MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 302 Big melee

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  Chapter 302 Great Melee

   At this time, as the exchange of fire between the two sides began, the whole situation immediately became chaotic.

  On the battlefield, after the first round of the main exchange of fire, many players began to charge towards the enemy fleet.

   And the star ring civilization naturally sent a formation to intercept it.

   "Assault brothers pay attention to avoiding firepower, try to go to the flank to kill, don't go straight to the front."

   "The opponent sent about 7,000 destroyers and escorts. The raiding brothers should pay attention to it. If the output is not enough, try to stay behind, and let the one with high output go up."

   "It's numb, I believe your evil, who the **** said before that we can eat it with just a few guilds?

  I also thought that this wave can be used to paddle water for a little bit of soy sauce, but it turned out. . . I am afraid that the current situation and us will not be able to handle it. "

   "Don't complain upstairs, you are a worker bee player, there is really no difference if you are there or not."

   "You really look down on worker bees, don't you?"

   "Correct me, I look down on your worker bees, but if you pull a MAX evolution, I can call you a boss.

  But now you are a basic worker bee here beeping, I can only tell you to rush to the street. "

   Said that the player found out that the situation was not good, "Damn it, Pujie boy, hurry up and dodge, there are people coming from the flank!"

   "Wori! Can't hide!"

   "You trash, if you can't avoid it, take off your armor quickly, at least you can use it for others when you pick it up, it's a waste of resources for you trash to operate you to buy a feathered armor."

   "Take off your sister, labor and capital spent money, even if they die, they will die with it."

   "Grand! Dead on the street!"

   "I knocked my sister, I have endured you for a long time, one bite at a time, huh?... Haha, there are five deportation ships that are chasing you, well done!"

  At this time, apart from the frontal battlefield, the players ambush on the meteorite are also fighting extremely fiercely, because the combat units of this civilization are not only battleships.

   They also have a lot of small combat units in their hands.

  On a meteorite with a diameter of several hundred kilometers, the Hydralisk players were frantically shooting at the strange conical vehicles flying towards them.

  "The 35th team is paying attention, the enemy's small plane is coming, so we can't avoid it remotely.

  Brothers with armor are waiting for them to approach, and use the auxiliary weapons of the armor for auxiliary shooting. "

   "Assist Jill, the small turret on this armor is useless for Jill, and it can't break their defense at all."

   "Pay attention to evasion, ground combat units find the opportunity and jump directly to bite."

   During the conversation, I saw these small fighters, and the distance from them was getting closer and closer.

   At this moment, I saw the Zerglings that had already been prepared, using the support of the battle armor, directly pounced on these fighters.

  When they pounced on them, they immediately started a crazy attack. The next moment, with a flash of fire, one after another fighter planes were destroyed by them.

   "It's numb, I still have to buy a hydralisk, this basic springtail is not useful at all."

   "Please pay attention to your wallet when purchasing high-level units. For the same cost, if we use the basic Zerglings, we can die four times, but if we buy Hydralisks, we only have one chance."

   "Damn, stop talking nonsense, the frigate on the opposite side is coming, and the Hydralisk boss is relying on you!"

   "Hammer, even the frigate on the opposite side has ridiculously high defense. My basic Hydralisk hits it with extremely low damage. If I resist hard, I will probably be killed by it."

   "I'm afraid of wool, do you want to be a coward for a lifetime or a hero once, even if it's only for a minute."

   "Right! We are enough cowards in reality, do we still have to be so cowardly in the game? Are we only worthy of being cowards for a lifetime?"

   "Brother, what you said makes sense, today labor and management will open the whole audience!"

   As he spoke, he saw the Hydralisk player directly activate the armor, and then charged towards the frigate while shooting.

  As the distance between the two sides got closer, countless artillery fire from the frigate's turret directly hit his thin body, and the armor on Hydralisk's body was destroyed over time.

   Immediately afterwards, his body was blasted with many wounds by the guards. Seeing his crazily dropping HP, the Hydralisk player still gritted his teeth and did not intend to back down.

