MTL - Yang God-Chapter 48 Rich harvest

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Hong Yi finally got a deeper understanding of why the "Amitabha Sutra" was the supreme spirit.

This scripture is cultivated to the highest level, and the soul is hung above the void. He is the Buddha of the past. Even the thousands of catastrophe can't move its true nature.

The true nature of Buddhism is the thought of Taoism in Taoism.

In other words, the repair of the Amitabha, that is, the autopsy reincarnation for thousands of times, can not cause a little damage to the soul, until the achievement of the sun.

Although Hung Yi did not cultivate to the spirit of the soul to be able to experience thousands of worlds and catastrophe, it is as true as the nature of the same, but a little damage, but it can be recovered through the moment.

Although the priest's **** of six hexagram is powerful, Hao is not inferior to the Yaksha king, enough to break the spirit of the general demon.

Even if you can't break it, it can cause irreparable damage, but for Hong Yi, it is very subtle damage.

"The realm of this Taoist priest may not be high, and certainly not cultivated into a ghost fairy. Otherwise, the power of the soul and soul oppression can directly smother me, and there will be no chance to think about it."


The fork of the Yaksha King collided with the big axe of the Dingjiajinshen.

A demon god, a **** will fight in the void.

Hong Yi and the Taoist priest were all absorbed, and the suppression of the summoned demon gods would kill in the void.

This is an invisible thought confrontation, not a physical entity, but it is especially dangerous to fight. Which side fails, the direct soul is damaged.

At this time, the Dingjia **** that the Taoist priest thought of would be in the eyes of Hong Yi, the golden light was bleak, far from the original power.

Hung Yi knows that this is because the Taoist spirit has just been damaged, so the Dingjia gods that have been conceived will also weaken their power. Whether it is the Yegongwang okay, or the Dingjia gods, they are all thoughts, the spirit is strong, they are also strong, the gods are weak, they are also weak.

The Taoist who was originally summoned by the Taoist priests, the golden light is strong, and between the axes, the Yaksha King can be divided into two sections, and the ash is annihilated. But now, they are entangled together.

In the thoughts of several rounds, Hong Yi felt that the spirit of this Taoist priest was powerful, but he was not strong enough to be outrageous. At most, he was higher than himself, but he did not reach the point of appearance.

If the soul of the spirit is cultivated to the point of manifestation, it can rely on the gas of lead, mercury and gold to directly manifest the shape, visible to the naked eye, and even hurt the real body.

This is what Hong Yi occasionally talked about when talking with Bai Ziyue.

The Taoist practiced the use of lead and mercury as a golden dan, not taking it in the flesh, but showing the form of the genitals.

If today, this Taoist priest has reached the level of manifestation, and thunderbolt melts lead, mercury, and gold into gas, and the spirit of the lead and mercury is used to show the golden body. That is an overwhelming advantage immediately. Also useless.

Because of this, Hong Yi was beaten up, and his thoughts were not in a hurry.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

Seeing the sound of gold and iron symphony in the distance, the Taoist priest was very impatient. Suddenly, he screamed and waved his hand, and the Dingjia **** suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The Yaksha King lost his opponent, swooped and rushed to the Taoist.

However, just under the fork of the Yaksha fork, suddenly, a round of red sun rose from the head of the Taoist priests, suddenly full of fire, flames stunned, the night fork king was burned to ash.

"The idea of ​​the gods and gods?"

Hong Yi was shocked.

The priest’s head was on the top of the sun, full of red light, Hong Yi’s eyes were blurred, and nothing could be seen. The whole body was stinging like a fire, as if it was really under the scorching sun during the day, to be exposed to strong sunlight. Under the complete melting, disappeared.

This is a kind of magical power of the Daomen. In the midst of thoughts, the blazing sun is made out of the sacred spirits, and all the devils of others can be annihilated.

However, this kind of thinking can only be displayed beyond the realm of the day trip, especially when it is displayed, hurting its own soul.

Now this Taoist priest has been entangled in Hongyi, and he has been cast out of it. He has to show his life and to ruin the spirit of Hongyi.

Surrounded by the flames of the whole body, the hot barbecue can not move around.

In the face of the other side's display of the idea of ​​the Japanese god, the spirit of Hong Yi was burned to the point of weakness, immediately watching the Amitabha, keeping the mind, keeping the heart cool, but never destroying the surrounding flame, let alone Counterattack.

"How is this kid still not dead?"

The Taoist priest was also amazed. He clearly saw that after he exhibited his "Ideas of Heaven and God", the overwhelming fire completely surrounded Hong Yi, but the other party was sitting in the fire, motionless, although trapped, unable to move, but He will not die for a while.

"To spell the soul, you must ruin him."

The Taoist gnashed his teeth and displayed the idea of ​​the gods and gods. His own soul was also suffering from the hits, and it was stinging. However, in order to refine the gas, and then fully deal with Hong Xuanji, he suddenly concentrated all the thoughts.

