brother Ku is still so angry, he's so angry, hey, he's so angry with me."

Tao Xiaodong flicked on his knee: "Don't bully him all the time."

"How dare I?" Tao Huainan smiled wryly, "If I talk back a little, he will run away and leave me alone."

Tao Xiaodong asked, "Where did you go?"

"I don't know, I ran away." Tao Huainan tapped on that good leg, thinking, "Can he come back tonight?"

Tao Xiaodong laughed and said, I don't know.

Tao Huainan said "ah" again: "You have a big temper."

The two children have been like this since they were young. His younger brother is not so honest. He looks good, but he is actually a little fox. Chi Cheng is fierce in face and has a big temper, neither of these two little ones has ever obeyed the other.

Chi Cheng came back at ten o'clock in the evening. Tao Xiaodong and Tao Huainan sat on the sofa alone, and Tao Huainan's legs were wrapped around the back of the sofa by his brother's gauze.

Chi Cheng froze, before he finished taking off his shoes, he came out first: "What's wrong with your legs?"

Tao Huainan lay there and said, "I'm lame."

Tao Huainan looked at the two, smiled inwardly, and remained silent without speaking.

Chi Cheng ran over, not daring to touch his legs, and looked down at Tao Huainan's face condescendingly, his face was frighteningly dark: "How did you do it? What's the matter?"

Tao Huainan raised his face to face him, feeling that he was really going to die of anger, so he stretched out his hand to pat his arm: "I fell, rolled on the stairs, walked up four steps baldly, nothing Lame or not."

Chi Cheng didn't speak, just stared at his face silently, the line of his jaw was tense.

Tao Huainan patted his arm again: "It's really not lame."

Chi Cheng's chest heaved a lot, Tao Xiaodong watched it for a long time and finally got something serious, and smoothed things over: "Don't be awkward, Brother Ku calm down."

Tao Huainan said in his brother's direction: "Who's making trouble, it's okay, I'm bitter brother with me."

Tao Xiaodong laughed, stood up and went to take a shower. Sixteen or seventeen years old, no matter how young they are, they all have a childish temper.

Even though these two little ones grew up together, they would have conflicts, and Tao Xiaodong basically didn't get involved in their affairs. Fortunately, these years, when Chicheng was younger, he often got into fights at school, whether it was his fault or not, Tao Xiaodong never said anything about him.

He is quite good at getting used to children, and his own children get used to it by themselves. Tao Xiaodong is a little soft-hearted in this regard, and is not very strict.

But this does not mean that he is a peaceful person, he has never had much love, and he has always been indifferent to other people's children.

On this day, Tao Xiaodong rejected another proposal that didn’t sound like much, and was sent anonymously by a tattooed customer in the store at that time. Tao Xiaodong received another round of ridicule on the Internet.

A college student is a fan of Tao Xiaodong. He has liked him for two years and has followed the studio’s Weibo and official account. Whenever there is a picture of Tao Xiaodong, he will forward it excitedly. A student of fine arts called Tao Xiaodong "my god".

He has consulted with Huan Ge several times, and Huan Ge has also given him several quotations. Once, the student's "typing" status remained for a long time, and then he finally asked: "Will there be activities in the store? Discounts and the like of?"

Huan Ge said no.

The other party said "OK" and didn't ask again for a long time. Tao Xiaodong's five-figure price per hour is a luxury for students who are still in school.

He came to ask again the day before, and after Huan Ge gave a rough estimate of the price, there was no movement.

Huang Yida let out a "hi" when he heard about it, and said, "If a child likes you so much, I'll give you a tattoo. No wonder I can't bear it."

Huan Ge looked at Tao Xiaodong, but didn't dare to say anything. Their brother Dong usually doesn't even wipe off odds, and he doesn't wipe off thousands of dollars in six-figure pictures. That's why outside people say that Tao Xiaodong is not a big man, and he looks stingy from head to toe. Although the picture that the student asked for was not big, it was impossible for Dongge Bai to give it a tattoo after thinking about it.

Tao Xiaodong really didn't agree, and asked instead, "Why should I get the tattoo?"

Huang Yida said "Hi" again, and said to him: "What are you fussing about with a child?"

Tao Xiaodong still shook his head: "My pictures are worth so much, and I can't miss a cent."

Tao Xiaodong never gave way in this regard, and if he said no, he really couldn't.

Huang Yida smiled and said to Huan Ge: "Forget it, your brother Dong is not happy."

Because of this, Tao Xiaodong was ridiculed by people in the circle on the Internet, saying that he has been picking for a day or two, and whoever he likes must like Tao Xiaodong's pictures, which smells like money.

Huan Ge was very angry when he saw it, and it was uncomfortable to see his brother Dong being scolded.

Seeing him sitting there, Tao Xiaodong closed his eyes in anger, and patted his head. Huan Ge looked up at him, and Tao Xiaodong asked him, "Why are you looking so expressive?"

Huan Ge looked up at Tao Xiaodong and felt aggrieved: "Brother Dong, they scolded you."

Tao Xiaodong laughed: "If you don't read it, you can do it?"

Huan Ge frowned: "Then I can't help it?"

Tao Xiaodong shook his head and said indifferently: "Then watch it, it's over after reading it, there is no need to get angry."

Huang Yida said that Tao Xiaodong just didn't know how to put powder on his face, and he had to go to be scolded for how easy it was to be praised. How much money the child's picture can make, it's not a matter of fuss.

Tao Xiaodong said calmly: "Why should I, I'm not a philanthropist."

The author has something to say: Xiaodong: I heard that everyone wants me to meet Dr. Tang?