MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section VIII. Small fire

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The elders sighed: "Mo Yunhai really hides the dragon and the tiger. The young disciples of Tianhuan are hundreds of thousands, and they reach the realm of Xianer, but there is only one person. I didn't expect that there are more than three people in Mo Yunhai, that is, the old man, not blind. ""

Zuo Mo said: "Why should you be jealous? If the elders come to us, Mo Yunhai, do not say anything else, position you to pick, and the study of the gods of the elders will certainly be able to carry forward the vast majority."

Zuo Mo's tone is ridiculous, but his look is still cold and majestic, giving people a very uncoordinated sense of disgust.

The elders shook their heads and laughed: "Mr. Zuo is really humorous. After today, Mo Yunhai turned from bad to bad, and the road to the future is not as bright as Tianhuan. If you can join me, I am willing to give up the position of a great elder. ”

Zuo Mo sighed: "The elders and other masters of this class, I have always admired, I did not expect that today I have to face the sword, it really makes people have to sigh the impermanence of fate. Under the thought, if the Tianhuan did not have a big elder, no What will Li Xianer look like?"

The talks between the two sides seem to be full of emotions about fate. However, the words are like a knife, they use language to put pressure on each other.

The elders laughed and said: "Mr. Zuo is right. Today's World War I is related to the fate of both of you and me. If I die, the Tianhuan will be weak, and if Mr. Zuo is killed, Mo Yunhai will not break. Mr. Zuo is too confident, personally involved in the danger, it should not be! The old man did not want to go back alive today, Mr. Zuo must be lucky."

Zuo Mo’s face stunned: “Whoever can say that you want to be a little man’s life, there are not a thousand and eight hundred. The old man has the ability to come, come! Little boy is waiting!”

The momentum of both sides continues to climb.

At this time, everyone knows that words can't interfere with the opponent at all, and the will of both sides is resolute. This is destined to be a battle in which only one side stands.

Wei Sheng's eyes are as sharp as a sword, and the blood of the sword is in his hand. The mottled blood is floating on the blade, and the air seems to be full of blood.

The war in his body burned, and the great elders in front of him were more powerful than him. Today's battle, if he can survive, he will be able to go further on the Kendo!

During this time, he was constantly struggling in the blood of the blood of the sword, and he faintly touched the edge of the breakthrough.

Suddenly, he understood that the battle in front of him was his chance to break through.

The blood in the body seems to be beating with the **** swords of the gods, and Wei Sheng’s mood calms down. He suddenly said: “Teacher, let me try!”

Left was a little surprised, but when he saw the clear eyes of the master, he suddenly understood.

The master wants to use this battle to prove his kendo!

I don't know why, Zuo Mo's heart is filled with speechless feelings. The master is always loyal to his own heart, and always insists on his persistence in the kendo. He never knows fear and fears danger.

"Brothers are careful!" There is no nonsense left, although it is dangerous to know that, but when he sees his brother's firm eyes, he understands the persistence of his brother.

This is a man from a sword servant, a sincere devotion to the sword!

There is no enthusiasm for worship, and some are just silently insisting. Not indulging in strength, not pursuing the power of blindness, from the beginning to the end, insisting on the pursuit of kendo.

Extremely sword, very heart!

This is his ideal, this is his pursuit.

Looking at the master who is as straight as a sword, suddenly he left to think of the jade slip that was given to him by the master of the empty mountain.

Is it true that the words of iron are not the words of Wei Sheng’s brother?

Zuo Mo’s deep admiration is that in this era of killing and doing everything, only about the interests, people like brothers who have always pursued their ideals and persist in their own beliefs are rare and negligible.

Wei Sheng slowly raised the blood sword in his hand.

The elders shook their heads: "Little doll, you are not an opponent of the old man."

"I know." Wei Sheng Shen said: "But don't try, some things, I never know."

The elders silently, for a moment, said: "Fortunately, you are not a Kunlun disciple."

Wei Sheng didn't ask the big elders what the meaning of this sentence was. His body was full of magical powers, and he was transported to the extreme, his eyes were awe-inspiring, and he raised his **** sword and spurred toward the elders!

There is no fancy, no change, it is like a disciple who just started to learn the sword, simple and simple, the most basic one!

However, this most basic and simple thorn is full of unparalleled beauty and unspeakable coordination.

Like the light of the whole world, all of them are attracted by this simple action.

In the hands of Wei Sheng, the **** sword of the gods is screaming like a pleasant singer.

This strange humming sound seemed to be transmitted to the depths of the earth, and the camp under the crowds also trembled.

Everyone who was fighting on the ground was shocked and looked at Wei Sheng in the sky, his eyes were very incomparable. Not only the ground, but the air also trembles at the same frequency.

The whole space is trembled.

