MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 14

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Jiang Jingchuan is not a person who loves to drink. Usually, there are not many people who dare to blatantly fill him. However, today is the invitation of Yu Sheng. He can’t push away. He thought that he would drink a cup of perfunctory at most. They are all fine, and under the words of Sheng Sheng, Jiang Jingchuan drank a few more cups.

What is the idea of ​​隋盛, he is purely curious, can't understand how Jiang Jingchuan will suddenly bring Suyan to the banquet, but Jiang Jingchuan's mouth is not as strict as it is, so he thought of such a trick, knowing that he still hasn't From the mouth of Jiang Jingchuan, some secrets, Suyan came.

With the help of the driver, Su Yan helped Jiang Jingchuan to the back seat, and she followed in. The wine of Jiang Jingchuan was actually quite good, at least not very troublesome.

"Mrs. Is it going back now?" the driver asked with respect.

Su Yan glanced at Jiang Jingchuan, who had some unclear directions. He nodded and said: "Go back, or they should worry."

The driver heard that it was driving smoothly on the road.

Su Yan is actually not very willing to approach Jiang Jingchuan at this time, because he has a taste of wine, this taste is not good, but who knows whether Jiang Jingchuan is really drunk or conscious? In terms of small details, Su Yan never wanted to ignore it, so Su Yan helped Jiang Jingchuan to lean over and put him on his shoulder.

Along the way, Jiang Jingchuan's warm breathing was sprayed on the ears of Su Yan, crisp and crisp, and Su Yan looked at him slightly, and his mood was very complicated.

She remembered the Ninth Five-Year Respect. Once upon a time, it was the same, but he was not the same as Jiang Jingchuan. He was not drunk. At that time, he deliberately leaned against her shoulder. Suyan wanted to push away and dared not push it away. I can only sit with him on the steps and look at the stars in the sky.

Frankly speaking, she was not a lovely person at first. It was not as good as Shu Shu’s understanding. It was not as gentle as Chen’s. She had just come to the palace for a few years and said that she was not like a hedgehog. However, everyone has a strong defense, but later the person said that he liked her from the beginning, did he make a mistake, so unlovable, he would like it?

I don’t want to miss him. It’s a person who has occupied her memories for so many years. It’s also because he is there, she is living in a palace where everyone feels like a thin ice. She just thinks that whenever he is She will protect her. Suyan is not willing to think about who is harming her. She is even more reluctant to think about what kind of reaction the person is after she left.

For many years, she never responded to his feelings in the heart, but she is not really a stone heart, she does not want to see him suffering.

Su Yan took back his sight and his eyes were a bit stunned, but they slowly became firm.

The reason why she and that person came to that time was that he relied on his supremacy. If he was not an emperor, he was just an ordinary man. Will she follow him all the time? will not.

Feelings are the most useless things, even though she relies on this thing to get the rights of one person under the 10,000 people, but she still thinks so until now.

At the time when Su smoke was lost, Jiang Jingchuan unconsciously leaned back into her arms, and her hair reached her neck. Suyan came back to God. She explored the big palm of Jiang Jingchuan.

She is now the wife of this person, this person can give her the life she wants, and the past things should not be missed.

When I arrived at the villa, Su Yan only let the butler and the driver help Jiang Jingchuan to get to the room. After the other people left the room, Su Yan went to the bathroom and wiped Jiang Jingchuan’s towel to wipe his face. She did not intend to wipe her face. It is not bad to help him take off his clothes and take a shower.

Su Yan glanced at the sheets, thinking that tomorrow, Wang Ayi had to change a clean sheet, otherwise she always felt that it was stained with wine.

Jiang Jingchuan did not drink much of the wine this time. He was in a stage of confusion, and he did not fall asleep. When a cold towel wiped his face, he slowly opened his eyes and his eyes were not normal. Vigilant, but they are all in vain. He carefully identifies the person in front of him, and finally he screams. "Mom, work a lot, tired."

Su Yan stunned, some could not believe what he heard in his ear, and thought it was an auditory hallucination.

Otherwise, in this kind of grievance, with a spoiled word, what did Jiang Jingchuan say about a big man?

Jiang Jingchuan simply pulled the hand of Su Yan and stroked it on his face. He was very mournful. "Mom, Zhang is not a thing. He thought I didn't know. They all thought I was young and couldn't afford big things. Mom, I really have worked hard, and they didn't dare to look down on me later."

"Mom, grandmother is gone, no one gives me sugar to eat, that kind of soft, there are big eyes doll sugar on the bag, I want to eat, but my grandmother has gone, no one remembers that I like to eat that "Jiang Jingchuan's tone suddenly suppressed very low and low.

Su Yan didn't know what Jiang Jingchuan was saying, but I don't know how. Looking at Jiang Jingchuan, she is not very happy. When this guy is not drunk, he can do everything well all day, but now he is This gesture.

If you count it, just pity him.

Su Yan explored a hand and rubbed his head. Perhaps this smooth movement greatly pleased Jiang Jingchuan. He unconsciously used his head to top her palm and asked her not to stop.

It’s true that there is no way to take this person. Su Yan can only continue to marry him with his patience.

When he was satisfied with Jiang Jingchuan, he opened his eyes and saw that this person was not his own mother. His eyes flashed a little doubt and finally recognized that this person was his wife. He sighed and said: Su Yan, I am not talking about you, this marriage is not for me to force you to end, what do you do for me every day?"

When it was said that it was not over, he continued to say: "I don't want to get married, but I said that my grandparents, my parents are also dumb. If you are so hard, you won't agree in the morning, okay? Now, I am not convinced that this is a post-mortem. I will not say it. We are all married. If you are very good to me, I will consider it better for you, but you are not good for me."

Su Yan was puzzled. He was drunk a few days ago. How can it be broken now? How can it become so much? So good.

"I know that I know, I will be good to you in the future." Su Yan said.

Of course she will be good to him.

After Jiang Jingchuan, her food and clothing parents.

I don’t know if Jiang Jingchuan understood it. In short, he was satisfied, and he did not feel relieved. "You are very good to me, and I will be good to you."

Su Yan did not continue to take the haircut and drunken Jiang Jingchuan, she was thinking, soft, what is the sugar of the big eyes doll on the package. If she knows, she can take a chance to hold a thigh. 2k novel reading network