Murder the Dream Guy-Chapter 93 - Who's With Whom?

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Chapter 93: Who’s With Whom?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xiang Wan did not go out for the next three days.

Doing something that she was not trained under tend to be much harder than expected.

She had overestimated her “talent”. After writing the words “profiling analysis”, she was totally at a loss of how to continue her report. In order to make her report look more professional, she also set aside some time to learn and study some professional knowledge in the area. Hence, she studied the materials that her senior, Zhan Se, had prepared for her.

Study, learn, study, learn.

Her eyelids started to close and blink, and it felt heavier and heavier.

The result of a serious reading ended up with her snoozing away…

When Xiang Wan watched dramas and read gossip news, she was always energetic and interested. The moment she started to read up about the learning materials, she would start to yawn and would feel sleepy in less than ten minutes of reading.

Geez, my insomnia is cured, but these knowledge did not go inside my head, she lamented.

Xiang Wan had a bitter laugh and mulled over the problem for about an hour before deciding to put the reference books aside and write the analysis according to her way.

By doing that, she felt the entire writing process was much smoother.

As if writing a novel, she wrote an overall summary about the case then did a more detailed write-up according to the various “plots” with logical reasoning. And lastly, she started doing up the relationship chart and each character’s detailed write up…

Well, that sure was interesting!

All her attention was injected into the case and did not spare much attention to Fang Yuanyuan. She only knew that this girl had continued her work-out program for the past few days. Every morning, she would wake up early for a jog and would definitely bring back breakfast for her.

“Sis! I’ve a piece of good news.”

On that day, Fang Yuanyuan came back all smiles from her morning jog and passed the breakfast to Xiang Wan.

“Guess who I have been jogging with for the past two days?”

“… Who?” Xiang Wan’s heart and mind were all on the case, so the moment Yuanyuan’s words went in through her ear, it went out through another ear. She was totally not bothered.

“Cheng Zheng.”

“I see.”

Cheng Zheng often jogged around the vicinity. It was only normal to meet him and jog together.

Xiang Wan yawned and sit up to prepare to eat. She was totally nonchalant about it.

“Guess what Cheng Zheng said?”

“What?” Xiang Wan had stayed up late. She looked distracted and exhausted.

“Haha, it’s the matter that gives us the most headache, and he easily helped us solved it.”

“?” Xiang Wan looked at her, bewildered.

Fang Yuanyuan stretched herself and sat by the bed comfortably. “It’s the house,” she grinned. “Just now, he brought me to to take a look at his friend’s empty house and wow! That kind of environment is totally amazing…”

It’s this matter again.

Xiang Wan’s expression suddenly changed drastically.

“No! What are you thinking? How can we take advantage of others for free like that?”

“How is this taking advantage of others for free?” Fang Yuanyuan stared at her as she argued with her unhappily. “Am I that type of person? Of course, we need to pay rent! This is called mutual benefit. He also needed to get people to take care of that house anyway.”


Xiang Wan furrowed her eyebrows. “How much?”

Fang Yuanyuan lifted three fingers. “Both of us will split the rent so it’s 1,500 yuan monthly. It’s really worth it, right?! The house is spacious, each of us can have a room, and we can make the third bedroom into a study. The living room and bedrooms can get sunlight too. Oh yes, there’s also a balcony which is made into a small garden. There’s a swing as well as tables and chairs. We can barbecue there as well! All for a monthly rent of 3,000 yuan, a price for friends…”

Three thousand yuan is indeed a price for friends. In fact, too good to be true, thought Xiang Wan.

In Jin City, it was impossible to find such a good house with such a low rent.

No doubt Fang Yuanyuan was already smitten with that house.

“You’re really staying with me? Not afraid of eldest aunt coming after you?”

“I’m not going back. We have freedom when we live outside by ourselves. Why do I want to go back? Set your heart at ease, I’ve told my mom that I’m staying with you to experience life and learn to be independent. She didn’t raise any objections.” Fang Yuanyuan winked at her. “So can we decide on that happily now?”