Bang! The fire surrounding Hongyi was even more fierce. In the fire, it was full of brilliance. The last turn turned out to be pure white transparency.

Of course, it is impossible for all of these people to see the naked eye, and the spirit of the soul is fighting in the mind, all kinds of illusions, between thoughts.

The priest's view of the sun and the **** of thought is not the real light of the sun, but the thought of "heart fire", but the effect is the same as the light of the sun, all of which make people's thoughts scattered, and the spirits are annihilated.

"If you go on like this, I am afraid that I will not do it. Sooner or later, I will be sore and dry, and I will be killed by my heart. I have to find a way to fight back."

Hong Yi knows that his own power of the soul has just traveled on a daily basis, far less than this Taoist priest, and he will be trapped by the flames. If the spirit is strong, it will go straight out.

But now, you can only rely on the idea of ​​Amitabha, keep your nature, and constantly repair the soul.

The other side wants to burn himself, and Hung Yi also has a heart and a heart, and he has to die for survival.

"Rocha King!"

Keeping his heart, Hong Yiguan came up with the more powerful Rakshasa than the Yaksha!

Only a little thought in the heart, the mouth and nose smelled a strong **** suffocation, and then, a blood around the scene emerged, there was a red-haired Rakshasa demon, a large piece of blood.

The Rakshasa demon saw Hong Yi, and the fierce ones would come over, but when the pounced, the body was tight, and the surrounding flame burned him.

The devil of Rakshasa was originally the idea of ​​Hong Yi. In this appearance, the flame of the Taoist priest also naturally burned it.

When it was burned, the Rakshasa demon suddenly roared, and the whole body was full of blood, and a wave of blood suddenly emerged from the air, suddenly destroying all the flames around.

At the same time, the Rakshasa demon screamed again and violently rushed to the Taoist.

"Ah!" The priest screamed and the flames disappeared. Hong Yi only saw that the red-red serrated knife wheel in the hand of the Rakshasa demon smashed the priest into two halves.

The Taoist soul was twisted and twisted, but the Rakshasa demon slammed down and eventually dissipated.

When the Rakshasa demon screamed at the priests, he giggled and turned suddenly. Two red-eyed eyes looked at Hong Yi.

"not good!"

Hong Yi knows that the Rakshasa demon is a powerful demons, and he can't control himself. Now he has killed the Taoist priests and is going to find his own troubles.

Sure enough, the Rakshasa demon rushed up, and the huge knife wheel in his hand slashed to Hong Yi.

Hong Yi hurriedly reversed the spirit of the soul, and quickly returned to the house, only to rush back, the soul has a sustenance, in order to finally fight with his own demons, or die do not know how to die.

The yard was not far away, Hong Yi flew into the room, and saw the body of his bed, the soul immediately drilled in and returned.

At the same time, the Rakshasa King also came in at the same time and entered Hong Yi’s mind deeply.

When the soul was blamed, Hong Yi felt that he was a lot more comfortable, and he was a lot stronger. He jumped into the void and turned into a big Buddha of Amitabha, letting the Rakshasa violently attack, biting and not moving.

I don't know how long it took to fight. Hundreds of rounds, Hong Yi finally calmed down his soul, and his thoughts turned, and Jinguang was so grand that he suppressed the Rakshasa in the depths of his thoughts and disappeared.

"The murder of this killer is too strong."

Hong Yi’s eyes were opened and he felt that he was extremely tired.

The king of Rakshasa is the evil thought that represents the deep killing in his heart. If he is defeated by evil thoughts, he will become a demon who is completely bloodthirsty and kills no humanity.

"Right, when the priest was flying in the soul, what was the blast of the sorcerer's sword? I have to go see it."

Hung Yi struggled and struggled. He just wanted to go out, but he remembered that he was not a god, but a flesh. There were four cockroaches staring outside.

"Ziyu, you get up, give me a horse."

Hung Yi shouted a few times, and the four cymbals outside did not make a sound, as if they were asleep.

Hung Yi smiled secretly and strode out, no one was behind him.

Quickly slipped into the yard of the yard just now, Hong Yi really saw it, a small dagger on the ground, purple runes dense.

Hong Yi Ma Li's collection.

Going to the side of the wall, using this dagger, he pulled out a brick. When Hong Yi turned over, he went out of the wall and sneaked into the corner of the street and saw the body of the Taoist.

This Taoist soul is dead, and the body is completely idiotic. It only has breathing, heartbeat, no sense of mind, no movement, no plants.

This is in the folk, it is also called the soul.

Hong Yi touched the priest and found that he did not bring anything on his body. He had a money bag and several small golden cakes inside.

“Hey? What is this?”

Hong Yi went on and found a small wooden box. The wooden box was opened. There was a long needle with a long finger. It was like acupuncture gold needle. However, this needle is not gold or silver, but it is bloody. Put it heavy in your hand, twice as much as the average steel.

"Is this needle blood-stained steel?"

Hong Yi was shocked.