My Atypical Wolf (BL)-Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: At Ashton’s

Caleb ran to Ashton’s house to look for him. He had to ring the bell thrice before someone opened the door for him. Behind the door stood little Ava whose eyes were swollen and red as if she had been crying. Her expression made him panic further, “What’s going on”? He asked reluctantly.

Ava looked at him, opened her mouth to say something but ended up bursting into tears. Taken aback, he patted her head softly. Ava on the other hand took his hand from her hair and dragged him to the living room.

The moment he stepped in the vicinity of the living room he spotted Mrs Parker seated next to an unconscious or a asleep Ashton. 𝒇𝒓eewe𝒃𝑛𝒐𝘃𝒆𝚕.co𝘮

“What’s happening”? He whispered. Being a wolf Mrs Parker heard him and looked at him with an eyes filled with concern beside whom a teary eyed Ariel stood. She was trying her best not to break but with every passing moment it was just getting harder.

“He got attacked by someone” She managed to speak while she showed him the wound on his hand. “I am trying my best, but unfortunately all the medicinal herbs I have won’t be as much effective as a real antidote would”. She explained with sorrow.

That’s when it clicked him that he had the antidote and a syringe. He dug out his pockets. “Here, I got this from the hospital”. He handed the antidote to Mrs Parker.

After taking it in her hand she stared at them and then at Caleb, “Don’t you need them”? She asked him.

“Not as much as he does. I can get some more later, use this for him”. He insisted. “The doctor said to inject one at a time, and not more that two, and if-” he tried to explain the use when Mrs. Parker cut him off.

“I know how to do this. I used to be a nurse at my pack hospital”. She gave him a sad smile before proceeding with the vials.


Meanwhile Caleb stared at Ashton. The sweat in his forehand and several parts of his body indicated that he had fever. Reluctantly, he raised his hand to touch him and flinched the next moment. His body was burning with fever. Even if werewolves were hotter than usual, this was beyond it. It was a miracle that he was still alive despite that.

“Do you have any idea what happened” Mrs Parker asked him while injecting the antidote in his deltoid. Caleb shook his head before answering, “No, if it wasn’t for his scent I wouldn’t even know he was at the scene. We found an injured wolf along with one of the attackers” he sighed. “Both of them were knocked out, could it be...he did it”? Caleb whispered.

“It’s possible”, Mrs Parker gave a sad smile. “He says he likes to avoid troubles, but I know he would always step up if someone else needs him”.

“I am sorry this happened,” Caleb whispered. Both Ava and Ariel witnessed the scene and tried to hold back their tears. They hoped Ashton would be okay since he got the right medicine, but they were still scared of losing their brother.

Even if Caleb’s face didn’t show it, he was freaking out as well.

Pureblooded Alpha’s were supposed to be much more stronger in general, which also meant that they were more in touch with their wolf side than others. He wasn’t sure what to interpret when it came to wolfsbane. Will if affect him less because he is inherently stronger or will him affect him more since his wolf side was prominent or will him affect nevertheless the same?

The twins were freaked out but Mrs Parker had to pay attention him so he tried to console the twins. They were tinier than him so he hugged them from both sides and patted their backs.

“Girls, don’t bother him so much”. Mrs Parker told the twins. However Caleb brushed it off by saying, “It’s alright, I don’t mind”.

Soon enough he felt a vibration in his pocket, so he took out his phone to see his brother was trying to call him. He pondered whether or not to pick it up. He knew if he did he would have to explain his absence. At this point he didn’t have a believable excuse and he didn’t want them to find out about Ashton.

He put the phone in silent mode and was about to put it back in his pocket before he saw a text from his brother, [Why aren’t you picking up?]

[At least respond to my link]

[Dad will be home by tonight, if you don’t show up soon or answer, I am sending a search party after you]

Caleb groaned in frustration. He wouldn’t mind getting caught by the search team, he would mind getting caught here. He made a deal that they would keep each other’s secret and he planned to abide by it.

He thought a lot before dialing to his brother, “Hello”?

“Where the hell are you!? What’s going on”!? His brother shouted on the phone. Caleb winced as he took the phone away from his ears. Even the twins who were teary eyed a moment ago were successfully distracted while they gawked at him.

“I… I am fine. Don’t worry about me” he stumbled. “Then tell me where you are”? His brother challenged him. He panicked and tried to think of any other reason, anything that would make sense so that he could stay. “What”? His brother asked again when Caleb didn’t speak for a long time.

Caleb sighed and was about to tell him that he will come back when Mrs Parker appeared in front of him and asked him to give his phone to her. He obliged reluctantly and focused his hearing to the whole conversation.

“Hello, I assume you are Caleb’s brother”. She spoke in her soft and kind voice. The way she spoke was enough to melt away any worries Christian had, but he was diligent, so he asked nonetheless. “Who is this”?

“Remember the family who moved here a few months ago? I am the the head of that family, Sue Parker”.

“Ohh” Christian recalled. “I remember you, you helped my brother once, he told me”. ƒ𝘳𝗲𝑒𝒘𝐞𝚋𝚗𝐨v𝘦l.𝒄o𝐦

“Oh it was nothing. I was at the hospital today and I was having some trouble with something so Caleb volunteered to accompany me to my house, said it wasn’t safe out there”. She lied for Caleb. Caleb was taken aback for a moment but smiled nonetheless.

“Oh, so he was with you the entire time”? Christian inquired.

“Yes, in fact I keep telling him to go back but he insists on staying here to help me around since no one else is home yet” she lied further.

“It’s alright. I think you should let him stay there, things are dangerous out here its better if you have some company” his brother said in a softer tone.

“Alright, I will do that”. She agreed. She returned the phone to Caleb.

“So… that was it”. Caleb gulped before saying that. “I will be back soon” he assured his brother.

“No, stay there. It will be dark soon. Text me the adress I will pick you up tomorrow”. He said and hung up. Caleb decided to text him the adress later in case he showed up sooner if he texted now.

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