MTL - Zhan Long-Chapter 8 Sword

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There was a blank in my head, I was very excited. Finally, the rookie had to counterattack, and I really finished a homemade move, handsome, and increased the attack power by 10% after pulling the sword. This effect is too powerful, although I am now The attack power is only 6-6 points, 10% attack power is almost equal to no, but when the level is high, the equipment is strong, the BUFF effect is naturally tyrannical, and my future blade is destined to be a sword, otherwise This skill is gone!

For a long time, what kind of name is good, such a sharp move...

Finally, with a flash of light in his head, a name jumped out - the sword started to wave!

Well, this name is very appropriate. After the sword is drawn, it is destined to be a killing. This is just a sword-like process. It is just a prelude to a battle. Use this!


System Tip: Congratulations, the name is successful, the skill is the first SS-level skill of the whole server, is your identity public?

Quickly click negative, low key! The low-key is not for luxury, but for the sake of life. Since ancient times, Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. Once my identity is open, I don’t know how many pursuits I have to face. I am not afraid of fame! It’s very good now, a level 1 hanging pot doctor, the real master is too lazy to step on me, this feeling is so wonderful...


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player ×××× for comprehending the SS-level skills - [Jian Qibo]!


Visually, the entire server has to go away.

Soon, the skill bar flashed a pattern of a blade image. My first passive skill was also the second skill, and it was the SS level. There was also a hemostasis for the doctor. Level evaluation, um, is the worst blood-adding skill, but it is also very good, so you can recover your blood.

[Swords from the waves] (SS): After the sword is pulled, the attack power is increased by 10%, no energy is consumed, no skill level.

[Hemostatic LV-1] (D): Treatment of 50 points of qi and blood, costing 5 points of magic, the current proficiency of 0/100, level 1 level.


Ready to stop, finally, I should go out and go to the rivers and lakes!

With the iron sword, I finally stepped out of the novice village after opening the service for 24 hours. At the same time, there was no supply in the parcel, or I couldn’t afford to supply anything, but slowly, everything would be there.

Outside the novice village, the dense players are killing the grass dog on the side of the jungle. The grass dog is a 1-2 level monster, and it is also the lowest level monster. Those who have no interest...

Avoiding the peak of the player and looking for another road, the north of Grass Dog Village is still a jungle, but the mark on the map is a bit red, obviously not suitable for my level, but I can still try it, I have a natural advantage. Can play the milk, as well as the sword to cheer, although in fact the sword does not have much effect.

In the distance, several players clamored for a whiteboard armor and shouted: "This equipment can sell at least 20 copper coins, we must give us, we are the main force of DPS!"

I can't help but sneer: "Nothing!"

Look down, a copper coin in the sunset with a fascinating luster, quickly slammed, and quietly grabbed after no one left.

Hey, make a fortune! Laozi also has today! !


The money before the repair of the weapon was spent, and now all my family is this one copper coin, I do not know which idiot kills the grass dog and even the copper coins are not, it is really a bad thing!

Going forward, there are a few places where the grass dog is entrenched, and the surrounding players are becoming scarcer. A cluster of shrubs is densely covered in the jungle, and grass dogs are infested.

A few seconds later, a low-pitched buzz came. Finally, I met the first monster I could see. It was a fierce hyena, NND, this novice village is next to the dog!

[鬣狗] (normal monster)

Rating: 3

Attack: 7-11

Defense: 3

Qi and blood: 150

Skill: None


Ok, level 3 blame, kill two can get to level 1, on!


The iron sword is squirted, the sword starts to bounce, and the attack power is increased by 10%. Stepping up, not yet approaching, the hyena has screamed and rushed over, without skill, directly open his mouth to bite!

Grab the shot, before the hyena bite me, the iron sword has already landed on its head, "啪嚓", jumped 12 points of damage, while the hyena also bite my calf, bite down, take Got 25 damage, hey, it's twice my damage!

However, my attack speed is fast, and I have a few swords in succession. I am screaming at the dog. I watch the monster's blood falling slower than myself. I am not in a hurry. When the blood falls to the two injuries, I immediately raise my hand. A holy light falls, hemostasis!


Give power, can fight milk, king! !

Three or two times, he flipped the dog and brushed it. The experience strip jumped 50%. At the same time, the dog fell, and two copper coins broke out. It was lightly picked up and harvested well...

Continue to move forward, after cutting the second hyena, "brushing" a golden light shrouded down, rose to level 1, breaking through the level 1 mark, I am already a level 2 pot doctor. All 10 attribute points are still added to the strength value. The power of the hanging pot doctor is only 0.5, only 5-5 attack power is added. If it is replaced by Berserker, it is the attack power bonus of 11-11 points. Is the disadvantage...

The sword goes slant, continue, BT is dead!


