MTL - You Look Like You’re Made of Money-Chapter 21

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When Jiang Jingchuan woke up, it was refreshing. In contrast, Su Yan was lying on the bed like a dead fish. He couldn’t move. As long as he moved a little, he felt a lot of pain. She was a little angry on the bed, her head was on her head. On the pillow, don't go to see Jiang Jingchuan. She knows that at this time, the woman plays a little temper and hurts, but the man still feels relished.

Looking at Su Yan's childishness, Jiang Jingchuan was wearing a shirt and laughing at him. He whispered: "Don't go down with me for breakfast?"

After the two people treated each other honestly last night, the intimacy increased a lot, and Jiang Jingchuan no longer felt awkward. Nothing was a hearty movement that could not be solved.

Eat and eat, you know to eat!

Eat your head!

Su Yan snorted and looked cheeky. "Don't eat, I can't move."

She has some doubts about whether Jiang Jingchuan had any experience in this area before. He said that he was actually a little scared last night. Like a rookie, he said no, but later it was... In short, Su Yan I felt that my voice was dumb last night, and there was no such thing as stopping.

The most annoying thing is that the person who contributed is obviously his, how is the last tired person to be her?

Too unfair!

Jiang Jingchuan felt that the distance between him and Suyan was getting closer and closer. He was not a very generous person. However, he was very generous in dealing with his own woman. He decided not to care about Shen Peiran anymore. He went to Sitting down at the bed, he touched his hand and touched her hair. He said, "Would you like to let Wang Aunt come up?"

"Don't!" Su Yan gave him a look and his tone was not so good.

This is normal, she will never be like this, but she knows that men are such virtues, sometimes the more temper with him, the more happy he is, but this is to grasp the timing, now she is the best Joe good time.

Jiang Jingchuan is now very patient with her. She is not angry at this time. Like watching a tempered child, she continues to laugh: "Why? Anyway, I still have breakfast."

No matter how much Jiang Jingchuan is worried about his feelings, he is still an ordinary man, and he will have his own desires and hopes. Now he is full of food and drink, and he is very happy to talk to her.

The acting has already become the instinct of Su Yan. Before playing the game of emotions, I have never been in contact with men. I think that I can’t look at myself now, and Su Yan’s face slowly climbs up. The blush, the sound is also a lot lighter. "How can I see people like this now? Aunt Wang looked at the joke."

No matter the enrichment of theoretical knowledge, psychologically, including the present body, is inexperienced. In the face of such a setting, it is natural to behave thinner.

If it is too frank, I thought it was a battle.

When Jiang Jingchuan heard this, he laughed and laughed. He also wanted to tease her mind. "Aunt Wang is coming over, she can understand."

If it is not certain that there is no hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, Su Yan really does not believe that the person in front of him is Jiang Jingchuan. What happened to him? ! It’s not like this at first, but now I can still pick / tease her in words? What happened to him?

I don’t blame Su Yan’s heart is roaring. It’s really that Jiang Jingchuan’s performance was too prohibitive/desirable. That is, that morning, he’s the same as she’s taking advantage of him. After that, he’s less able to talk less. The sky is stronger, but the cliff is not the front!

Su smoked for a moment, returned to God, over the head, and said with no expression: "I don't want to take a bath and then go down to eat."

Still have to take Joe.

However, it is worthy of praise for Jiang Jingchuan. Last night, he insisted on holding her to take a shower, so his body was only a little painful, but he did not feel sticky.

In the education received by Jiang Jingchuan, the wife is different from other women. If Jiang Jingchuan used Suyan as an outsider in his heart, now he has completely divided her into his own circle. He hesitated. A moment, then got up and bent over, directly wrapped in a thin blanket wrapped in Su smoke and hugged up, causing Su smoke to scream again and again.

"What are you doing!" Su Yan grabbed Jiang Jingchuan's arm and shouted with wide eyes.

Jiang Jingchuan took her to the bathroom in the way of the princess, and gave her a look. It was very natural: "You can't move? I will bathe you."

Su Yan naturally protested, but unfortunately invalidated, so it was taken up from the top to the bottom. After the smoky wash, her little face was also red, when Su Yan took Jiang Jingchuan’s arm downstairs. In the living room, Aunt Wang, who came over, saw it at a glance. He rushed to the kitchen to sneer at the breakfast. He was all over. When he saw Suyan, he knew what happened last night.

