Murder the Dream Guy-Chapter 142 - He’s Her Monkey King

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Chapter 142: He’s Her Monkey King

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The search of the corpse was still ongoing.

In order to speed up the progress, the Municipal Bureau had also deployed a large number of manpower to assist in the search. The group of people almost combed the entire area which was a few kilometers from the Avenue of Stars, but still did not find the headless corpse.

Xiang Wan stood by the riverside, the wind there had a slightly fishy smell. There was a deep sense of powerlessness.

“Captain Bai, maybe this is not the actual site of disposal?”

“Hm?” Bai Muchuan nodded his head, his eyes slightly cold. “It’s highly possible. That person seems to like torturing us. There’s a high possibility that the human head and the body was disposed of in different places.”

“So…” Xiang Wan wanted to tell him to stop the search and call it a day since there was nothing so far.

“So, we need to continue the search.” Bai Muchuan smiled coolly with a serious expression. “Even if it’s only one in a 10,000 possibility, we cannot give up. We are the police!”

This is the police, she thought.

Xiang Wan looked at him quietly then looked at the busy crowd and decided to keep quiet. However, a sentence popped up in her head:

“There is no so-called peace and prosperity. It’s just that there are people carrying the burden for everyone!

“The police are the people who bear the burden for everyone.”

The search for the corpse continued till 9:30 p.m. By then, the sky was all dark and it was the same for the water as well. Even though there were bright lights to assist with their search, it proved to be too tedious to continue with their work.

The various teams discussed amongst themselves and decided to call it day.

The firefighters who worked for several hours left.

The police officers from the neighboring police stations left as well.

However, work for Bai Muchuan was just the beginning.

Once he returned to the office, he had a lot of matters to attend to.

Xie Hui had copied out the personal information and investigation results of Cotton Candy for Bai Muchuan:

Cotton Candy, real name Mao Guigui, 20 years old, a sophomore at an Information Technology University in the north.

Before Bai Muchuan came back, Xie Hui called Mao Guigui’s school and asked about her whereabouts. In the end, the school told him that Mao Guigui had not come to school for several days. According to her dorm mates, she had gone to Jin City and even participated in the mass brawling incident that took place at Grand Orchid Pavilion. She did not come back after the incident but contacted them via WeChat yesterday that she would be going to see Ye Lun…

Next, Xie Hui proceeded to contact Mao Guigui’s parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Mao told Xie Hui that they did not know their daughter played truant to chase after celebrities. They thought she was always at school. Just the day before yesterday, they even sent her a pocket money of 1,500 yuan but she never told her parents what she did. Her poor parents were totally in the dark…

However, when Mr. and Mrs. Mao heard that it was the police that called them up, they were very nervous and asked if their daughter did anything unlawful…

Xie Hui, who was in charge of contacting them, felt sympathy for her parents. He had to inform them to come to Jin City’s Criminal Investigation Unit as soon as possible.

Just as Xie Hui was contacting Mao Guigui’s parents, the interrogation of Ye Lun and his staff by Tang Yuanchu and team were also completed.

They had preliminarily determined that the dead girl was Mao Guigui.

However, Ye Lun’s statement was not what Xie Wanwan had told them.

Ye Lun denied that Mao Guigui was his girlfriend. He even asked Tang Yuanchu sarcastically that if he and Mao Guigui stood together, which part of them suggested they look like a couple?

Tang Yuanchu really hated Ye Lun.

Nevertheless, with the last incident as a lesson, he would not continue to press Ye Lun on admitting his relationship with the deceased. Instead, he did his homework and showed Ye Lun the screenshots he found via the internet.

The screenshots include Mao Guigui’s Weibo as well as comments from other netizens. There was also a photo of Ye Lun taken together with Mao Guigui.

However, after looking at this so-called evidence, not only was Ye Lun not nervous, he even shot an “are you a moron” look at Tang Yuanchu.

