MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section VIII. Yang Yuanhao's decision

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Zuo Mo turned around, looking serious, silent for a long while, spit out a sentence.

"Cough, I used to be so ugly in the past!"

Auntie, this is not a good word, so the brother is a little weak...

Left Mo is not awkward, but fortunately in this sentence, but let his cockroaches eliminate a lot.

Li Xianer’s body was awkward, and she couldn’t believe it in her eyes. It looked like a ghost.

"When you were in the past, I was very miserable, coughing, and it was a karma. I tried it all the time. I didn't expect you to fall into the palm of your brother today, wow haha..."

After the elimination of the cockroaches, the left Morton couldn't help but smug up, and suddenly a little man's expression of ambition. However, he had no hatred for Li Xianer, but it was a touch of warmth. The years when there was no empty mountain were probably one of the most carefree times in his life.

Li Xianer still looked stunned and looked at Zuo Mo, and could not speak for a long time.

Zuo Mo smiled: "Reassured, I will not take care of you when I am in the relationship of the year. Waiting for your Tianhuan mission to come over and talk about the conditions, I will put you back."

Said that he turned his face and said to the ghost: "Ghost, bring her, let's go out."

A ghost nodded, then Li Xianer, left to take Shi Pei, leaving the prison.

They met with Zhong De, and everyone saw Li Xianer, all of them look happy. As a result, their chips have increased greatly, and the possibility of completion of the next strategic plan has increased.

Zhong De’s plan is full of temptation, but there are so many problems that it makes people numb when they think about it. For Zuo Mo, receiving so many worlds at a time, not to mention the war period, is a peaceful period, is a difficult task.

If you are a little bit careless, you may lose all of them.

Everyone was happy for a moment, and Zhong De left with a speech. He still has a lot of work to do. The death of the head requires a rhetoric. The most important thing at Xi Xuan is stability. Zhongde is even more powerful, and there is only one war department. If the West is chaotic, the situation will become very bad.

And those families who are willing to follow him or the Guliang knife will begin to arrange for them to migrate.

This is a huge and cumbersome project.


Mo Yunhai.

When the news of Zuo Mo was passed back, the entire Mo Yunhai high-rise was almost boiling. God, that's three hundred! Everyone was deeply shocked by this plan, and everyone was left to admire the five bodies.

Sure enough, it is the boss!

Going out for a circle, empty gloves and white wolves, earned more than 300 circles!

Even the face of the cold is a bit uncomfortable. He took the gang of Tang Fei Ma Fan, killed and killed, and the crotch was broken. He finally hit the 40th and 50th circles. But left Mo, go out and sway a circle, more than three hundred boundaries to start.

Or someone else died and Bai Laibai sent it!

The gap between people is so big!

In addition to the cold and the beginning of the anti-provincial warfare and profiteers two careers cost-effective, the entire Mo Yunhai high-level, but a cheer. Soon, under the auspices of the grandson, the various departments began to operate quickly, ready to receive more than 300 boundaries.

Everyone knows that this will be an unprecedented large-scale operation. Even in the history of the realm of cultivation, large-scale receiving operations like this will never happen again.

Materials, war departments, personnel, etc., quickly assembled.

Mo Yunhai is ready for a very short time.


Zhong De’s intention, except for Zuo Mo and Gu Liang, both know, no one knows. No one will think that in this world, there are still madmen who give others three hundred circles.

However, some activities in the sphere of influence of Zuo Mo and Gu Liang knife have caused many people to be alert. The assembly of the war department and the preparation of materials have been continually called by officials to the sea of ​​clouds.

There are indications that the two sides will soon have big moves.

If you are an unsuspecting person, you still think that both sides are ready to fight. However, those who have a little common sense know that the alliance between Zuo Mo and Gu Liangdao is unbreakable. Recently, I have not heard of any contradictions between the two sides. Obviously, it is impossible for the two sides to exchange each other.

There is only one possibility, the two sides are ready to unite!

Who will be the goal?

Kunlun, Tianhuan, Demon Temple, etc., immediately became nervous.

If Mo Yunhai and Gu Liangdao are united, no matter what, the strength of the battle is absolutely impossible to ignore. It is unlikely that there will be a cold war, but don't forget that Mo Yunhai also has the top ten grandsons in the top ten battles, and his Suzaku camp is complete. The Guliang knife itself is amazing, ranking fifth.

If the two major battles ranked fourth and fifth will be combined, such a luxurious lineup, Kunlun also has some scalp tingling.

Also nervous is the nine Zen Gates. Many people are thinking, it will not be the performance of the previous period, annoyed Mo Yunhai, now it is time to liquidate.

Yang Yuanhao is not nervous at all. His eyes are old and hot, and he has a good understanding of Zuo Mo. With the style of this product, if he is going to fight, he will never make a slight noise.

This goods is a loyal sneak attack party!

The knife is not his style.

Although he did not figure out what Zuo Mo and Gu Liangdao wanted to do, he was sure that they were definitely not ready to fight.

