MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 44 Well-mannered Godfather Wei

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Before Zhang Yunxi went to the seminary, he was actually a very thin-skinned person. In dealing with others, he didn't like to put himself in an embarrassing situation, and he also didn't embarrass others.

The development of this kind of personality has a lot to do with family education. His adoptive parents are all intellectuals. Although they are not rich and powerful, they are never short of money or material things. , which led to Zhang Yunxi's indifferent attitude on many issues.

but! After his parents were killed, Zhang Yunxi finally understood what it means to be warm and cold, and what it means to let someone take a cold tea. He also understood that in this world, he has no special characteristics. Besides, no one can give him absolute help.

If you want to survive, you have to rely on yourself!

With a thin-skinned, hard-to-face character, the only one who suffers in some things is himself!

Instead, be shameless and be more aggressive in dealing with things. Sometimes you can effectively protect your own rights and interests. When you encounter difficult problems, you should fight if you have to fight!

In the reception room, Zhang Yunxi looked at Duoduo, and said bluntly: "Hand punching is impossible! I think this condition has violated my dignity and interests. If you save my surprise and find my gene If there is a loophole in my body, won't I be in your hands for the rest of my life?"

"You misunderstood, Mr. Xu is a kind person!"

"Whether he is a kind person or not, I don't know, but what I can tell you is that I am a villain now." With a smile on his face, Zhang Yunxi said very straightforwardly: "Yes, I do lack inhibitory fluid , I can’t live without it, but I believe that Mr. Xu’s willingness to help me is also profitable. If we want to reach a cooperation agreement, then you have to listen to my conditions, right?”

"You say!"

"First, the employment contract of this special consultant must be signed after I win the lawsuit. Before that, we can sign the contract of intent." Zhang Yunxi said clearly: "Second, about many of the employment contracts I do not agree with any terms, such as cooperating with inspections and regularly providing blood, hair and other testing sources with physical genetic characteristics. I must have the right to supervise the direction of testing and watch the detailed data analyzed by you. Third, there is You must not disclose the data about my genes to any third party...!"

On the negotiating table, Zhang Yunxi put forward more than 20 detailed clauses one after another, avoiding all the dangerous points that he can think of so far.

After listening to Duoduo: "You have such a request, and it is all to protect your own interests, so what reason do we have to help you?"

"The reason is that Boss Xu wants to study me." Zhang Yunxi replied with a smile: "I only protected my own rights, but I didn't restrict your rights to study me. To put it bluntly, cooperation is a win-win situation. Who wants to just think about it?" If you take advantage of it, then there must be no agreement."

Duoduo stroked the ends of his hair: "I don't understand, given your current situation, where did you get the courage?"

"Courage is that no matter what happens now, my situation will not be worse." Zhang Yunxi spread his palms: "I don't even know if I can live a full year, and I won't be so stupid that I haven't gotten out of this pit." Climb out and fall into another pit, what do you think?"

"OK! I'm going to contact the boss!" Duoduo got up and said, "Lawyer Luo, please talk to him."

"Okay!" The lawyer nodded.

When Duoduo turned to leave, he paused at the door, turned around and asked, "About the matter of providing Jingzi, are you sure you don't have to talk about it? You can't even give money...!"

"I hope you can respect me, I'm not here to sell." Zhang Yunxi was speechless.

Duoduo smiled awkwardly, opened the door and left.

Lawyer Luo Xiaoxiang looked at Zhang Yunxi: "Your logical thinking ability is quite good."

"Speaking of business, how are you going to help me with this lawsuit?" Zhang Yunxi asked.

Luo Xiaoxiang paused: "The inflection point of your case lies in whether it is subjective homicide, so the final psychiatric ruling is very important! Personally, I suggest you go to a psychiatric hospital first...!"

outside the door.

Many multi-purpose communicators contacted Xu Taiyin: "Boss, he is really difficult, he doesn't look like a student at all...!"

Mingzhu City, inside a high-end restaurant.

"Da da…!"

Weber was wearing sunglasses and a pale pink suit. The mechanical foot on his right leg stepped on the solid and smooth ground, and there was a sound of metal knocking.

