My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse-Chapter 56 - Base Initial Entry

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<b>Chapter 56 – Base Initial Entry</b>

Translator: Jostena

Editor: Dragon


Zhan Yun and his group thought that the system here was actually pretty reasonable. During peacetime, even when enjoying state subsidies, didn’t they have to pay taxes first? Now, it was the end of the world. Money was going to remain useless for a long time. It was reasonable to earn work points through labor. Probably, only those rich second generation folks, official second generation, gnawing old people and those who liked to take advantage of bad waters would feel dissatisfied.

After registering their personal information, each person from Zhan Yun’s group received a small temporary residence permit. The card was just enough to contain their personal information, each person’s name, age, height, weight and other basic information. On the back of the cards were many small squares, divided into seven columns for seven days a week, and eight lines for accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, exchange, remuneration, transaction and others, for the convenience of recording Work Points.

The first three days of accommodation was free. This allowed the new survivors to adapt to the new environment. It didn’t matter if they didn’t wish to work. But later, if they wanted to continue living in the base, they had to pay something. It didn’t matter if they paid in terms of labor and exchange their work points, or pay with materials. In other words, it was impossible to get anything without hard work.

The soldiers also said that there was a special law enforcement team in the base responsible for maintaining public security within the base. There was also a special supervision organization responsible for supervising the law enforcement team, which accepted complaints and requests from the people living in the base. Stealing, robbery, fighting and violence were prohibited within the base. Violation of the base regulations would lead to a lighter sentence of being removed off the base, and the more serious crimes could attract  the highest punishment of being directly shot, once the crime was verified. As for places like a prison, there were none.


After a week, once the temporary residence permit was filled up, they could go to the registration office to change to a formal ID card. This was similar to the ID card in existence before the apocalypse. However, there was an additional work point recording function, just like the bus card and meal card, which would be swiped directly on the machine, which was very convenient.

Next to the registration office is the management center of the base, which is divided into three floors. The first floor is the work management office, the second floor is the


The survivors who received the temporary residence permit could go to the mission hall on the second floor to choose tasks suitable for them to earn work points. They could also exchange, trade and buy work points in the work point management office on the first floor. There were many survivors who came to the base by car. They carried some materials in the car, at least. Survivors could exchange these materials for work points.

Most of the survivors carried food like biscuits and instant noodles, which were good for satisfying hunger only temporarily. But it was better to eat hot food when there were hot steamed buns and soup to choose. 


In short time, a long queue had formed in the work points exchange area. Basically, everything could be exchanged here. Besides food, the daily necessities in the base were also collected here, such as brand-new towels, toothbrushes, paper towels, etc. Even vehicles could be converted into work points. The cars with good performance could be exchanged for  dozens of work points. The cars with poor performance could also be exchanged for some work points. Although these cars were worth a lot of money before the apocalypse, they were worthless after the apocalypse. Without gasoline, they were almost like scrap iron. Therefore, many survivors choose to exchange their cars for work points.

For those unwilling to change cars into work points, the base had also set up a parking lot on the periphery, charging a few work points every week as parking fees.

Of course, if the survivors needed a car in the future, they could also use the work points to buy back the car or rent it.

Compared to the exchange area, there were very few people here in the market area. After all, everyone was new here, and there were too few employees.


Zhan Yun’s group went over to have a rough look at the price list. They basically had everything to eat, drink and use similar to a small supermarket. They could exchange anything as long as they had work points. The price was very fair. A car could also be exchanged here. It was valued at around 30 work points. The brand was quite good. Everyone could also buy some gasoline with work points, even though the price was relatively expensive. At 100 work points, you could buy a barrel of 50 liter gasoline, and each person was limited to one barrel.

