MTL - Wind Rises in Dragon City-v2 Chapter 1427 Chairman Kong waiting to play a role

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In the office, when Kang Dinghuang asked him, Kong Zhenghui thought for a while, and said slowly: "Bana City, and the Laomo area, I have inside lines. I have already contacted here, you don't need to worry, just send someone to wait Let’s do it. When the time is right, let your people carry it out.”

Kang Dinghuang nodded, and couldn't help but said: "Okay, if this matter is done, you will definitely have a place in the Chinese Corps in the future!"

Kong Zhenghui sighed: "I don't know if there is a place for me, I just want to get down to earth."

The two looked at each other, and Kang Dinghuang raised his wine glass and said with a smile, "Of course it's not a problem."

"hope so."

Kong Zhenghui lightly clinked the wine glass with him, and drank the wine in one gulp.

An hour later, Kong Zhenghui left Kang Dinghuang's office, walked through the corridor, and returned to his room.

The door was closed tightly, and he walked to the window alone, opened the curtains, and looked at the scenery outside.

After thinking for a long time, Kong Zhenghui took out his cell phone and dialed a number.


The phone rang twice, the other person picked up the phone and said in a low voice, "Brother Kong."

Kong Zhenghui asked, "Have you got in touch with Bana City?"

"Yeah." The other side paused for a while, and continued: "It is true that two people have been contacted, but Bruna has strengthened the control. Pana City is currently under strict martial law, and all information has been blocked. The two of them I have no access to the core information at all, so I haven't been able to find out where No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 are at the moment."

Kong Zhenghui had considered this situation a long time ago, so he wasn't too surprised. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, let me give you a direction."

The other side replied: "Okay, Brother Kong, tell me."

Kong Zhenghui looked out of the window and said in a low voice again: "Go and get in touch with the person in charge of logistics and material support over there. No matter where the number one, number two, and number three are hiding, they all need to eat, drink, and pee. .As long as you find these life trajectories, you can follow the vines to find them. You go get it, the activity funds are not a problem. As long as you ask for a price, I can afford it here. Don’t worry about other problems, just go to Infiltrate in this direction and get things done as soon as possible.”

The other party thought for a while, and immediately agreed: "No problem, I will do it now."

"Okay, you pay attention to safety." Kong Zhenghui said, and then warned: "I don't use this phone, I will get a new phone later, and I will use that number to contact me later. If you have any questions, call me, ring three times and hang up , I know."

"it is good!"

The two ended the call, and Kong Zhenghui stood in front of the window, looking at the dark night outside, and fell into deep thought again.

The moment Zhou Tonghui died, he had no way to retreat. He had no hope of turning back, and he didn't know how to face people like Yu Mingyuan.

Therefore, what he can do now is to go all the way to the dark and do his best to ensure the correctness of his choice this time.

In the past few years in Dragon City, Kong Zhenghui has been at the top of the association, and as Yu Mingyuan's deputy, he has extremely extensive contacts and influence.

Especially after the integration of the association, its industries have involved Pana City, Dragon City and surrounding areas to be planned. This kind of radiating range, coupled with Kong Zhenghui's position as president, gave him a strong network of relationships.

And this kind of relationship network is also very hidden. Who he met in private and who he has a good relationship with may not be clear to everyone.

That's why, back then, Gu Baishun inspected such high-level internal officials as Kong Zhenghui so severely! Because once Kong Zhenghui rebelled, it would not be his problem alone, but his entire network of relationships would have to be confronted!

In fact, after Zhou Tonghui was arrested and Kong Zhenghui was exposed, although Gu Baishun also started to clean up the relationship network related to him in time, but as I said before, this relationship network is too large and too secretive. , Cleaning up is not clean at all, there will always be some fish that slip through the net.

Moreover, in Dragon City that night, if the Wang family and the garrison Zhang Xunchen hadn't raised the flag to rebel, the chances of Kong Zhenghui and his family being able to escape were actually very small.

The successive changes in Dragon City that night forced Gu Baishun to focus on protecting the upper echelons and dealing with the Wang family, which gave Kong Zhenghui a chance.

In fact, if there was no chance, Kong Zhenghui's defection plan might have changed in terms of his personality.

This person has always been insecure and will not take risks on himself.

Thinking of this, Kong Zhenghui stared at the dark sky, wondering what he was thinking.

A day later, the 1st Corps front line suppressed the base.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wearing a clean suit, Kong Zhenghui walked to the office of the chief of staff with firm steps, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in!"

A familiar voice came from inside the house.

Kong Zhenghui pushed the door open, and saw Kang Dinghuang and Lu Zhen sitting inside.

The eyes of the two fell on him, and Kang Dinghuang stretched out his hand to greet him: "Zhenghui is here, sit down!"

Kong Zhenghui walked in, sat in front of the two of them, and said at the same time: "Director Kang, you can send people to sneak in secretly. The personnel must be reliable, strong in execution, and capable of combat! If we can lock the target, You can do it right away.”

Kang Dinghuang thought for a while, then turned to Lu Zhen who was beside him and said, "Old Lu, I still leave the execution to you, you go and notify your subordinates."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Lu Zhen nodded, got up and left the office.

Kong Zhenghui and Kang Dinghuang sat there, continuing to chat about the details of the mission.

Five minutes later, Lu Zhen came to the dormitory and said to Yuan Biao, "Get ready to go."

Yuan Biao was taken aback when he heard the words, but quickly said, "No problem, my side is ready."

"Okay." Lu Zhen nodded and said, "Then hurry up, I'll wait for you at the gate of the camp."


After the two finished speaking, UU read www. uukanshu. com Lu Zhen closed the door and left quickly.

Yuan Biao picked up his mobile phone, and first called Ni Huan: "Old Ni, tell the brothers to set off immediately and gather at the gate of the camp! Hurry up!"

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Yuan Biao picked up the equipment he had packed long ago and carried it on his back.

When he was about to leave, he thought for a while, took out his cell phone, looked at the message that Xiaoyan had just sent him, and replied: "I have something to do recently, and I may not be able to contact you in the next two days. If you can't find me , just leave me a message."

The other party didn't answer, Yuan Biao waited for a while, turned off the phone, and left the room quickly.

At the same time, the Laomo area.

After a day, Su Tianyu assembled a large force and arrived at the realization base confronting the Red Hat Army, ready to launch a counterattack!