Ye Lun admitted that Mao Guigui was indeed his fan and she belonged to the obsessed type. That night when the mass brawling broke out at Grand Orchid Pavilion, it was the first time he met Mao Guigui.

At that time, she waved to him frantically amongst the crowd, shouting Ye Lun’s name.

Ye Lun also waved back at her and Mao Guigui squeezed and dashed through the crowd without qualms to give Ye Lun a hug.

According to Ye Lun, Mao Guigui’s level of obsession terrified him. She was no different from those crazed celebrity stalkers as she guarded the hotel he was staying; tried ways and means to find out his whereabouts; she would also follow and stalk him. He was fed up with all these and asked his assistant to arrange a meetup with the girl. He gave the girl some presents and even adhered to her request of having a picture taken with her. After that, he persuaded her politely not to pry into his privacy and that he disliked girls who did that.

He had thought that by doing so, the girl would not continue to pester him anymore.

However, that was not the case for Mao Guigui. After she received the presents, she did not back down but got even more aggressive in her efforts to stalk him and told everyone she knew, that she got into an intimate relationship with her beloved idol… She publicized her relationship with him on Weibo, WeChat Moments and all other social media platforms as though she was the new internet wannabe. Such an action not only disgusted all other fans, but also brought trouble to Ye Lun…

The news of “Ye Lun sleeps with his fans” spread all over the internet.

It resulted in Ye Lun having to explain about the incident via Weibo to stop the rumors from going crazy.

Ye Lun showed the police whatever he had, as well as the Weibo post to stop the rumors.

The post was made yesterday where the contents were purely to rebuke the rumor of Ye Lun spending a night with a fan. It was said that the matter had been handed over to lawyers and that the person responsible would be prosecuted to safeguard Ye Lun’s public image.

“D*mn, he’s off the hook again!”

Tang Yuanchu walked to the table and put down all the statements they had collected.

“All the statements of Ye Lun’s staff are in here as well. Basically, their statements matched that of Ye Lun’s.”

“So this means that Ye Lun only met Mao Guigui twice?” Bai Muchuan read and flipped through the records, furrowing his eyebrows as he asked Tang Yuanchu. “Did you ask the others about this?”

Tang Yuanchu chuckled confidently and sat down. “Boss, this time I’m smarter. I contacted each and every member of the film crew to verify the information…”

“However.” His expression was slightly grim. “Most of them agreed with what Ye Lun said. They felt that Ye Lun did not have a relationship with Mao Guigui and that it was just a one-sided affair. They said those rumors are spread by those Ye Lun haters deliberately…”

Ye Lun haters?

Come to think of it, Xie Wanwan could be considered a Ye Lun hater too?

The two of them had a grudge. That would mean her statement might not be taken seriously?

“Hur! This is getting more complicated and mysterious. It’s really worthwhile for me to stay in Jin City!”

Bai Muchuan’s voice had a slightly smiling tone. His pitch was low, attractive and laid-back. It was certainly a weapon to get attention. At that moment, Xiang Wan was sitting in a table about five meters away from him. She was concentrating on doing something with her laptop. When she heard that laughter, she could not help stealing a glance at the owner of that voice.

Xie Hui, Tang Yuanchu, He Wencai and Wang Chengming were together with him to discuss the case.

From what Xiang Wan saw, Tang Yuanchu and the other detectives were considered not bad looking as well. But when Bai Muchuan was with them, he had a special charm of his own like the difference between mortals and immortals, it was so special that it could not be duplicated…

“It’s decided then! Let’s get to work!”

When Bai Muchuan finished assigning the tasks, he knocked on the table and got up from his seat as his men left to do their work. He turned and saw Xiang Wan’s sneaky glance at him.

Watching her retracting her gaze hastily, his mouth formed a smile as he walked over to her and took a look at her laptop which had entered screen saver mode.

“You have time stealing glances at me? Looks like you’ve finished writing your update?”

