My Multisystem In Isekai-Chapter 101 Steel

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As soon as he took the middle ground, Andrew unleashed his skill that somehow controlled a boulder and sent it flying in the direction of Kevin. By the way Andrew was sweating, Zavier was sure that he had expended a lot of strength to unleash that skill but Zavier shook his head slightly as if saying 'What a waste'.

The reason was that the enemy that had a skin made of steel wouldn't even feel an itch even if the boulder managed to hit him up front.

Though Andrew only wanted to create a diversion big enough for the two of them to escape, he failed to take into account the fact that they didn't need to escape in the first place.

Kevin's teammates had a panicked expression contrary to his own confidence in his strength. They flung themselves out of the way of the boulder in order to avoid the aftermath of the collision of the boulder and Kevin's steel frame.

Kevin saw the stone that had been flung in his direction. He let out a sneering laughter in order to show how pathetic the diversion that Andrew had tried to create.

Kevin's whole body started to be covered in steel. It began from his right arm and spread evenly on his whole body. It wasn't like a protective shell of steel over his body. Rather it felt as if his body was made of steel instead, like it was filled with liquid metal on the inside in place of blood. Strength was oozing out of his entire frame heightened only by his self confidence. 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝒆we𝒃𝘯𝒐νe𝑙.co𝚖

Kevin took a punching stance and punched the boulder with his steel arms using all his strength.

The force of the collision was so huge that the boulder was unable to handle it and crumbled into tiny fragments before being blown out all over the place. The shards of stone were sharper than blades and faster than bullets as they flew all over the place. Some wedged themselves in tree trunks while some managed to hit Zavier and the others.

Only Andrew who had been directly in front of Kevin faced the brunt of the force. The exploding stone fragments hit him head on which made him spit blood instantly. Though his frame was sturdy, Andrew was not very skilled in defensive manoeuvres. Even if he had been good at defense, the explosion was hardly something that he could have protected himself from, given the little reaction time that he had.

Zavier saw the person who had tried to help him earlier bend down in pain and vomiting blood and could not help but want to return the favour.

He rushed forward and grabbed Andrew before he fell down completely on the ground. Zavier held him up by using his shoulder to support him from the side.

At the same time Zavier gave a furious look to Kevin who was busy smirking with a smug expression on his face.

Kevin saw that another ant was trying to defy him when even the strongest out of the three had agreed to sleep with him to save herself. He thought that the rest of her team should have been like her and should have given in to him a long time ago.

This made him feel slightly annoyed by the drama that was not coming to end. He decided to rile things up a little more.

"WHAT? Please don't tell me that you are like him as well; all bark and no fight. At least don't spew blood all over the place like your friend there. Do you know how disgusting that looks to the onlookers?"

This time the target of his taunts was none other than Zavier who had threateningly looked at Kevin earlier.

Zavier had been feeling anger bubbling up inside him with every taunt from Kevin and he only wanted to smash him to pieces. As soon as his bottled up anger burst past the tolerance threshold, Zavier rushed towards Kevin in an attempt to teach him a lesson.

But before he could have moved more than 2 feet distance, something gripped him tightly. A trembling hand was currently holding his wrist with all his strength.

Zavier looked at the trembling fingers that were barely holding him back. If he had wanted then, he could have easily broken away from that hand to strike at Kevin but he didn't want to hurt Andrew more than he already was. So stayed put to listen to what Andrew had to say.

Andrew had a pained expression on his face as he tried to stop Zavier from attacking Kevin.

Zavier looked at his face as Andrew shook his head from side to side motioning him to stop. He was trying to tell Zavier how absolutely impossible it was to fight against the monstrous strength of Kevin. Andrew had never gone against someone who wielded this much strength without even breaking a sweat so he buckled under the slightest pressure. But what Zavier found admirable was that even under such conditions, he was worried about the well being of his teammates instead of himself. He was willing to sacrifice his own future for them.

"Don't engage him head on. He is too strong. Believe me; we can never match up to him. Stop thinking about fighting him and run. Both of you need to run as far as possible without looking back. I will try to hold him back."

The only reason he wanted them to escape was because Andrew had never known the true strength that Zavier was hiding behind his fa?ade. In front of his team, Zavier had yet to show any of his strength.

Of course, had Andrew known, he would never have put himself in harm's way when the other two could have easily dealt with all the troubles.

Rebecca who had been looking at the drama with a disgusted expression finally spoke up.

