MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section VIII. Confluence

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The team flies in the open wilderness, where the people are rare, very close to the boundary between the meditation and the hundred.

Suddenly, Zuo Modao said: "Just here."

An Mo did not hesitate to order the Guard to stop. The size of this Guard is not large, about a thousand people. But the masters of the entire West Prison House are all listed.

Zuo Mo has been observing this team secretly. With his vision, the level of An Mo is very high. These guards are also elites who can fight for good warfare. Although their gods are not good, they have a unique set of tactics.

An Mo is a typical warrior. He does not like to fight for power and to be meticulous in executing orders. His subordinates also continued his style, acting decisively and resolutely.

"How was the Dongfu and Yinlingwei playing?" asked left. Now that he has taken over this stall, he will not let it go.

"The East Hades collapsed, Jiaman committed suicide!" An Mo is very succinct, his heart is full of emotion, knowing that the old Pluto will be arranged in the dark, otherwise how can the Dongfu House be so ruined? From the strength of both sides, Yinlingwei is much worse than Dongfu. Moreover, the outstanding warfare possessed by the Dongfu House is much more than that of the Yinling. Although the strength of the Yinling Five Ghosts is not inferior to that of the Four Houses, it is only personal strength, and in terms of command operations, it is inferior.

The East and West Houses are the entire two places, with the best warfare.

Left Mo snorted, he also knows that such a bureau under the corpse will surely lay down the killing tricks of Qiankun. His heart pulled back and began to think seriously. Since the corpse handed the meditation to his own hands, he could not afford to pay the corpse.

These days, he asked An Mo to collect all kinds of hot discussions about the new Pluto. After carefully reading it, he discovered that most of the forces were cautious about his kingship. Mainly the corpse of Yu Wei is still there, few people dare to openly resist. In private, they are still quite optimistic.

Zuo Mo knows that this is their doubt about his strength. Zuo Mo is quite familiar with the Mozu, and the Mozu worships the strong, so the successive kings are absolute strong, and the corpse is like this.

Bright muscles?

There was a glimpse of a smile on the left corner of the mouth.


An Mo is also observing the new king in the dark.

The new king did not have much words, his style was sophisticated, and his strength could not be seen. This surprised him. An Mo is one of the four masters, but few people know that his strength is second only to Pluto, but the head of the Four Masters. Because he is among the four lords, the only lord who has received the guidance of the old Pluto.

He is a low-key person, does not like to fight, is the other three lords, do not know his depth.

But it is as strong as him, and even can not see the depth of the new king!

This made him feel more confident and increased.

Seeing that the king was thinking, he did not say anything and secretly patrolled. After all, they only have a thousand people. Ghosts know that the forces that jumped into the wall will not take risks.

Be careful not to make a big mistake, and Ann told him to go down and let the whistle expand the scope of the investigation.

Suddenly, he looked tight and sipped: "Ready to fight!"

The surrounding subordinates immediately entered the fighting state.

Anmu’s gaze looked northwest, and the whistle of that position had an alarm. There was a war department approaching, and the speed was amazing!

Soon, the whistle appeared in his vision, and the whistle made a gesture to prepare for the battle, and then an arc was drawn in the air, immersed in the back.

In the distant sky, a group of small black spots appeared.

The little black spots are coming very fast, and they almost rushed to the front of everyone!

An desert look, sharp!

His eyesight is stronger than others and he sees it more clearly. This war department seems to be a loose team, but in reality, everyone has a very suitable distance. Moreover, this is obviously a long-formed war department, and the players are extremely tacit. Each player seems to change position as he pleases, but his teammates will subconsciously make up for him. This instinct complement is passed between teams at an alarming rate.

It seems that this warfare is like a flowing mercury!

Mercury leaks!

The head of the war will be resolute, and from afar, An Mo can feel the courage and fierceness of the face.

The pressure on Anmo suddenly increased, and his face was dignified.

If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that there would be a war of the Devils to create such a delicate and uncertain war department! The repairers’ troops are in a strict shape and they are very particular about the battlefield. Only the demon warfare department will have such a delicate and uncertain formation. The Mozu War Department is not even more concerned about the formation, as long as the war will be able to gather the power of the subordinates, because of this, the Mozu War Department is the most scattered among the three tribes.

However, this war department has completely subverted the common sense of An Mo. When did the ecstasy have such a strange team?

The other side did not slow down at all, and it rushed straight.

As we get closer, the impact of the formation of the other team is as strong as the impact of mercury rolling, and some of the subordinates with poor quality are subconsciously preparing to fight back.

An desert look cold, all the distracting thoughts in his heart are left behind, as long as the other party enters their attack range, he will not hesitate to give each other a head-on blow!

