MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 3 Xue Xianxian

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Shen Xiang sat on the ground, concentrated his spirits, waiting for the gods to move to him.

White faint and Su Meiyao put the hand on Shen Xiang's abdomen, only to see that their jade hands have a hundred black haze, black is white and faint to the gods, white is Su Meiyao's yang, see It is very different.

In the body of Shen Xiang, there is a white and black thing that looks like a stream of air. It moves through the muscles, bones and meridians in his body and circulates. His meridians are slowly getting bigger, bones and muscles are strengthened, countless times. After the cycle, the last white and black airflow gathered in his dantian to form a taiyin yin and yang picture, which is the yin and yang!

Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou saw that Shen Xiang successfully merged into the two gods of Yin and Yang. They couldn’t help but feel excited. They thought that the two gods of Yin and Yang were difficult to blend, and they also tried the form. Experimented on Shen Xiang, but I did not expect it to succeed.

Su Meiyao and the white secluded slowly retreat, watching the body swaying with a hundred black mist, they all looked at each other with a complicated and surprised look. In the cognition of their teachers and sisters, there are never two people who have both yin and yang. At this time, they can know that this little boy in front of him can be a unique and unparalleled person if he is cultivated.

Shen Xiang opened his eyes, and at this time he had a kind of refreshment that he had never had before, and he felt that he seemed to be a little stronger.

"Is this the gods! It feels so good, can I enter the real martial arts in the future?" Shen Xiang said with excitement, his face flashed a sinister smile, it looked bad, there was no such honest and honest The appearance of this makes the two beautiful women have some concerns.

In this martial art world, the martial arts are the original realm, divided into ten realms: refining, quenching, martial arts, Tongmai, infuriating, godly, true, divine, true, and perfect.

On the top of the martial arts, there is also the realm of the real Wu, that is the realm of many military people's dreams, reaching the realm, can have the power to turn the river, but also has a thousand years of life.

Shen Xiang was stuck in the third heavy military situation and has been unable to enter the four-way context.

"Is it really martial? This is simply a humiliation of the gods." White faintly disdainfully cold.

Su Meiyao’s face is serious and said: “You have a yin and yang, and your eyes will be more open! The power in this world is endless, and there are many different worlds. The Chenwu continent you are now in is only in the world of the world. A little land!"

"You have to remember the contract, you have to help us to restore the strength of the peak! This is not simply a matter!"

Shen Xiang repeatedly nodded: "As long as I am still alive, I will definitely fulfill the contract and restore the strength of the two sisters."

White faintly said with satisfaction: "The quickest way to help us restore strength is to rely on medicinal herbs. Of course, it is a very high remedy! After we restore our strength, our contract will be counted, and we will go there. Our enemies revenge."

Shen Xiang feels a little lost. If these two peerless beauty can stay with him all the time, that is the great enjoyment.

Su Meiyao took a ring from her beautiful hair. She threw it to Shen Xiang and said, "Blood and blood, just like using the storage bag. Put me and my sister in, then climb yourself. Go up! This can't be left for a long time. Here is where the giant monsters often appear."

When the blood dripped in, Shen Xiang immediately established contact with the ring. The space inside the ring was very small. Only one room was large. In Shen Xiang’s cognition, the legendary storage ring should have a vast space like the sea.

A magic weapon that can hold a living thing! This makes Shen Xiang amazed, ordinary storage bags are very rare, it is from the martial arts in the sects of the sects, let alone the storage of the living things.

He did as Su Meiyao said, and the two women were given a storage ring. After he brought the ring, the ring could still be invisible on his finger, making Shen Xiang secretly surprised.

Then he took out the medicinal herbs given by his father and, with sufficient physical strength, began to climb the cliffs and leave the abyss filled with dead air, which was a huge challenge for him.

The process of climbing the cliff made Shen Xiang very depressed, because he could not see anything in the black dead air, which increased the difficulty.

After arduous climbing for a day and a night, Shen Xiang finally climbed up. He thought that this was difficult to accomplish, but because of the gods, when he climbed up, he took in a lot of aura and cleared him. The fatigue in the body makes him sturdy every moment.

After Shen Xiang climbed up, he set foot on the way home.

He couldn't see the white faint and Su Meiyao in the ring, but he could sense them.

"Two sisters, when can you teach me the magic and magic power?" Shen Xiang asked anxiously, he was very curious about those magical powers.

"Your body is too weak to practice my magic." The white, icy voice came.

Su Meiyao said: "My magic can be cultivated at any time. You will return to your home and start practicing again. I will teach you alchemy at that time."

When Shen Xiang’s heart was happy, he ran away.

Nanwu Kingdom, the Crouching Tiger City in the south, with a population of one million, this is a prosperous and huge city, which is also home to a famous Wudao family in Nanwu, Shen Jia!

Shen has a history of thousands of years, and its strength is still strong, and its rich heritage can stand for thousands of years, which proves the strength of Shen.

Shen Jiafu is an enemy. It is the most powerful force in Wohu City. Guangshen Mountain Villa covers thousands of acres. There are countless courtyards in the villa. There are many gardens and mountains and water. Even if someone wants to sneak into Shen, they will be inside. lost.