Happily? Happy my foot!

Xiang Wan puffed a sigh. “Yuanyuan, no matter what, this is a favor by someone. And such favors are the hardest to repay…”

“… But what should I do?” Fang Yuanyuan pouted bitterly, “I’ve already paid a deposit and a month’s rent in advance.”

Good grief!

Xiang Wan stared at her cousin incredulously.

“Fang Yuanyuan, so you don’t intend to discuss it with me in the first place?”

“Goodness! What’s there to discuss? Where are you going to find such a good house? Only an idiot will not agree, right? Besides, I’m working in the day and only stay there at night. Frankly, whether the house is good or bad, I’m actually fine with it. But don’t forget, you’re practically an author who ‘sits’ at home 24 hours everyday. If a house is dilapidated with poor environment, who’s going to suffer more?”

Xiang Wan got to admit that Fang Yuanyuan was right.

Compared to many others, due to her profession as an author, she had more things to look out for in a house.

A house for an author was not only a roof over the head. It was also the office as well as a place for leisure activities.

As she fell silent, Fang Yuanyuan chuckled and held her shoulders tightly.

“Why are you thinking so much about this? We’re renting a house and not staying there for free. The one who agreed to rent the house is me and you’re being forced. Even if we owed a favor, it would be me owing it, just treat it as it’s got nothing to do with you. Don’t think too much about it, understand?”

Don’t think too much.

She didn’t have the opportunity to think too much of it as well.

Xiang Wan calmed down and started to write the profiling analysis again. Fang Yuanyuan was tasked on making preparations to moving to their new place.

She packed up stuff, picked up some clothes from her mom’s place, and also got new daily necessities. She was rather capable as she worked all by herself like a hardworking ant.

The next day was Saturday, the auspicious day that Fang Yuanyuan had chosen for moving to their new place.

She woke up early in the morning and brought breakfast back as usual before starting to get busy for the move.

She did not have much things in this apartment actually. Xiang Wan did not have much stuff, either. The furniture, lightings and most of the electrical appliances inside the apartment belonged to the landlord. As such, they hardly had much big bulky items to move. Hence, they did not engage a mover to help with the move. They could simply take a cab and load their stuff in the trunk.

However, nice assumptions were always meant to be broken.

Although this little house seem as if there was hardly anything inside it, when Yuanyuan started packing, she realized…

Oh, this, that, and that one as well need to be packed… In no time, the box was full.

“Heavens! Xiang Wan, why do you have so many things? You sure you want all of them? Especially these books… I totally didn’t know you have bought so many books.”

There was a bookcase in this small house, which was already filled up.

Yet there were many other books of Xiang Wan that were kept inside a box under the bed.

Fang Yuanyuan stared in disbelief when she took them out.

She grumbled as she packed the stuff, and started to perspire while Xiang Wan sat before her laptop without saying anything. She was doing a last proofread and edited her work when necessary as she prepared to send Bai Muchuan her final work.

Throughout the whole process of moving, Fang Yuanyuan had done everything by herself as Xiang Wan was not interested in all these, and had done nothing to help.

“Document sent!”

Ding! “The document has been sent successfully.” She saw this notification in her laptop.

No matter if it turned out to be good or bad, it was a load off her mind.

Xiang Wan stretched herself, but before she put her hands down, Bai Muchuan sent her an SMS.

“You’ve finished writing the report in such a short time? I thought you’d need at least a week. After all, these professional knowledge are not easy to grasp.”

Hurhur! Xiang Wan felt embarrassed. “Well, what I’ve written is not that professional,” she replied.

She couldn’t bring herself to tell him that she did not follow according to the rules specified in the reference books. She had written everything based on her thoughts and presented a story in the form of a novel.

“I have something on today. We’ll talk again after you’ve read through it!

With that, she started to keep her laptop…

She had been living in this apartment for almost a year. Now that she was leaving, she felt a little sad to part with it.

Most of the stuff had already been packed by Fang Yuanyuan. In no time, she finished packing the remaining stuff.