No one can scatter in front of him!

At this time, this weird warfare in front of us suddenly seemed to be contrary to common sense, and suddenly stopped suddenly regardless of inertia.

That weird feeling is almost uncomfortable to vomit blood.

An Mo pressed his hand, and he almost attacked and his heart slammed. A good battle! The opponent apparently has seen through his attack range and is able to reach the outer edge of his attack range.

For the first time, An Mo met such a powerful war. Although the two sides had not yet played against each other, he was deeply shocked.

The wind murders Liao Liao, and the birds are silent.

As the first general, he slammed down and squatted. Hey, everyone in the war turned over from the magic ride, and the movements were uniform. The team separated from it, walked out of a demon, and walked to the side of the head.

The two are side by side, facing the direction of the Anmo War Department.

Is it...

Anmo’s mind just flashed a thought, and the corner of his eye had already seen the king’s coming out of the crowd and came to the front.

The two saw Zuo Mo, very excited, but the two were also at the same time.

"Cool!" Cool and deep breath, a deep silence.

"Fei Lei!" Fei Lei was very excited and spit.

"The horn of the king, come to protect the king!" The two men sighed in unison.

As a swearing and solemn voice, it is spread far and wide in the open wilderness.

"My king is on!"

Thousands of people shouted neatly, like thunder, and the whole wasteland was trembled. Everyone is excited and inexplicable. They have flashed excitement and fanaticism and excitement in their eyes. For ten years, they finally can say this.

Many people burst into tears.

They remembered that Ferry found them in the remote mountains and told them the glory of their former ancestors; they remembered that they had come to their camps like a bunch of scorpions, but the big lord took the horn of the king and let them watch. Going up to the name like a joke; remembering that in order to be able to make the cool and slightly satisfied, everyone does not know how to take off a few layers of skin, only to know what is called the war department; think of the increasingly embarrassing waiting for ten years, clearly looting and surviving, They stubbornly hypnotized themselves like fools. They are not a group of bandits. They are a warhead with faith.

They haven't seen Zuo Mo, they don't even know what it looks like.

But each of them, from the first day, was told that they would fight for such a person!

Fight for the king and regain the glory of the passing.

This is their belief.

There were countless illusory figures in my mind that were finally clear in front of them, and all their beliefs became real and touching.

They are not fools, they are not bandits.

They are the horn of the king, a war department with faith!

They are destined to have the glory that belongs to them!


Zuo Mo looked at the war department in front of him, and he was inexplicably inexplicable.

The arrangement of Pu Yao and Wei, what he knows, is only the two names of Liang Wei and Fei Lei. In fact, he did not report any hopes for this war department. He insisted on ten years without any news. Zuo Mo knew very well how difficult it was.

When he met the coolness of the house at the Pohang War, his heart was astonished and moved.

Looking at the faces, he controlled his suspicions and solemnly made his promise: "You and I are together, never give up!"

Responding to him, it was the landslide and tsunami that shouted in unison: "My king is on!"

The war department of An Mo, looked at this scene with a stunned look.

Suddenly, Anmo realized that he had even neglected the problem before, and Wang did not have the same foundation as discussed outside! Because he is not only the Pluto, but also the king of Mo Yunhai!

The power that the king himself has is enough to compete with the meditation.

An Mo also suddenly understood, why the old Pluto will be so reassured to the new king, so confident!

If it is said that the left Mo rate Mo Yunhai captured the meditation, it will naturally cause the resistance of the various forces in the whole world. However, he ruled the world as a successor, and no one can contend with him!

He is too strong! Even stronger than the old Pluto!

Those who oppose it are just the arm of the car. He suddenly had some bad tastes, and if those people knew that Wang was still the king of Mo Yunhai, what would be the reaction.

It’s really looking forward to it.

With the commemoration of the horn of the king, security immediately increased. An Mo does not believe that anyone in the meditation can deal with him and Liang Wei Fei Lei at the same time. However, his heart is a bit strange. Because of the two names of Liang Wei and Fei Lei, he has never heard of it. He only knows the suzaku of the grandson. Camp and other cold cadres.

Is Mo Yunhai really strong enough to that point?

Just take out two people, a war department that has never heard of a name, is so powerful?

It is as strong as anime and a little imaginary.

Zuo Mo did not know the idea of ​​An Mo. He talked with Liang Wei Ferre for a long time, only to know how hard they had been in these years. In the **** power, Zuo Mo does not need to worry at all.

He decided to take the time on the road to solve another problem he had deliberately thought about for ten years.

- Save the Pu Yao and Wei!

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