MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 683 Strength to die

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"This is going to be dead in South Korea!"

Seeing that Huaxia refused to send troops to support South Korea, the international community suddenly became a piece of one. They all estimated that Japan would be tempted by this. After all, people in South Korea have taken such a big sum and dared to provoke others.

The result was unexpected, Huaxia sold teammates directly, then this time is South Korea’s death...

South Korea was also panicked to see this. I did not expect that China would not support them at all, so they immediately regretted it and told Japan that it was just a moment of excitement and hoped that everyone would stop fighting peace.

And Japan, kidding, they are waiting for the war, and how can they close at a critical time, naturally will not agree.

So South Korea, who had no choice, had to ask for China to go there, saying that the sovereign state had the responsibility to protect the country. It said that if South Korea was defeated, Japan would go to South Korea and hope that China would be able to help, at least to protect their homeland without losing their country. .

The call was open, and it also attracted North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, and other countries in China, as well as a group of potential Chinese countries. The apparent use of public opinion pressure made Huaxia have to send troops to protect their personal safety.

If the Korean soft language is seeking, send a few soft sisters like Dae Jang Geum... Cough, Qin Xiaobai can still think a little about life in Korea.

However, in this way, South Korea forced him to send troops, so he certainly refused straight.

At the same time, Qin Xiaobai also publicly stated: "The sovereign state does have the responsibility of defending the country, but the country does not notify the sovereign state to fight against other countries. China will never be involved in such a kidnapping war."

When this statement came out, it immediately made the public opinion of Korea sympathize with China's public opinion, and once again turned to China. Everyone felt that Huaxia said it makes sense. This time, South Korea is biased.

This South Korea is completely dumbfounded, and there is a despair that has been abandoned by the whole world...

On the other side of Japan, I am very confused. Why is China still able to hold it this way? Is it true that Qin Xiaobai really used the channel to learn about the Eight-Power Allied Forces?

However, now that the matter is over, the arrow has to be sent on the string. Just let them win South Korea and anger the **** players in China. They don't believe that Qin Xiaobai can stand up.

So after the guns were fired, it began to move. The Japanese directly sent three million naval troops to the South Korean conquest.

To say that South Korea is also a peninsula, naval power is still good, but it is far from being able to compare with Japan.

However, it is worth mentioning that they have a sea battle star Li Yichen, the ability value is quite good.

At that time, when South Korea was fighting against Bay of the Bay, Li Yichen, as the commander of the South Korean navy, led most of the navy to attack North Korea. Otherwise, even if there is an aircraft carrier in the Bay Cooper with the dragon boat, South Korea will not be miserable by the Gulf. appearance.

This Li Yichen is famous in the history of resistance, and naturally has a bonus to the Japanese naval battle.

It’s just that, this Li Yichen, who was not in Korea at this time, was detained by Japan.

At that time, South Korea had just embraced China's thighs and had to break diplomatic relations with Japan. So Japan told South Korea that they would stay in South Korea for their aid to South Korea, and support Japan's personnel and horses.

At the same time, Japan also privately stated that Japanese players have admired Li Yichen for a long time, hoping to see one side and see what the heroes they defeated in the history of the Unicom dynasty.

Although South Korea has always been unable to see Japan, it is good that they have just had a common comrade-in-arms friendship. Together with Japan’s generosity, the support materials are not reclaimed, so South Korea has given enough courtesy to Japan this time.

Coupled with being boasted by the enemies of Japan, they believe that the whole world is their stick, and naturally they are self-confident.

So the South Korean Navy general Li Yichen personally led the transport ship and sent the Japanese soldiers who sent the aid to South Korea to Japan.

As a result, when Li Yichen just set foot on Japanese territory, Japan blocked the customs, seized the South Korean general and sentenced him to the crimes against Japan. He said that in history, when Japan attacked the DPRK, they accepted it. I am okay, but I dare to resist this is an unforgivable sin. In particular, Li Yichen, who took the lead in rebellion, is directly sentenced to life imprisonment, allowing him to sit in prison in Japan and die...

After receiving such deceptions, and their national heroes were trapped in enemy countries, South Korea certainly couldn’t swallow this breath, and that’s why South Korea’s war on Japan was declared.

Regardless, South Korea’s mind is simple, and Japan’s actions are despicable.

The problem now is that when there was Li Yichen, the South Korean Navy could still support the Japanese navy, but now South Korea has lost the pillar of Li Yichen, and the South Korean navy is simply vulnerable to the Japanese navy.

And the fact is true. The South Korean Navy and the Japanese Navy fought down and quickly lost ground.

Then, the Japanese Navy successfully landed in South Korea, and then continued to increase its troops from Japan to attack the Korean territory.

The Korean dynasty of North Korea and South Korea in history is not a rival of Japan at all, not to mention the fact that only half of the Korean Peninsula is capable of Korea.

Therefore, after the Japanese army landed in South Korea, they were attacked by the road.

At this time, South Korea still has a little resistance, and the national horses and horses have gathered to the Japanese army in order to block or even slow down the Japanese army.

However, Japan is playing yin, and there is no intention to use the army and South Korea to die. In fact, the army is only a scorpion, and the real strength of the Japanese army is still in the navy.

After the Army successfully attracted the attention of the troops in various parts of Korea, Japan dispatched a naval detour to the inner sea of ​​the Korean Peninsula and then made a second landing directly in the vicinity of its capital, Seoul. Then the Japanese army surrounded Seoul and did not have three. In the daytime, one will be taken.

With the break of Seoul, the Korean royal family, which was completely seized by a leak, surrendered to Japan under the coercion of Japan, and South Korea was annexed by Japan.

It’s natural to see this in the world. Everyone knows that South Korea can’t resist Japan, but no one has thought that South Korea’s defeat is so fast.

"Okay, it's our turn to take the shot."

Qin Xiaobai is pleased to see this, the more the Japanese combat, the higher the anti-Japanese voice inside China.

In addition, their beggars are now out of the That naturally allows him to declare his righteousness to war on Japan.

However, when Qin Xiaobai was ready to start, the result was unexpected. Japan did not stop, but continued to send troops to North Korea.

Because the DPRK and the ROK are in the state of civil war, although the two systems have not divided them into national borders, they are free to enter and leave the border between the two countries.

However, Japan believes that the light of destroying a South Korea will not be enough for Huaxia. If it is to be done, it will continue to be a strong challenge to China.

Of course, they did not declare war on North Korea, and they were unable to attack North Korea. However, since they were free to enter and leave the border with the DPRK and the ROK, they would specialize in various shows.

Isn't Huaxia a three-eighth line on the Korean Peninsula? It is also said that no one can wait for the line, otherwise it is not necessary to say anything, then they will give a look at China.

Japan not only dispatched a large army, but also entered and exited the border between the DPRK and the ROK. It also deliberately put on a sloppy appearance and shouted: "Isn't it 38 lines, I skipped it, I jumped over again, how? Come call me, you come to hit me..."