The two of them were like the little ants as they carried their things continuously to the ground floor.

While they were busy moving, she received a call from Bai Muchuan.

“Do you have time? Let’s have a chat.”

“Oh, what’s up?”

“Your profiling analysis.”

Uh… Xiang Wan took a look at the boxes piled up at the apartment where her scalp felt numb at the sight.

“Not today, I’m moving.” She wiped off some sweat. “Or… I’ll call you back when I’m free later?”

“You’re moving today?” Bai Muchuan hesitated for a while and he sounded surprised. “Do you need help?”

“… Cut it out, you’re a tad too late,” Xiang Wan said teasingly, “I’m almost finished with everything, do you think I still need help? You’re insincere! Tch, it’s fine, go do your work. We’ll talk later!”


It was true that Bai Muchuan only knew that they were moving to a new place till now.

He had been too busy for the past few days!

One would only understand another’s difficulties till one stand in their shoes.

Ever since the night they found another new corpse, the entire Criminal Investigation Unit were busy like bees.

The greater the influence of the case, the higher the degree of social concern, and the greater the pressure from top to bottom.

To solve a case was not just a matter of knowing what was going on, it was also a matter of backing up every deduction with the evidence they got.

If there was no evidence, they would be unable to convict the suspect—even though he might be right in front of them, they would be unable to do anything to him.

As captain, he had to bear with all these.

“Tang Yuanchu! I need to go out for a while.”

After that phone call, Bai Muchuan took out his car keys and walked out of his office.

“Call me if there’s anything.”

Tang Yuanchu lifted his head and saw that he was in a hurry. “Boss, is there a new discovery?”

Bai Muchuan looked at him without much emotion. “Private affairs!”

At the entrance of the neighborhood.

Security guard Uncle Wang stared at their boxes as if he was looking at burglars.

Fang Yuanyuan and Xiang Wan was brooding over the problem of all these boxes.

They called for two cabs, but when the drivers saw the amount of boxes, they refused to take them.

Cheng Zheng’s car appeared at that time.

“Ah, it’s Captain Cheng! Thank goodness you’re here. Your timely arrival helped us out of a fix.” Fang Yuanyuan waved at Cheng Zheng, her distressed face lit up at the sight of him.

Xiang Wan was puzzled and muttered softly, “Why is he here?”

Fang Yuanyuan laughed, “You can’t tell? He’s here to help us!”

Xiang Wan asked, “How did he know we’re moving today?”

Fang Yuanyuan rolled her eyes. “Well, he’s considered the second landlord. We need to get the keys of the house from him.”


Things had already come to this state. Xiang Wan did not know what else more she could say.

They have already rented the house, if they rejected his help, they would appear to be pretentious.

Till now, she realized that she had totally immersed herself in that profiling analysis that she did not bother about the moving at all. She felt like she was being controlled by Fang Yuanyuan, following what the latter had planned out!

She stood there quietly.

Cheng Zheng stopped his car and walked over.

He doesn’t love you. Xiang Wan said to herself.

He doesn’t love you at all.

Maybe there was fondness, but it had nothing to do with love.

Xiang Wan was absorbed in her thoughts as usual while Cheng Zheng stopped before them.

“Did you sleep well recently?”


Wouldn’t he be abashed by asking such a question the moment they meet?

Xiang Wan understood that this was his unique style of showing concern and showed a helpless smile by pursing her lips.

“Not bad.”

“That’s good.” Cheng Zheng then pointed to the boxes on the ground. “You’re bringing all of these along?”

“Yes.” Xiang Wan did not know what else to say.

After the simple reply, she felt maybe that was not too polite of her so she gave another awkward smile.

“Thank you, you’re so busy with work yet you make the effort to come lend us a hand.”

“It’s alright, it’s a weekend after all,” Cheng Zheng replied casually.

However, as Xiang Wan loaded the boxes onto the car, she couldn’t help pondering why he had so much time on his hands?

Was it because the case had come to a conclusion? But the internet did not have the latest news?

