MTL - Yan Yan-Chapter 39 two loves

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The dark blue night was full of stars, and the drive-in theater was full of cars of all sizes and colors.

A European and American movie is playing on the giant screen.

The protagonist of a spy war movie is in a hurry to fall in love with the heroine in the midst of guns and stray bullets—

In a dilapidated basement with no daylight, the male and female protagonists embraced and kissed without any scruples, catching the audience's attention.

The kiss in the car lasted longer. When Bai Xingfan let go of Su Yan, the picture on the open-air screen had already turned into a tense and exciting spy war.

Su Yan was panting, her cheeks were crimson, her already rosy lips became fuller and more charming, like a ripe red cherry.

She was not the first kiss. After all, she had a love experience before, but Bai Xingfan gave her a completely different feeling from Xie Yu.

Xie Yu is gentle and gradual; Bai Xingfan is domineering, with a strong desire for control and oppression, and does not give her a chance to breathe, making her feel like a fish on a chopping board, only to be slaughtered by others.

The oxygen in his chest was almost drained from him.

She leaned weakly on his shoulder.

Bai Xingfan's breathing was also disordered, and the color of his eyes became darker and hotter.

This was the first time in his life that he lost control, his reason collapsed, his desires opened, and a flood of possessiveness poured down Gu Laxiu, which completely swept his heart.

He wanted more and more, a kiss could not satisfy him at all, he wanted her as a person, and wanted to lock her by his side until the end of the rest of his life.

But he also understands the truth that haste is not enough, and nothing can be rushed.

Rather than forcing her, he wanted her to live in his palm willingly.

After the rhythm of breathing calmed down, he raised his hand, wiped the crystals of her lips with his thumb, and said slowly, "Miss Su has already agreed?"

Su Yan frowned slightly: "Promise what?" Her mind was still in a dull state, and she didn't realize what he was asking at all.

Bai Xingfan: "Of course, be my girlfriend."

It was this thing.

In fact, she had already agreed in her heart, otherwise why would she kiss him? But he was embarrassed to admit that he had agreed, which was shy.

And when she kissed just now, she was also a little out of control, completely lost in that long kiss, she liked it so much that she even took the initiative to try to suppress him several times, although he was arrogant every time. She pressed it back, but as long as she thought about it, she still felt ashamed.

Just when Su Yan was racking her brains to think about how to answer to keep her reserved, Bai Xingfan suddenly said, "If Miss Su doesn't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence."

Su Yan: "…"

Can you do this?

But that's fine, she doesn't have to worry about how to answer that question anymore, she just followed his words and replied, "Then you can acquiesce."

Bai Xingfan's voice sounded above her head again, with an unmistakable tone: "From now on, you must make a video call every day; see you at least once a week; before you go on business, you must tell me where and how long you are going; if someone bullies you, Don't bear it by yourself, you must come and complain to me." He raised his hand and pinched her chin again, "My girlfriend, I can only bully myself."

Su Yan raised her eyes and looked at him dissatisfiedly: "You have too many demands."

Bai Xingfan's face didn't change: "Which one is Miss Su dissatisfied with?"

Su Yan couldn't help but complain: "Can't you make a voice call? Do you still need a video?"

Bai Xingfan replied seriously: "Because I want to see you every day."

As if being filled with honey, Su Yan's heart was sweet, and she instantly accepted this request, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop rising, but her tone was arrogant: "Well, I'll satisfy you."

Bai Xingfan couldn't help laughing: "Thank you, my girlfriend."

However, Su Yan rolled her eyes: "If you're happy, call your girlfriend, if you're not happy, call Miss Su. Mr. Bai's score is really clear."

The title "President Bai" is obviously a retaliation.

Bai Xingfan held back his smile and asked seriously, "Then may I ask, my girlfriend, what do you want me to call you?"

Su Yan thought about it and said, "Call 'Yan Yan', everyone calls me that."

Bai Xingfan's eyes narrowed, and his eyes darkened a bit.

Everyone called her Yanyan, including Xie Yu.

He didn't like this kind of indiscriminate treatment.

Although he didn't mind what happened between her and Xie Yu, he would be jealous, jealous to the point of madness.

What he wanted was a Su Yan that belonged to him alone. He couldn't change the past, but in the future, it must be like this.

After a while, he lightly opened his thin lips: "Yanyan is fine, but I want to ask my girlfriend for a unique title."

Su Yan: "What else do you want to shout?"

Bai Xingfan: "Cubs."

His voice was low and loving, Su Yan was completely unable to resist, she felt as if she had turned into a little girl in an instant, and was held in his palm by him.

"Can you?" he asked.

