My Cell Prison-Chapter 165 - : Witch Swamp

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Chapter 165: Chapter 165: Witch Swamp

Translator: 549690339

[Stargazing Room]

The stars twinkled.

Recklessly spreading fungal colonies, giant claws marks left on the ground, and various other destruction caused by Han Dong were being restored to their original state with the twinkling of the stars.

Test completed

Mr. Black White handed a handwritten letter to Han Dong.

“Take this letter and go see the Great Plague Chief … If he has the time, he should guide you a little. Conveniently, he is currently in the [Dead Water Marsh].”

“Is there anything I need to pay attention to?”

“Asking a few simple questions is not a problem … but it would be better to wait until he and the witch finish the ‘things they should do’ between them.”

“Got it!”

[Dead Water Marsh] is one of the dangerous areas in the Mysterious Department, located behind the Dark Moon Tower.

The edge of the marsh is also the boundary of the Knight Academy.

The distorted, large, and terrifying face-bearing odd tree is a symbol of the marsh area.

Within the marsh water reaching one third of the tree’s height, a large number of “carnivorous wet plants” lurked.

Once they feel a slight vibration on the water’s surface, the plants will open their gaping mouths or stretch out branches with piercing and sucking ability for quick predation.

The rotting and molding wooden planks, suspended in mid-air by the vines drawn by the odd trees, are the only passageways in the marsh area.

The area of [Dead Water Marsh] is comparable to the Dark Moon Forest.

It is also a main education site for the Mysterious Department.

Just like Han Dong’s main study of plague studies in the old sewers, many apprentice knights studying “Witch Studies” live in the marsh for a long period of time.

“Witch Studies” is for female-only mysterious apprentices.

As Han Dong walked between the wooden planks, he could see many treehouses of different styles, built at the ends of tree branches.

Witch apprentices have relatively high requirements, these treehouses are their main dorms.

[Witch-Kaylonia Mason] requested that during the years of studying at the Knight Academy, they spend over 80% of their time in the swamp.

To avoid attracting attention, Han Dong walked between the wooden planks in a “bird beak outfit”.

At the current time, most of the witch apprentices are reading books related to alchemy and herbology in their treehouses,

or brewing “witch soup”,

or making voodoo dolls that can curse others or help themselves bear damage, 𝒻𝓻𝑒ℯ𝘸𝘦𝑏𝑛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝑐𝘰𝓶

or practicing the drawing of various artifices,

Every once in a while, a portion of witch apprentices will be called to the Witch Academy in the center of the marsh.

Being graded by [Witch-Kaylonia Mason] is equivalent to an irregular work report.

If the report is not up to par, they will face extremely severe punishments.

As a result, witch apprentices seldom leave their treehouses and spend most of their time practicing in them.

However, Han Dong, dressed in a bird-beak outfit, still attracted the attention of many witch apprentices.

A pair of tired, dark-circled eyes watched the mysterious apprentice, who didn’t belong to the Dead Water Marsh, through the glass window.

Discussions about Han Dong’s arrival were abound.

About half an hour after walking in the marsh area,


A door opening sound came from the distorted tree not far from Han Dong.

A slightly twisted woman ‘climbed out’ from the treehouse door at the very top.

In a way similar to a spider’s crawl, she easily crawled and jumped between the distorted trees, as if she was already accustomed to life in the marsh area.

Because she was climbing down the tree, her black hair fell and covered her face.

Her spider-like crawling posture, coupled with the gloomy marsh shrouded in Dark Moon, was indeed somewhat creepy.

When she was three meters away from the board, the woman lightly jumped down.

Her bare feet lightly stepped on the board, cushioning the process with her toes and the soles of her feet, not exerting any pressure on the decayed board.

She stood face to face with Han Dong.

The woman wore a loose and ordinary white linen coat, tightened by a waistband… Beneath she wore a pair of leggings to prevent her ‘secrets’ from being exposed during her crawling.

There were several strange bracelets on her wrist, strung with ‘herbs, ebony blocks, octopus specimens, bat wings…’

There were also some exquisite witchcraft tattoos on the palm of her hand and her arm joints, which were effective aids for casting witchcraft.

She wore a half-wooden mask on her face. The other half revealed her beautiful and deep black pupils, as well as slightly thick lips, a melon seed face, and short black hair.

“Nicholas, it’s you, right? What are you doing in Dead Water Marsh?”

This Turkish girl actually identified Han Dong directly… you should know that the bird beak outfit given by Mr. Black White can withhold his aura and hide his identity.


That’s right.

This was none other than the outstanding student in the same batch as Han Dong, Mia Seminovich, who entered the Mystery College.

When everyone gathered in the hall after passing the dangerous tests, Mia ground and made a large amount of medicinal herbs and distributed them to the injured students.

Moreover, when Han Dong first went to the Adventurer’s Guild, he saw her in the corner of the first floor.

“It really is you! I knew it!

When you were taken away temporarily, it was not because of the assessment problem, but because Mr. Black White wanted to see you… Is this portable bird-beak suit with ‘goggles’ also given by Mr. Black White?”

“Well … Mr. Black White is my second mentor.”

“Wow! I’m so envious!”

Mia clasped her hands and held them on her chest, and her bright black eyes were scrutinizing Han Dong seriously.

“Heh heh.” Han Dong didn’t know how to respond except for an awkward laugh.

“Nicholas… what are you doing in the Dead Water Marsh?

This place is usually off-limits to non-Witch apprentices. If you do not have a special permit and it is discovered by Mrs. Kaylonia, your end will be miserable!”

Han Dong did not answer, only revealing a little of the letter in his pocket.

The crow wax seal on top is particularly conspicuous.

As soon as Mia saw the letter, she was slightly excited and voluntarily suggested to lead the way:

“So you were referred by Mr. Black White, then it’s okay! Let me take you there.

I heard that Mrs. Kaylonia is meeting a very important guest today. The work reports of our witch apprentices have all been canceled. I don’t know if she has time to see you.”

“It’s okay, I can find the way, I’ll be fine going alone.”

“Ah… okay.”

Han Dong bypassed Mia directly and continued towards the depth of the marsh.

Even if the Little Demon Eye was turned off, it could help Han Dong pinpoint the direction, straight into marsh… he did not need anyone to lead him.

Just as he was nearing the center of the marsh.

Han Dong suddenly stopped, and a cold voice came out from under the bird beak mask:

“How long are you going to follow me?”

Accompanied by a rustle of tree branches behind him, Mia, who was stealthily crawling among the branches, fell again onto the wooden board and stuck her tongue out awkwardly:

“I… I just want to see what business you have with the teacher.

Also, a little further forward, you won’t be able to make your way using the wooden board… Since it’s your first time to visit Dead Water Marsh, you should not know the way to the Witch Academy. I can take you to the teacher’s house.”

“Thank you.”