My life as a reborn monster-Chapter 22 - Gaining Trust

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Master Lucan was able to stand up on after a bit of focusing, then a loud growl went through the cave but this was not a huge monster, instead this was our masters very own stomach.

"Haha, it appears my body is in need of food. It looks like that quick bout used up more energy than I'm used to. Vexsus why don't you go scout around for a bit while I sit here and rest, Oh and if you can find me a big meal that would be much appreciated."

"Yes master, Give me a few moments regain some energy and I will set out." Not wanting to disappoint him so soon after he woke up I decided it would be best to just suck it up and with what little energy I have left to go and hopefully if I ration my mana usage I can pull off an easy meal.

"Master, Vexsus had used up quite a bit of energy while you were knocked out. He went and got us food and when he noticed my magic bottoming out he even gained a skill that sacrificed his mana in return for restoring mine. Which in turn gave me the chance to keep healing you. Can you please give him a break I'm sure Desmaros or even Stoney giving a bit of time combined with my healing would be more than happy to go." Lizaria protested on my behalf which I was grateful for.

"No this is his task I have given him, If he cannot push through this small limit that he has placed upon himself than he will lose his place as my disciple." Master spoke with absolute authority. The others were a mix of disappointment and happiness, but I knew that it was going to be me to leave as he is still unsure of how safe it is to be around me. I totally get it, if I were anybody else I would be questioning how safe it was myself.

"Lizaria listen, Master wants me to go scout because he is unsure of how dangerous I can be and he needs to gather his strength incase I lose myself again. It would be better if I lost control out in the wilderness than in here with you all. I understand and I promised your cousin that I would do whatever it took to keep you safe, Especially from myself."

With that said I got up and walked out of the cave, I could hear Lizaria speak again but my mind was already lost to the doubts in my head as I tried to focus on the task I was given. 'What if I lose control again?' 'Would I be able to reign myself in or would I be a walking disaster until I was beaten again by somebody?' questions like this plagued my mind over and over again as I relied on Detection to keep an eye out for any incoming threats.

I found myself resting in a large clearing, just staring up into the sky. 2 beautiful full moons almost seemed to dance around each other in a synchronized pattern that bordered on majestic. The more I watched the more I seemed to become entranced and thoughts of my life in the old world started to resurface. The day I got my first car, or my first job, Some of the days I spent with my childhood friends. Better yet I remembered the day my son was born, and how happy I was. The day I got married to my wife was another cherished memory. All those memories swam through my head before the memories of this life seemed to overlap and replace. My birth, my inevitable acceptance of being the weakest, all of the hardships I have overcome and the hardships I created in return.

I thought of it all until I started to smile as the thoughts of the past few days came to mind. I could say that traveling even the comparably small distance between my home to the village of my Elder, and uncle was by far the best, and then my new companions were now new cherished memories, granted we are new to each other but I felt at home with them like this was a place I belonged for the time being.

I was lost to the world while the mix of sadness and happiness interchanged with the memories that came to mind. But I was brought back to reality as a loud crash came from the nearby woodlands and the form of a small, agile dragon darted around and seemed to be fighting some sort of wolf. I could not see clearly and had long run dry of mana, Eyesight was my only reliable means of detection at the moment but due to the night it was hazy details at best.

I could see small flashes of magic, then a coolness would wash over me. At other times it felt almost like a blizzard would assault me, After focusing and regaining enough to cast detection I was able to see a green scaled dragon darting between the trees while casting water and Ice magic. But the thing that was weird was that this dragon was oddly familiar? Then it clicked, was this Marico? Why was she here? Am I near home?

Not having any doubts and actually instead having confidence in myself I run towards the supposed Marico and her opponent, without hesitation I yelled. "MARICO IS THAT YOU? IT'S ME VEXSUS."

The wolf turned towards me and with a snarl launched itself at me with extreme speeds, luckily I was able to see just enough to dodge as a swipe with a green glowing aura around the claws pass a hair away from my nose.

"Listen wolf I have had a rough day. Please if you can understand me just walk away."

The wolf only smiles. "Why Vexsus why would I run away from my elder brother?" Its body then starts to crack and bones audibly break as the wolf transforms into a green dragon with wisps of air roiling around its body as it stares at me.

"Elder brother Vexsus, how nice of you to drop by after running away to supposedly train." This dragons voice oozed with sarcasm and you could just feel the aura of a slimy, slippery, snake roll from it. There was only one that would talk to me like this.

"Salus, Ofcourse you have found a way to change your form. It seems so fitting for a conniving, mischievous, cretin like yourself to have gained the power to change others perception of you."

He seemed to become enraged at my words before feigning a smile. "Please brother, don't be so harsh I was just lucky with the wheel of fate that is all. Besides our brother Aurum was even luckier as he had awakened to the power of the sin of Pride which as you should have learned by now is our families namesake."