Su Yan blushed and replied, "Yes, but you can't shout in front of outsiders."

Otherwise it's really embarrassing.

Bai Xingfan smiled and replied, "Okay."

Su Yan shyly pursed the corners of her lips, like a cute little girl, and then leaned her head on his shoulder, quietly feeling his warm body temperature.

Bai Xingfan's eyes were slightly rolled, and there was a slight smile on his face, and he didn't say any more, hugging his girl contentedly.

A fierce gun battle started on the big screen outside, but there was no sound inside the car.

The atmosphere is charming and ambiguous.

Suddenly, the sound of the phone vibrating interrupted the hard-won ambiguous atmosphere.

Su Yan froze, thinking of something, and hurriedly said to her boyfriend: "Let go of me! My parents call! I'm here to check the post!"

Bai Xingfan was startled: "What?"

Su Yan struggled to climb back and said, "It's too late, they are worried that I will be abducted."

Bai Xingfan: "…"

The phone kept vibrating, but Su Yan didn't answer the call immediately. After she sat down in the co-pilot's seat, she quickly adjusted her clothes and hairstyle before answering the call.

It was a video call from her mother.

But on the screen, not only her mother, but also her father.

"Hey, Mom!" Su Yanqiang suppressed her guilty conscience and panic, and put on a call with her parents with a clear conscience, "What's the matter?"

Liu Xiang's brows tensed: "What time is it? You don't know how to call home?!"

Su Yan: "People forgot."

The next person who spoke was her father: "When will you be back?"

Su Yan was helpless: "The movie doesn't end until half past ten."

Liu Xiang: "Where is the movie? Why didn't I see it?"

Su Yan had to turn the camera to the rear, and then pointed the phone at the big screen outside: "Did you see it?"

Su Jian'an looked dissatisfied: "What did you two see? It was killing..."

Su Yan knew that her father was deliberately picking on faults, and sighed: "We can't decide what to show tonight, it's a movie in the cinema."

Her father was noncommittal and asked, "Where are you now?"

Su Yan: "In the car."

Her dad: "Just yourself?"

Su Yan instantly guessed her father's careful thoughts—wanted to see Bai Xingfan—so she immediately turned the camera towards the cab: "With him."

Bai Xingfan was calm, and said to the camera humbly and politely: "Hello, uncle."

Su Jianan replied calmly: "Oh, good." Then he warned, "Don't play too late outside, go home as soon as the movie is over, do you hear it? Su Yan."

He also called out Su Yan's name on purpose, obviously because he didn't want to say a word to someone who was dating his daughter.

"Got it." Su Yan adjusted the camera to the front again, and swore to assure, "I'll be home before eleven o'clock."

Su Jianan: "My mother and I are waiting for you at home."

Su Yan: "Okay. Is there anything else you need? I'll hang up. Bye." After that, she pressed the hang up button, sighed again, and explained to Bai Xingfan apologetically, " My parents are not targeting you, they are just afraid that I will be unkind."

"I understand." Bai Xingfan said, "If I had a daughter, I would be worried too."

Su Yan: "You also ask her to make a video call to you every hour?"

"No." Bai Xingfan didn't change his face, and fixed his lips, "I will arrange a few bodyguards to accompany her."

Su Yan: "..." It's better to make a phone call.

She couldn't help rolling her eyes: "People are going on a date, not a date."

Bai Xingfan: "It's all the same."

Su Yan: "..." Is it the same there?

Very speechless, she decided to give up the topic, leaned back in her chair lazily, looked at the giant screen in front of her and said, "I don't know what to do."

Bai Xingfan: "Are you still watching?"

Su Yan: "Look, why not?"

Bai Xingfan turned on his voice, then patted his leg: "Come here."

Su Yan: "???"

Bai Xingfan: "Don't want to?"

Su Yan was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but complained, "Why do you have to squeeze together."

Bai Xing was unmoved: "Shouldn't my boyfriend hold his girlfriend?"

Su Yan had nothing to say, so she crawled over obediently and sat on his lap. Bai Xingfan directly clasped her head and pressed her to his shoulder.

His shoulders are broad and his chest muscles are firm. Even through a layer of shirt, he can feel the hardness and tension, which is very reassuring.

Su Yan honestly leaned in his arms for a while, suddenly thought of something, raised her eyes and looked at him: "Aren't your legs numb?"

Bai Xingfan: "No."

Su Yan narrowed her eyes slightly, trying to do something bad.

From her point of view, the first thing that catches the eye is his clear jawline, and then his jade-like auricle.

She suddenly raised her chin and bit his earlobe in one bite. At the same time, she thought triumphantly in her heart: I want to see how your earlobe looks like a red bead!