Aunt Wang’s eyes are very deep, and he said with deep meaning: “Mrs. Have a good bird’s nest at home, do you want to drink bird’s nest porridge today?”

Su smoke even thicker, and when she heard such a sentence, she immediately smashed Jiang Jingchuan. The latter slowly wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Hey, accompany me for breakfast."

The housekeeper’s chin almost fell. He also looked at Jiang Jingchuan’s grown up. Not to mention the other, Jiang Jingchuan’s temper is not hot or cold, and he has never seen him whispering to any woman, even if it is To Jiang Jingjing, the tone is also the official business.

However, the butler was grateful after the surprise. The feelings of his own husband and wife are very good. If you can give birth to a man and a woman as soon as possible, it would be great.

Su Yan did not forget her duty, that is to continue to hold the thigh, although Jiang Jingchuan looked very close to her, but who knows that it is not a moment, she said with Jiang Jingchuan is more familiar than strangers, not yet So understand each other, so now slack down, it is undoubtedly looking for death, unless one day Jiang Jingchuan loves her love is hopeless, otherwise she will not take it lightly.

Feelings are actually a game. Whoever gets stuck early and sinks deep is destined to be a loser. If the other party can fall in love with himself, it will not be lost. The most fear is to pay the heart and pay. Everything, the result is that the other party is not moving at all.

Su Yan knows that no matter whether it is facing the emperor or Jiang Jingchuan, she is not inferior to them in terms of feelings. It does not mean that she is a loser in front of them. What she wants, if she can’t get it, can Through them, although this idea is not worth mentioning to outsiders.

She will cover up in front of anyone, but she will never deceive herself. She always knows what she wants, at least in Su Yan’s point of view, as long as she finally gets it, what is the process, who cares? It.

Su Yan had a thought in his mind and began to have a quiet breakfast. When he finished eating, Jiang Jingchuan suddenly said: "Yes, your grandfather’s birthday banquet will arrive soon. I will accompany you with you. ""

"...诶?" Su Yan stunned. Before thinking about it, Qin Zhen or Qin Zeyu seemed to have said such a thing, and nodded, "OK."

Suddenly holding the thigh plan for a while, she is a bit embarrassed, will soon face the family who knows the original, how she will not show the stuffing.

The original family is different from Jiang Jingchuan and others. Su Yan feels that if there are too many differences between the front and the back, others may not think of reviving the corpse, but the heart will definitely have some doubts. The next test may be her current. The biggest test encountered.

Seeing that Su Yan did not speak, Jiang Jingchuan thought that Su Yan was still venting with his family, and then signaled that she came out with her. The two went to the villa garage. Jiang Jingchuan did not let the driver come to pick him up today. He only had him and Su Yan in the garage.

"Do you want to go?" asked Jiang Jingchuan.

He still knew something. Su Yan didn't want to marry him at the time. He also resisted it. He couldn't help but twist his arms. After the marriage, Su Yan didn't go back. She said that she didn't complain to her family. Possibly, Jiang Jingchuan's relationship with those of Su Yan's family is still decent. At least the surface effort is to do it. Although he does not have the time to help his wife and his family ease the relationship, he does not expect to be at the birthday party.

Su Yan nodded. Since she knew the contradiction between the original and her family, she did not need to cover up.

I don't want to go, but I have to go.

She is not so selfish. Since she occupies the original body, she must also bear the corresponding responsibilities. No matter how the relationship between the original and her family, she can't be when they don't exist.

Jiang Jingchuan explored her head and touched her head. The tone was very dull, but Su Yan still heard the feeling of teaching. "I don't intend to intervene in your business. I believe that you will solve it yourself. There is one point to explain. This is Your grandfather’s birthday banquet, my attitude represents Jiang’s attitude towards you. In order to express my attention, I must go with you.”

His meaning, Su Yan seconds to understand, marry into the giants is like this, outsiders are happy to see jokes, if Jiang Jingchuan went, it means that Su Yan has been paid attention to in Jiang family, if he did not go, then it is not only Su Smoke, her family will have no light on his face, do not know how, Su Yan looked at Jiang Jingchuan, suddenly felt that this man's mind is quite delicate.

"Well, I know." Su Yan thought about it and added another sentence, "Thank you."

Jiang Jingchuan stunned, and did not expect her to say this. Every time, no matter what the festival, he always sent someone to the Sujia Qin family to give gifts. He didn’t know if Suyan knew it or not. Did not say thank you.