There were too many people on the first floor. They strolled around for a bit, before going to the second floor.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf wlrrlbc tjii bc atf rfmbcv oibbg kjr vlnlvfv lcab akb qjgar: atf ktlaf jgfj jcv atf gfv jgfj. Ktf ktlaf jgfj kjr obg atf bgvlcjgs regnlnbgr, ktlif atf gfv jgfj kjr obg atf jylilas erfgr jcv atbrf bgvlcjgs qfbqif ktb tjv ragbcu oluta jylilas. Pc atf ktlaf jgfj rabbv j ijguf fifmagbclm yeiifalc ybjgv atgbeut ktlmt regnlnbgr mbeiv mtfmx atf ajrxr atfs klrtfv ab jmmfqa. Coafg mtbbrlcu j relajyif ajrx, bcf tjv ab gfulrafg ja atf mbecafg cfza ab atf ybjgv klat tlr/ tfg afwqbgjgs gfrlvfcmf qfgwla.

The tasks on the bulletin board in the white area were some basic posts, belonging to the category of simple physical labor. There were also advanced ones, but they were all limited to professional technical personnel. These had good pay, but the people applying would be assessed before being allowed to take up the post.


In the red area, there were only two electronic terminals, and a handwritten bulletin board next to them. The survivors needed to swipe their team card or personal identity card to log into the electronic terminals to select and view tasks. Tasks were divided into different levels, some being individual tasks, some being tasks reserved for  only ability users, and some were tasks that necessitated the existence of a team. But no matter what kind of task it was, applicants needed to register at the counter in the red area. After receiving the mission, the tasker could exchange his work points for weapons such as firearms. In addition, there were also other benefits.

However, a person had to be registered for in depth information.

Since the red area was for those with higher strength and ability users, the missions released here were certainly dangerous, but at the same time, the gains were not small.

Many people who had confidence in their own strength had gone to the counter in the red area for consultation and registration. A young person also made a particularly ostentatious statement that he was an ability user, attracting eyes of people around him. Their sights contained all sorts of emotions, not only curiosity and envy, but also jealousy and hatred.


Zhan Yun’s team has almost eight ability users so of course  it is impossible for them to do the work of carrying bricks and sweeping the floor. It’s just that they are not in a hurry to register now. It’s like the saying ‘

shooting the bird which takes the lead

In addition to the survivors brought back from cities N, S and A, there were also survivors rescued from other cities. They arrived at the base earlier than Zhan Yun and his team. According to Company Commander Zhang, the total population of the base now was not less than 50,000 or 60,000. There must be some ability users in the base, but there were very few people in the red mission area. This was speculative information to them.

So Zhan Yun decided to keep a low profile first. Anyway, they were already familiar with the army, and many things were bound to be found out later.

Be careful to drive the ship for thousands of years.


By the time they got back to the first floor, there were way fewer people here. After all, not everyone had materials to exchange for work points. Most of the people who had crowded here before were just watching. Now that they had enough fun, they left. Some of them went to the second floor and the rest went to check in.

Part of the materials collected by Zhan Yun’s team in city A were placed inside the car. The car was parked at the gate of the base and guarded by soldiers. There was no need to be afraid that someone would smash the car and steal their things. They decided to take the materials first, exchange them into work points here, and then go to check in. They certainly didn’t want to be crowded with others, so it was better to get a separate house.

Just as they got to the door, they saw Company Commander Zhang coming with two officers.

“Hey, Xiao Zhan, there were too many people just now. You disappeared in a flash, but I needed to meet you.”


“Why is Company Commander Zhang looking for us?”

“Ha ha, I owe you a batch of materials from before, did you forget? Do you want me to give it to you in work points or as is directly?” Company commander Zhang was talking about the fruits, vegetables, rice and noodles he brought back from the farmers’ market. He promised to give some of them to Zhan Yun’s team when he returned to the base. He was not a man who ate his words.

Zhan Yun responded with a smile, “Then I’ll trouble you to help us exchange the batch to work points so that it’s not too eye-catching.”