Next, why was Bai Muchuan so busy?

When they had the trunk filled up, there were still some more boxes to go.

Xiang Wan felt abashed and rubbed her hands.

“Well, why not both of you go first? I’ll get another cab!”

“Wait a moment, I’ll call for one.” Cheng Zheng was pulling out his mobile phone when suddenly, he stopped.

A car drove in at this moment. It was a familiar car number plate as well as a familiar, aloof face in the driver’s seat.

It’s Bai Muchuan!

Why is he here too?

Xiang Wan was slightly surprised.

The surrounding atmosphere became silent all of a sudden.

When the car stopped, Bai Muchuan stepped out of his car and strode over with his long legs.

“You don’t even inform me that you’re moving today, what kind of buddy are you?”

He walked over to Xiang Wan as if he had not seen anyone else besides her. He hugged her shoulders with familiarity as he asked, “Little Xiang Wan, you’ve been self-indulgent lately?”


Xiang Wan felt her scalp numb listening to such an intimate form of address.

The rest of them heard clearly as well but nobody replied.

Whenever Bai Muchuan was around, the amount of stress was intense.

And that “buddy” he said made her feel like giving him a kick.

What buddy? Who’s his buddy?

“What’s up?” Bai Muchuan’s focused gaze as a sly smile appeared on his face—every angle presented the perfect him that she was unable to give him a good lashing out. She was helpless, and her face was flushed red due to his sudden intimacy.

“Nothing. Just feeling hot from moving all these stuff!”

“No wonder. Look! The back of your blouse is wet!”

Bai Muchuan could care less about Cheng Zheng’s gaze, and was not bothered by Fang Yuanyuan’s weird expression as if she had seen a ghost. He caressed Xiang Wan’s back as if to ease her uncomfortable feeling of the perspiration. His fingers seemed to pinch her blouse. Such an intimate action suggested their relationship was not as simple…

Xiang Wan’s ears were now red.

Not sure if it was because of the heat from moving so many boxes or because of him.

Originally, people don’t wear a lot of clothing in summer. Her blouse was also the cooling type where after being drenched by the sweat, her bra strap became somewhat translucent to the eye. Furthermore, Bai Muchuan’s careless pinching happened to include the strap. When he noticed that, he moved his finger away and her strap snapped back to position…


The weather was really too hot!

She could feel her back drenched in perspiration and did not bother to say anything else but right to the point.

“Okay, okay, we’ll talk later. I’m in the midst of moving!”

“Alright.” Bai Muchuan’s eyes seemed to be smiling in a b*dass manner. “Stand here and don’t move. I’ll move the stuff into the trunk.

Eh? Why is he giving the orders?

Xiang Wan was stunned.

The three of them watched how the dashing Detective Bai moved the remaining boxes into his car and acted like he was the owner.

“Sorry to trouble you, Captain Cheng, you’ll lead the way. We’ll follow behind you.”

You, we…

It’s such a waste of talent if this guy don’t play around with words.

His words immediately disclosed who actually had a closer relationship and who was more distant with Xiang Wan.

Cheng Zheng looked at him, exasperated.

There is a type of person, born with the ability and charisma to lead where people are not able to resist his command.

Bai Muchuan belonged to such people.

Actually, Xiang Wan did not mind that he had appeared.

This was because with him around, she need not be so awkward with Cheng Zheng.

Well, she and Cheng Zheng went on a blind date before. Their relationship was already ambiguous from the start. She was afraid that if she kept on staying in contact with him, both of them might be regarded as a couple by others and she would “get a boyfriend out of nowhere”. However, things were different now that Bai Muchuan, her “buddy”, had come along.

The four of them split into two teams.

Fang Yuanyuan took Cheng Zheng’s car and Xiang Wan had no choice but to choose the lesser evil by taking Bai Muchuan’s car.

There was some traffic congestion.

When they waited for the third red light, Xiang Wan turned slowly to look at him.

“Your call earlier, what do you want to discuss?”

Bai Muchuan had been driving the car seriously and had not spoken a word.

