MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 300 star ring civilization

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  Chapter 300 Star Ring Civilization

   "Brothers are probably in a bad situation, the leader has passed through the interstellar dust belt.

  It was discovered that a certain civilization had placed a large amount of transition interference field in that area, which means that there is a high probability that it is a hunting ground for civilization. "

   "This civilization specializes in hunting these ships that have just passed through the interstellar dust belt."

   "And being able to deploy this device on such a large scale proves that the strength of this civilization is not weak. No matter how bad it is, it should be at the level of Taylor civilization."

   "That is to say, the lowest limit of this civilization is also the beginning of Taylor level.

   And it will only be high and not low. The specific situation will not be known until their warships arrive, or we find their lair. "

   And hearing what this player said at this time, everyone in the group couldn't help frowning.

   "The most important thing now is to understand how much higher they are than Taylor civilization.

  If it is much higher, then it is not unacceptable, after all, warships of advanced civilizations have dropped items. "

   "Now I'm afraid that the opponent's civilization is only a lot higher than Taylor's civilization, but it hasn't reached the level of dropped items.

  If this is the case, it will be disgusting, and the fight will be so uncomfortable that it will not explode. "

  This player's concern is also the concern of everyone. Although the attack on advanced civilization will cost a lot, it will be rewarded somehow.

  If it’s the kind of high-achiever and low-achiever, not only is it difficult to fight, but the most important thing is that there is no return at all, which is very embarrassing.

   While the players in the group were still discussing, the enemy fleet in the game had already been detected by the players.

  As the distance gets closer and closer, the online players also rushed out of the insect nest to prepare for the battle.

   And when the battleship of this civilization appeared in front of the players, the players also launched an attack on them without hesitation.

   This time the enemy sent a total of more than 3,000 warships.

   Moreover, these warships are completely different from the warships that players have seen before. The warships of this civilization are not like most of the warships of other civilizations, which are mainly cuboid.

  The warships of this civilization can be described as varied, including butterfly-shaped and hexagonal-shaped. All in all, players can see all kinds of messy shapes.

  When Jiang Yao saw the shapes of these warships, he immediately guessed the situation of the opponent's civilization.

   This is a civilization that has lived in the universe for a long time, and has lived for a very long time, causing them to forget a lot of habits.

  Usually for civilizations that are dependent on some planets or have not been in the universe for a long time, their warships are usually streamlined, because the development of technology is gradual.

  Usually, except for some civilizations that have the ability to fly, most other civilizations will manufacture such vehicles similar to airplanes when their technological level is low.

  Because the aircraft is lifted into the air by using the air pressure difference, and considering factors such as energy consumption during the flight, the overall design is usually streamlined.

  As civilization continues to develop, this habit is retained in space battleships, so most of the battleships seen in the universe look like this.

  But some civilizations are different. Some civilizations may never return to the planet after setting foot in the universe.

   As time goes by, their battleships will change a lot.

  Because you don’t need to consider resistance when navigating in the universe, and even if you sail into the planet, it is very rare, so the streamlined shape of the ship is gradually forgotten or abandoned.

  For such a civilization, their state is actually infinitely close to that of Zai Jiangyao.

   Such a civilization is usually similar to Jiang Yao. They should have one or more motherships, and all the people live inside the mothership.

   Then the mother ship took them to wander around.

   The technological level of civilizations like this is not much worse no matter how poor they are. After all, being able to wander in space for a long time requires relatively high requirements for ship technology.

   Of course, these are just Jiang Yao's preliminary guesses about them, and the specific situation can only be determined after they have fought.

   At this time, inside the fleet of this civilization.

  The commander of this fleet was also taken aback when he saw the swarm.

   "Zerg?" He said with a look of disbelief.

   Obviously, he did not expect that the civilization they intercepted this time turned out to be the Zerg.

   "Hasn't the Zerg been wiped out?"

   Speaking of which, the fleet commander couldn't help but have some doubts.

   Immediately, his gaze was placed on the huge insect nest again, and when he saw the insect nest, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

  Because according to the data feedback from the battleship, he knew that the behemoth in front of him was a starry sky behemoth.

  The power of the starry sky behemoth is well known in the universe, and of course this Zerg is not weaker than the starry sky behemoth.

  And these two races are one of the few races that can easily pass through the large void area and the interstellar dust belt and still maintain a relatively good condition.

   To put it simply, the group of people they intercepted is basically in a full state.

  Although this starry sky behemoth seems to be in its infancy, even a juvenile starry sky behemoth is enough for their civilization to drink a pot.

   What's more, looking at the situation in front of him, it is not difficult to analyze that the Zerg is obviously mixed with the starry sky behemoth.

  That is to say, they have to face the more difficult races in the two universes at the same time.

   Regarding the technological level of his own civilization, he still has an AC number in mind.

   They are still confident about the last juvenile starry sky behemoth, but now they have added a Zerg.

   It is not a little bit difficult to defeat these two races at the same time.

   "This is troublesome." He immediately reported the situation here to the headquarters so that they could make preparations in advance.

  In fact, this civilization is completely different from what Jiang Yao thought. He is not a civilization wandering in the universe.

   They also have a fixed residence.

  They live in a star system about thirty light-years away from here.

  In fact, they are very similar to the Dyson ball civilization. Like the Dyson ball civilization, they built a giant building in the galaxy.

  But they are naturally several grades higher than the Dyson ball civilization.

  First of all, let’s take the battleship technology as an example. Although their warships are not as good as the two advanced civilizations that the players fought against before.

   But it's not much worse, because it takes at least a thousand attacks to break through their cruiser-level warships.

   And they also have a super ring structure that basically surrounds their entire galaxy.