“Ha ha, I guess you are willing to work. Come with me.” As Company Commander Zhang said this, he took them directly to the third floor of the management center and found a staff member to exchange the work points for Zhan Yun. The record of exchange of work points is not handwritten, but a

pin printer


Zhan Yun took back his temporary residence permit. As of today, there were three thousand points in the exchange column!

“If you have any need for anything, you can go to the market area and buy things with your work points. If the things you want can’t be exchanged, come and tell me. I’ll try my best to help you. In fact, Commander Jiang wanted to help you with the official ID card. Unfortunately, the power supply of the base is still a little tight. It takes time to make the ID card. Please wait a bit.” For ability users like Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe, Jiang Xuzhou was not willing to let them go. He would like to give them official identity cards so that they could stay in the south base from now on.

“It’s okay. We’re not in a hurry. We don’t need special treatment.” Zhan Yun said with a smile, “You and Commander Jiang have already helped us a lot.”

“Hahaha, we help each other, we help each other!” Company commander Zhang smiled heartily, pointed to an officer beside him, and said, “This is Gao Lang, who is in charge of the management center. If you need anything, you can find him directly.”


“Hello, I am Zhan Yun.”

“Hello.” They shook hands with each other politely.

Then he pointed to another officer and said, “This is Xu Sihan, who is in charge of the law enforcement brigade. If you have any trouble, you can find him.”

“Hello.” The two sides shook hands.


Commander Jiang and Company Commander Zhang were really helpful. They helped them get acquainted in several important departments and helped pave the way for them. They both remembered the help given by Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe.

The author has something to say:

I’d like to recommend my next novel, “The First Interstellar Gambling Stone Energy Master”, which is an interstellar stone gambling novel. Please collect it~~

(If you can’t find the still not started novel on the app, you can look on my page to see it~ It will start in late January~)


With the progress and expansion of science and technology, the rate of population growth began to soar, and environmental pollution and energy shortage added fuel to the fire. The earth is no longer fit for human existence, so human eyes turn to the vast universe. Since then, man has officially entered the interstellar age.

Mechas, Spaceships, Weapons and the Military all depended on energy. Energy has become the most scarce resource in the futuristic interstellar era. Even the genetically modified silicon based human needs to be supplemented with liquified energy.

Lin Luo was just a little miner, colorblind and had a good face at best, but a meteorite shower and a bottle of gene enhancer completely changed his fate.

Color blindness is not terrible. What’s terrible is that this color blindness can see the color of energy stone.


Lin · The First Stone Gambler in The World · Luo: “Is stone gambling that hard?”

Everyone: “…” It’s just not hard for you?!


[Little Theater in the Street]


Zheng Jiahe: Xiaohei seems to have a good power! If you want to know about the base, you can catch the cat tail like this, you can go to spy… Meow? Meow!

Song Chengshu: Are you stupid?

Three hours later, Zheng Jiahe: Ah, I’m finally back. I’ll continue. If someone comes to challenge, let Xiao Hei bite him, like this, and then let the enemy destroy themselves… Meow? Meow!

Su Xiaozhe: I’m afraid it’s not dumb!


Another three hours later, Zheng Jiahe: Hoo! Continue! I don’t know if the zombie has a soul. If you can, let Xiao Hei catch it for the Zombie King from time to time. It’s interesting… Meow? Meow!

Zhan Xiaoyun: Stupid.

Zheng Jiahe: Meow, Meow, Meow(No! Now I didn’t mess with it. Why did it catch me?!)

Another three hours later, Zheng Jiahe picks up XiaoHei: Say! Do you have a problem with me! Meow? Meow!


Everyone: We can’t look straight, let’s not think about it!

Zheng Jiahe: Meow, Meow, Meow (it’s clear that I’m responsible for having the big brain hole. How can I become a fool?)

OMG! I’m so happy to finally be back to this guys! I’ll be back to 1-2 chapters a week for this as well as some bonus chapters if I have free time. Ko-fi will be open again for any supported bonus chapters which I will make sure to always get to fast!

Hope you guys like this chapter and let’s continue with the cuteness and fluff once more!!


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