MTL - You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?-Chapter 22 apprentice

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Madam's surprised words made the old butler look embarrassed, but outside the gate of the manor is not a good place to talk.

When the group arrived at the main building of the manor and sat in the bright hall, the butler told the matter to his master.

Because it involved the assassination of his wife, he explained it in great detail.

Including how sluggish his little grandson was in this, and he said it without any beautification at all.

Mrs. Chelsea listened silently, her expression never changing.

It wasn't until the old housekeeper finished talking about this matter that she nodded.

"Your little grandson is acting very normal. After all, he has never been exposed to this kind of conspiracy and tricks. He is not to blame for his slow response."

"On the contrary, the fact that he can endure the humiliation for a whole day without any impulsive behavior is enough to show that he has a tenacity and is a talent worth cultivating."

This doesn't sound like consolation, and the old housekeeper also knows that his wife will never say anything good about this kind of issue involving the future "development direction" of the little grandson.

Since she can say that, it proves that she really thinks so.

However, if the tone is set, then correspondingly, Mellon, who is very alert in this matter, obviously cannot be evaluated only by talents.

But the strange thing is that the old housekeeper did not hear the Madam next mention Merron, who was concerned about her in the past, but asked a seemingly unrelated question.

"Have you heard anything about William Pantolia lately?"

"William Pantolia?"

The butler was taken aback.

He was very familiar with the name.

Not only him, but anyone who has followed the news in the wizarding world for the past two years is unlikely to be unfamiliar with this name.

William Pantoria was born in an ancient family of pure-blood wizards. When he became an adult, he did not follow the family's arrangement and entered politics in the Ministry of Magic. Instead, he went to the Sea of ​​Trembling, the largest sea in the north, to become a pirate.

In addition to plundering the ships of the Northern Empire and the Church, I don't know where he got a cursed ship in the name of Calamity.

Then he conspired with the deep-sea race to break the tower of the Abyss, the largest prison in the wizarding world, and released tens of thousands of terrorist criminals in the tower.

That was ten years ago, but until now, the entire wizarding world is still deeply troubled by this incident.

It can be said that this guy is the most wanted criminal that is being tracked by the wizarding government today.

But it is precisely because of these criminal deeds that he is listed as one of the top ten pirates of the contemporary era, and he is in the limelight.

"It is said that William's last appearance was in the great library of Kerrian, and he seems to be looking up information on steam dynamics and enchantment."

The old housekeeper replied in a low voice, "But there are too many rumors in the news, and no one can be sure that it is true."

"William is very cautious and will always release all kinds of fake news to cover up his true whereabouts."

The lady said: "But one thing should be true, that is, he has a daughter who is young and is hiding in a branch of the Mixed-Blood Association."

The butler was shocked when he heard the news, and was simply caught off guard by the news.

"In other words, this matter..."

"If there is no accident, this little girl is currently in Graham. If the enemy's plan goes well, she will die tragically in the future, and your grandson will be the first suspect."

Mrs. Chelsea said, sneering a few times.

"Unfortunately, the man behind the scenes did not expect that the idiots he secretly instigated behaved so much that the flaws were easily discovered."

The old butler actually didn't hear what the master said at the moment.

When he heard that William's daughter was hiding in the Half-Blood Association, he unconsciously broke out in a cold sweat.

I thought it would be a good thing to ask the little grandson to do things for the wife this time.

So far the results are in line with expectations.

But this process is too scary?

That is the most wanted criminal in the wizarding world. If he really wants to let his daughter die, he will not care about the evidence or whether he is innocent. It is estimated that no one involved in this matter can escape being killed...

Of course, Madame is not afraid of a fugitive prisoner, but Madam is Madame, and his young grandson Martin is not capable of that.

It's impossible for Madam to send someone to protect her 24 hours a day. It's really about that time...

"Thanks to Mellon, otherwise the consequences of this would have been unpredictable."

The old butler was very happy about this.

Madam glanced at him after hearing the words, "Then, take a guess, even I can't be sure where the girl is hiding, and how is the person behind the scenes determined?"

"It should be William's best friend who was involved, or at least there was a leak."

The housekeeper said, his mind moved, "Could it be the president of the Mixed-Blood Association..."

Since William can send his daughter to the mixed-race association, it proves that he has full trust in this organization, or someone in the organization.

There seems to be no one who fits the requirements better than the president of the association.

Because that guild leader is a well-known good person in the entire wizarding world.

But can such a person really be what he looks like?

The old butler has always believed that people who are good at managing their reputation must have more complicated minds than ordinary people...

"If we really doubt this, we are stepping into a trap set by the enemy."

Mrs. Chelsea shook her head. "Of course, we can't be sure that one will be fine."

"what do you mean?"

"That Charlie, and possibly other accomplices around him, are doomed."

The hoarse voice said softly: "It's better if their frame-up plan is successful. It doesn't really matter if it's not successful, because it will eventually reveal one thing to us."

"That is to do bad things with good intentions. Your so-called help is not necessarily a good thing for them, and they will not be grateful."

"You mean that Charlie wanted to do this because he was dissatisfied with your kindness to mixed-race people?"

The housekeeper does not have the golden finger like Mellen, and can clearly see the behavioral logic behind the murderer's actions.

At this time, when I heard the lady's words, I reacted.

Then full of astonishment.