"Losers will always be losers. Weaklings should just stay weaklings instead of trying to be heroes. Do you think that you trying futilely to sacrifice yourself for your team looks heroic or something? To me it is nothing more than another pathetic attempt of a weakling to get past his status of an ant."

Zavier felt more and more infuriated with every toxic and malicious word that came out of her mouth. No one could have imagined that such toxic spew could come out of the mouth of such a beautiful girl but reality was often times cruel and unpredictable.

Zavier wanted to retaliate but the pressure on his wrist increased slightly. Andrew was indicating for him to stand down and not to do anything for him even though he had not hesitated to put himself in harm's way in order to save his teammates.

But his silence only allowed Rebecca to continue spouting bullshit.

"You pathetic idiot can't even follow simple orders. It's actually my fault that I trusted you enough to follow my orders. As expected, I really can't rely on you losers to listen to what I say. Didn't I tell you to stay at the back in any such situation so you don't get in my way of handling it on my own? Yet you tried to be a hero without an ounce of strength behind your actions. The most laughable part is that you knew that you were in for a beating if you opposed Kevin and yet you did exactly that. Is your mind skewed or something? He practically bulldozed you because you wanted to play the saviour. If only you had listened to me earlier, you wouldn't have been in this situation. You have only yourself and your stupidity to blame for your pitiful state."

Rebecca's tone changed from cold to mocking as she continued to lecture Andrew for what she considered to be stupidity and foolishness.

Zavier finally could not hold it in. His patience had run out. He was practically bursting with indignation and anger and needed a release.

Zavier was gritting his teeth with immense strength that was responsible for the sound of teeth rubbing against each other that was coming from his mouth. His tone was aggressive and his manner furious as he retorted verbally against Rebecca while threatening her at the same time.

"If his stupidity is to blame, then you too should blame yourself for the enemy you have made today. I will be sure to fu*k you like the little arrogant bit*h that you are. I will stomp at your dignity just the way you have done with Andrew. I will make sure that you see how big the world truly is and how little that power that you consider to be the ultimate is in comparison to the true horror that lies dormant and away from public eyes in this world. Pray that we don't come across each other in this competition after this fight or you will have to face something you won't be able to deal with. I will then witness what decisions you make at the time, you narcissistic bitch."

Rebecca saw the look in his eyes and flinched a little at first. She could tell that Zavier truly meant business as the ferocity in his eyes could no longer be hidden. He was no longer the Zavier she had seen at the start of the competition. There was something that had changed in him, and something primal had taken over, something driven by bloodthirst and killing intent.

Even though she felt slightly uncomfortable with his murderous gaze, Rebecca's facial expressions hardly twitched. She looked back at Zavier and gave him a thoughtful look.

"Well, if you really want to stay true to your words then you better become someone powerful enough to bear the weight of those words. Only someone strong enough to make me look up to them, can make me yield. As you are now, you barely qualify to lick the soles of my shoes let alone to fuck me."

Before Zavier could have told her how wrong she was if she thought that this was all that he was capable of, Kevin got in between the two of them.

"Stop with the infighting now. I accept that it was slightly amusing in the beginning but it is getting boring by the minute."

Kevin rushed forward and headed straight for Rebecca since he knew that she was the strongest out of all of them. He didn't even bother to give a second glance to everyone else who was there.

As he started moving, the steel that had receded into his body somehow grew back on the surface of his body. He used the entirety of his momentum and punched out with his greatest strength. He wanted to make the girl beg for mercy before accepting her into his bed.

His steel fist was headed straight towards Rebecca's face.

Andrew almost closed his eyes at what was about to happen. He had wanted to prevent the same thing from happening.

Zavier on the other hand wanted to see how the girl was going to get out of her predicament.

To his surprise, Rebecca didn't even attempt to dodge the incoming steel fist. She stayed rooted to her place with a cold expression as if this steel fist wasn't enough to faze her at all.

Kevin could also feel that something was wrong but he was already mid motion and couldn't cancel out his attack.

Before the punch could have connected with her face, Rebecca raised her hand and flung her palm in the direction of the punch in order to defend.

There was a loud clang as the fist that carried the momentum of his steel transformation was stopped by the weak looking palm of a measly little girl.

By looking at Rebecca one couldn't tell if she had exerted any strength at all. It felt as if she had deflected the heavy looking attack barehanded. Zavier finally felt a little admiration for the arrogant girl. She truly was strong compared to her peers.

Kevin had been thinking what a shame it was that he had to destroy one of Rebecca's hands before pummelling her in bed. But he told himself that some things were necessary and had to be done.