My Cell Prison-Chapter 320 - : Visitor from Hell

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Chapter 320: Chapter 320: Visitor from Hell

Crimson Lake,

Lush vegetation,

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Tranquil Island,

On the other side of the bonfire, a hellish visitor resembling a human.

This defied all of Han Dong’s preconceptions of hell.

Before Han Dong could question, the mysterious figure sitting across the bonfire slightly leaned forward, revealing a human mouth under the hood.

“Is it different from the ‘Hell’ you imagined? After all, Hell is quite vast. Some places are indeed terrible, but there are also quieter places.”

The person spoke in fluent English.

The demon language previously heard from the portal seemed to be a deliberate ploy by this person to test whether Han Dong possessed a ‘demonic’ attribute.

“Are you… a human?”

In his Crowman form, Han Dong’s visual ability had improved.

He could tell that the aura emanating from the mysterious individual across the bonfire was far superior to his own, so he addressed him with respect as ‘elder.’

The anticipated fight might, thanks to Togu, turn into amicable negotiations.

“Can’t humans turn into demons? The demonic aura emanating from your head is dangerous, as if being blocked by something… Can I take a look?”


Feeling no hostility, Han Dong let Togu emerge.

The appearance of Togu, adorned in black leather, his skull studded with a serrated blade, and iron chains attached to his arms, drew a smile from the mysterious man across the bonfire: “Indeed, I was not mistaken… a Hell cultivator.”

As Togu stared at the mysterious man across the bonfire, faint tremors of the iron chains echoed from within his body.

It was Han Dong’s first time witnessing Togu in fear.

After all, for a masochist like Togu, being beaten was a form of bizarre joy… The current fear, likely arises from the discrepancy in hierarchy within hell.

In an instant, the mysterious man was standing beside Togu, reaching out to touch the Faceless mark on Togu’s neck.

“You even managed to ‘enslave’ a cultivator from Hell… The power beyond The City is indeed useful.”

The mention of ‘beyond The City’ surprised Han Dong, and he immediately questioned, “Elder, do we hail from the same place?”

The mysterious man returned to his seat beside the bonfire, revealing a handsome, deep-set face as he removed his hood.

Brown hair, slightly unruly, fell onto his shoulders.

His face and body were scarred with marks that couldn’t be erased.

The only differentiation from a human was his entirely black eyes.

“How’s the Holy City right now?”

“Elder, are you truly from the Holy City?! Currently… the situation in the Holy City is relatively stable.”

“Tell me more.”


Suppressing his surprise, Han Dong stopped speculating about the man’s identity and shared what he knew.

Upon hearing this, the mysterious man fell into contemplation, then sighed and gazed at the sky obscured by crimson ash.

“Elder… which Knight Regiment do you belong to?”

The man didn’t respond directly to Han Dong’s question.

“Seems like you’re quite a green Apprentice Knight, not even recognizing me, no wonder you know so little… But your strength is quite impressive, and you even managed to learn techniques from outside The City.

Say, has the Holy City become so open now? I remember those old fellows in the council were quite inflexible… with your pollution ability, can you study normally in the Knight Academy?”

A wry smile appeared on Han Dong’s face, “Of course not, I’ve spent a lot of effort hiding my identity… Plus, there’s a teacher in the academy who actively helps me conceal it.”

“Well, some changes should happen… From your description, I didn’t see any substantial breakthroughs in the Holy City over the past hundred years. If they continue to hide away, sooner or later there will be problems.”

Filled with curiosity, Han Dong asked, “Elder, why are you in ‘Hell’? Was it due to a special event of fate?”

“If I told you about these things now, you wouldn’t understand… Once you undergo Breaking the Breed and become a Formal Knight, you’ll naturally understand.

Moreover, it’s not that I want to stay here for a long time, I just have no other choice.”

The brown-haired uncle slowly got up, stretching his body.

“According to the tip, it seems you need to spar with me.

As long as you can inflict even a little damage on me, you win… at the same time, the System will give you a special reward.

I thought a Formal Knight would come for me, but it turns out to be an Apprentice Knight. How high is the difficulty of this Fate Event for you?”

“Full five stars.”

“No wonder… It seems you and your group of friends are the cream of the crop among this generation’s Apprentice Knights. Your performance appears to be much stronger than ours back in the day.

It was indeed the right choice to let you come in defiance of the [rules].”

At this point, the uncle suddenly pulls out the serrated knife from the bonfire.

The hilt is alive.

As the uncle grabs it, spikes emerge from the surface of the hilt, completely penetrating his palm and drawing blood from within him as sustenance.

Instantaneously, the serrated back edge of the knife becomes even sharper, and a layer of red aura covers the blade surface.

All of a sudden…

A sense of danger makes Han Dong break out in a cold sweat.

In the Crowman Form, with the help of the bone wings, he shifts his body to the side immediately.


It feels like something sharp is slicing through the entire island.

A serrated crack stretching from the bonfire to the edge of the island is deeply branded into the ground… Near the shore, the red sea is filled with several hell bone sharks that have been sliced apart, floating on the water surface.

If Han Dong hadn’t moved, he would have been cut in half.

This single stroke made Han Dong break out in a cold sweat all over his body.

Even Togu is stupefied.

The uncle runs his fingers slowly over the serrated edges of the knife, speaking softly:

“There’s no way to cut corners in the Fate Space, sparring is a necessary part.

Come on… give it your all in the attack.

Even abilities from outside the city are fine! Just bring them all out.”

Han Dong flaps his bone wings, keeping a distance of over twenty meters from this person.

Under the gaze of the Little Demon Eye.

What Han Dong sees is not a human at all, but a demon, his aura covering the whole island… In addition to the long horns growing from his forehead, he also has a golden spine.

He can even faintly see an Ash Crown floating over his head.

Things have come this far.

Han Dong doesn’t have any other options.

“With such a huge level gap, to hurt such an unknown figure… there’s only one way.”

Han Dong takes a deep breath, sending a message to Togu:

“Togu! Attack…”

“Yes, Master!”

Even though he’s being suppressed in terms of level, Togu still follows Han Dong’s instructions.

He confidently steps up to ‘take the beating’, doing his utmost to keep the opponent occupied.

As Togu latches the Lava Iron Chain onto his target…

Meanwhile, an evil aura surges from the dark, with Chen Li silently circling to his back, attempting to chop the man’s neck with her kitchen knife…

Crack! Creak!

Accompanied by the sound of cutting.

The indestructible Hell Iron Chain was completely sawn off, scattering all over the ground.

As for Chen Li who snuck up from behind to attack, by the time she came back to her senses, the arm holding the kitchen knife was gone…