Baby followed behind Weber, tall and powerful, full of momentum.

Under the attention of all the guests, the two came to Yu Jiahui's dining table.

The three looked up at each other in astonishment, and Yu Jiahui asked, "Are you...!"

"Hi, Ms. Yu, I am the owner of the bar at 10:30 in the 1st block, and my name is Weber." The godfather whispered softly and replied politely: "Your son once manipulated an AI robot and hurt my Brother, killed my friend."

Yu Jiahui was confused when she heard this: "Are you sick?! What are you talking about?"

Wei Bo ignored the other party's reaction, sat next to Yu Jiahui very familiarly, and said softly to her, "I'm here to talk about Zhang Yunxi."

"What am I talking to you about?!" Yu Jiahui raised her eyebrows coldly, "I don't know you, so you leave immediately!"

Weber looked back at the service staff and called softly: "I want a glass of orange juice, thank you!"

"Sir, we are having a private party, if you harass me like this...!" Attorney Wang frowned and wanted to speak.


The baby put a big hand on Lawyer Wang's shoulder: "I advise you not to beep, it has nothing to do with you!"

"What are you going to do?" Lawyer Wang suddenly stood up.

"Look at you! Such a high-end restaurant, can you have some quality? Wouldn't it be better to use a little more elegant words?" Wei Bo scolded the baby, then turned to look at Yu Jiahui: "I'm here to talk about forgiveness! Simply put , you personally give up the prosecution operation against Zhang Yunxi, and I will give you a certain amount of financial compensation."

Yu Jiahui looked at each other in disbelief: "Are you crazy? Do you think you are rich? Or do you think I'm short of money?! Are you really sick?! Get out of here!"

Wei Bo rested his chin on his left hand and looked at Yu Jiahui lazily: "Do you know Dong Longhui? He is the legal person of Longhui Biology Studio."

Yu Jiahui was stunned.

"He is the puppet of you and Liu Zonghui at the front desk." Weber reached out to take the orange juice handed over by the AI ​​robot, and said softly while drinking: "I have a good relationship with him, and he told me a lot about the relationship between you and me. thing."

"You... you threatened me...?!"

"I thought you were a very polite person, can you hear me out?" Weber looked at him and asked.

Yu Jiahui's face was pale, and her eyes were full of anxiety.

"Dong Longhui told me some very hidden things, including the details of your plan to kidnap Zhang Yunxi, modifying the control system of the murderer Li Yun privately, and you using Longhui Biological to conduct illegal research in the wilderness area Secretly preparing to build a laboratory and so on." Weber put down the orange juice and said softly: "Dong Longhui has given me some of the evidence in it, not only pointing to Liu Zonghui and Liu Ye, but also pointing to you! If I take it out, You are also in trouble."

Yu Jiahui gritted her teeth.

"Are you going to sue Zhang Yunxi?" Weber asked politely.

"Why are you doing this? What on earth are you doing?" Yu Jiahui asked with cold eyes.

"I can tell you clearly that the person who asked me to talk to you is Xu Taiyin." Weber spread his palms: "He has no interest in you. Of course, if you insist on touching capital power with him, I don't think he will." would refuse."

Yu Jiahui was completely dumbfounded when she heard this.

"I'll ask Dong Longhui to call you later, and he'll tell you about his situation." Weber got up slowly, took out a very old gold-plated business card from his pocket, and gently placed it on the table. : "I heard that your husband passed away? It's such a pity! Single women are always lonely. If you need anything, you can call me. I'm single too."

"...!" The baby was confused on the spot.

"That's it." Weber straightened his suit gently, and left with the baby behind his back.

"You are a real bully, widows are also interested?!" Bao Bao followed behind.

"You don't understand Boss Cao's happiness." Wei Bo replied: "It can be used for washing and washing."

meeting room.

Duoduo returned, and said to Zhang Yunxi with a smile: "The talk is over, your hundreds of millions of descendants are preserved! The terms of employment you proposed, the boss thinks it's not a big problem, so we can discuss it!"?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's note: After two chapters, please recommend!