Tianhu Park, from the name, knows that this is Shen Tianhu’s residence. As a prominent person in Shen’s family, it is quite normal to have a huge house.

"Daddy, I am back!" As soon as Shen Xiang came back, he rushed to the study. He knew his father was there.

Shen Tianhu laughed and said: "You stupid boy is finally back, you know that there is a little beauty waiting for you? Do you still remember Xue's little girl? It is your little wife."

Shen Xiang's brow wrinkled, and a beautiful little girl with a powdered jade appeared in his mind. That was when he was five or six years old.

"Daddy... Are you saying Xue Xianxian?" Shen Xiang asked, this is a kind of petite girl of Xue family. She used to live in Shen family for a while when she was a child. At that time, Shen Xiang played with her all day, and they both played very much. Come, then set a marriage contract.

Shen Tianhu nodded. "Yes, that little girl is in the villa. You just came, she came, but she is clamoring to see you."

After Shen Tianhu finished, he smiled and looked out the window. Shen Xiang also turned his head and looked at it. He saw a woman standing outside the yard coming.

The woman has a long hair shawl, a white body, and a gold-haired hair accessory on her head. Seeing this woman's attire is like a fairy, Shen Xiang can't help but look worried. The woman is only 14 or 5 years old, her skin is better than snow, and her appearance is beautiful.

The girl saw Shen Xiang through the window, and the beautiful face was full of joy. She shouted: "Xiaoxiang brother!"

The voice is light and mellow, and Shen Xiang admits that although this girl is a cardamom, but both temperament and appearance, can compare the two beautiful women in his ring, not to mention the girl is not fully developed.

Shen Xiang swallowed his mouth and smiled and said: "It’s really a woman’s eighteen changes! I thought that the little girl in that year turned into a little fairy."

This girl is the Xuejia's **** of heaven, Xue Xianxian.

"This girl is my fiancee!" Shen Xiang shouted excitedly inside.

If it is before, Shen Xiang’s heart will be somewhat embarrassing because he has no spirit. But now he has yin and yang! Just give him time, it is not a dream to set foot on the peak of martial arts.

Xue Xianxian smiled lightly, and a cute little dimple on the cheek appeared with a fascinating blush. Seeing Shen Xiang was a loss of consciousness.

Shen Tianhu laughed and smacked Shen Xiang’s shoulder and said, “You will tell the story.”

Shen Xiang snorted and hurried out of the study.

When he came to the yard, Shen Xiang said nothing, holding Xue Xianxian's delicate boneless jade hand, he quickly walked away from his father's sight, just like when they were secretly doing bad things when they were young.

Shen Xiang came to his house with a little fairy, and made many Shen family children along the way.

"Xian Xian, how long do you have to stay in Shen?" Shen Xiang smiled and touched the lovely little dimple on Xue Xianxian's face.

Xue Xianxian is just shy and shy, said softly: "Xiaoxiang brother, I and I walked through the Crouching Tiger City to see you, so it won't stay for a long time."

When I was a child, Xue Xianxian came to Wohucheng for medical treatment because of a strange disease. At that time, Xue Xianxian’s body was very weak and she was very thin and very thin. She was often bullied in Shen and Xue’s families. At that time, only Shen Xiang was very Take care of her and often play with her. During that time, she was very happy, and Shen Xiang often encouraged her to let her fight hard with her illness and gave her a few precious remedies.

These were all remembered by Xue Xianxian. Even if she knew that Shen Xiang had no spirituality and had no future, she decided to marry Shen Xiang.

Shen Xiang was somewhat lost. He also liked Xue Xianxian very much. When he was young, the family decided that there was no spirit after Shen Xiang, so Shen Xiang had no playmates, so he and Xue Xianxian were also very happy.

"Xiaoxiang brother, the family originally wanted me to dismiss the marriage contract with you, but I disagree, so they let me meet with the pharmacist and the genius alchemy teacher." Xue Xianxian saw that Shen Xiang’s face changed and he chuckled. Dao: "Do not worry, I will not marry the guy at the drugstore, I heard that he is very bad."

Xue Xianxian’s fourteen-and-five-year-old has the strength of six martial arts. He is a genius among the geniuses in the entire Nanwu country, and there is also a genius in the pharmacy that can refine the medicinal herbs at the age of sixteen. In the eyes of many people, They are the best pair.

Shen Xiang is very calm, he has yin and yang, and two powerful women with unknown origins guide him to practice. He is confident to catch up with the youngest talented alchemy teacher in a short time.

Shen Xiang grinned and smiled. He reached out and touched Xue Xianxian's exquisite and elegant cheeks. He smiled and said: "Xianxian, you went to the pharmacy and said that you have a fiancé. If he refuses to accept, let him challenge me."

Seeing Shen Xiang so confident, Xue Xianxian was also very happy. She picked up her toes and kissed Shen Xiang’s lips. Then she lowered her head and said with a red face: "Xiao Xiang Ge, you have to cheer, I am worried that my family will not hesitate. Everything is broken up."

After that, Xue Xianxian gently plundered, such as Yan generally plucked out of the yard, the body is elegant, and Shen Xiang still stupidly stood there, his mind repeated the moment Xue Xianxian kissed his lips.

Shen Xiang licked his lips and smiled. "This little girl really grew up a lot."