My Master Only Breaks Through on the Edge of Death-Chapter 344 - 317: Among the Three Thousand Great Dao, There is One Strongest Dao

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Chapter 344: Chapter 317: Among the Three Thousand Great Dao, There is One Strongest Dao

Translator: 549690339

The army camp slowly descended a hundred miles outside the Door of Nothingness. If they got any closer, they would be detected by the Nascent Soul Stage Beasts guarding the door.

The gate slowly opened, and three Light Energy armors walked out, followed closely by a series of heavily armored combat puppets.

“Golden Spirit, launch the Sky-based Weapon Satellite strike,” Li Xingci said calmly, while controlling the Light Energy armor to slowly draw out the Light Energy giant sword from behind his back. This was the only weapon capable of killing Nascent Soul Stage demonic beasts.

The other two Light Energy armors, controlled by Su Rentian and Zhan Ling, also took out their respective weapons.

Su Rentian’s Light Thunder Whip, Zhan Ling’s Light Energy Giant Blade.

“You guys just clean up the small fry in the back, leave the rest to me.”

At this moment, the aura of the Light Energy armor controlled by Li Xingci began to change, giving off a sense of invincibility in this world.

“Tsk tsk, this kind of aura is even more powerful than me at my peak. This invincible aura, only the senior above us in the Cultivation World has it,” Zhan Ling said with admiration.

“Senior, do you really hold such a high opinion of the venerable one?” Su Rentian said curiously. In her eyes, the cultivators of the Demon Sect should harbor hatred for the senior.

“Of course! The senior can wipe out the Demon Sect at any time, and the existence of the Demon Sect is also under his guidance,” Zhan Ling said, recalling the terrified look of his own Sect Master when talking about the senior.

Li Xingci controlled the Light Energy armor, standing in front and waiting, with the heavy armored puppets beside him ready for battle.


Three columns of light appeared in the distant sky, fiercely slamming into the ground.


All the exotic beasts guarding the Door of Nothingness were enraged.

“The battle begins.”

Wielding a Light Energy Armor, Li Xingci charged directly into the oncoming tide of exotic beasts with his sword, leading heavy-armored puppets.

The outer area of the Door of Nothingness was filled with Golden Core Stage beasts. With the performance of the Light Energy Armor, it could easily crush them with just a little maneuvering.

The Light Energy Armor charged into the horde of exotic beasts as if entering an uninhabited territory, all close-knit beasts were dealt with in one quick slash.

Su Rentian and Zhan Ling followed behind in the light energy armor, protected by heavy armored puppets, with no need to take action themselves.

“What kind of thing made this kid become a master overnight?” Zhan Ling said, scratching his chin.

“It might be because of his Master, who sensed his talent in operating the armor and specially created a section of memory on how to control the armor for his husband to absorb,” Su Rentian replied. In fact, she had already guessed the reason for her husband’s sharp increase in skill.

At this moment, as the three of them advanced deeper, they had already broken into the core area of the Door of Nothingness.

Nascent Soul Stage exotic beasts started to appear on the battlefield.

Zhan Ling was itching for a fight.

“Young Li, I’ll take over first. You’ll join in if I can’t handle it,” Zhan Ling said, but in fact, he was the one itching for some action.

“Senior Zhan Ling, you just stay safe in the back and watch the battle. If things get really bad, just shout ‘666’.”

Li Xingci controlled the Light Energy Armor, and countered a Nascent Soul Stage exotic beast that pounced like a tiger, directly slashing upwards with both hands, then stepped back and beheaded the beast with a downward swing of the sword.

It was as effortless and enjoyable as rehearsing a script thousands of times.

This set of moves immediately shut Zhan Ling’s mouth.

“To be honest, it feels a little weird,” Zhan Ling said, feeling a bit sour inside.

Su Rentian just smiled, not saying much.

Li Xingci’s light energy armor was like entering his own backyard, and no exotic beasts could get past it all the way to the Door of Nothingness.

