My Crown Prince Consort Is a Firecracker!-Chapter 131 - Test

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Chapter 131: Test

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After the carriage left Xiangyang Town, it continued ahead at top speed. For lunch, everyone ate some dried food in the carriage, casually taking care of it.

As they approached Xijiu City on the official road, the amount of rushing people and carriages grew. The people in the nearby villages and towns must have all gathered in Xijiu City.

Late evening, Qiao Mu’s company arrived at Xijiu City’s city gate.

However, there was a long line at the gate, and from their spot in the back, Qiao Mu and her group could not see the other end of the line.

“It looks like we will have to wait a while.” Qiao Zhongxing pulled the reins and slowed the horse.

The people in line were all conversing with each other and scouting for information. When they learned that other people’s villages or towns were attacked by monsters at the same time, they all made sounds of lament.

“Why is it so slow? What is going on at the city gate?” a strong, well-built man impatiently shouted with a bold expression.

There were two city guards in charge of maintaining order. One of them glared at him rudely. “Scram if you don’t want to wait. Why speak so much rubbish?”

The strong man grew enraged and swung his fist at the city guard’s chest like a fierce tiger.

To his surprise, the city guard contemptuously looked at him and swung his fist as well, directly colliding with the man’s iron fist.

When the two fists collided, the strong man released a miserable scream, and a crisp crack was heard from the bone in his arm. His entire person flew back like a kite whose string had been snapped.

A commotion stirred within the crowd, and the nearby people all looked at that youthful soldier with a reverent expression.

Body cultivator! This person’s strength differed from normal people. No one expected an ordinary city guard of Xijiu City to be a body cultivator!

Another city guard raised his voice and shouted, “Line up orderly, no trouble allowed. Any troublemaker will have their right to enter the city evoked.”

“Soldier, sir, can I ask what is happening up ahead?” Qiao Zhongxing asked with a smile.

The city guard who beat the man calmly looked at Qiao Zhongxing. When his sight landed on Qiao Mu, it involuntarily paused briefly on her indifferent face.

He did not expect the nearby minor villages to have such an exquisite girl as fair as snow, so cold that she did not seem alive.

The little girl half leaned and half sat on the side of the carriage. Her unworldly and fleeting like the wind demeanor stood out distinctly from her clamorous surroundings.

“Sir Soldier?” Second Uncle cautiously called the city guard after looking back at his stoic little niece.

Perhaps seeing that the man’s attitude was alright, the city guard looked at him again before saying, “They are testing, the speed is a bit slow. The city lord said that everyone who enters the city must be tested no matter whether they are male or female, old or young so that we can screen for mystic cultivators or people with special abilities.”

“Test?” His words were like an instigator and the surrounding women all scrambled to ask, “Do the screened out mystic cultivators have better treatment after entering the city?”

“Of course. The city needs people with special abilities to defend it, and mystic cultivators are more optimal.” The city guard was more lenient toward women and nodded before explaining, “You also need to surrender part of your supplies when you enter the city. The more you surrender, the better your treatment.”

“Huh?” Hearing that they have to surrender their supplies, everyone released a cry of anguish and subconsciously clutched their bags tighter.

“What do you mean ‘Huh’?” The city guard disdainfully looked at the loudest old man. “Defending the city requires a collaborative effort from everyone. You normal people only need to hand over part of your supplies, but mystic cultivators need to have their inner world scanned, so they surrender more than you!”