My Cell Prison-Chapter 288 - : Fighting

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Chapter 288: Chapter 288: Fighting

G Virus enhancement at full capacity,

Lil’ Demon Eye’s effect at 30%, dynamic vision strengthened.

Han Dong, who was standing at the entrance of the corridor, stepped back and flattened himself against the back wall, narrowly avoiding the Death Row Prisoner’s bear hug.

But Han Dong, who had apparently evaded the attack, had a sweat droplet rolling down his cheek.

“Something doesn’t feel right… what’s up with this guy?” Han Dong leaned his hands behind on the wall, without any intention of attacking, but prepared himself to dodge again.

The bear hug missed.

Under normal circumstances, given his forward inertia and his massive size, it should be difficult for him to stop immediately.

However, something was not quite right.

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.

Ivanoff wore a smirk on his face.

At the moment the bear hug missed, he turned it into a clenched right fist.

By using a long-practiced body technique,

he transferred the forward inertia through the muscles of his feet and waist into his arm… He didn’t hesitate at all.

Cannon punch.

Air currents spread out from both sides of his bulky arm.


A huge hole blasted through the reinforced concrete wall. The steel bars within the wall were surprisingly severed by a single punch.

“Hmm… So agile?”

The blond Russian prisoner-Ivanoff, saw that his continuous moves had yet to hit his target.

Looking at Han Dong, who had escaped to the level below, he showed a rather interesting smile.

As for Han Dong’s side…

His face didn’t look too good, and sweat kept trickling down his temples.

As the main combatant, no one could directly experience what Han Dong felt.

It was an almost unprecedented feeling for Han Dong.

All along,

Han Dong honed his combat skills against the monsters in the Fate Space or the Polluted Life outside the city.

Of course,

He also sparred with Dumps and Mia, but neither of them was a ‘fighter’.

If you look at the previous fight in the corridor…

On the issue of power,

Ivanoff’s strength is undoubtedly terrifying… But he is clearly not as powerful as the Great Lord, Stuart.

Yet the fight that just occurred made Han Dong feel as if he could be ‘killed instantly’ at any moment.

It wasn’t merely an issue of strength; there were other elements that made Han Dong profoundly uncomfortable.

Although Han Dong had several ways to fight, he didn’t want to reveal too many of his trump cards facing a death row prisoner alone at the beginning of the Fate incident… His primary aim was to gather information.

Han Dong wanted to know whether these ‘death prisoners’ were simply showcasing the strength of the ‘Strange Tales’, or whether they inherently possessed the formidable power to confront the ‘Strange Tales’.

From what he could see now, it was definitely the latter.

“So the ‘Fate Card’ has elevated the difficulty of the original events… It even gave the Death Prisoners this kind of power?!

The ‘advance’, ‘retraction’, ‘punch’ flowed seamlessly just now… Like some kind of boxing technique, and it’s quite advanced!

This guy crawled out from the bottom of the prison, and all his moves are ‘against humans’.

They’re unlike any opponents I’ve ever faced.

These guys are born killers… Once caught, I’ll undoubtedly die if I don’t resort to drastic measures.”


Human against human.

These ‘Death Prisoners’ set by the system are all top assassins equipped with ‘anti-human’ tactics.

Once captured, they’ll be instantly killed by various ‘anti-human’ moves.

This could be considered Han Dong’s blind spot in actual combat… After all, the main opponents of the Knights Regiment in the Holy City are the life forms outside the city.

“Although I have the G Virus supporting my body and the enhanced right arm, while Lil’ Demon Eye can clearly see the enemy’s attack routine… When it comes to ‘combat’ human against human, I’m totally a rookie. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

Moreover, the corridor is narrow, there’s no room to dodge… I should flee first.”

Han Dong activated the acceleration halo of his Griffin short boots and tried to get to the ground floor as fast as possible.

Who knew!


With a step, Ivanoff shattered the overhead corridor.

Along with falling chunks of cement, his massive body, large enough to fill the entire passage, plummeted down.

“Tiny one, where do you think you’re going… Uncle still wants to have some fun♂ with you.”

“No escape.”

If that’s the case…

Han Dong retreated a step back, creating a gap of six stairs between him and Ivanoff. He extended his right arm.

His arm had already fused with the Plague Doctor’s dagger.

Intense Plague Energy ejected from the palm, the ‘Meat Grinder Mouth’ clashing head-on with the opponent.

If a normal person were to be engulfed within this Plague Energy blast, their body would disintegrate into a mere pool of bacteria-infested fluid and skeletal remains within a short period.

But… something illogical happened.

Ivanoff turned his body sideways.

He used his muscular back to block the Plague Energy blast.

His outer clothes were immediately corroded and fragmented upon contact with the plague.

However, the plague failed to inflict deep wounds on Ivanoff’s body… only causing some superficial skin damage.

He wholly ignored the plague.

Despite the energy blast, he grabbed Han Dong’s plague-spewing right hand!

“Finally got you!” Ivanoff showed a noticeably pleased expression.

He immediately applied a combat technique.

Even though Han Dong’s G Arm wasn’t weak.

Technically applied force instantly snapped all his fingers, fractured his wrist, causing the elbow to be completely dislocated.

He thought the battle was over then.

But the events that followed were rather odd, as if time had come to a standstill.

The palms of the two, still clutching each other, had yet to separate… Logically, Ivanoff should be continuing to disable Han Dong’s other limbs.

Not long after.

A series of dark veins crept up Ivanoff’s arm, swiftly reaching his head.

“Pollution Invasion.”

The palm-to-palm encounter.

The close-range tentacle attack was deployed, undetected…

But Han Dong felt rather uneasy inside. He was forced to bring out his killing maneuver right at the start.

This Fate event was somewhat too harsh on him.

Pollution Invasion, Ivanoff’s mind was eroded by severe illusions of madness. A pale-yellow fluid ceaselessly flowed from his nostrils and ears, and a pattern with dots appeared in various regions of his body.


Ivanoff’s other hand could still form an unstable fist. His instincts compelled him to continue attacking.

“His fighting will is just too strong… The difficulty level is way too high!”

Disengage Fusion.

As Han Dong was about to use the Plague Dagger in his left hand to end this battle in one swift strike…

A voice came from the side of his face.

“Give…Give it to me!”

The Geisha’s head growing on his shoulder had already spat out a long, grey, water-formed tongue.

The tongue drilled into Ivanoff’s mouth.

It constantly injected a strange rainwater into his body… As the rainwater was infused, a thread of white, vital energy was sucked into the tongue.

Vital Energy Drain, Intracranial Pollution.

Ivanoff slumped to the ground, even if his robust body could barely keep him alive, he would be left in a vegetative state, his consciousness forever trapped in the “Mad Border”.

The Geisha’s head seemed incredibly excited.

“Wow… what is this taste!?

Quick! Quick! Give me two more of such humans… I might consider sparing your life.”

Han Dong promptly responded: “I’ll try to get three… At the same time, how about giving me a piece of information?”