Xiang Wan was caught red-handed and felt a little shy. “No, I’m stuck at a plot.”

Bai Muchuan raised an eyebrow but did not expose her. “I’ll send you back first! You might be able to write better at home.”

Xiang Wan studied his face. “What ’bout you?”

Bai Muchuan: “I’ll continue to work after sending you back.”

Men who treats their work seriously, are very attractive.

But this could be rather damaging to one’s health!

“Bai Muchuan!” Xiang Wan was displeased but she did not feel there was anything wrong with her tone. She had forgotten that she had not agreed to become his girlfriend yet she was doing what a girlfriend would do. “You don’t need to rest? How can you expect everything to be done in a day? I suggest that you and your team should go back for a rest first and continue the work tomorrow…”

“I’m alright.” Bai Muchuan took a look at everyone who was busy working and his gaze started to look stern and complicated. “Even if I went back, I won’t be able to sleep too.”


It was true that the case was important.

But one could not forget sleep just because the case had yet to be solved?

Xiang Wan understood his temperament and quietly put her laptop away.

“Fine! Then send me back first, you can rest for a while there too.”

This sentence came as a surprise.

Bai Muchuan’s eyes lit up slightly and he wore a smile. “Are you sure?”

“Of course.” Xiang Wan was very serious. “The sofa is big and spacious.”


At this juncture, it was hard for both of them to fall asleep.

This case was too much of a coincidence. It was very similar to what Xiang Wan wrote and the deceased was someone that she knew.

It felt as though there was a pair of hands that was forcing them to move along his pace.

Moreover, that person was in the dark while they were out in the open. She felt like she was being attacked at the weakest spot, which was a great disadvantage.

What was scarier was the fact that, until now, they knew nothing of the person, not even the gender or the location he or she was from…

“Xiang Wan, from now onwards, you need to stay alert whenever you go out.”

Bai Muchuan sent Xiang Wan back to her doorstep but he did not have the intent to enter her house and occupy her sofa. His tall stature was as though the door god standing guard at her door. “Try not to go out alone whenever possible.” He patted her head and instructed, “If there’s somewhere that you really need to go, do let me know in advance.”

His serious tone struck a chord in her heart.

“You mean,” Xiang Wan spoke haltingly, “that person might want to deal with me next?”

“Not really.” Bai Muchuan’s brows were closely knitted. “But being careful is always good. Better prepared than never!”

“Hm.” Xiang Wan answered pensively as she leaned on the door and seemed a little weak and powerless. “Earlier, I was thinking that if that person did that to deal with me, then he should come after me directly. Why did he want to take out the people around me? What kind of grudge and enmity do I have with him? What did he want to achieve? Why didn’t he just come clean with what he wanted to do? I’m going to collapse if my heart is left hanging like this…”

“Silly girl!” Bai Muchuan chuckled and his face slowly sank. “Maybe that person enjoyed this feeling! If that person came out in the open, what fun would there be?”

Xiang Wan was slightly surprised by the remark.

Was that person a pervert?

What kind of thrill would killing someone bring to that person?

She couldn’t help giving a shiver. “How can there be such a horrible person in the world? No, that person’s a devil!”

“Evil would not triumph over good!” Bai Muchuan looked at her with a determined gaze. “Don’t worry. No matter how crafty he is, I’ll nab him one day!”

“But this person… One by one, the deaths… My heart…”

“Don’t give yourself such burden.” Bai Muchuan squeezed her shoulders to comfort her. “Even without you in the picture, there will be cases popping out every day. It won’t lessen because of you…”

“But it increased because of me.” Xiang Wan took a deep breath and barely managed a faint smile. “I’m fine. You can go ahead. I won’t stop you as I know you won’t listen. Still, do take care of your health.”

“You know how to care for me now! That’s an improvement!”

Bai Muchuan’s eyes were smiling and he seemed a little proud.

As he said that, he ruffled Xiang Wan’s head.