After a person is sensible, will it really become cute? Well, yes.

Jiang Jingchuan felt that the current Suyan was so cute, and gradually agreed with the words that his grandparents said. They said that Suyan is the most suitable person for him. Although he did not say anything before, he was scornful.

"I know a little about what they do. I am not you. I have no position to try to understand them, but after all, I am still a family. I don’t come and go to you on weekdays, but the elderly banquet must go."

Jiang Jingchuan felt that Su Yan was not a child. She must have her own consideration. Even if he is her husband now, there is no way to ask or order her to do anything.

Such a speech, Su Yan heard the feeling of Jiang Jingchuan better, could not help but sneer out, "know, it is my family after all, I will hate them."

I said that I don’t remember hate. Now I am getting married. The raw rice is cooked and matured. It’s not interesting to take care of the past and not punish my family.

Besides, even if you hate it, it is the original body. She has no feeling at all. It is purely just afraid of the stuffing and does not want to go.

"You have a good rest at home, I am going to work." Until now, Jiang Jingchuan had some real feelings. He felt that Suyan really became his wife, not a device. He didn't quite understand how the feelings were. Things, but I think that the future will be with Suyan, maybe she will also have children for her, Jiang Jingchuan feels that this marriage is not so unacceptable.

Su Yan knows that Jiang Jingchuan’s feelings for himself are much higher than before. There is no shortage of sports last night, but the most important thing is that she expressed her heartfelt wishes and promised last night. To a certain extent, Jiang Jingchuan is a rookie. He is a successful businessman, but he is a newcomer to ignorance. Because he is a novice, he does not know how to cover up. She believes that Jiang Jingchuan really values ​​her as much as he has shown.

"Well, okay, will you come back soon today?" Su Yan did not care whether his tie was flawed or not, and naturally picked up his toes to help him organize his tie.

Jiang Jingchuan bowed his head and kissed her forehead. It was not unnatural at all. "I will come back soon."

Recently, the company has nothing to do with it. The merger case has already been dealt with a while ago. If he works a little more efficiently, it is not a problem to get off work on time.

In the past, he liked to soak in a company or a study. Anyway, he didn't have any leisure activities. Now it's different. Su smoke doesn't need to go to work. She will definitely be bored at home. Just try to get off work with her as soon as possible.

Su Yan is not at all boring at home. She is chasing TV dramas every day. Even if she is a thunder drama on the Internet, she can see it with gusto. When Wang Ayi sometimes can’t see it, she will drag her away. Shopping, buying and buying, it is boring, she can also go to the Jiangjia old house to hold the Queen Mother and the thigh of the Emperor, the small days are not too tight.

But this kind of thing, she is impossible to tell Jiang Jingchuan, let the man concentrate on the cause of the business, even if it is said, it is not practical for Jiang Jingchuan, because he has already become a career, let him have more points in his work. The heart is giving her a serious, thinking of this smoke, holding the waist of Jiang Jingchuan, leaning his head on his chest, whispering softly: "You must come back soon, it is too boring to eat alone. I I have to wait for you to eat together."


Until driving out of the villa area, Jiang Jingchuan has an illusion that the smell of Su smoke is still lingering in the nose.

Wang Siqi did not sleep for almost one night, sitting in front of the dressing table, I felt that the foundation could not cover her color, and finally I was able to sweep all the cosmetics on the table.

She sat on the bed, dialed a phone call, and her voice was sullen. "Give me a look at Suyan. If she goes out, she will try her best to disclose her whereabouts to Shen Peiran."

So far, she does not believe that Su Yan is really interested in reconciling with Jiang Jingchuan. When she knows that Su Yan wants to marry Jiang Jingchuan, she has already thoroughly touched the bottom of Suyan, because she knows Suyan. With Shen Peiran's things, so she is tempted to calm down, she can still calm down, always feel that it will not last long, Su Yan will be divorced from Jiang Jingchuan, then, which part of the link is wrong now?

At this point, Wang Siqi’s male companion came in yesterday and saw that the ground was in a mess. He immediately knew what was going on. He didn’t give her a sigh of relief. “I went to check the Suyan and the Shen Peiran’s things, you can rest assured. This pair of dogs and men is quarreling for a temporary cold war. As long as Shen Pei-Ran is so good at Su-smoke, surely everything will be like before."

