My Master Only Breaks Through on the Edge of Death-Chapter 532 - 506: Fairy City

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Chapter 532: Chapter 506: Fairy City

“Reporting to Father Emperor, my friend came and went without a trace, not even saying goodbye to me, and I have no way of contacting him.” Li Xingci’s expression seemed respectful, but his eyes were extremely cold.

This person had already taken advantage of knowing his memories.

In every life, this Heart Demon would always be born before him, establish a family, and wait for him to be born.

If destroying the Reincarnation Dream World by perishing together could be done, he would have done it long ago.

“Is that so? To my knowledge, your friend does not have the qualifications to enter and leave the Imperial Palace. Privately allowing outsiders to enter the palace, do you know your mistake, son?” The Emperor of Tianxuan Country looked at his host with a mocking face.

He thought to himself that even if his Master had arrived, he wouldn’t be able to turn the situation around.

Heavenly Dao was on his side, what could you fight me with?

Li Xingci frowned, forced by the restrictions of Heavenly Dao, he still respectfully bowed and admitted his guilt.

“The Crown Prince does not abide by the national law, confined in the palace for three years.” The Emperor of Tianxuan Country said majestically.

“This humble son obeys.” Li Xingci respectfully saluted, hoping in his heart that his Master would definitely be powerful, or else all the repression and humiliation over the years would be in vain.

After Li Xingci retired, Tianxuan Country immediately began a nationwide alert.

Half a year later in the Reincarnation Dream World, a piece of news swept through the entire Tianxuan Country.

Legend has it that in the wilderness, there is a mythical Fairy City.

There are divine doctors there to heal, and no disease can invade.

There are delicacies, jade food, and endless enjoyment.

There are mountains of gold and silver for the taking.

For those without a wife, the city will introduce heavenly young girls to you, gentle, considerate, and good at housekeeping.

For women without husbands, there are even celestial sons who will accompany them faithfully.

In the Fairy City, you can enjoy all the goodness without any effort.

When this news spread all over Tianxuan Country, countless people sneered at it, feeling that only fools would believe such rumors.

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

Now they live by their work, have medical care when they are sick, and take care of the elderly. Watching their children and grandchildren fill the house is the happiest life.

According to the ancient sage-like emperor’s words, as long as they live well, they are the greatest heroes of Tianxuan Country.

But as the rumors spread more and more mysteriously, countless people who have returned from Fairy City with large amounts of gold and silver treasures return to their hometowns.

This made some people have to believe it.

There were sick and disabled elderly people who came to the Fairy City on the verge of death and were healed by divine doctors.

They suddenly became radiant, even their severed arms grew back, and finally returned with a lot of money, saying they would take their fellow villagers to the Fairy City.

There were also ugly and mean single old men who brought back celestial-like wives and said they wanted all the women who had once looked down on them to see their women.

For a time, various rumors arose in Tianxuan Country, causing those who were not satisfied with their lives in Tianxuan Country to yearn for that place.

Li Xingci, who was trapped in the Prince’s Palace, received such a message.

“Master is truly amazing. Why didn’t I think of it before?” Li Xingci looked into the distance and said.

“A Fairy City that can fulfill all desires.”

“But what will happen to this city in the end?” Li Xingci looked into the distance and said, his heart filled with infinite curiosity about this deep experiment with human nature, which instantly made him forget his current predicament.

Above the sky of Fairy City, Xu Fan looked down at the city’s development.

Looking up at the Heavenly Dao, he said, “I don’t know if you like this kind of city.”

“I don’t know if the Heavenly Dao of this Reincarnation Dream can be delayed until the final result?” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Master, do you want to suppress the desires of the people in the city?”

“It has reached the critical point.”

Pu Tao’s words surprised Xu Fan.

“It has reached the critical point so soon? Ordinary people’s pursuit of desires is indeed shallow.” Xu Fan shook his head and said.

“Guide those who have reached the critical point towards the arts.”

“Explore humanity, philosophy, natural law, mathematics, that’s enough for them to pursue for a lifetime.” Xu Fan thought and said.

It is very possible that such a perfect release of human nature in a city would result in the situation he predicted without guidance.


In the following years, more and more people in Tianxuan Country began to gradually believe in Fairy City.

Because more and more sages have emerged from the Fairy City in recent years.

They usually reached the legendary realm in a certain field.

Tianxuan Country, Imperial City.

The emperor of Tianxuan Country’s face grew uglier and uglier, looking at the information from various states in his hand, he almost couldn’t control his emotions.

“What on earth does this host’s master have in mind? Does he really intend to attract all the people of Tianxuan Country to the Fairy City?” The emperor of Tianxuan Country said with a dark face, and fear began to rise in his heart.

He knew all the memories of the host, and he knew even better the means of the host’s master.

“Issue an edict to have General Huang gather a million-strong army to guard the Fairy City and forbid any people from entering the Fairy City.” The Emperor of Tianxuan Country said with a decree.

“Your Majesty’s order.” The eunuch beside him said.

The Emperor of Tianxuan Country knew that destroying the city would be the most foolish choice. In doing so, he would lose the support of Heavenly Dao and give the host’s master the opportunity to kill him directly.

Three years passed in the Reincarnation Dream World.

At this moment, the entire border of Tianxuan Country was occupied by Fairy City.

Countless Fairy Cities surrounded Tianxuan Country tightly.

Countless people began to flood into Fairy City to live their dream lives.

Even the soldiers guarding the outside of Fairy City could not resist the temptation, secretly sneaking into Fairy City to enjoy a perfect life.

At this moment, half of the people in Tianxuan Country had entered Fairy City.

Almost half of the living beings in the entire Reincarnation Dream World were brought under the control of the Fairy City. ƒree𝑤ebnσ

The sense of satisfaction generated by the creatures in the Fairy City greatly accelerated the evolution of Heavenly Dao.

This caused Heavenly Dao to lean more and more towards the Fairy City, and pay less and less attention to Tianxuan Country.

In the following years, natural disasters began to occur frequently within Tianxuan Country, leaving countless people displaced.

At this time, Tianxuan Country took the initiative to strike out, bringing all the people into the Fairy City.

For a time, Tianxuan Country was nearly empty, and the entire country was reduced to an empty shell.

Subsequently, shocking news spread out. It turned out that the Fairy City was requested by the Crown Prince of Tianxuan Country to give the people the most perfect life.

However, the emperor of Tianxuan Country became the chief culprit in preventing the people from living a perfect life.

For a time, the people of the entire Reincarnation Dream World were cursing the emperor of Tianxuan Country for not allowing the people to enter the Fairy City.

Subsequently, the remaining people of Tianxuan Country were furious and brought the Emperor of Tianxuan Country to the first Fairy City that was built.

“Father Emperor, you go, I will replace you and let the people of Tianxuan Country live a happy and fulfilling life.” Li Xingci’s eyes were cold as he spoke.

As the executioner’s blade fell, the Heart Demon Emperor turned into a ball of purest energy and merged into Li Xingci’s body.

After everything settled down, Li Xingci gratefully looked at Xu Fan and said, “Master, thank you for your hard work.”