My Dragon System-Chapter 435: Crazy girls

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Chapter 435: Crazy girls

Roy was happily following the girls around and while doing so he would often stuff his face with a piece of meat which was given to him from his room. He hadn't eaten anything good in a while and needed to regain his strength. Especially if his gut feeling was right about what was going on.

Unlike with the girls though, the idea of the food being tampered with didn't cross his mind for a second. The girls were going from area to area trying to see if they could spot the man from before. The one they had seen trying to leave the facility.

They were sure of it, that he would have some answers to the questions they had. It wasn't long since they had left the registration facility's, so they thought he would be nearby and they weren't wrong as they spotted him going into one of the dorms, that weren't too far from theirs.

Even then, as he entered his room, they could see the man looking around before entering his room. Still scared to see if someone was following him.

"Why don't we just stand by for a while?" Slyvia said.

And Martha and the two agreed. Roy knew what she was doing and thought it was a clever move on her part. Their group was following the man, but what they were waiting to see was if another person was following him too.

Was he just being paranoid, or was someone in the facility really after him? This only confirmed Roy's thoughts from before. These weren't just any random adventures. They had been trained and were quite skilled.

After waiting a while though, it didn't seem like anyone was following the man, and at the same time it didn't seem like the man was going to come out anytime soon. So they decided to approach the door together.

As they reached the door, a knock was made.

"Hello." Martha said. "Is anybody inside?"

But there was no reply at all.

"We know you're in there. We are new here and just wanted to ask a few questions. Someone said you have been here a while." But still there was no answer.

Off to the side, Slyvia saw that they were starting to deliver the food, and she had come up with an idea.

No matter what, everybody needed to eat something to live, and it would be the same for the man. The people delivering the food had knocked, and still the man hadn't opened the door. Then they placed the food tray just outside and left.

The second the man peaked the door open to grab his food, Martha had grabbed the door.

"What the hell! Let go!" The man said as he tried to slam it back shut, not caring about his food anymore.

"We just want to ask you a few questions?" Martha said with a pleasant smile on her face.

When looking at her hand, the man could see she was only using one, and even though he was yanking it with all his strength and power, the door wasn't budging. She looked to be using no effort at all. But he was a man, and she was a small woman. How was this happening, and this just set even more fear into him.

Pulling the door open, the girls walked in and that included Roy. Who now was a little afraid after seeing what Martha was capable of.

'Maybe I should just stay clear of this for now.'

"You keep watch for us." Sylvia ordered, and Roy didn't know why but he complied and stood outside the door waiting to see if anyone was coming. From the tone of her voice, it sounded like she was one who was used to barking around orders, and not wanting to get in a scrap with he listened, but not without pressing his ear up against the door so he could hear what they were talking about.

The man sat on his bed and he was visibly shaking, as if he was expecting this to come.

"Just please, let me leave… I promise I won't tell anyone about what I saw." The man said, still shaking.

"I think you have us wrong, we really are new people here." Sylvia said in a calming voice. "We just joined, and this place seemed a little too good to be true. Then we overheard you wanting to leave this place, and we just wanted to know why."

The man didn't calm down after hearing this and his eyes continued to dart around the room looking to see if someone was listening. "I don't know if what your saying is the truth, but if you really aren't lying. Then leave this place now. Leave before they do anything." the man replied. "If you leave now, maybe nothing will happen to you, just whatever you do don't go to the research facility."

The two girls tried to press the man for more answers, asking him questions in turns, trying both a nice approach and sometimes an aggressive approach, as if Slyvia was playing the good cop and Martha was playing the bad cop.

Roy had even heard something break from outside and was a little worried for the man. But Martha had only broken a table inside, hoping to intimidate the man to tell them more, but it didn't work. Whatever had happened, he was more frightned of them than the two girls in front of him.

"Come on, this is a waste of our time lets go." Slyvia said.

When the two girls left the room, they walked straight past Roy and were heading in a direction.

"Wait, were are you going?" Roy asked.

"You can go home." Slyvia replied. "I don't have time to waste here. Ray is waiting for us. I'm heading to that research facility now, and we are going to see what the hell they are hiding from us."


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