When he turned to look at her, Xiang Wan then noticed that he had already changed his expression when he got on the car. His gloomy but calm face indicated his bad mood. His eyes felt as if they were colder than ice.


“?” Xiang Wan was puzzled. “If there’s nothing, then why do you call me?”

Hmph! Bai Muchuan grunted as his hands held the steering wheel leisurely. His lips were pursed tightly, and his gaze felt sharp like a knife.

“We’ll talk later after your moving is completed.”

“Bai Muchuan, are you angry with me?” Xiang Wan asked seriously. “If not, why did I feel that you’re behaving oddly? It makes no sense to me.”


Bai Muchuan sneered but he did not say a word.



“Are you feeling alright?” Xiang Wan leaned slightly closer to peer at him. “Did you have a wrong nerve connected or something?”

“Sit properly! I’m driving!” He sneered again and his expression was chilly.

Geez! Xiang Wan could not stand him but she suddenly smiled, adjusted her safety belt and sat properly at her seat. “Fine, if you don’t want to say, I won’t listen then. Suffocate with all these words inside then!”



Silence prevailed again.

The cars flowed slowly along, like moving in the river of life, winding through the roads…

Xiang Wan looked at the traffic when she suddenly puffed a sigh.

“Bai Muchuan, why are you in such a bad mood? What’s bothering you?”

Bai Muchuan gave her a cold, sidelong glance.

That gaze of his seemed to be implying, “Do you think I’m someone who will be troubled?”

“Don’t be like this,” she pouted, “say it out if you’ve problems so everyone can be happy about it. After all, only a living person has the welfare of being troubled…”


What kind of consolation is this?

Hmph! Bai Muchuan grunted, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Where are you moving to?”

Eh, he’s finally talking.

Xiang Wan eased up and told him the address cheerfully when suddenly, she saw Bai Muchuan’s slightly better mood take a dive.

“What’s the matter?” Xiang Wan could not understand why he was blowing hot and cold. She could not understand how she had infuriated him, either. “Goodness! Let me get this straight, I didn’t ask for your help. if you’re unhappy, then leave me at the roadside, I’ll get a cab from there!”

“You didn’t ask me for help.” Bai Muchuan swept a glance at her face. “You asked someone else.”

“… Hey, are you jealous?”

Xiang Wan teased him with a straight face, but she didn’t expect Bai Muchuan to look at her with a face so grim and his gaze felt like piercing knives.

“Just shut up!”

Xiang Wan wanted to say something.

Her lips moved, wanting to explain something but nothing came out eventually.

She did not understand him.

Moreover, she did not have to explain anything to him.

Since he did not want to say anything, she was lazy to guess what he was thinking, either.

The world was now quiet.

The two of them chose to remain quiet in their little space in the car.

When the car stopped and they moved the boxes to the house, Xiang Wan finally understood the reason why Bai Muchuan gave her a chilly glare.

That house was part of an improved version of a high-storey stacked townhouse.

Two lifts with two houses every floor, move-in condition.

Oh no, the most important thing was, their next door neighbor was Cheng Zheng.

“I didn’t know about this.”

Xiang Wan muttered to the reticent Bai Muchuan.

It was not really counted as an explanation as it felt like she was mumbling to herself.

She really did not know about this. Otherwise, she would never have agreed to move here.

“Living together, huh,” said Bai Muchuan. Then he squeezed out word by word from his mouth, “It’s sure nice.”

How could this be considered living together?

At most, this was considered as living next to each other—neighbors.

Xiang Wan looked at him, but he had already turned away.

“You can go unpack, I need to go now. We’ll talk about the case later.”

“… Okay.” Xiang Wan felt as if her throat stuffed by cotton wool.

Bai Muchuan strode away, his posture was straight, and there were some beads of perspiration on his neck. That must be due to moving all those boxes.

“Thanks for your help today.”

She should thank him for his kindness.

However, Bai Muchuan suddenly turned around coldly.

“By the way, Kong Xinqiong has come out of her coma, just a while ago…”