"Oh?" Wang Siqi picked up the comb, and slowly combed his hair, and sarcastically said: "No fight? No wonder."

She never put Su Yan in her eyes. Fortunately, this woman has a look, and she has not been entangled in Jiang Jingchuan. Otherwise, she has already started. I originally thought of waiting for them to divorce. I know that it is now so A file of things, how can she not be angry and angry.

"It's worth mad at this broken thing? Thinking chess, you don't know men, so Su Yan looks like this. This is a man who will be heart-beating. You didn't see Jiang Jingchuan's eyes not leaving her yesterday? This is the truth, you still Don't yell at me, this man, love is just a woman's skin, you can stop paying attention to the Su smokers, today I will give you a trick, can not keep the moon, they must be divorced." The secondary chest has a solid appearance.

Although Wang Siqi felt that this was quite unheard of, he was still attracted by the divorce in those three months. He could not help but ask: "What move?"

She really feels dangerous. She has known Jiang Jingchuan for so many years. She has never seen him look at a woman for so long. If he continues this way, he will be more and more out of control.

"You let people follow Suyan. When I see her and Shen Peiran, I will find a way to let Jiang Jingchuan see it with my own eyes. I don't believe it. This Jiang Jingchuan sees his wife with other men, he can still endure."

No man can tolerate his wife's marital derailment, especially for people like Jiang Jingchuan. Once he finds out, he must be divorced from Suyan.

"But..." Wang Siqihe hesitated, the way is good, but she didn't want to hurt Jiang Jingchuan like this, he loves a person like that...

The man rolled his eyes. "You are so indecisive, and when Jiang Jingchuan is really fascinated by the smoke, then you cry without crying."

Wang Siqi once again thought of what Jiang Jingchuan said and his eyes. He bit his teeth and nodded his head. "Good."

Su Yan, the singer of the red apricots, is not worthy of Jiang Jingchuan. It is a curse to stay with him.

Later, Jiang Jingchuan will understand that only she is really good to him, and only she really loves him.

It didn't take long for Jiang Jingchuan to arrive at the company. He Sheng came over. He held his hand on the desk and carefully measured the expression of Jiang Jingchuan. After a moment, he said cheerfully: "How do you feel?"


"The beauty is sitting in the arms." Yan Sheng blinked his eyes. "You have a long-lasting accumulation of desires and hopes to get a sigh of relief. This is nothing to me."

Jiang Jingchuan was too lazy to take care of it and continued to work hard.

Yan Sheng does not mind talking to himself. "Su Yan is very good, and beauty is second, and it is mainly not forced."

Jiang Jingchuan did not move his eyelids and continued to ignore him.

"Unlike some people who are forced to make people disgust, Jingchuan, for the sake of brothers, today I decided to violate my principles. You know that I don't like to talk bad things, especially women..." Yan Sheng’s attitude suddenly became serious. Jiang Jingchuan also put down the pen in his hand and looked up at him.

"Jingchuan, you don't know, Wang Siqi, she is interesting to you." Yu Sheng's words made Jiang Jingchuan frown slightly.

When Yan Sheng saw Jiang Jingchuan's expression, he thought he didn't believe it. He dragged it over an office chair and sat patiently. "I didn't bother to manage this broken thing. After all, it has nothing to do with me, but it is different now. You have a good relationship with Su Yan. I am also happy for you as a brother. Some things have to be taken precautions. You should not underestimate the woman’s jealousy, especially Wang Siqi. She is really not a friend. Well, in short, you should be careful, don't let people give you the next set, you don't know how to drill inside."

Jiang Jingchuan didn't make a sound, just began to ponder, and he was a bit credible when he was pondering.

After all, he is actually just a normal friend relationship with Wang Siqi. It’s just a matter of saying hello to the common face. So it’s just a matter of Wang Siqi, Jiang Jingchuan’s heart, and he’s really afraid to come to a conclusion for a while. .

"I have watched my grandmother several times in the harem scene. Some women, not only like to be out of nothing, but also like to show off cleverness, I just want to remind you, it is not a bad thing to pay attention to yourself." "Be a man, don't worry too much about women, but you can't care."

Yan Sheng didn't like Wang Siqi. When she was young, she didn't like her. She used to think that she was too arrogant. Later, she felt that she had too many thoughts. She really didn't want to contact such a lot of people, but he had never thought about it before. If you want to manage Wang Siqi, it is not the same now. If Wang Siqiu dares to stir up Jiang Jingchuan and Su Yan, he is not allowed to be her.

