MTL - Zombie: Awaken Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire at the Beginning-Chapter 167

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However, at this moment, Uncle Ninth spoke loudly.

His words blew directly into everyone's ears like thunder, and in an instant, all the residents hurriedly covered their ears.

At this moment, everyone was frightened by Ninth Uncle's terrifying voice. Can such a loud voice be made by humans?

"Everyone, listen to me, my junior brother is a genius doctor, and a small epidemic can't beat him!"

Ninth Uncle stepped forward and spoke slowly!

"What? The genius doctor is this kid?"

"How is this possible, he is so young!"

"That's right, it's impossible, right? It looks like a little white face, can he be a genius doctor?"



All the residents looked at the handsome young Ling Xiao suspiciously.

Hearing that someone said that he was a little white face, Ling Xiao immediately twitched the corners of his mouth.

You are a man, okay?

"Everyone, my strength will be known by then.

The important thing now is to find two people to take us to the sick person's house. If the treatment is done as soon as possible, everyone can live a comforting life as soon as possible! "

Ling Xiao had no choice but to speak calmly.

Although his words were calm, what was shocking was that thousands of people present heard his words clearly, as if they were speaking in everyone's ears.

"God, I am so far away, and the voices of the people around me are so loud, I can actually hear this young man's words!"

"I heard it too, damn, I'm on the edge!"

"Divine doctor! Is it really a genius doctor?"


In an instant, almost everyone began to believe in Ling Xiao.

Just taking Ninth Uncle and the others to a family with a patient, this made them a little bit in trouble.

After all, they don't have the guts!

"You two, I'll take you there!"

However, at this moment, an old man came out of the crowd tremblingly and spoke.

"Anyway, the old man is old, and he will die if he dies. If he can save the villagers and elders, it is also a merit! Hahaha!"

The old man opened his mouth with a smile.

As soon as his words came out, everyone around them bowed their heads in shame.

"Then thank you sir!"

Ninth Uncle and Ling Xiao both sincerely thanked Uncle.

"Two doctors, please come with me!"

The uncle hurriedly greeted the two of them, and then walked towards the nearest sick family.

The people around were all rushing out of the way.

Ninth Uncle Ling Xiao also followed.

"Why don't we go and have a look!"

"Damn it, are you dying?"

"You can't look up from a distance!"

"々' Also, if you are really a genius doctor, you won't need to be so frightened in the future!"


The people around discussed it. If it continues like this, everyone will die, so it is better to go and see.

In an instant, one or two hundred people followed. Of course, most of them still didn't want to be infected.



Along the way, there were fewer and fewer people around, until the three of them came to the door of a family full of elegiac couplets and flowers.

"You two, it's here! There are five people in his family, and two have died! I won't go in the old things."

The uncle quickly introduced it.

"Well, thank you uncle!"

Ninth Uncle and Ling Xiao both walked directly towards the house!

Seeing Ninth Uncle and Ling Xiao walking in, the hundreds of people who were following in the distance were also hiding a hundred meters away to peek.

"Go in, go in, really come to heal!"

"I just said that the two of them are extraordinary, and they are not ordinary people at first glance, but I don't know if they can be cured!"

"Even if it can be cured, it can't be cured all at once, how can it take three or five days!?

"Yes, let's stand a little further away!"


Everyone thought of this and ran away again.


As soon as he entered the yard, he found five coffins lying there, two of which had been sealed and seemed to be dead.

Even the coffin is ready, it seems that he feels that he is dead.

"This epidemic doesn't look easy!"

Jiu Shu's expression changed slightly.

"It's not simple, it's not an ordinary plague!"

Ling Xiao frowned when he saw the yin qi emanating from the coffin, it seemed like a plague created by sorcery.

"Look at the people first!"

Ling Xiao didn't think much about it, but saving people was the most important thing in front of him.

Thinking of this, he came directly to the house.

Seeing that the two middle-aged couples lying on the bed were almost breathless, Jiu Shu was also shocked.

These two will definitely not last for an hour.

"Cough, cough, you, cough, who are you!"

At this moment, a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old came over vigilantly while coughing.

Perhaps because of the protection of the family, the little girl is not as serious as the family, but under this situation, she will definitely not survive for three days!

"Little girl, we are here to treat you! Come, brother, let me show you!"

When Ling Xiao saw the little girl (Zhao De's), he immediately smiled and held the little girl's hand.

Although the little girl was afraid, she did not refuse when she thought that she might save her parents.

"Sure enough, it is the pulse of the plague, but there is yin flowing in the meridians!

It seems that there are evil cultivators who spread their yin qi with plague, and when the time comes, they can collect them at one time to improve their strength! "

Ling Xiao spoke slowly.

"What? There is such a means?"

When Jiu Shu heard this, his face changed greatly.

He had never heard of such a method.

"However, in this case, it is easier to handle, as long as the yin qi is dissipated, the plague virus can be eliminated together!

Of course, if the spread is large, the best way is to find the source and kill the evil cultivator who spread the plague! "

Ling Xiao spoke slowly.

"That's great, it's a lot easier indeed!"

Uncle Jiu was relieved when he heard it.

Kill the source!

Is there anyone else who can be Ling Xiao's opponent?

"The next thing, let's talk about it later, I will save the people in this county first!"

Ling Xiao spoke directly, and after speaking, his right hand touched the little girl's eyebrow slightly.


In an instant, a cyan flame poured into the little girl's body.

In an instant, the virus in the little girl's body, as well as the yin energy, were directly burned into nothingness.

Because of the plague, the little girl who felt cold all over her body immediately felt warm and comfortable when the flames entered her body.

"Hey, I don't seem to feel so uncomfortable anymore!"

The little girl moved her body excitedly.

But the next moment the little girl was excited,

"God, you must be a god, can brother **** save my parents! I beg you!"

Thinking of her parents, the little girl hurriedly knelt down towards Ling Xiao.

"Don't worry! We are here to save people!"

Ling Xiao quickly helped the little girl up.

Later, she came to her parents and gave them the power of coldness that penetrated Qinglian's heart.


Soon, puffs of blue smoke came out of the middle-aged couple's bodies.

Chapter 124: Are you a junior brother? They've grown so big! ?

The original morbid complexion and skin were quickly repaired.

Even his breathing has stabilized, but he still hasn't woken up, and his face is also a little weak and pale.

"Senior brother, give each of them a few drops of potion, they are too weak after being sick for a few days!"

Ling Xiao spoke directly to the ninth uncle beside him.

"no problem!"

Ninth Uncle nodded slightly, then came directly to the two of them and fed them a few drops of liquid medicine.


However, as the liquid medicine entered the bodies of the two, the pale faces of the two also quickly turned rosy?

Seeing this scene, the little girl was moved to tears.

As their bodies were completely repaired, both of the couple slowly opened their eyes.

"Hmm! What's wrong with me? What are you crying for!"

"Why does it feel like I've slept for a long time! Hey, the two of you are!"


After the couple woke up, they were stunned when they saw their daughter, Ling Xiao and Ninth Uncle.

They seem to vaguely remember that they were sick and dying before!

"Father and mother, you finally woke up. It was these two immortals who saved you. I thought you were going to die just now! Woohoo!"