After killing dozens of hyenas, the magic value has already bottomed out. A hemostasis is 5 points of magic. My total magic is 60 points. There is no treatment. I am here to find death. Fortunately, this time I upgraded. At the 3rd level, full of Gorefiend, 10 points continue to add to the power, the whole person is like a power-type nurse -

[Happy and free] (apprentice pot doctor)

Rating: 3

Attack: 11-13

Defense: 4

Life: 120

Magic: 70

Charm value: 0


Although the doctor of the hanging pot is inherently a power defect, if you put on a better weapon, you can still break the defense of the same level of monsters. You can break the defense and you can add blood. This is not worried about death. More than any occupation has the ability to survive in the wild, praise, but only to increase the point, the mana value is not enough, there must be supplies, otherwise it will not last long.

Well, kill it here for a while, earn 50 copper coins and go back and buy some medicine. With the potion, you can continue to go deeper to kill higher-level monsters.


The iron sword opened a dog's head, and broke out 2 copper coins. He picked it up and continued to kill. The level was high, and the attack power increased accordingly. Killing the dog didn't require too much blood, and it was handy. .

Crossing a shrub, and going further, the distant place is a black bear squatting in the forest. The 5th-level monster has very high attack power, defense power and blood.

Holding the iron sword, I took a deep breath, tried to kill one, and killed but ran!

About 10 yards away from the black bear, I have already attracted the hate value, the goods suddenly roared, the huge body rushed over, the dark hair was upside down, raising the claws is a blow!


The blood is splashing, the battle scene in the game is very realistic, my shoulders are bloody, and the damage figures are flying up -


NND, it hurts!

I hurriedly attacked the sword, but only played 15 points of damage, continued to attack, and at the same time "brushed" the light of a hemostasis, recovered 50 points of blood, and once I went to the CD, I immediately resumed!


The black bear slammed openly, biting my arm, dragging and shaking, and it was a big sigh of blood -


Rely on, a fatal blow!

I am so scared that I will stay here.

Feet on the fallen leaves, two steps back quickly, the black bear flew again, opened the distance, for me to get a short time to not be attacked, a sword to pull out, while the left hand raised, hemostasis resumed 50 blood, continue to fight the black bear Blood.

It was just a 5th-level ordinary blame, and it took me nearly half a minute. In the end, the black bear screamed, and when I had only 41 points of blood, I finally hanged!


When the monster hangs, along with the sound of the falling of the item, it is not the pure copper coins, there is a piece of equipment, yes, it is a look awkward wristband!

Flying forward, pick it up, look, oh, pretty good -

[Black Bear Gloves] (White Equipment)

Category: Armor

Defense: 7

Requires level: 4


Armor, I can't equip, this is even better, sell money, it is white equipment, there should be no one.

On the ground, there are 5 copper coins. The advanced monster is more generous than the hyena. Pick it up, turn around and leave, don’t hit the wild bear. The attack power is too high. I am so thin, I can’t bear it, let alone me. The equipment on the body, except for a sword, is empty, and the bare-legged scorpion is dead with others, which is what to do.

Continue to kill the dog, 3 levels of killing level 3 is much easier, more than an hour, rose to level 4, at the same time, the package of copper coins as many as 47, as if it is a nouveau riche.

Turn around and see, there have been a lot of players coming to leveling, here is not a long-term place, first go back to the city to sort out, buy some potions and then go to a more advanced map!


With the iron sword, I walked down the edge of the bush. At this time, a group of people came face to face. A barbarian player with a 6-level tomahawk rushed at me and said, "Hey, friend, practice here. Level, is there any equipment that can be used by soldiers?"

I silently took out the black bear armor from the parcel and said, "White equipment, no attributes, do you want it?"

The barbarian smiled: "7 points of defense, when T is the first choice, of course, how much?"

I glanced at it: "The store price is 21 copper coins. Are you out?"

"Yes!" The barbarian is very bold: "Then 50 copper coins, how?"

"Well, trading!"

After a few seconds, the transaction was over. I left the sword and wrapped nearly 100 copper coins in the package. I was about to get together into 1 silver coin!


Back to the grass dog village, and also sold a few level 2 armor, leather armor white equipment to kill the dog, and finally, the package has 121 copper coins! I glanced at the cloth armor in the equipment store, 2 level robe, +2 defense, 70 copper coins, too expensive, no, equipment waiting to burst out of the monster!

Come to the pharmacy, level 1 blue potion, restore 50 mana, 5 copper coins, buy 23 in one breath, fix the iron sword, and only one copper coin left, like a bare-footed rookie!

Going out, the violent milk leveling tour officially started!

Today, Ye Lai, a computer station student, gave a lot of votes and voted a lot. In particular, a chapter broke out to show his gratitude. The rest of the students asked for strength. I don’t open a single chapter to ask for a ticket. Everyone sees me so honestly and honestly. I want to reward one or two! Ask for a VIP ticket and ask for a PK ticket. Students who have the most PK tickets at the computer station in March can participate in the 2013 17K Annual Meeting with the leaves!

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