Jiang Jingchuan didn't pay attention to Wang Siqi before, but he thought that this is still very reasonable. It is not a bad thing to keep a little mind, so he nodded and said he knew it.

"I still have a problem." Sheng Sheng sees Jiang Jingchuan to listen to his words, and restores the previous hippie smile.

Jiang Jingchuan looked at him, "What problem?"

"Is there any sisters in Suyan? The value of Yan is not much different from her."

Jiang Jingchuan looked down and took a reference from the table and went to Yu Sheng. "Go."

In the end, Yu Sheng still achieved the goal. When he got off the elevator, he happened to meet Qin Zeyu. He said happily: "Hurry up with your cousin, she owes me a meal."

Qin Zeyu is not clear, but looking at the good looks of the cousin and Jiang Jingchuan's good friends, he also nodded with a smile.

Ever since I knew that Su Yan’s relationship with Jiang Jingchuan began to break the ice, whether it was the Su family or the Qin family, they all smiled and laughed.

After Su’s breakfast, she went to sleep and went back to sleep. Wang Ayi knew that she was tired, and she never told her to eat. When Su smoked up, it was already afternoon. She was sitting in bed and was uncomfortable. It eased a lot. When I was about to get out of bed and go downstairs to eat, the mobile phone on the bedside table began to sing again, and it was endless.

No matter who the person at the end of the phone is, Su Yan does not want to pick up.

She took the phone and looked at it. The caller ID on the screen was - Pei Ran.

Well, it must be that Shen Pei-Ran is right. He also made some phone calls. Su Yan’s heart was a little annoyed. It was not because of the irritability of Shen Pei-ran, but that she tried to ignore the person who wanted to escape and had to go to her. There is no way.

Because this is not someone else, it is the person that the original body really likes, and how she does it is not appropriate.

Accepting Shen Peiran's likes, continue to talk to him underground, and then divorce Jiang Jingchuan, and then with him bright and honest? Sorry, she did not receive the original love for Shen Peiran.

Desperate to hurt Shen Peiran, it is best to abuse him to hurt the liver, and never find her again? Oh, I always feel pretty.

After all, she has occupied this body, it is already a big cheap, and then hurt the original lover, it is not a human.

This is the most difficult thing at present. Su Yan does not know how to deal with it, so he can only be killed, and Shen Pei-ran’s phone wakes her up again, and she has to face this problem. It is really a headache.

But when Shen Pei-Ran is not so fond of the original body, it is best to let go of it, but from the situation of yesterday, it is obviously not like that.

She promised Jiang Jingchuan, and she would not meet Shen Peiran any more. It was not about talking about it. She thought so in her heart.

Thinking of this, Su Yan put the phone in the drawer and walked out of the bedroom without looking back. The ringtone was getting smaller and smaller, and it was getting smaller and quieter.

When eating, Aunt Wang stood by her side and said, "I am very happy." It seems that last night must have been very smooth."

Su Yanen said, "Aunt Wang, I am in trouble to help you prepare for the car. I will wait to go there, right. Then I will call Mr. and say that dinner is in the old house."

In the morning, Aunt Wang saw that the smoke was a moisturized look. It seemed that even walking was unfavorable. He hesitated: "Mrs. Is it convenient for you?"

Holding the thighs is not anxious at a time, it is a serious matter to raise the body.

Now that Jiang Jingchuan is not present, Su Yan feels that he does not need to be shy again. He took a sip of water and calmly said: "The old lady must be very concerned about what happened last night. Besides, my shoes are sent by my mother, always going to pass. Thanks a little, and the second old is definitely thinking of Mr., we are younger, can go home to eat and go home to eat."

She didn't want to move today, she wanted to lie in bed, she could do the same, but she lost a good chance to brush up the feelings of everyone in Jiang.

The old lady and the old man don’t say that they must be very concerned about what happened last night. Maybe they know the situation from elsewhere, but they definitely want to hear her or Jiang Jingchuan’s talk about it, the old man.

Can Jiang Daddy Jiang’s mother not care about yesterday’s birthday party? How is it possible that she is not only the wife of Jiang Jingchuan, but also the daughter-in-law of Jiang’s family. If she does not perform well, she is playing the face of Jiang’s family.

All in all, she has to go to the Jiangjia old house anyway today, and the old lady also called and asked herself.

