My Cell Prison-Chapter 301 - : 301

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Chapter 301: 301

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The iron chain, dripping with lava, was slung out in an arc.

The five heads in a state of consciousness stagnation were smashed in succession.

However, there was no sign of the Yin Qi dispersing.

The shattered fragments of the heads were still connected through tree roots, and even showed signs of healing again.

“This thing doesn’t die!? What kind of monster is this?”

Just then.

The ‘skin’ was handed over to Mr. Aha.

At the same time, Mr. Aha waved his hand.

All the Prajna masks hanging in the room flew to Mr. Aha’s hand, merging into a single mask.

“Now that I’ve got what I need, we can go…of course, if you wish, we can also thoroughly exterminate the monster in General Mansion. When it’s done, come find me in the ‘store’.”

How realistic.

Mr. Aha, having acquired what he needed, had no intention of staying to help, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

For such a situation, even Han Dong himself was quite speechless.

“Mr. Han Dong, should we go as well?” asked Chen Li.

“No… We need to completely exterminate [General Mansion]! I want to collect the cell essence of this monster. You and Togu keep attacking to prevent these five heads from completely healing…I’ll figure out how to exterminate them.”


The iron chain and kitchen knife launched continuous attacks.

No matter how they were smashed, or even melted away with high temperatures, these heads somehow kept regenerating and healing.

Naturally, this is due to the tree roots connecting them, consistently providing life to the heads… the secret might just be hidden within the coffin.

Han Dong kept his ‘Pupil Mark’ activated, approaching the Blackwood Coffin.

Upon lowering his head for a look, Han Dong’s face changed slightly.

Although he had anticipated that such a thing connected with dark arts would not look pleasant, he was still disturbed when he saw the actual interior.

The hypothesis was accurate.

The roots of the Crooked Neck Tree extended into the General Mansion.

They connected the deceased general and his four sons’ skulls, constantly providing them energy. This was the reason for their infinite regeneration.

As long as this Crooked Neck Tree stood, these five heads would not die.

What made Han Dong uncomfortable was the construction of the ‘roots’.

They were not plant-based, but were constructed of numerous desiccated human bodies pieced together.

Each node had a head to connect the front and the back…currently, there were many head nodes in the coffin, each one spewing out tree roots from their mouths to connect the general and his four sons.

“Evil…Although the Little Demon Eye I practice is not a great thing, I would never touch such an evil act.

Such filthy, evil, unclean evil things should never exist in this world.”

Han Dong was very clear on one thing.

When he first arrived at the paradise, he encountered the first strange tale, ‘Red Umbrella’. It was very fearful of the ‘Bone Feather Robe’ on Han Dong…essentially, it fears contamination.

Whether it was the dead or the living, none could escape contamination.

“Contamination…full release!”

Han Dong stared at the evil tree roots in the coffin. ƒгeewё

The pattern in the Little Demon Eye began to spin slightly.

Drip! The center of the pupil…a drop of grey liquid fell out, sliding down the inner wall of the coffin.

Just a drop of this liquid pulled out about half of the energy from the [Seed], causing a momentary wave of consciousness that nearly made Han Dong fall to the ground.

He propped himself up against the coffin with both hands to steady himself.


The drop of contaminant essence, the moment it made contact with the tree root at the bottom.

An ineffable contamination spread throughout the area of the tree root.


Dozens of grey tentacles with spots poked through the skin of the tree roots, squirming back and forth on its surface.


Millions of cries came out from the tree roots.

The whole tree root was collapsing and decomposing at a pace visible to the naked eye.

The effect was evident…

The healing speed of the five heads noticeably slowed, revealing an impending grimace of death.


The foundation quivered.

The entire General Mansion was violently shaking, ready to collapse.

Due to excessive energy consumption and prolonged use of the newly-learned dark arts, not only were Han Dong’s eyes in pain, but his entire head felt like it was about to explode.

Despite his pain, he gritted his teeth, tried to open his eyes wide, and used his willpower to wield an injector adorned with pure gold motifs.

He injected it into the back of the general’s head and extracted a segment of cell essence.


The General Mansion collapsed completely.

First, a red figure flashed out, with Chen Li landing steadily in the courtyard.

Then, a tethered chain was drawn out.

One end was embedded deeply into the ground…

Togu, holding the extremely weak Han Dong, landed steadily by using a zip-line-like technique.


Screams echoed constantly.

The Crooked Neck Tree growing between the courtyard ponds began to disintegrate from the inside out.

The contamination was stronger than predicted; the tentacles had forcibly pierced through the tree bark, revealing the inner layer of the trunk comprised of countless human bodies.

A large amount of contaminated water began to gush out from its interior; the centuries-old Crooked Neck Tree would be dead in less than a minute.


Seeing this scene, the Mistress, Huan, was distraught and all her attention was fixated on the tree.

Mia, her body covered in knife wounds, forcibly swallowed a homemade remedy that eliminated all pain in her body within a short time and significantly increased adrenalin secretion.

Seizing the chance, she stabbed the “Demon Sword” from the top of the mistress’s head, piercing through her body.


The mistress kneeled, yet she still didn’t seem ready to die.

Just as Mia was about to make another move…

Han Dong transmitted a message: “Mia… that’s enough! Everything will be over soon.”

At this moment, a chain was flung out, pulling out the five severed heads from the collapsing General Mansion and throwing them in front of the mistress.

With the death of the Crooked Neck Tree…

The ‘resurrection’ of the general and his four sons was no longer possible.

The severed heads also peacefully closed their eyes. Their skin and flesh were all gone, leaving only five white skulls laid out before the mistress.

Staring at the white skulls…

The Prajna mask fell down, revealing the delicately beautiful face of the mistress, astonishingly wearing a slight smile on her face.

Over a short period of time, the mistress’s body began to disintegrate, turning into traces of Yin Qi, twining and slowly being absorbed into the Demon Sword.

An “Huan” character was carved into the sword blade.

Only after it had completely combined with the mistress’s soul, did the real form of this demon sword show itself.

“Let’s go…”

Chen Li and Togu went back to the prison to rest and heal their wounds.

Abe helped to support Han Dong.

Winry forcefully smashed open a path to the surface using the hammer’s head from her palm.

Just as Han Dong and the others hurriedly left around the back mountain…

Feeling a dangerous aura, he quickly turned his glance towards the direction of the hot spring inn.

A group of young and beautiful kimono-clad attendants were standing in the forest, waving goodbye to them.

The proprietress, dressed in a deep blue kimono, was the closest to them, revealing a somewhat eerie smile.

It seemed like she was thanking them for completely resolving the issue concerning the General Mansion, and returning their freedom.

It also seemed like she was thanking Han Dong for helping her accomplish a big task, allowing her to completely gain control over this place.

Looking at the proprietress’s malicious eyes, the latter seemed more probable.