This tremor is strange and can easily be transmitted into the body. Those who are weaker in strength are only dizzy, and those who are strong and powerful are also scared.

A **** red sword, which is not dazzling, hits the elders at a speed that does not look fast.

The elders’ eyes widened and they couldn’t help but praise: “Good sword! Wash the lead! Just point to the road of the sword!”

He had a full estimate of Wei Sheng's strength before, but did not expect that this seemingly simple man, but brought him a great shock. This sword, although far less than the previous Wei Sheng sword, but the realm is higher.

In the face of such a sword, he also dared not support the big, took a deep breath, the subtle changes in the world, through the end of the gods into his heart, a sense of insight in the world is born.

"Open the sky!"

In the gods, there was a low drink.

Zuo Mo suddenly felt something. He looked up at the sky above his head, and his pupil couldn’t help but shrink. He saw a ripple in the sky. Soon, the ripples became more severely broken, and the sky seemed to be boiling.

this is……

Zuo Mo looked stunned.

I saw the boiling sky, suddenly became very dark, deep and vast starry sky, appeared on the top of the head.

Fighting the stars!

This kind of powerful strength that exists only in the legend has actually lived in front of the eyes. The two sides who are fighting underneath are all eclipsed and subconsciously stop fighting.

At this time, the spot of the big point of the needle suddenly appeared.

These spots come very fast, and they will come to the eye in the blink of an eye.


In the sky, countless bright flames, like raindrops, appear on the heads of everyone.

"The virtual sky is off fire!" Zuo Mo’s knowledge of the sea, Pu Yao lost his voice, but his next sentence left Zuo Mo almost stunned: "Fast, throw the small fire!"

Throw the little fire up...

Zuo Mo was almost confused by the Pu Yao’s headless words, but fortunately he reacted very quickly. When he heard the tone of Pu Yao, he knew that it was a good thing. He knew that this is a very powerful flame, rumored that it only exists in the depths of the void. Floating in the void, burning quietly, a burning is tens of thousands of years.

Is it...

At this point, I don’t think much about it, oh, a small fire will appear in the hands of Zuo Mo.

Among the small ones, Xiaohuo and Xiaohei are guys who have no fighting power. Little black is okay, with a treasurer stunt, much more. The small fire, until now, the only role is to act as a ventilating fireball when Xiao Mo Ge is in a bad mood. Recently, there was danger along the way. When he was afraid of a small fire, he threw it in the ring.

The small fire simply slumbered in the ring, and the body became more and more round.

When the small fire appeared in the hands of Zuo Mo, he slept soundly.

Left to see, hey, bursting in his hand. The small fire body constantly changes its shape. It opens its eyes in a blank way. When it sees that it is Zuo Mo, it looks like a peace of mind and then closes its eyes.

Like a pair, Ren Jun Shi's appearance, anyway, it can fall asleep like this.

See you at the left, and shouted: "Hey son, wake up, go up!"

After all, the hand suddenly made a force, the small fire was like an angry, flying away from the sky in the sky!

The whistling airflow blows the body of the small fire and soft bullets like a wave.

Annoyed! You have to pinch it... It’s hard to sleep well. It’s hard to dispel the sleepy devil. It’s already giving you a face...oh...oh...this is...ah! Ah! ...this, what is the situation?

The small fire opened his eyes and suddenly looked dumbfounded.

How... how to sleep... the world is getting better, terrible...

Its courage was small, the sight in front of it, scared it almost turned and fled.

However, it was too late to make any reaction. The first imaginary day left the fire and it came to it.


The imaginary day is not in the fire and the body is round, and the small fire is round and the body is stiff.

An unprecedented sense of satisfaction, from its body, the warmth of the warmth, spread throughout it. This unparalleled sense of satisfaction, like the most delicious food in the world, makes it instantly addicted to it.

The imaginary sky that was summoned from the depths of the endless void was like a shark, and it smelled like a shark.

Puff puff!

The virtual sky is like a raindrop, and it doesn't fall into the small, round body. The small fire seems to be constantly hit, and the body is constantly shaking like a sieve.

Its intoxicating expression is stiff on the face, oh, stiff on the body.

Every imaginary day is out of the fire and the body of the small fire, the shape of the small fire will be a big point.

The imaginary sky that the elders summoned came from thousands of fires. In a blink of an eye, the body of a small fire suddenly swelled dozens of times, just like an inflated balloon. Its color is more vivid, red, and cute.

Every imaginary day is a fire, and it is a stream of heat that scatters into it.

One by one, so that the little fire can not respond.

Good taste...

Why is happiness always coming so suddenly... but good support...

I just felt that when I opened my eyes, the world became a terrible little fire, and I was caught off guard by the sky.

If you can fall asleep with the happiness of this support, then it will be perfect...

There are also some small fires that are so self-satisfied, completely ignoring the countless guys who are looking at their faces and looking stunned.

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