  In the end, although the Hydralisk did a certain amount of damage to the frigate, it had little effect on the frigate because the output time was too short.

   On the other hand, the Hydralisk player was killed by the frigate's fierce artillery fire.

   His teammates were also shocked when they saw this scene.

   "Oh my god, is he really hooked?"

   "No way, no way, let's just talk, he still takes it seriously."

   "The Hydra directly resisted the frigate head-on, what did he think?"

   "But when it comes to fighting guerrillas, you won't die so quickly if you fight a guerrilla attack. Wan Wan actually ran to charge. I'm afraid he's not a fool."

   "Is the captain of Team No. 36 still there?

  Our idiot captain on the 35th ran to give it for nothing, and the 17 of us here expressed that we would merge into your team. "

   "It's still there... That's good, brothers, let's go to the gathering point of the No. 36 team."

   "Slip, slip..."

   "Remember this silly ID and don't team up with him next time."

   "Yes, Ma Ma won't let me play with idiots."

  Sacrificial Hydralisk player: . . @#¥…%!

   At the same time, the same thing happened in various teams. A large part of them were newcomers who had just entered the game, and they didn't know much about the combat methods of this game.

  Usually, when troops like them fight against enemies stronger than them, they usually choose to fight guerrillas.

  Of course, the old players also warned about such things before they set off.

  But the habits in other games will not be so easy to change after a while.

   It is also for this reason that many newcomers who have invested are here for nothing.

  At this moment in the main battlefield, the main formation headed by the Cyclops is relying on the strong defense of the fourth-order cockroaches to continuously advance towards the enemy's main formation.

   The players in this war are very clear, if the two sides continue to fight with the main fleet like this.

  Then their odds are very low, and now they have only one way to win.

   That is to break through the enemy's formation and turn the formation-style combat method into a big melee.

  As long as the scene becomes chaotic, the advantages of the Zerg will be reflected.

  At this time, as they approached, the enemy was also retreating quickly, but unfortunately their retreat speed was not as fast as the player's advance.

   Naturally, players know the star ring civilization.

   The Zerg has a strong single combat capability, especially in close combat or melee combat, where their advantages can be maximized.

  After all, creatures controlling their own bodies are always much more flexible than warships.

  But although they are very clear about their plan, the commander of the star ring civilization is also very helpless at the moment.

  The Zerg attacking from all directions has already made the battlefield chaotic, and the enemy continues to move forward at this time.

  If they withdraw too quickly, the troops they sent out to intercept may not be able to keep up with the rhythm of the large troops.

   Can't keep up with the rhythm of the large army, what awaits them is to be destroyed by the enemy.

  At this moment, the commander of the star ring civilization watched the players' every move and said nothing.

   "What kind of bugs are these rushing to the front?"

   "With such a powerful defensive ability, it should be regarded as the main combat unit in the swarm. Why haven't I heard of it before?"

   And at this moment, he suddenly noticed something.

   "What happened to the hundreds of frigates in the **** formation and the cruisers in the cruiser formation? Why didn't they follow the fleet and retreat?"

  As his voice fell, the people under him were also a little dazed.

   "Commander, these warships seem to have lost contact with us."

   "Lost contact?" The commander said with surprise on his face, but just when he was about to say something, an alarm of condensed matter weapon invasion suddenly came from the ship.

   "Condensed matter weapons? These bugs have mastered this technology?"

   As he said that, he was surprised. He never expected that bugs could master this technology.

  But when he heard about this technology, he immediately understood what happened to those lost warships.

   "I was a little surprised. Through those warships, it is not difficult to see that the bugs have a good grasp of this technology."

   As he spoke, he saw the commander, and immediately activated the condensed matter defense technology on all warships.

  Condensed matter weapons have also been studied by their civilization, and they have also mastered the attack and defense technology of this weapon.

  Although their offensive technology is not particularly mature, their defensive technology has done very well.