Aunt Wang did not mention how excited he was. After the wife opened the door, it was like a change of personality. It was the same as the IQ. "Well, I will call Mr.."

Aunt Wang was just about to call, and he turned around and thought about it. He hesitated and asked: "Don't you call this phone in person?"

"No." Su smoke mysteriously smiled. "If Mr. asks, you say I am taking a bath."

Just let him know that she is tired, that is, let him know that she is even tired and go to the old house of Jiangjia to accompany the elderly to eat!

Aunt Wang took the lead and rushed to the living room to make a phone call.

When Jiang Jingchuan received the call, he still squatted for a while. After listening to Wang Ayi’s comments, he responded with a few words and then pretended to inadvertently ask: “Where?”

Aunt Wang subconsciously glanced at the dining room and smiled on his face. "Mrs. is taking a bath and saying that the body is a little uncomfortable."

... cough!

Jiang Jingchuan’s face was somewhat unnatural. After a few seconds of silence, he said: “If you are not comfortable, don’t go.”

Who is Aunt Wang, that is the **** teammate recognized by Su Yan. He listened to this question without hesitation. "I said this to my wife, but my wife is going to go because the old lady is calling. Asked, I also said that the old lady must have missed you, and I am not a wife."

Jiang Jingchuan did not say anything after listening to this. He just told the aunt Wang to take care of the Suyan and hang up the phone.

The office is quiet, but Jiang Jingchuan can't calm down. I used to think that Suyan was somewhat self-willed. In fact, she found out that she is very sensible. In this marriage, the indifference is not just Suyan, he is the same, marrying. After that, he cancelled the honeymoon arrangement because he had no time. He has not been with her until now, and it is not untouchable.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jingchuan dialed the assistant inside, and soon the assistant came in, respectfully stood by and waited.

"You have to arrange it. I have been working overtime recently. I will give me a week's trip as soon as possible."

Although the assistant was curious, he did not dare to ask anything.

After the assistant went out, Jiang Jingchuan opened the computer calendar and looked at it carefully. The next week was the birthday party of Su’s grandfather. After that, his trip should be vacant. I asked Suyan this evening, did she want to go there? It is a honeymoon.

After Wang Ayi hung up the phone, he told the story of Su Yan’s all the words of the dialogue.

Su Yan is actually quite gratified. Jiang Jingchuan is very careful. The most important thing is that he is very interesting. Although he is not sure whether he has successfully brushed his feelings, she believes that Jiang Jingchuan will not be indifferent.

Aunt Wang also started to hold his thigh properly. "Mrs. Mr. is really good for you."

To praise a married woman, the most poked point is not how beautiful she is, but to praise her husband how good her is, a happy.

"Well." Su smoke just smiled and didn't take it.

She believes that Jiang Jingchuan must have a good impression on her. Maybe she will work harder again, and the good feeling will become like it, but this is not enough for her.

Su Yan once enjoyed the love of a man, she knows how good it is, since she has tasted the sweetness, then she does not want to give up.

She doesn't know that she is so selfish, but if she can let her live the life she wants, she is willing to be selfish.

Feelings are the most powerful weapon.

If this game is not winning, why should she start?

The siege is the next, the attack is the top.

Su Yan remembered the kind of sugar that Jiang Jingchuan once mentioned, and looked at the aunt Wang Ayi, who pretended to be inadvertently asked: "Wang Ayi, there is something I want to ask you, I remember when I was a child, I ate a sugar. Soft, it seems that there is a big eye doll on the bag. I don’t want you to say that I always miss the taste, but I really can’t think of any sugar. Do you know?”

The sugar that can make Jiang Jingchuan unforgettable is not necessarily delicious. The main reason is that the memory is beautiful. From his words, it seems to be related to his grandmother. It must be a warm and beautiful memory, if she knows Which kind of sugar is very helpful to the brush.

Aunt Wang knows what Su Yan said when he heard it. "Where is your wife saying that Wang Zi? I love the sugar of my daughter, what happened?"

It turned out to be Wang Zi.

Su Yan’s heart was a joy, pretending to be nothing: “That day, when you go to the old house, you take me to buy something.”

Aunt Wang smiled and only thought that his wife was a child who did not grow up.

"Don't tell others, especially Mr.."

At this point, Su Yan still believes that Wang Ayi's mouth is very strict. 2k novel reading network

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