MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-v2 Chapter 1400 Attack! !

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At eight o'clock at night, near a certain sea area where Lao Mo and Dragon City are connected.

A fleet of more than a dozen warships was slowly sailing close to the surface of the sea.

This fleet is the third fleet under the command of District One, and it is currently cruising in this sea area.

At this time, a large number of naval soldiers were running on the deck of one of the amphibious landing ships.

"The runway is cleared!"

"The channel is ready!"

"UAV formation, take off!"

In the communication, there was a rush of shouts, and more than 20 unmanned fighter jets stuck to the emptied runway, spraying flames, and rushed into the night sky in an orderly manner.

"Thuk Tuk!"

On another amphibious landing ship nearby, the sound of a propeller ripped through the air. Immediately afterwards, a large number of helicopters took off together under the command.

Yuan Biao was wearing a combat uniform, holding an automatic rifle, and sitting on one of the helicopters. At this time, wearing a tactical helmet, he shouted into the headset: "We have already taken off and are on our way to the target. Don't worry, we won't let you down again this time."

After the words fell, Yuan Biao hung up the communication, turned his head away, and looked out the window with a stern face.

The two air units were extremely fast, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

An hour and a half later, Laomo area.

Su Tianbei brought his own team, not long after they arrived at the Laomo border, and now they were continuing to advance on a winding mountain road according to the scheduled route.

On the command vehicle, Su Tianbei looked around energetically.

Lu Yan, the staff officer of the regiment, smoked a cigarette and asked with a smile: "Hey, is Commander Su back?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Su Tianbei's serious face: "I heard that he's back, but he doesn't know where he landed. Calculate the time, and it's almost time to arrive now."

Lu Yan looked at Su Tianbei, and couldn't help but joked: "Hey, you're just stupid. If I had a brother like you, I wouldn't care about the family members of the military if I rode on a horse. Commanded by remote control."

Su Tianbei curled his lips when he heard the words: "Don't say it's me, his father-in-law is at the front line now!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Su Tianbei murmured softly: "Sixth son is really a **** of calming the sea, he will be fine when he comes back..."

Lu Yan couldn't help but nodded.

"Zi la la!"

While the two were chatting, the communicator on the car rang. Su Tianbei reached for the communicator and asked, "Hello?"

"Report! I am the 2nd Investigative Company!" The voice of the commander of the 2nd Detective Company came from the communicator: "I encountered a small group of garrison troops at nine o'clock in the center of the queue!"

Su Tianbei was stunned for a moment, and asked hastily, "What did you say? You encountered a garrison here? Have you come into contact with the other party?"

"Already contacted." The company commander of the second investigation company said: "There are only seven people on the other side."

"I see." Su Tianbei thought for a while, and told the other party: "You wait there, don't bring anyone here, I'll go over."


After hanging up the communication, Su Tianbei glanced at the map, looked at the terrain ahead, turned his head and said to Lu Yan: "Old Lu, you stay here and keep an eye on the convoy. There is something going on ahead, I'll go over and take a look." .”

Lu Boyan nodded: "Okay, you pay attention to safety. If there is an accident, run directly to the mountain."


Su Tianbei left his convoy, led the company of guards, and drove forward alone.

The entire army also stopped first and stayed where they were, waiting for the next order.

Five minutes later, Su Tianbei led the guard company to a dense forest where the Second Investigative Company was located.

"Su Tuan!"

The company commander greeted him, and brought Su Tianbei to meet the soldiers of the garrison they had discovered.

Su Tianbei looked at the seven people in front of him, and found that they looked a bit embarrassed, and there were some dirt on their bodies.

Su Tianbei strode over and asked them, "What's the situation with you guys? Why are you here? What's the troop number?"

"Report, we are soldiers of the 125th Regiment of the First Garrison Army, and I am their platoon leader Li Changshun!"

One of the youths saluted Su Tianbei and reported loudly: "We were ordered to protect the family members of the logistics department to evacuate to Bana City, but we were attacked by the rebels in the Laomo area on the way. Our troops were also dispersed. Yes, I fled all the way to the mountains, lost my way, and couldn’t get out.”

Hearing what the other party said, Su Tianbei frowned, and asked, "Don't you carry communication equipment?"

Li Changshun shook his head: "We have already called the main force, but we couldn't reach them."

Su Tianbei paused for a moment, turned his head to look around, and asked again: "Where did you encounter the attack?"

The other party replied: "It's Xinlai direction."

Su Tianbei stepped forward and looked at these people carefully.

Along the way, although there were indeed large-scale evacuated troops, crossing each other, it was difficult to distinguish each other's identities. However, if you suddenly meet a group of people in the middle of the night, it is better to be more vigilant.

Su Tianbei thought for a while, and asked, "You guys, who will lead you?"

Li Changshun immediately replied: "It's Chang Zhiyou, the head of the mechanical combat regiment."

Su Tianbei nodded, and continued: "I'll check with him later, you can go with us first."


Li Changshun breathed a sigh of relief, and said gratefully, "Thank you, sir, for troubling you."

Su Tianbei turned his head back, but the moment he turned his head, he looked at the company commander of the Second Investigative Company. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to the saber on the opponent's waist quietly.

The company commander was stunned for a moment, but it took almost an instant for him to understand.

"Several, this way please."

The reconnaissance company commander quickly turned to the soldiers and secretly made a gesture that only they understood. Then, a dozen people walked over, leading the soldiers who were stationed in the army, and were about to take them away.

"thanks, thanks…"

The soldiers of the garrison did not think too much, and were about to follow the crowd.

At this moment, a dozen or so soldiers of the reconnaissance company suddenly rushed over from behind them, pulling out their snow-white sabers!




Two people formed a small team, one covered each other's mouth, and the other stabbed the saber directly into the man's neck. UU reading www.

Amidst a burst of whimpering, the soldiers of the garrison spurted blood and fell to the ground.

All the action is so clean that it almost happens in the blink of an eye.

Li Changshun was not dead, he was pushed to the ground by two soldiers. Seeing the corpse of his fallen companion, he widened his eyes and shouted in panic, "You...what are you trying to do?"

Su Tianbei walked over, directly tore off his coat, pointed to the clean shirt inside, frowned and asked, "You don't pay attention to details in makeup, the outside is so dirty, and the collar of the shirt is so clean? Who are you lying to? Fuck you Damn, which unit do you belong to, tell me!"

Li Changshun was taken aback.

At this moment, in the dense forest not far away, a man in an auspicious suit had already settled down. He looked into the distance and made an aggressive gesture with his other hand.

The sniper lurking in the dark immediately raised his gun.

In the next second, there was a sudden roar from the secret whistle of the nearby reconnaissance company: "Someone has come in!"

Hearing this voice, Su Tianbei almost instinctively took a step back.


A bullet shot out from the dense forest, and the hot wind flew out against Su Tianbei's body, blasting a tree trunk behind him!

Su Tianbei was covered in cold sweat, and immediately shouted: "Quick, tell Lao Lu, everyone will go up the mountain immediately!"