"Well please pass along my congratulations on his continued power trip. Oh I mean power Gain. That's what I meant, But besides you I originally came over to talk to Marico so why don't you turn into a snake that we all know you to be and slither off into the night."

A gust of wind formed above me. "DO NOT SPEAK TO ME AS IF YOU ARE ABOVE ME. YOU ARE A WORM COMPARED TO THE POWER I NOW WIELD." In rage he sends the gust of wind that is slowly rotating until a small tornado forms straight towards me. I use my new skill Quick step and appear a few meters in front of him dodging the attack completely, and with shock becoming clear on his face I prepare to send a smoke blast directly into his face. But instead I am slammed in the side by a large icicle.

"YOU DO NOT TOUCH SALUS, HE IS THE SECOND STRONGEST OF OUR SIBLINGS." Marico screams as she prepares to shoot another oversized Icicle at me.

"Marico listen to me I do not want to fight you please do not do this."

She only shakes her head at my words and shoots another one as Salus stands off to the side with a wide grin on his face. I see his body twist and turn into a wolf and run off into the woods after shouting. "Keep him occupied Marico I will go get help. It appears our dear older brother has ill intent towards us. Hahahahah"

I shiver as his laughter fades into the night around us. I can only do so much with what little energy I have. I did not plan on having a fight with anybody let alone my siblings but fortunately it appears as though they were out here training aswell as I can see Marico huff with each movement, and I can see the strain she is putting herself in trying to damage me with fatal intentions behind each attack.

"Marico, Please just listen to me I did not want this to happen I was just coming to talk I swear."

"I do not care for your words little worm. now shut up and just die so that my true elder brother can gain what is rightfully his place."

"Fine, just remember you asked for this." Not caring any longer as she refused to even give any thought to stopping I decide to test out a new idea I had when I gave Lizaria my magic. I Quick step towards Marico and end up in her face. I grab ahold of her body and Imagine my body sucking in all of her energy, all of her magic, everything. Before long I heard screams echo in my ear as Marico writhes in pain as my body visibly starts to glow starting from the legs attached to her then slowly filling up to my body.

Her green scales start to lose its luster and slowly dull until they are nothing more than green tinged rocks. Her screams die out as her voice becomes hoarse, I let go with sadness in my eyes. "Marico I warned you not to continue. You will not die but instead I will use you as a warning to the others. I am not the weak little Vexsus anymore. If need be I will consume you and your powers to become the strongest. I hope you make the right choice next time we meet." I then use my new energy to dash into the woods towards my camp, along the way I spot a boar like creature and with a thought I shoot out a Icicle and impale its head killing it instantly. I rejoice but only for a little bit as the thought at the sacrifice that was made to give me this power.

I come upon the cave with the boar dragging behind me and as I enter the cave I slump down as the adrenaline and the new found energy leave my body in a visible wisp of blue energy escaping back out the way I came.

"Master" I say in a rough voice. "Master I have come back bringing food, I ran into my siblings. I will explain but for now my body is in need of rest." as I utter the last word my eyes start to close as the darkness engulfs my sight, and I fall into a dreamless slumber.

'Lucan POV' ƒ𝘳𝗲𝑒𝒘𝐞𝚋𝚗𝐨v𝘦l.𝒄o𝐦

This boy will either be the destruction of our world besides the Shadow Eaters, or become our greatest savior.'

This thought races through my mind as I can see the visible energy leave his body as he throws the body of a Raging Tusk Boar at my feet than proceeds to pass out. I look at my other disciples and notice that the 2 cousins have a look of admiration, while Stoney has a look of fear on his face.

"Stoney I can see that you are afraid of Vexsus. I think I understand where your concern lies but please can you enlighten me."

The young dragon slowly looks between me and Vexsus. "Master, I can barely comprehend what I just saw, First he does all he can to help us out with food and securing of this cave, then he goes out and not only gathers food but he also gathers firewood. Then he even develops a new skill almost as if he was breathing and then restores Lizaria's Magic. He even accurately figured out why you singled him out to go scout and he did so willingly. He comes back with a Raging Tusk Boar that was reported to be atleast a rank 3 monster, and with a headshot no less using what I can only assume is Ice magic. Sir there are many things to be scared of but what scares me the most is how far his potential can take him."


Detection: 30 -> 37%

Quick step: 0 -> 2/10

'New' Life steal lvl 0 0/10 - The user is able to siphon the life force of his enemies. early levels require physical contact.

'New' Ice Magic Comprehension 10% - User has gained understanding of Ice Magic.

Mana Absorption -> !!!Max!!! -> 'New' Mana assimilation lvl 0 0/10 - The user is now able to assimilate with the natural mana of the world to grow stronger the higher the stat the higher the requirement to gain stat point.

? Mana Manipulation lvl 2: 0 -> 15/30

Ice Resistance 0 -> 20%