At this moment on the battlefield, all the Beasts of the Primordial Infant Stage had been slain by Li Xingci, and only a few terrified beasts lay on the ground, trembling.

At this time, the army camp had already traveled from the rear, directly driving to the Door of Nothingness.

Gazing at the Door of Nothingness, Zhan Ling suddenly felt an unreal feeling. Could he finally leave this world that had trapped him for over one hundred years?

“Can we really leave now?” Zhan Ling suddenly asked excitedly.

“If senior likes, you can stay here a little longer, but my wife and I won’t be able to accompany you,” Li Xingci smiled, helping Su Rentian with her big belly.

“My dear, let’s go,” Li Xingci said.

“Okay,” Su Rentian sweetly responded.

Three light energy armors protected the outer perimeter of the army camp, preventing Primordial Infant Stage Beasts from attacking stealthily.

As soon as the three of them left the gate of the camp, they saw the Door of Nothingness less than five meters ahead.

Just as Su Rentian and Zhan Ling were about to turn back and bid farewell to this world, Li Xingci stopped them.

Li Xingci held Su Rentian’s hand and tugged on Zhan Ling’s arm, walking quickly towards the Door of Nothingness, saying, “Master said that at times like this, don’t look back, or things will go wrong.”

“Just go straight, don’t delay.”

With that, Li Xingci led the two of them across the Door of Nothingness.

Outside the army camp at this moment, dozens of invisible Primordial Infant Stage Beasts revealed themselves, roaring at the three who had already entered the Door of Nothingness, and then vented all their anger on the remaining Light Energy Armor and puppets.

The golden spirit left in the Realm of Nothingness looked at the Light Energy Armor and puppets and said, “Mission complete, activating self-destruct sequence.”

Sky Demon Continent, the energy whirlpool was instantly triggered the moment the three of them appeared.

Zhan Ling, who was originally an old man, gradually turned into a burly, bearded man under the nourishment of Spiritual Qi.

“Haha! I, Zhan Ling the Demon Lord, am finally back!!” Zhan Ling roared with laughter.

Li Xingci and Su Rentian also quickly recovered their cultivation levels.

At this time, the Spiritual Qi whirlpool centered on Zhan Ling hadn’t stopped yet, and Li Xingci directly took out a large bottle of spiritual liquid for Zhan Ling to absorb.

“Young Li, thank you! From now on, I, Zhan Ling, will be your Tao Protector,” Zhan Ling said with sincerity.

At this moment, Li Xingci took out a blood-red core and directly handed it to Zhan Ling.

“Senior, don’t worry about being my Tao Protector. I don’t want to restrict your freedom,” Li Xingci said. Right now, all he wanted to do was hurry back to the sect and check if his Master was alright.

“How can I change what I said? I, Zhan Ling, always keep my word. I said I’d be your Tao Protector, and I won’t change that,” Zhan Ling said firmly, faintly feeling that following this junior might be another path arranged for him by fate.

“Senior, you’ve been away from the Cultivation World for over a hundred years, and there must be a lot of things to deal with. Once you’re finished with those matters, if you still want to be my Tao Protector, you can find me at Linsen Immortal City’s Hundred-Thousand-Li Giant Lake,” Li Xingci said.

“Haha, well-arranged, Young Li, wait for me,” Zhan Ling said, then turned into a blood-red light and disappeared.

At this moment, Su Rentian, who had restored her cultivation level and had been detecting her baby’s progress, opened her eyes and frowned, saying, “Our child missed the best time for spiritual nourishment. Even if he stays in my belly for another year, at best, he’ll come out with Five Spiritual Roots.”

“As long as they can cultivate, it’s fine. My Master once said that among the Three Thousand Great Dao, there’s one strongest path that anyone can cultivate,” Li Xingci said with a smile.

“Which path?” Su Rentian asked anxiously.