Her lips were soft and soft to the touch, and Bai Xingfan was caught off guard, and a certain nerve in his mind that suppressed passion/desire suddenly collapsed into slag.

Su Yan didn't notice the tension and stiffness of his body, and gently stroked his earball with the tip of her tongue before releasing him.

When I looked at his ear beads again, they were really red, like a red bead, with a seductive look.

Su Yan was quite satisfied with her masterpiece: "President Bai's ear beads..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Even through two layers of clothing, she could feel his change.


Su Yan was stunned, her eyes widened.

Bai Xingfan was breathing urgently, his face was gloomy, and even blue veins burst out on his forehead.

He was trying to suppress his own blood.

But the primal instincts kept screaming, making him sway between rationality and loss of control.

For the first time in his life, he felt out of control both physically and psychologically.

Feeling like it's going to explode.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried his best to keep himself calm, but his hoarse voice betrayed his status quo: "Go on."

He opened his lips coldly and said concisely.

Su Yan, like a frightened deer, panicked and left his body immediately, without even returning to the co-pilot, but stepped into the back row and tried to keep a distance from him.

She took a seat directly behind him, making sure the two of them couldn't see each other.

But what happened just now will not disappear with their separation, but is vividly remembered.

Su Yan's cheeks became hotter and his blood almost boiled.

The air conditioner was always on in the car, but her body temperature did not rise.

This was the first time in her life that she felt a man's inflated desire, and all of this was hooked up by her.

Embarrassment and shame filled her heart, and Su Yan felt that she had lost her face.

If it weren't for the fact that the car was too close to open the door, she would have fled and Bai Xingfan would never be seen again.

Now I want to escape but I can't.

She buried her face in her hands in annoyance, as if she could disappear out of thin air after covering her face.

For the next long time, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere in the car was rather eerie.

Su Yan has been covering her face with her hands. After a long time, the embarrassment and shame in her heart subsided a little, and then she slightly opened the fingers that were in front of her, and quietly glanced at the person in front of her through the gap between her fingers. rearview mirror.

Bai Xingfan's face was still a little gloomy, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his expression revealed displeasure.

Su Yan also knew that she was in trouble, so she made him angry, but how do you apologize for this?

She quickly looked back and quickly closed her fingers, her eyes became pitch black again, but her mind was a mess, and she just wanted to go home quickly.

However, it backfired.

The space inside the car is airtight, the light and shadow are dim, and time slows down invisibly.

After suffering for a long time, the movie finally ended, and the cars parked in the courtyard began to disperse one by one.

Su Yan only dared to put her hands off her face when she felt that the car was moving—Bai Xingfan was driving, so she definitely didn’t have time to take care of her—then quickly pressed the button to open the window, lowered the window beside her, and tried to use the injected The night wind blew away the awkward atmosphere in the car.

The moment the Rolls-Royce drove out of the cinema door, Su Yan breathed a sigh of relief and could finally go home.

However, Bai Xingfan stopped the car on the side of the road: "Sit in front."

Su Yan didn't want to go, because she was ashamed to face him, so she replied, "I'll just sit here."

Bai Xingfan looked up at her in the rearview mirror: "Do you want to give the co-pilot to someone else?"

The man's co-pilot is the girlfriend's exclusive seat.

Su Yan didn't want to give it to others.

After struggling for a while, she closed the car window, then got out of the car, and slowly returned to the co-pilot, but she never dared to look at him. Heart.

Bai Xingfan sighed lightly, stepped on the accelerator again, and drove without saying a word.

Half an hour later, Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the main entrance of the "Golden Lanwan" community.

Before the car stopped, Su Yan unfastened her seat belt, and when the car stabilized, she pulled the door handle and tried to get out of the car.

But it didn't work, the door was locked and the handle couldn't be opened.

Su Yan was at a loss, looked at Bai Xingfan awkwardly, and whispered, "I'm leaving."

Bai Xingfan frowned slightly and said dissatisfiedly, "Just leave like this?"

Su Yan: "…"

Then what do you want from me?

Bai Xingfan unfastened his seat belt and said to Su Yan, "Come here."

Su Yan said without knowing, "Why?"

Bai Xing's Sanskrit language is mild: "Come closer, I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Su Yan leaned her upper body over, and Bai Xingfan also leaned towards her at this moment, and at the same time clasped the back of her head with his hands, giving her an unexpected kiss.

The kiss wasn't long, but it was extremely strong.

Su Yan's tongue was going numb.

After the kiss was over, Bai Xingfan looked down at her eyes, with a gentle and domineering tone: "This is called a parting kiss, and I will do it every time before we part."