“Remember my words, do not act alone!”

“I know. Are you Tang Monk?” Xiang Wan grunted a laugh and wanted to turn away when she was hugged from behind. That pair of hands slowly wrapped her tightly in his arms, making her breathe a little faster.

“I’m not Tang Monk. I’m Sun Wukong, the Monkey King who specializes in battling demons. No matter what demon this is, I’ll make him reveal himself. But…”

He paused.

Xiang Wan lifted her head and met his deep eyes.

“When I’m dealing with that demon, I do not wish my little fairy to be in any kind of danger!”

There was affection in the man’s dark eyes, deep and mesmerizing enough to move a person’s heart.

Xiang Wan’s heart skipped a beat and her voice instantly became hoarse. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”

“Be good! I’ll get going now!”

Seeing his warm smile, Xiang Wan was as though cured of her distress again.

No matter how many demons and monsters were creating havoc, at least there were numerous detectives like Bai Muchuan who were catching these evildoers, and bring them to justice.

Evil would not triumph over good! Xiang Wan closed the door quietly.

She was back too late today. Fang Yuanyuan was already asleep so Xiang Wan did not disturb her, she tiptoed her way back to her room and turned on her laptop.

It was almost midnight but her update today was not ready.

Well, strictly speaking, she only managed to write an opening and was unable to continue the story.

The replication of her story once again was similar to a huge spider web blocking her way. Even though she had a lot of ideas for her story, she was unable to write them down.

Slowly, she opened the book reviews and comments page of her novel.

Just one look and she was dumbfounded.

Could it really be what Bai Muchuan had said, that her book would be popular due to the new case?

Her book review and comments area broke a new record. There were more than 800 new comments on that day alone.

Most of the comments were left by new people who were most probably onlookers who got to know of her book.

Similar to the previous times, the appearance of these new readers was because they were curious about the new murder case.

The case of “A Female Head Without Torso” at the Avenue of Stars spread like wildfire to become one of the trending news again. This was because it got linked to the filming set of “The Grey List”.

Hence, Xiang Wan’s chapter which was written prior to this murder case went viral again——

What shocked her more was that there was an ID by the name of “Second Young Master Mu” who tipped her an item which was equivalent to a sum of 10,000 yuan!

Although she did not know if this “Second Young Master Mu” was her idol or not, a huge amount of tip like this made the entire review and comments page go into a frenzy. Everyone was wondering if this “Second Young Master Mu” was the actual legendary writer, Second Young Master Mu himself. There were a lot of comments that guessed Second Young Master Mu must have been attracted by the author’s “supernatural” ability and read the novel.

Due to these two incidents, her novel received a lot of hits.

Xiang Wan’s faithful readers were very happy for her. They were very hopeful of “Murder The Dream Guy”.

They felt that Xiang Gongzi’s book was the dark horse of Wen Quan Book Treasury of the year.

Everyone was encouraging Xiang Wan to write more so that her book could really hop on the popular book bandwagon… and stay popular!

Facing so many enthusiastic and ardent fans of hers, what could Xiang Wan do? Of course, she would opt to stop updating!

“I’m sorry that I’m writing this announcement! I know that by doing this, I will disappoint everyone. I also know that by choosing to discontinue this story at this juncture, I’m really inhumane, mean and hateful as leaving the story at a cliffhanger is similar to taking away another’s husband. But, I have a reason for doing so. I’m left with no choice but to stop. I can only give up my novel, “Murder The Dream Guy”. I have to give up all the love and support my readers give me; I have to give up my all hard work and effort that I’ve put in all this while. Yes, I wanted to say, the discontinuation is not for today but for very long. Or rather… forever!”

The moment she published the announcement, Xiang Wan slumped onto her chair as though drained of energy.

It’s over.

Is it really over?

Her book, her story… and the cases, will it really end?

In less than a few minutes, the book review and comments page were in a frenzy once again! There were many different comments but most of them posted numerous question marks?