"If it wasn't for you, how could those mixed races have a stable environment to live normally?"

"It can also be understood that I am boiling a group of frogs in a pot of warm water."

Mrs. Chelsea said indifferently: "The purpose of maintaining the mixed-race group is to constantly ask them to send some inferior people for us to play with pure blood. I heard this statement earlier, and I didn't take it seriously, but Now…"

"You also said just now that if we suspect this, we are caught in the enemy's trap..."

"So, the person behind the scenes seems to be weaving a conspiracy, but in fact it's just revealing a truth. It's just... what's the purpose?"

The last sentence tended to murmur, and Mrs. Chelsea frowned, obviously incomprehensible.

How to see clearly, how to see clearly?

It's just a group of mixed-race people. Could someone think that her separation from the mixed-race people would be a huge loss?

Or, whether it was the previous assassination or the current alienation, the ultimate goal was not actually him?

Thinking of the Practitioner she met tonight, and what he said, Mrs. Chelsea thought deeply.

Did someone believe the words of those lunatics and was going to take the opportunity to do something?


How is this possible?

She pondered this matter in her heart, and she ordered: "Let your little grandson withdraw, by the way, inform the Mixed-Blood Association of the relevant clues about this incident and my assassination. Since this matter involves their own problems, let me They're going to investigate."

The butler whispered yes.

The issuance of this order will inevitably cause the Mixed-Blood Association to conduct an internal investigation.

That's all there is to it, but this inventory touches on the association's current operating philosophy.

If what Madam said is true, then there must be a part of the mixed race secretly dissatisfied with the current stable environment and development direction.

Exposing Charlie's problems completely, although it will cause a group of mixed races to introspect, will also allow another group of people to see that there are people with the same ideas charging ahead.

Although the character of the Charger is not very good, it is enough to make the association secretly split.

But this has nothing to do with them. Splitting is actually a good thing for Madam.

At least she can see clearly who is the potential friend who repays kindness and who is the future enemy who repays virtue with resentment.


Just as the housekeeper was thinking about whether to remind Merron, who had saved his grandson, to prevent the incident from spreading to him, he saw that Madame took out a sheepskin booklet from somewhere and placed it on the low table beside her.

"When you go, bring this book to Mellon and let him read it once, as a thank you for saving your little grandson."

"A guide to the adventures of the Robin Rafaeli family?"

Seeing the title of the book clearly, the housekeeper was full of surprise.

This book looks like a storybook, but is actually a unique treasure.

Just because every wizard who flips through the book gets a bonus after the fact.

That is the third hand, which is the great enhancement of the wizard's talent.

The lady obviously considered that Merron might not have a good talent after awakening, so she wanted to use this book to cultivate him to make up for this defect.

And handing over this book in the name of thanks is obviously just an excuse.

Because the qualification to read this book is more valuable than the life of his young grandson.

It was even worth so much that the housekeeper couldn't understand it.

This book will have obvious effects even if used by wizards at the level of Madam, but it has a great limitation.

There are only three people who read this book at the same time.

If there are more than three people, and someone else will read it, it will only do harm.

As far as the housekeeper understands, there is only one last chance to read this book.

It is for this reason that in the past, Madam tried to get books from the Raifali family for her daughter, but it never succeeded.

Why is it that now, after finally getting a book, the opportunity is given to an outsider?

Although this outsider once rescued the lady unintentionally and helped them a lot just now, it doesn't make the lady feel that he is more important than the lady, right?

Seeing to see the housekeeper's doubts, Mrs. Chelsea chuckled and said, "It can be read three times now."

"You mean..."

"You're right, in this world, there is no Rafaly family anymore."

The news completely shocked the old butler.

Although the Raifali family has been in decline due to being chased and killed by a group of lunatics all the year round, it still has some background, at least it is much stronger than most small and medium-sized wizard families.

There is no wind at all right now, so it's gone?

"Did you take action?"

"No, it's God Slaughter Guderian."

"It's those lunatics again... what are they going to do?"

"Do something unrealistic."

When Mrs. Chelsea said this, she snorted involuntarily. UU reading

"Someone believed their crazy words and ran to Graham to make trouble, probably thinking that I was easier to bully."

The butler saw this thoughtfully.

The lady obviously learned something tonight, but she didn't believe it, so she spoke in a disdainful tone now.


If she really didn't believe it at all, would she send the powerful treasure that can only be read three times to Na Meren to use once?

You must know that, excluding Madam herself and the young lady, the number of times the treasure has been used is only this one time...

Maybe, because of that group of lunatics, the Mixed-Blood Association may undergo more serious changes than splits in the future?

And Madam hopes that in this change, Mellon can play a role similar to this time?

But... how could she be sure that when something big really happened, Mellon would be on her side?

Relying on Melen's admiration for the young lady?

But this is...

The housekeeper glanced at his master hesitantly, and wanted to say something, but he was afraid that it would arouse the dissatisfaction of his wife.

After all, that's not something that a servant should be involved in.

But then he didn't have that concern because of what the lady said next.

"It won't work for that kid to like Alyssa, but he's a rare talent, and I won't alienate him because of this."

"So, when you go to deliver the book, help me with a word by the way."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Chelsea's words were a little hesitant, as if she had never expected to say these things before.

But then, she still spoke the rest of the words.

"If he agrees, he can choose to be my apprentice."