  And when they activated this technology, the players controlling the condensed matter baneling also found that something was wrong.

   "I rely on the brothers, the enemy has the means to defend against the condensed matter baneling. Now that the defense technology is turned on, it is very difficult for us to get in, and even if we go in, the loss will be great."

   "The usage time has changed from one hour to two minutes."

   "Damn it, won't it be useless if they engage in this condensed matter baneling?"

   "This condensed matter baneling feels like that. It's okay to target civilizations that don't have this kind of weapon defense ability. Once they meet the opponent with defense ability, it won't work."

   "I feel that the dark matter baneling is more reliable, and the direct damage effect is immediate."

   "At the same price, if the opponent does not have the corresponding defense technology, then the battleship that the condensed matter baneling can destroy is N times that of dark matter."

   "And in the current situation, even if you use dark matter to explode, the effect will be very poor."

   "The shield defense of the enemy's battleship is already high, and there are armors on the outer belt. If you add these two together, even if your dark matter baneling is powerful, the damage you can cause to them is limited."

   "It's numb, the difficulty of this game is getting higher and higher, and this kind of defensive feeling can only be used by high-evolution units."

   "I understand the game, but the most useful situation in the upcoming situation is the Cyclops.

  But it is basically impossible for small guilds to get Cyclops.

  The investment in this thing is too high. Although there are generally about 1,000 members in the guild now, everyone in the guild who wants to buy it will have to pay at least 70,000 to 80,000. "

  "Usually, most of the guild members are not happy to increase the evolution points by a large amount.

  So the only way to adjust the guild tax fee is to wait until the tax collected by the guild is almost the same, and then let everyone make up a little evolution point, but this operation cycle is too long. "

   At this time, while the players were still discussing, the main formation had rushed into the enemy formation.

   The charge this time caused heavy losses to the players. Although the fourth-tier cockroaches have strong defense and survivability, it is undeniable that the opponent's firepower is not weak.

  So even if there are Tier 4 cockroaches and Tier 3 different dragons taking turns taking damage, they will finally wait until the formation of the players rushes into the enemy's main force.

  Their fourth-order cockroaches lost as many as six, and the third-order allosaurus lost nearly a hundred or so.

   As for the other auxiliary arms, the losses are even greater.

   Fortunately, after rushing into the monster pile, the players can also play a certain advantage.

  Because the distance is relatively short, the enemy also has to give priority to players who are close to their own battleship, which also causes their firepower to be instantly dispersed by the players.

   The distance is also relatively short. In order to avoid accidentally injuring friendly troops, the frequency of firing is not as high as before.

   Compared with them, the players have much less concerns, because the players' arms are much smaller than them.

  As long as there is no problem with the positioning, then basically there will be no accidental damage, and most of their attacks will be eaten by these warships.

   It wasn't until this moment that the Zerg's combat advantages were brought into play by the players.

  At this time, the face-riding players were outputting crazily, and Jiang Yao in the distance was naturally unambiguous.

  I saw that he was also controlling the worm nest to conduct long-distance sniping on the enemy's battlecruiser.

  Although there are still a lot of attacks calling to Jiang Yao at this moment.

  But right now most of the enemy's warships are cleaning up the bugs around them, which also makes Jiang Yao's damage not high.

   "Brothers, get ready! The opponent's No. 3 battlecruiser is about to break armor! The members of the nearby hand-to-hand combat team are all ready!"

  At this time, as a cyclops fell from the player's voice, a thick beam of light shot out.

   Immediately afterwards, a large hole was directly shot out of the deck of this huge battlecruiser, and then under everyone's gaze, this hole was closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "Quick! Quick! The charge of the hand-to-hand combat team!"

   "Keep up! Keep up! Drill inside, the temple bee boss, hurry up, it's about to close!"

   Just like that, the members of the hand-to-hand combat team who had already prepared rushed into the interior of the battleship at an extremely fast speed while urging.

  (end of this chapter)