He did not entangle in this issue, he is very clear, as long as the nine Zen Gates did not completely fall to Kunlun Tianhuan, Mo Yunhai will definitely not start with the nine Zen Gates.

He has been thinking about the words of the head these days.

Before, he once thought that Mo Yunhai could not stop the offensive of Tianhuan, but now, he suddenly smelled the smell of Moyunhai.

What must have happened.

Yang Yuanhao is keenly aware of the changes in Mo Yunhai. If Mo Yunhai fails, there is no doubt that Mo Yunhai will be the best target.

It is time to make a decision.

Yang Yuanhao got up.


When Zuo Mo received the paper crane at the head of Leiyin Temple, he was shocked.

In the paper crane, the head clearly expressed their willingness to incorporate the layout of Mo Yunhai. In addition to the letter from Leiyin Temple, the letter of Lian Zun Temple also arrives at the same time. The two sides apparently have already passed in the dark.

Lian Zun Temple Zuo Mo is not too surprised, they and Kunlun Tianhuan torn the skin, want to survive, must go to a big force.

However, the action of Leiyin Temple made Xiao Mo Ge feel very surprised. Leiyin Temple is not only the head of the nine Zen Gates, but also has a powerful warrior like Yang Yuanhao. Its own strength cannot be underestimated.

Is it that my last words worked? The left is in my heart.

Zuo Mo did not answer immediately, but thought carefully.

He has not been stunned by the pies that have been smashed in the sky. The Leiyin Temple and the Lianzun Temple have both advantages and disadvantages.

The good thing, Mo Yunhai's strength will increase again, and can get the top-level warfare like Yang Yuanhao, Mo Yunhai's strength will undoubtedly reach another peak.

But the disadvantages are not without it. Once Leiyin Temple and Lianzun Temple went to Moyunhai, once they announced, the nine Zen Gates would immediately fall apart. The nine Zen Gates will no longer exist. The crisis of survival will be divided rapidly, and each will find a way out. The result is nothing but Mo Yunhai, Tianhuan and Kunlun.

Zuo Mo’s definition of the Nine Zen Gates was a barrier and a buffer zone.

Once the situation has evolved to that point, this barrier will disappear. Mo Yunhai will directly border Kunlun Tianhuan, when the pressure will double.

After careful thoughts for a long time, Zuo Mo replied to the head of Leiyin Temple, saying that they would welcome them to join, and promised that the war department of Yang Yuanhao would enjoy a level of treatment with Zhuque Camp and the Ministry of the Ministry of Justice, but let them temporarily keep confidential and let them Yang Yuanhao’s war department is ready for assembly.

Zuo Mo thought of the plan he thought of in the Zhongde military account.

If Leiyin Temple joins Mo Yunhai, it means that they do not need to go around the wedge-shaped area of ​​the Tianhuan. They only need to be at the right time. The Yangyuanhao war department suddenly launches an attack, and the Tianhuan must be panicked.

They can easily cut this wedge-shaped area from the territory of the sky ring.

Moreover, now is not a good time to split the nine Zen Gates.

Zuo Mo’s heart is filled with fighting spirits, and Leiyin Temple, which was sent to the door, gave him an important weight.

He is more confident.

After dealing with these things, Zuo Mo re-entered the research on the "Women Shuttle", and the unique system of Tianhuan is full of inspiration.

If you can thoroughly study it, it will be of great help to perfect Mo Yunhai's system.

In particular, Tianhua’s research on the gods is more profound than Mo Yunhai.

His research on the "Women's Shuttle" did not evade Li Xianer. Li Xianer is now the baby in their hands, the key to the implementation of the next plan, never to be surprised.

It is said that the mission of Tianhuan is coming soon, but Zuo Mo also knows that Tianhuan will never give up to rescue Li Xianer. Now I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at them.

In order to prevent the cooked duck from flying, Zuo Mosuo put Li Xianer on his side. A ghost, Wei Sheng, Zeng Perry, Zong Ru and others were encircled into a circle, and the periphery was stationed in Zhong De’s battle. unit.

The guards are so strict that a fly can't fly in.

In this way, Zuo Mo can feel at ease to ponder the set of things in Tianhuan.


Li Xianer can't describe her own mood.

The paper crane represents the memory of her childhood. Every time she thinks about it, she always smiles involuntarily. It stands to reason that this should be nothing more than an inconspicuous episode in her life. However, she always had a faint nostalgia for the distant "victim" who did not know the name.

The paper crane, she did not throw it away, but placed it in the ring, to be remembered.

I don't know if it is because of the embarrassment and tenacity of the other party, which impressed her so much that she will always reflect on her outside, and her mischief at that time is too much.

This unspeakable temperament is extremely rare around her.

They are gentle, they are talented, and they have no trace of what they can do.

But there is no blood.

However, he turned out to be left!

For a few days, she was in the middle of it. h! ~!

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