What is the reason for the permanent discontinuation? Just when the book is starting to get popular?

Everyone wanted to know the reason but Xiang Wan did not know how to answer.

She was in tears as she scrolled to look at the comments. Then she saw a comment which was left in the morning.

It was left by that mysterious ID. “Those whose souls have been tainted deserved only death and no sympathy. Only by washing away this dirt, the order in the society will become clean.”

It’s him again!

His comment this time was cold and inhumane!

Xiang Wan was angry. Never had she been so upset that she did not think much and directly replied to the ID.

“If those whose soul got tainted deserved death, why aren’t you the first to die?”

It was really late into the night.

For the past few nights, rain came after the wee hours.

The rain made the weather outside looked foggy. Xiang Wan looked at the impenetrable darkness outside and dared not open the window.

She sat alone by herself, looking at the comments for two hours without feeling sleepy but did not want to wash up either.

Her heart felt lost.

At the point when she decided to discontinue the book, it felt as though all her energy had been drained off. She also felt as though she had lost the most important thing in her life. She had lost her goal, similar to a person who had lost everything. As she sat by herself, she felt like crying, her nose felt sour but there were no tears. Her forbearance was resisting the urge to cry…

If she did not want to write this novel anymore, what should she do next?

Should she write a totally new book?

What kind of story should she write?

She would definitely not write murder mystery anymore. How about romantic fiction?

Xiang Wan’s brain had a lot of mini Xiang Wans who had different opinions where they could not stop arguing with each other which made her very confused.

Nonetheless, no matter the genre she chose, the part that she lost seemed irreparable. While feeling lost, she clicked the ranking for tips for her book.

The one who ranked top was “Second Young Master Mu”. Is it really him? She thought.

Xiang Wan somehow had a feeling that… He was the real Second Young Master Mu.

Bai Muchuan had once gotten this legendary writer to autograph for her. Maybe Second Young Master Mu remembered her that when he learnt of this case, he might have wanted to encourage her by tipping her.

After all, for someone like Second Young Master Mu, 10,000 yuan was nothing. But to the ordinary folks, it was a big sum of money.

Even her idol had come to encourage her, yet she actually gave up!

Sigh! How frustrating!

Xiang Wan supported her head with an arm while the other hand controlled the mouse. She opened the QQ chat that no one had talked in there for a long time!

Name of Group Chat: Xiang Gongzi’s Beautiful Young Girls!

Members Online: 1

Xiang Wan was stupefied.

Earlier on when she was searching for the photos, she did not pay attention to the number of people online. It was only then she realized that she was the only one online. The six of them, their avatars were all grayed out.

This was something shocking as QQ basically treated a user as online when the mobile phone was in use.

That meant that even though one did not chat or even open QQ itself, their avatar would not be grayed out as long as their mobile phone was still in use.

Why is this so? She was shocked.

Her heart sank and suddenly pounded wildly!

Next, she tapped on them and sent them a message.

“Anyone there? Please reply to me when you see this message.”

When she saw Er Niu and Cotton Candy, her heart twitched heavily and she skipped them. She sent a couple of messages to the remaining four of the readers…

However, it was just as she expected, she never got any reply.

How would those accounts with grayed out avatars reply to her messages? Maybe they were just asleep and switched off their phone—

Or maybe they no longer used that QQ ID anymore…

Xiang Wan tried to console herself but she started to get perturbed and distressed as she looked at the table lamp. She couldn’t stand it anymore and called Bai Muchuan up.


The male voice over the other end of the phone sounded a little tired but his voice was still as attractive as ever. “Why aren’t you in bed?”

“Xiang Wan?

“Xiang Wan, what’s up?”

Hearing his breathing through the phone, Xiang Wan felt a lump in her throat.

“Bai Muchuan. The avatars of the readers are gray! I’m thinking… Could it be that something happened to the remaining four of them?”