   And there are countless weapons on the star ring.

  The star ring looks like a huge circle as a whole, and the height and width of this circle are basically the same as the blue star.

  So the space inside this star ring is beyond imagination.

  Because the customs and ideas of each civilization are different, it is said that their development directions are also different, like this star ring civilization.

  The environment of the planet where their ancestors lived was extremely harsh, and the extreme environment filled with the planet may kill them at any time. Fortunately, they are lucky.

   They survived the extreme environment and developed civilization.

  With the development of science and technology, gradually the extreme environment on the planet can no longer cause them any harm.

   Just when the ancestors of the star ring civilization thought they could live like this forever, an accident happened.

  An unknown civilization found them and launched an attack on them.

  And this civilization is different from other invading civilizations. This civilization just wants to destroy them.

  This civilization doesn't care about the resources on their galaxy, and it's also because of this reason that this civilization doesn't keep any hands when fighting.

  All kinds of powerful weapons greeted their home planet desperately.

   And their home planet was naturally destroyed by this powerful civilization. Although the home star was destroyed, the ancestors of the star ring civilization were lucky.

  Because of the harsh environment of their own home planet, they have been looking for new immigrant planets, so the star flight technology has reached a certain level.

  Although he has not mastered the leap and jump technology, he has at least mastered the sublight speed navigation technology.

   When the mother planet was destroyed, their ancestors happened to be on the spacecraft heading for the new planet as a civilized immigrant exploration team.

   So they dodged a bullet.

   It is also for this reason that the fire of their civilization was preserved and continued to grow.

  But it was also because of the parent star incident that their ancestors discovered a very critical problem.

   That is, the planet they live on is too fragile, so fragile that some high-level texts will shatter when touched.

  If these civilizations take a fancy to your planet, or the resources inside your planet, then during the battle, they may hold back and not destroy your planet.

  But if this civilization simply wants to destroy you, then your home planet will suffer.

  The continuation of civilization, and the billions of people of civilization put on eggshells, their ancestors thought it would definitely not work.

  So at that time, they proposed a grand plan, the Halo Project.

  Build a super building star ring by collecting resources from this galaxy and other galaxies.

  Of course, at that time they were only hypothesizing about the Star Ring project, but it was also because of this assumption that the current Star Ring came into being.

  At that time, their ancestors restored the technological level of civilization to the previous level through hundreds of years, and then began to move towards a higher direction.

   Then hundreds of years passed, and the technological level of this civilization has already established a certain foundation.

   Another thousand years or so passed, and it had been two thousand years since they came to this planet, and it was also at this time that their star ring project was launched.

  The entire Halo project is divided into three steps. The first step is to collect materials and manufacture components.

   During this period, they wantonly manufactured transport ships and mining ships, and began to frantically mine surrounding resources and manufacture components.

   And give priority to creating a usable area for everyone to immigrate here.

   And start to expand the star ring centering on this area.

  Of course this is a huge project, material collection, assembly manufacturing, and assembly.

  The original star ring civilization estimated that this project would take at least 10,000 years to complete.

  But in fact they spent nearly 20,000 years, and the 20,000 years are still the size of their reduced circle.

   After the basic outline is done, the next step is next.

   This step is to install weapons and necessary equipment.

   This work continued for another five thousand years, and when all this was completed, the star ring was formed.

  Of course, the star ring civilization was able to complete the overall construction of the star ring structure in such a fast time, which is also inseparable from their usual house robbery.

  Through the arrangement on the periphery of the interstellar dust belt, they have robbed many civilization warships over the years, and successfully found the home planets of these civilizations through these warships.

  Thus easily obtain a large number of resources.

  However, because Xinghuan cannot move and can only stay in one place for a long time, this also makes Xinghuan only choose to resist hard if it encounters danger.

  If the level of technology is similar to or a little higher than theirs, they will naturally not be afraid of the blessing of the star ring.

  But if you are unlucky and encounter someone whose civilization and technology level is too much higher than theirs, then they will be restricted by the ring instead.

   Such a situation is naturally absolutely not allowed to happen in the star ring civilization.

  So the last step in their Halo project is to add a propulsion engine to the Halo.

  But it is very difficult to add an engine to such a huge building.

   What's more, they can not only install propulsion engines, they also need to install jump engines.

   This will be more difficult, and the star ring civilization has been stuck by this step for thousands of years.

   Fortunately, they are not far from success now. After years of collection, their engine materials have been collected almost.

   Next is the assembly period and installation period of hundreds of years.

   When all these are completed, their nearly 30,000-year project will come to an end.

  Of course, for the star ring civilization, as long as this project is completed, then they also have the premise of being among the top civilizations in the universe.

  Because of future development, they will definitely continue to wander and plunder in the universe based on the star ring.

   As time goes by, their technological level will become higher and higher, and they may choose to strengthen the star ring after each technological improvement.

  Adding new technological equipment time after time will make the combat power of the star ring stronger and stronger, until one day it reaches the level of the top combat power in the universe.

  In fact, there are not a few cases in the universe similar to the star ring civilization.

   There are many advanced civilizations, and their war fortresses have been continuously strengthened in this way to reach the current level.


   Time goes back to the present.

  In the interior of the star ring civilization, they naturally received the battle report from the front line at the first time.

  At this moment, watching their advance troops being sunk one by one, everyone in the star ring civilization looked full of worry.

  Of course they are not worried about the fleet that was destroyed by the players on the front line.

   What they are worried about now is how much their chances of winning will be after the two sides match up.

  Because the combat power of the group of Zerg in front of them is not weak, and behind them there is a starry sky behemoth that has never made a move.

  (end of this chapter)